3 coffee table books for Adamson University



This donation became possible through the generosity of MS. MARLENE AGUILAR and distributed by the Library of Southville International School and Colleges. The artist-donor expects that this material goes to the library shelf for everyone’s use.

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Adamson University

Adamson University

University of Perpetual Help System-Dalta

The Distributor

3 Coffee Table Books

More than 10,000 peso- coffee table books free to BiblioCARE conference

participants (1 Take 3)! 1st 50 schools/libraries though their librarian-

attendees in our Sagada conference shall receive a set of three (3) coffee table books for free made possible by the generosity of

Ms. Marlene Aguilar come April 24. Take this opportunity to take a chance on collecting these art books worth reading.

Be the first to get free copies. See you in Sagada…

1st Recipient-Museum of the South

28 Boxes of 300 Copies

The Provider