Activities I Enjoy


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Activities I Enjoy

Hobbies are something that we instantly fall in love with after first try.

It is easy to define one’s character knowing what they enjoy doing.

Here is what I have picked throughout my 21 year of living


First Introduced to it at around 7, I’ve managed to catch 2 half-kilo carps on a literally empty hook.

That was a memorable beginning of a real passion

What does it have to do with IE? Well, basically, its fishing is just like a real economy simulator - to make

the result satisfying, You should keep in mind every aspect - the

weather, air pressure, get the right equipment for this particular

season and region. And still catch nothing because of

bad luck


Something I started only two years ago and probably can’t imagine my

life without now.

my Running is all about finding my limits, shredding them to

pieces and looking for further limits. No matter How drizzling

or boiling hot it is .

THe bridge between running and IE is competition. Development in any

beginning requires increasingly tougher competitors. I’ve set my

personal best not alone on the track but on an overcrowded

nike WE run Moscow with almost 10k contestants - just cause i had

runners in front of me. Ie gives me the same chance in education

Board sports

Pure Risk. I still remember my first visit to Alps at 13 - I dreamt of getting down to the village -

everything seemed so scary. After countless falls and getting ups I

finally understood - risking is the only way to succeed


Travelling taught me one great lesson - socialise! Wherever you are - don't worry to speak with natives or

tourists like - it is an experience you won’t find in the books.

It even saved me once, when I got lost around grenoble late at night

without money and place to stay

I am still looking for something new to try. I’ve played guitar (my ears are probably faulty),

constructed some DIY stuff for home (living in the student dorm doesn't give you much room

for practice). Right now i am into programming, and, thinking of future, probably going to start

learning another foreign language

Thanks for watching
