4. cool colours and warm colours


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As you know, we can classify colours in primary and secondary colours. But we

can also classify them in warm and cool colours.

-What are warm colours? What are cool colours?

-Why do you think that they are called “warm and cool colours”?

Lots of artworks are made up of tints and shades of warm and cool colours.

Elefantes; Salvador Dalí (1948) La Noche Estrellada; Vicent Van Gogh


What is the weather like in the pictures? Is it hot or cold?

How is the temperature? Is it higt or low?

What is the weather like in the pictures? Is it hot or cold?

How is the temperature? Is it higt or low?

Here you can see two different interpretations of “El Grito” (Edvard Munch,


How do think the man in the painting feels?

Now, it’s your turn

Complete de worksheet 1 and 2.

Los girasoles; Vicent Van

Gogh (1888)

Complete de worksheet 1 and 2.

Reproduce one of the following drawings and

colour it in cool or warm colours.

Use the RULER or the


Now, it’s your turn

Today we are going to paint a seabed with

starfishes and other fishes. Now, it’s your turn

Seabed Starfish

You can choose whether painting the animals in

warm colours and the water in cool colours, or

vice versa.

Now, it’s your turn

Now, it’s your turn

Here you have

some ideas

Joan Miró was a Spanish painter and sculptor. His work combined Abstract art

with Surrealism, and he used to paint with bright colours and defined forms.

Now, it’s your turn

Look at these paintings and draw a new one.

You have to include de following sentence:

“This painting is the result of my interpretation of Joan Miró. The bright colours

and the forms are the main elements”.

Joan Miró

This sculpture of a cow is part of the Cow Parade, an international art exhibit.

Almost a hundred cities around the world have participated. Artists from each

city paint their cow in their own unique way. This artists painted designs with lots

of different colours.

Now, it’s your turn

-Mirar dentro del sobre

-Ver la vaca o animal que tienen que


-Elaborar una descripcion de la vaca

-Ponerles título

-Colorear su propia vaca. Esta en la pagina

23 del libro de 5º

Look at the images and think about the use of the colours and the feelings that

they evoke.