AbInitio Online Training



Keen technologies offers AbInitio online training with highly experienced faculty.if any one want the training in any module on data warehouse we will provide you.

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Training Program By

Keen IT

To request free demo session please mail us at trainings@keentechnologies.com or call us at 91-9989754807

About Us

Keen IT Technologies Pvt Ltd. is one of the leading IT training

Institutions, located in Hyderabad with the objective of providing a Training

services for various requirements in IT industry. We deliver corporate

trainings as per the student requirements colonize and innovator of global

eLearning solutions and providing technology enabled online training for

individuals and corporate educators. We have highly talented faculty in their

respective courses. We furnish with online training given us an edge on

numerous Technologies.

•Who can take the course?

No Experience Required, Basic knowledge of Graphical User Interface (GUIs), and a strong desire to learn may help you a lot.

•At the end of course:

Our classes are practical oriented with real time scenarios, which helps you to gain knowledge on field experience and also can help to face interviews perfectly.A soft copy of the course material enriched with full content and case studies will be delivered to mail.

•Essential requirements for online training:

Team viewer should be installed on your PC for desktop sharing and will be given an id after installation.Create a Skype Account for voice chat or listening


Introduction to Abinitio

The Abinitio software is a fourth generation data analyisi,batch processing ,data

manipulation graphical user interface (GUI)-based parallel processing product which

is commonly used to extract ,transform, and load (ETL) data. The Ab Initio product

also allows for processing of real-time data.

Ab-Intio Surroundings The advantage of Ab-Initio code is that it can run in both the

serial and multi-file technique surroundings.

Serial Surroundings: The normal UNIX file technique.

Multi-File Technique: Multi-File Technique (mfs) is meant for parallelism. In an mfs a

specific file physically stored across different partition of the machine or even

different machine but pointed by a logical file, which is stored in the co-operating

technique. The logical file is the control file which holds the pointer to the physical


Abinitio Course Content

Introduction to Abinitio

Abinitio Architecture

Graph Programming

Introduction to .dat and .dml files

Partition Components

•Braod Cast

•Partition by Expression

•partition by range

•partition by community

•partition by percentage

•partition by Round Robin

Departition Components





Multifile System(MFS)

Types of parallelism


Sort Components

SortSort with in groupsSamplePartition by key and sort Transform ComponentsFilter by expressionAggregateScanRollupDemoralize SortedNormalizeReformatMatch sortedDedup sorted

Working with Databases Database componentsRun SQLInput TableOutput TableTruncate TableUpdate table Phase and check Points Miscellaneous componentGather logsRun programRedefine formatTrashReplicate

Dataset ComponentsInput FileOutput FileLookup FileIntermediate File FTP ComponentsFTP FromFTP To Compress ComponentsCompressUncompressGzipGunzip

Validate Component

• Check Order

• Generate Records

• Generate Random bytes

• Compare Records

• Compute Check Sum

• Compare Check Sum

Translate components

• Record XML

• Write XML

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to

contact us

please feel free to mail us for demo session or call @


contact: trainings@keentechnologies.com

website url: http://www.keentechnologies.com
