A new creation app meipai


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Fig. 1. The official website of Meipai. Meitu, 2016

A brief introduction of Meipai

Fig.2. Meipai advertisement .Chris,2015

branding and marketing


slogan --Meipai ,capture the wonders only need 10s

using the soical media to promote product and encourage users to participate in their activeities and give their comments .

Li ,Xiaolu ,who is a very famous chinese actor .She used Meipai to make a short funny video which showed how she played with her daughter when Meipai appeared on the market at the first time.This video was shared on the social network with lots of fans watching and commenting.

Fig.8. celebrities say happy new year to audiences using meipai. Android network ,2014

chinese celebrities like xiaolu Lu ,anglebaby who use Meipai to record perfect video and share it through social media ,it attract their fans attention quickly .Lots of fans comment their video and follow their behavior afterwards .

Meipai makes the non-commercialadvertisement “protect the wild animal “ which help Meipai win a high reputation on the society .

Fig .9. protect the wild animal .WildAid HK,2014

users are required to register an users are required to register an account with Wechat ,QQ or account with Wechat ,QQ or other way like Facebook and other way like Facebook and webo to log in the Meipai webo to log in the Meipai interface interface Fig .10.register a

Meipai account Kusnendar,2015

type a nickname and other personal information to complete registration

Fig .11.personal information Kusnendar,2015

Maybe different kinds types of Meipai has some little difference with each other ,the basic design about the interface is same , on the top of the interface ,there are tiltles like Hot ,Expore ,Friends .

On the bottom of the Interface ,there are at least three buttons , camera , mail (information ) ,myself

Fig .12. the main interface of Meipai .Cindy ,2014

start to record the 10 seconds or 60 seconds video

there are some pre-loaded romantic MV effect and several different kinds of filters for users

hottest and popular music provided for users .

Fig.18. exprssion words of meipai ,Appcakefans ,2015

Users just need to click on the lower left corner of Meipai which is a "little sheep's head" and import their photos, selecting any one of the favorite animated scenes, so that they will be pleased to find that you are dancing cheerfully to pay a New Year call to their friends((zhou,2015)

Fig.17. bulk movie of meipai ,Zhou ,2015

• Meipai can not work well with all kinds of phone and sometimes

• it is hard to save it on their device . when editing the video ,the option of effect is not enough for users to use and sometimes it will crush without any reasons .

• But there are still about 56% of user are very satisfied about this app according to google play of Meipai .

Fig.19.google play 's review ,2016

• to record the life moments with friends or family

• to use it as a editing app to make the video and photo pretty

• just as a video watching platform to watch the hottest video and give comments

three basic user experiences

one user uploaded a shake video to the meipai with a large numbers of people following this behavior .

meipai becomes a platform for people who want to watch and participate in creation videos .

reference:Appcakefans(2015)Meipai App: Download and Share the Hottest Video. Available from: http://appcakefans.com/meipai-app-download/ Android network(2014)Short video application "beauty take" into the most recent fire App li xiaolu fans break through one million.Available from:http://news.hiapk.com/contribute/20140527/1510016.html Chirs ,O.(2015) Meet Meipai, the Chinese app with 100M users that a Facebook exec calls ‘Instagram for video’.Available from:http://venturebeat.com/2015/06/23/meet-meipai-the-chinese-app-with-100m-users-that-a-facebook-exec-calls-instagram-for-video/

Cindy ,A .(2014) Meipa: Adorable Chinese Video Sharing App .Available from:http://chocokittiehk.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/meipai-adorable-chinese-video-sharing.html

Kusnendar.(2015)Cara dafter akun aplikas Meipai.Available from:http://www.kusnendar.web.id/2015/06/cara-membuat-akun-daftar-di-aplikasi-meipai.html

Meitu (2016)The official website of Meipai. Available from:http://www.meipai.com/en/

Meipai (2016)google play of Meipai .Available from : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.meitu.meipaimv&hl=en

WildAid HK (2014) protect the wild animal.Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL-G74Dib_k

Xiamen (2016) Meipai - Super fun video community! 5min video is available now!Available from :https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/meipai-super-fun-video-community!/id847334708?mt=8

Zhou,Y. (2015)Meipai—recording every precious moment. .Available from:https://newmedia.cityu.edu.hk/com5101/updates/12a/techdetails.cfm?EID=yzhou97
