A Day In The Life Of A Principal



By Danielle

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A Day in the Life of a Principal

By Danielle

Mr. Cowart’s Daily Greeting

• The first thing Mr. Cowart does every day is to greet every classroom. This is a picture of Mr. Cowart greeting a second grade teacher.

Mr. Cowart’s File Cabinet

• This is Mr. Cowart’s book room. It has just recently been completed. It contains books from 5 different file cabinets around the school.

Mr. Cowart’s Other Jobs

• This is Mr. Cowart doing whatever other job needs to be done. In this picture he is fixing the laminator, which is something only he knows how to do. (He doesn’t fix the laminator every day though.)

The File Cabinets

• This is a picture of the file cabinets in our school. It contains every students file. Mr. Cowart was even able to pull my file out to show me!

Lunch and E-mail

• For lunch every day, Mr. Cowart brings his own lunch to school and makes himself a cup of coffee in his office. Except for on pizza days, of course.

Bus Duty

• At the end of the day, Mr. Cowart has one more job to do before he can go home. He has bus duty. He is in charge of making sure that the buses are called down when they are there, making sure the little kids know where to go, and to make sure everyone gets on the bus.

