Accountability in Action - Step Six


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In step six we will look at how to:

1 Hold governments and others to account.


Seek accountability

AccountabilityThe process of holding governments, organisations or individuals responsible for their commitments and actions.

TransparencyWhen people are involved in decision-making and the life of their communities (both locally and globally).

ParticipationWhen governments, organisations or individuals work in a way that is easy for outsiders to see their actions, plans, processes, rules and the information they hold.

KEY TERMS (recap)

Accountability, participation and transparency are all crucial for good governance.Good governance will be essential for achieving the SDGs.

Horizontal accountability When state institutions hold other public agencies to account e.g. through parliamentary inquiries. Citizens’ voices are mostly absent in this process.

Vertical accountability When citizens, mass media and civil society campaign to influence officials e.g. through elections, advocacy and lobbying.

Diagonal or social accountability Citizens or civil society organisations directly participating in horizontal accountability process.

Youth-led accountability When young people have the skills and ability to hold decision-makers accountable for their commitments.

Mutual accountability when the accountability activities of citizens and institutions collaborate to form an action plan with shared responsibility for achieving shared aims. (this is the recommended approach for SDGs).


The SDGs will be monitored at different levels, from community level to the global level.

To be effective, decide at which level you will target your efforts.


Selecting your entry points


1. Review the SDG Accountability Matrix.2. Identify the primary level you want to target.3. Be realistic.4. Identify the secondary level you want to target.

There are 4 main ways:

1. Reporting

2. Supporting

3. Connecting

4. Advocacy



Looked at different accountability methods and entry points.

In step six we have:

Selected your primary and secondary entry points for your framework.

Considered what approach your team will take.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication ‘Accountability in action training’ reflects the views of the author, and the Commission

cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This project is led by Restless Development and draws together a consortium of youth-led and youth-focused organisations from around the world.

Together they have a wealth of experience in supporting young people to play a leading role in governance and accountability.
