20 tips to sharpen the brain


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UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDRENwww.udgamschool.com


THE BRAIN(and learn better!)

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDRENwww.udgamschool.com

Students, professionals, or parents, we are all learning everyday — whether it’s how to play the guitar, use a new software, raise a child, or cook a new dish, the mind is always soaking up new information. Make it easier with the following tips.

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Create habits that optimize learning. Make them a part of your routine and keep your brain razor sharp always.

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1. Regular ExerciseWorking out on a regular basis not only keeps one physically fit and agile but also helps to sharpen the brain by increasing blood flow to the master organ. Exercise has been proven to improve learning and memory in the young and the old alike.

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2. Meditate Om chanting goes a long way, more than one thinks. Meditating for sometime everyday helps to relax the mind and remove negative thoughts. It enhances learning and other cognitive abilities.

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3. Sleep Never never never sacrifice sleep to work more or learn more. It never helps. In fact students who stay up on the day before exams actually cannot perform their best on the day of exam. Each of us needs our daily quota of sleep for proper brain functioning. Even short naps during the day are good to make us sharp.

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4. Drink WaterProper hydration is required for healthy functioning of the mind and the body. Drink plenty of water and fluids. All body systems run smoothly if you keep yourself hydrated.

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5. Practice YogaYoga was practised in India since years immemorial. The benefits of this age old way of exercising through asanas has been reaped by generations across the world. Practising asanas help to rejuvenate the mind and the body.

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6. Take Up a HobbyIt is important to spend some time each day on activities other than work or studying. Not only does the brain need time to take stock of all the learning it’s done, but picking up unrelated hobbies can make you smarter .

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7. Set TimetablesWhether its work or studies, setting an agenda is very important. Making time tables ensures that the work is done properly with time for revision. But keep the goal realistic and do not try to do more in less time. Also be sure to include breaks to rest the grey cells.

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8. Motivation LevelsChoosing a career or a course of studies that one likes is enough reason to stay motivated. For students decide motivation levels and keep the mind going. This will create excitement for the work and stimulate the brain to do better.

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9. Right SurroundingsThe environment that you study or work in plays an important role in getting your brain to work more effectively. Studying in a noisy room will distract the mind easily and hamper proper retention of learning. So find a peaceful place when you devote yourself to studies.

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10. Avoid Multitasking

If you want to be good at your task then try to be single-minded. It has been seen that when you multi-task you compromise on the quality. So focus on one thing at a time and do that well.

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11. Write and LearnTake notes to remember better. When you write what you learn your recalling capacity increases substantially. Even in work when you write your agenda in points or make a quick to do list, you will definitely remember to do them.

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12. ABC of KnowledgeABC or Always Be Compressing means to size down the entire topic to a one-pager so that you can recapitulate better. It is like a mind map to follow for more effective learning. Make an image or a graph of the entire topic. Visualising produces a stronger representation of knowledge.

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13. Application based knowledgeTry to make each formula and bit of knowledge that you get application-based. Theory that is application based is not only easy to remember but also more relevant.

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14. Evaluate YourselfSelf-testing or asking a friend or parent to test you by posing questions helps to assess the learning and make you more confident. If you are not able to recall then look up right there.

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15. Use Multiple Media If you are not hard pressed for time, then resort to varying media for learning like reading books, writing notes, watching related videos and so on. Different media activates different areas of the brain making learning more permanent and clear.

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16. Connect to Existing KnowledgeUnderstanding improves when you connect the new learning with what you have learnt already. Try to link ideas, theorems and formulae and you will recall them better.

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17. Set Goals and TargetsWhether its work or studies have clear cut goals of how much to achieve on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Set your targets even for improvement and work on them. If you have scored 70% then set your target at 80% for the next test and study accordingly.

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18. Be ConfidentConfidence goes a long way in making you a better worker or learner. Keep telling yourself that you are good and you can do it well. Do not give in to negativity.

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19. Eat WellIt is very important that one should eat well at all times but especially so during times of pressure. Eat healthy and include lots of nuts, fruits and vegetables.

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20. Practice = PerfectThis is the final tip for all, whether it’s a work goal or a study. Each and everything needs adequate practice to attain perfection.
