3 sun powered


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Sun Powered

• Photosynthesis literally mean “putting together with light”

• Sunlight enters the leaf, some light energy is absorbed by tiny structure inside the cell called chloroplasts.

Read Psalm 19:4

• Chloroplast are chemical factories

containing chlorophyll (the green pigment

in plants) that is necessary for


• Chlorophyll absorbs light energy that plants

uses to form ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

• ATP releases energy that allows the plant to

combine H atom with CO2 from the air to make

food for plants.

• ATP releases energy that allows the plant to combine H atom with CO2 from the air to make food for plants.

• Stomata are holes or mouths that are found in the underside of leaves.

• Glucose(food) is stored for later use. Glucose is converted to starch.

• Respiration uses glucose and oxygen to produce energy, CO2 and H2O.

• The energy is use for other functions in the plant.

Let’s compare and understand the 2


A Cycle!

Respiration happens all the time of the day

• Read page 57
