2014 spring-ees 112 syllabus


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EES 112: Introduction to eNvironmental Science Instructor: Dr. Suresh Muthukrishnan

Class Times: MWF 9:30 - 10:20 AM; Lab: 2:30 - 5:30 PM Wednesdays Office: 119F Townes Science Center Phone: 294 - 3361

Office Hours: Open Door policy - just drop in any time I am in my office or make an appointment.

Course Description and Goals: The major objectives of this course are to explore planet Earth and understand how human activity impacts

the Earth system. At this point in Earth’s history, humans are now the single greatest environmental force on the planet. Humans literally dominate the Earth system. How extensive is this domination? The data should surprise you and may open your eyes to environmental problems facing society today and hopefully enlighten you to solutions to protecting our environment. The course will consist of a blend of in-class discussions, problem analysis, and homework/lab exercises.

It is beyond the scope of this class to cover all environmental topics or to cover all solutions to the problems we discuss. The main purpose of this course is to help you understand the complex issues, think logically using facts and figures to make informed decisions, and to provoke you to ask thoughtful questions related to various issues. However, the specific learning objectives are centered on you, such that you:

(1) Become knowledgeable about the major global environmental challenges we face (2) Understand the fundamental biophysical processes that govern environmental systems (3) Become familiar with the connections and feedbacks between earth systems and human activities (4) Realize how environmental science relates to your everyday life and society as a whole (5) Become a better steward of the earth (6) Have an increased capacity to integrate information on and communicate about environmental issues (7) Learn how to critically analyze scientific data, interpret results, and draw reasonable conclusions.


There is no explicit textbook for this course. Instead I will be providing you with all the reading materials electronically (via the class Moodle site and other means). It is essential and absolutely necessary for you to have read the assigned material BEFORE coming to class so that we can have an informed, thoughtful, and engaging discussion on these topics! Come to class prepared and ready to discuss and ask questions! There will be simple quiz at the beginning of the class on reading assignments. Classroom Policies: (1) Attendance: Attendance is MANDATORY! More than three unexcused absences can result in the loss of one

letter grade on your final grade (for example from B+ to B). Social engagements will not be counted as an excused absence. It is the responsibility of the student to present evidence of illness or any other acceptable reason for missing class. If you have a special situation which will require you to miss several classes, you should talk with me as soon as possible so that we can deal with your absence before the end of the term. Attendance will be taken daily. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and pick up any materials (assignments, handouts, etc.) distributed during class.

(2) In-class and out-of-class learning: I expect you to come to class prepared! It will be necessary to have read the assigned readings and have thought about the reading BEFORE coming to class. You will be responsible for the information covered in the assigned readings for the exams.

(3) Late Assignments: During the course of the term you will be receiving a number of out of class assignments. The due date will be clearly specified for each exercise. All work will be due by 5 pm on the date specified. I will NOT accept late work. A grade of “0” will be recorded for anything received after the due date/time. 

(4) Makeup Work: If you miss an exam, lab, or assignment, you will be allowed to make up the work only if you are able to provide evidence for your absence along with a letter from the dean confirming it. Otherwise a grade of “0” will be recorded.  

(5) Recording: Use of laptops or recording devices are NOT permitted in class. Recording of classroom discussions or lectures in any format by any means is NOT permitted. We will be using iPad in this class and use of iPad’s for anything other than permitted class activities is not acceptable.

(6) Communication: Use of cell phone, texting, chatting, and any social media interaction through smart devises

(including your iPad) during class/lab times is prohibited. Violation will result in one whole letter grade penalty each time. Repeat violations will result in fail grade.

(7) Plagiarism in any form or magnitude will not be tolerated and will result in fail grade for the course and reporting to the dean. Any writing assignment will be submitted through turnitin system on moodle. This system will analyze your writing and provide feedback on originality of your work.  Read Furman’s academic integrity handbook to understand what is expected of you. When in doubt, clarify it with me rather than making assumptions.

Course Evaluation: My evaluation of you will be based on a combination of exams, assignments, labs, and projects. The breakdown of the grading and the grading scheme are as follows (expressed as a % of the total grade):

Tests (3 x 20%) - 60 % Final Exam - 20 % Labs / Assignments - 20 %

Exams: There will be three tests over the course of the term as well as a cumulative final. All three tests will be conducted during the lab period to give you ample time to complete the exam. The tests will cover the content discussed in class, labs, assignments, videos, and the assigned readings. I will discuss the test format a few days before each test. The dates for the tests are:

Exam #1 – February 5th Exam #2 – March 5th Exam #3 – April 2nd Final Exam Monday, May 7th @ 8.30 am

Assignments / Labs: Over the course of the term there will be a number of lab exercises and out of class assignments that will allow you to apply your new knowledge, to utilize your understanding to analyze environmental issues. Many of these exercises will involve some quantitative analysis, which even math-phobic folks should be able to handle! You will be expected to spend good bit of time outside of the class working on these. There is also a reflective writing component associated with each lab for this class. Project: The class project will give you an opportunity to explore a topic of interest more in depth. The specific nature, objectives, expectations, and requirements of this project will be discussed later in the term. Grading & Scale > 93 % A 90 – 93 % A-

87 – 90 % B+ 83 – 87 % B 80 – 83 % B-

77 – 80 % C+ 73 – 77 % C 70 – 73 % C-

67 – 70 % D+ 63 – 67 % D 60 – 63 % D

I wish for you all to get an A in this class – however, realize that it will require motivation, hard work, dedication, and full commitment towards that goal. Set aside your doubts and give your best. Students with Special Needs: If a student with a disability desires an accommodation, it is the student’s responsibility to identify him or herself as having a disability and to make a formal request for appropriate accommodations. The Disabilities Services Coordinator at Furman is Gina Parris. Academic Dishonesty: Integrity gives the educational enterprise its legitimacy. Honesty, respect, and personal responsibility are principles that guide academic life at Furman, in and out of the classroom. Academic misconduct in any form (plagiarism, cheating, inappropriate collaboration, and other efforts to gain an unfair academic advantage) threatens the values of the campus community and will have severe consequences, such as failure in the course and/or suspension or dismissal from the university. Please familiarize yourself with Furman’s Academic Integrity and Plagiarism policies available at http://www.furman.edu/integrity/index.htm

Date Day Topic Reading�assignments Lab�/�Assignments13ͲJan M Introduction Course�information�and�syllabus,�How�to�Read�a�Journal�Article

15ͲJan W Planetary�Boundaries�1)�Rockstrom�et�al.�2009�Ͳ�“A�Safe�Operating�Space�for�Humanity”,�2)�Rockstrom�and�Karlberg,�2010�Ͳ�"The�Quadruple�Squeeze",�Watch:�Rockstrom’s�“Ted”�Talk��


17ͲJan FHuman�Transformation�of�the�Planet�


20ͲJan M

22ͲJan WHuman�Population�Dynamics



24ͲJan FHuman�Population�Growth�


27ͲJan M Carrying�capacity1)�UNEP�2012�Ͳ�“One�Planet,�How�Many�People”�Watch:�"How�may�people�can�live�on�planet�Earth?"

29ͲJan W AnthromesEllis�and�Ramankutty�2008�“Putting�People�in�the�Map:�Anthropogenic�Biomes�of�the�World,�Watch:�“Human�Influence�on�Ecology�Mapped”�


31ͲJan F Land�Transformation(1)�Foley�et�al�2005�Ͳ�“Global�Consequences�of�Land�Use”,�Watch:�(1)�Global�Land�Cover�Change�and�(2)�The�Past�100�Years�of�Human�Development�

3ͲFeb M AgroͲecosystems(1)�Ramankutty�et�al.�2002�“People�on�the�Land”�,�Watch:�Jon�Foley�Ted�Talk�“The�Other�Inconvenient�Truth”�

5ͲFeb W The�Green�Revolution (1)�Friedland�2012�“Green�Revolution”,�Watch:�“The�Green�Revolution”�� Test�1

7ͲFeb FImpacts�of�AgroͲecosystems�


10ͲFeb MGenetically�Modified�Food



12ͲFeb W Meat(1)�Worldwatch�2004�–�“Meat:�Now�It’s�Not�Personal”Watch:�(1)�Hidden�Cost�of�Burgers�and�(2)�The�Meatrix�


14ͲFeb F Fisheries(1)�Pauly�2008�–�“Global�Fisheries:�A�Brief�Review”�,�Watch:�(1)�Global�Fishing�Stocks�and�(2)�Project�Ocean���

17ͲFeb M Sustainable�FisheriesPauly�et�al.�2002�–�“Towards�Sustainability�in�World�Fisheries”,�Check�Out:�South�Carolina’s�Sustainable�Seafood�Initiative

19ͲFeb W Sustainable�Agriculture(1)�Horrigan�et�al.�2002�“How�Sustainable�Agriculture�Can�Address�the�Environmental�and�Human�Health�Harms�of�Industrial�Agriculture”,�Watch:�(1)�Sustainable�Farming�and�(2)�Losing�Ground�


21ͲFeb F Organic�Food (1)�EU�2010�Ͳ�"Organic�Food�and�Farming�Practices”,�Watch:�(1)�Organic�Foods

24ͲFeb M

26ͲFeb W Local�FoodDeWeerdt�2009�Ͳ�“Is�Local�Food�Better?”,�Watch:�(1)�Eat�Here,�(2)�Eating�Locally�and�(3)�Grocery�Store�Wars�


28ͲFeb FForests�and�Deforestation�History


3ͲMar M Deforestation(1)�Union�of�Concerned�Scientists�“Root�of�the�Problem”�and�(2)�Deforestation�Wiki,�Watch:�(1)�Deforestation�in�the�Amazon�and�(2)�Deforestation�in�Africa�

5ͲMar W SoilReading:�(1)�The�Importance�of�Soils,�(2)�Kaiser�2004�–�“Wounding�Earth’s�Fragile�Skin”,�Watch:�Soils�


7ͲMar F Soils�Degradation (1)�Montgomery�2007�–�“Is�Agriculture�Eroding�Civilization’s�Foundation”�10ͲMar M12ͲMar W14ͲMar F

17ͲMar MNitrogen�Cycle�and�Human�Health


19ͲMar W Phosphorus�Cycle� (1)�Cordell�et�al.�2009�Ͳ�“The�story�of�Phosphorus”,�Watch:�The�Phosphorus�CycleTour�of�the�"Living�Machine"�







21ͲMar F Mineral�Resources(1)�2013�Herrington,�"Road�Map�to�Mineral�Supply",�(2)�2013�Ͳ�"Expanding�boundaries�of�exploration",�(3)�Gordon�et�al.�2006�“Metal�Stocks�and�Sustainability”,�Watch:�How�much�is�left

24ͲMar MWater�Resources�and�Water�Cycle


26ͲMar W Water�Pollution (1)�UNEP�“Clearubg�tge�Waters”,�Watch:�The�World�Water�Crisis,�Wastewater�“Running�Dry”�(reflective�


28ͲMar FWater�Demand�and�Decline


31ͲMar M Carbon�Cycle�Friedland�2012�“Carbon�Cycle”�and�(2)�Reibeek�2011�–�“The�Carbon�Cycle”Watch:�Carbon�Cycle

2ͲApr W Energy�(1)�Friedland�2012�“Energy”,�(2)�Chow�et�al.�2003�–�“Energy�Resources�and�Global�Development”,�Watch:�BP�Energy�Review�2012�


4ͲApr F NonͲrenewable�Energy� (1)�Friedland�2012�“NonͲrenewable�Energy”,�Watch:�Fossil�Fuel�Formation

7ͲApr M Renewable�Energy�(1)�Tilman�et�al�–�“Beneficial�Biofuels:�The�Food,�Energy,�and�Environment�Trilemma”�(2)�Smil�2006�–�“21st�Century�Energy:�Some�Sobering�Thoughts”�(3)�Jacobson�2009�–�“A�Path�to�Sustainable�Energy”

9ͲApr W AAG�Live Association�of�American�Geographers�Meeting�Ͳ�LiveEnergy�Crossroads�/�Kilowatt�


11ͲApr F AAG�Live Association�of�American�Geographers�Meeting�Ͳ�Live

14ͲApr M Climate�Change�(1)�Worldwatch’s�“Climate�Change�Reference�Guide”��(2)�Friedland�2012�“Climate�Change”,�Watch:�What�is�Climate�Change?�

16ͲApr W Climate�Change�(1)�Karl�et�al�2003�Ͳ�“Modern�Global�Climate�Change”�(2)�Friedland�2012�“Climate�Change”,�Watch:�“Climate�Change�is�Simple”�


18ͲApr F21ͲApr M

23ͲApr WImpacts�of�Climate�Change�



25ͲApr F Biodiversity�Friedland�2012�“Biodiversity”�(p.120�–�123,�495�–�500),�Watch:�(1)�Biodiversity�and�(2)�How�Much�is�Left

28ͲApr M Biodiversity�(1)�Friedland�2012�“Biodiversity�Loss”�(p.�500�–�507)�and�(2)�Estes�et�al.�2011�“Trophic�Downgrading�of�Planet�Earth”

7ͲMay W Comprehensive�Final�Exam�(This�will�be�a�cumulative�test�covering�all�topics�discussed�during�the�semester)

