A2 Realism




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A2 Chapter 4 Conclusion

Realism, Science & Sociology


Realist names to know: Russell Keat & John Urry (1982) They stress link between sociology & certain

kinds of natural sciences due to the degree in control of variable.

They talk about two different types of systems to be researched: Open Closed

Realism: Open Systems These are systems in which

the researcher cannot control or measure all the variables.

Thus, the researcher cannot make precise predictions about an outcome. Example:

Meteorologists cannot predict with 100% accuracy the outcome of weather due to too many variables, complexity and it being too large scale to study in a laboratory.

Realism: Closed Systems A situation where the

researcher can control and measure all the relevant variables.

This sort of system lends well to the goal set out by Popper, which argues we should try to make ‘precise predictions’ in sociology.

Example: Laboratory experiments

such as used in chemistry or physics.

Realism and its link with Sociology

Realists argue Sociologists study open systems that are too complex to make exact predictions.

Example: Cannot predict crime rates

precisely as there are too many variables involved– most which cannot be controlled, measured or even identified.

Realism: Butterfly Effect

Refers to an idea that even the variables such as the beating of a butterfly’s wing could have knock on effects creating minute atmospheric changes that could ultimately contribute to creating dangerous weather storms, such as tornados!

Underlying Structure
