ACADGILD:: FRONTEND LESSON -Ruby on rails vs groovy on rails


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???Page ??? (???)00/00/0000, 00:00:00Page / Ruby onRails or RailsGroovy onRails or Grails

Ruby isa scripting language that is based on C and requires a Ruby interpreter,usually written in C.Groovyis a scripting language that is based on Java and requires JVM to run it.

Rails frameworkis used for developing Web applications for Ruby.Grails frameworkis used for developing web applications for Groovy.

Railscan be deployed on servers like FastCGI, Jboss Portal, Mongrel &JRuby+GlassFish.Grailscan be deployed on many popular J2EE servers like Tomcat, Jboss, Weblogic,IntelliJ Ultimate, Jetty & GlassFish.

Itfollows database oriented approach.Itfollows a domain oriented approach.

Itsupports only dynamic typing.Itsupports dynamic as well as static typing.

Railssetup is a bit painful, especially on Windows.Grailsis easy to setup.

Rails frameworkis lightweight and requires mediocre memory & CPU.Grailsframework is heavy and requires more memory & strong CPU.

RailsORM is based on ActiveRecord which is limited but is an evolving framework.GrailsORM is based on Hibernate which is an industrial strength ORM framework.

Thelearning curve is longer than Grails since Rails operate on Database model.Thelearning curve is fast for Java developers.

It hasmany successful user stories, including, etc. It alsohas lot of job opportunities.It has thehighest popularity inStackOverFlow. Most of the questions were already asked and solved.Grailsis quite young as compared to Rails. The community and documentation is notas good as Rails. There are very less job opportunities.

ACADGILD you ever wondered as to what these terms are Ruby, Groovy, Rail and got confused as to what all this is about? Which one to choose? Which one is better and which is not? Well then here is a blog which I write with the intention of making things clear betweenRuby on RailsandGroovy on Rails.Rails was founded by David Hansson and is an open source web application development framework which can produce powerful web applications at a fast pace. It was first released in July 2004. Applications built using Rails automatically inherit the best practices concerning security, performance and stability. It uses a programming pattern called MVC (Model View Controller) that differentiates the business logic (Server) and presentation (Client), adding to the ease of development and maintenance of codes. Even top companies likeTwitter,GitHub,Basecamp,YellowPagesandShopifyare using Rails.

Grails is one of the most popular open source Java Web Development framework built on Java EE, Spring, Hibernate & Quartz. It was released in 2008 & is now owned by Mware.

Normally when you build any application, you need Database Management, User Interface, Service Layer and Configuration.Both Rails & Grails framework provides you all these. Thats why it is calledfull stack. Grails uses Groovy which is an agile, object oriented & dynamic programming language for JVM(Java Virtual Machine).If we compare the similarities between Rails & Grails, then both are used for rapid application development which is easy to configure and produce. Both work on principles of convention over configuration, scaffolding and dont repeat yourself (DRY).AngularJS course detailsNow comes the tough part of deciding which one to choose. Before we can conclude as to which one to choose lets first check out the differences between both the frameworks so that we can compare & select the best one out of it based on your preferences:

So choosing among the framework depends upon what skill set you have. If you want to maximize advantage of your existing Java skills or have developers experienced in Java than go for Grails. But if you are more accustomed with Ruby, HTML, CSS and JavaScript then go for Rails.Other factors which will influence your choice are the available career opportunities, community, documentation support, development & deployment time for either one of them.Click here to explore more
