3 Reasons why your campus needs an HonorSociety.org Chapter


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1• HonorSociety.org gives students a platform to network with

other ambitious students on campus and with successful alumni.

• One of the best parts about HonorSociety.org membership is that you are able to be a part of a community of students with similar goals to yours across the entire country.

• When students are striving to reach their goals, they help provide encouragement and motivation.

University campuses thrive on students working together and being actively

involved in the university’s community.

• What makes this community even stronger is when you are able to connect with these students on your own campus on a regular basis.

• Think of your chapter members as your day-to-day motivation team. You will keep each other on track to reach your big academic and career goals. Even after graduation, you and your fellow members will still have networking opportunities through HonorSociety.org. It’s a lifetime membership that is going to help you in your long-term goals.

1 University campuses thrive on students working together and being actively

involved in the university’s community.

• With leadership opportunities for new organizations comes excitement all across campus.

• The hands on leadership experience while building a chapter is beneficial to all of the chapter’s members.

• This leadership experience translates into real world experience, which is something that hiring managers and graduate programs highly value when it comes to recruiting students.

2 Students get excited over the opportunity to be a part of something from the beginning and help it grow.

Students get excited over the opportunity to be a part of something from the beginning and help it grow.

• As a founding member of an HonorSociety.org chapter, you will gain first-hand experience creating marketing campaigns, recruiting new members, public relations, and so much more.

• HonorSociety.org headquarters will provide you with guidance along the way, but the growth of the chapter on campus is up to you and how you position it.

• This leadership experience will make great discussion points when it comes to your interviews as well as writing cover letters and


Make a difference not only around the world, but also locally.

• University campuses have a huge impact on the city or town where they are located. HonorSociety.org encourages its chapters to give back to their local community as well as providing service to those around the world.

• HonorSociety.org loves to give back to the community. Philanthropy is such an important part of being a member of a community.

• Our members recently raised over $21,000 for the American Red Cross.


Make a difference not only around the world, but also locally.

• With a chapter on your campus, not only will you be able to give back to those in need all around the world, but you will be able to initiate your own community service efforts locally.

• Added bonus? HonorSociety.org is awarding a Community Service Scholarship this year!



Contact the Chapter Development Teamwww.honorsociety.org/start-a-chapter
