56137451 one-is-one-and-all-alone


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Trish is the only

child in the ship.

She is lonely and

bored because

his father is busy

and her mother is

at Trion.

Rising Action

Trish’s only friend is

VP. It teaches Trish

about cloning. Trish

decides to clone

herself. She calls

her clone “Clo”.

They have great fun



Rising Action

Trish’s only friend is

VP. It teaches Trish

about cloning. Trish

decides to clone

herself. She calls

her clone “Clo”.

They have great

fun together.


After a while, Trish

begins to find Clo

irritating because

she copies Trish in

every way and

invades her privacy.

When Clo claims

Trish’s mum as hers

too, Trish decides to

get rid of Clo.



After a while, Trish

begins to find Clo

irritating because

she copies Trish in

every way and

invades her privacy.

When Clo claims

Trish’s mum as hers

too, Trish decides to

get rid of Clo.

Falling action

Trish plans to

dispose Clo by

pushing her out of


hatch. However, it

is Trish who gets

thrown out instead

of Clo


Falling action

Trish plans to

dispose Clo by

pushing her out of


hatch. However, it

is Trish who gets

thrown out instead

of Clo


Clo takes over

Trish’s place. No

one, not even

Trish’s father

realizes that his

daughter has been

replaced by her



•Lonely and bored

•Relies on the VoicePrinter (VP) for

companionship and information

•Intelligent: she masters the cloning technology

and created a clone of herself.

•Possessive: she is unwilling to share her

parents with Clo

•Blind: she is unable to see that her clone’s

faults are her own

•Cold-hearted: she plans to get rid of Clo as she

is no longer interested

Characters & Character traits:

a) TRISH – main character


•She is Trish’s clone and identical to Trish in


•Smart and cunning: she knows Trish’s plan to

get rid of her and she turns the table on Trish by

killing her instead

•Brutal: she kills Trish and feels happy to be free

•Devious: she does not tell Trish’s father the

truth and allows him to believe that she is Trish

Characters & Character traits:

b) Clo – main character


•Trish’s personal computer, tutor, playmate and


•A good tutor

•Smart: acts as a personal tutor for Trish

•Informative: it keeps Trish entertained and

‘talks’ to her

•A loyal companion: it listens to Trish’s dilemma

and tries to soothe her

Characters & Character traits:

c) vp – main character


•The spaceship’s Executive Officer

•A busy man who is always thinking

about his work

•Not perceptive: notices a change in

‘Trish’ but does not realize that Trish

has been replaced by Clo at the end of

the story

Characters & Character traits:

d) trish’s dad – minor character


Friendship and companionshipBeing the only child on a spaceship with both her parents unable to spend time with her, Trish longs for friendship and companionship. The VoicePrinter cannot provide all her needs and she resorts to cloning to ‘make another Me’, so that she can have a friend and companion of her own age.


Trish clones herself in order to have a companion during her lonely days in the spaceship. However, her utopian plan backfires and in the end Trish is disposed off by ‘Clo’ and her place taken over by ‘Clo’.


Friendship and companionshipBeing the only child on a spaceship with both her parents unable to spend time with her, Trish longs for friendship and companionship. The VoicePrinter cannot provide all her needs and she resorts to cloning to ‘make another Me’, so that she can have a friend and companion of her own age.

LonelinessDespite having the latest technology around her, Trish feels “sick of computer images and sounds”. She wishes for someone to talk to, a companion to share her feelings and emotions. She longs for someone of her own age.


1. Family bonding

2. Think before you leap

3. Be thankful for what we have

4. Two wrongs do not make a right

5. Aware of our weaknesses and shortcomings

