1st year prep final revision 1st term


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Final Revision First Year Prep

First Term

By Mr Ragab Ahmed

E-mail : ragab.ahmed2006@yahoo.com

My favourite site : http://alkabbah.com/vb/index.php

1 1st Year Prep Final Revision

: السؤال األول يف ورقة االمتحان

1- Finish the following dialogues with these words:

{ 1 } were – subject – had – day - have

Amira : How was your first …… ( 1 ) …… at school, Hala? Hala : It was nice. Amira : How …… ( 2 ) …… your teachers? Hala : They were good. Amira : Did you …… ( 3 ) …… English and science yesterday? Hala : Yes, I did. Amira : Which …… ( 4 ) …… do you like best? Hala : I like science.

{ 2 }

next – library – opposite – name - help Student A : What is your …… ( 1 ) …… ? Student B : Saber. Student A : Can I …… ( 2 ) …… you? Student B : Yes, please. I can't find the …… ( 3 ) …… . Student A : It's on the second floor …… ( 4 ) …… to the science lab. Student B : Thank you.

في بدایة الجملة .جایھ ***** الحرف الكبیر معناه أن الكلمة دي

*****an و متحرك یأتي بعدھا اسم مفرد یبدأ بصوت حرف ، a ساكن اسم مفرد یبدأ بصوت حرف .

***** كلمات االستفھام تأتي في بدایة الجملة.

do - does - did - am - is - are - was - were - can - could - will - would***** األفعال المساعدة ( - must - has - have - .تأتي بعد كلمة االستفھام ، وممكن تاجي لوحدیھا في بدایة الجملة (

( 6 marks )

{1} day

{2} were

{3} have

{4} subject

{1} name

{2} help

{3} library

{4} next

2 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 3 } name – job – single – Where - company

Sherif : Hello, Nabil. Nabil : Hello, Sherif. Sherif : What's your uncle's …… ( 1 ) …… ? Nabil : He's a businessman. Sherif : …… ( 2 ) …… does he work? Nabil : In a tourist …… ( 3 ) …… . Sherif : Is he married? Nabil : No, he isn’t. He's …… ( 4 ) …… .

{ 4 } speak – am – from – When - Where

Ali : …… ( 1 ) …… are you from? Tourist : I …… ( 2 ) …… from England. Ali : Do you …… ( 3 ) …… Arabic? Tourist : No, I don’t. Ali : …… ( 4 ) …… is your holiday? Tourist : It's on Saturday and Sunday.

{ 5 } second – upstairs - between – Where - next

Salwa : …… ( 1 ) …… is classroom 4 A? Heba : It's on the …… ( 2 ) …… floor? Salwa : So, I will go …… ( 3 ) …… . Heba : That's right. Salwa : And where is the computer lab? Heba : It's …… ( 4 ) …… the library and the sports hall.

{ 6 } 've got – at – to – got - past

Noura : What lessons have you got on Sunday, Soha? Soha : I start with religion at half …… ( 1 ) …… eight, then I've

…… ( 2 ) …… Arabic at quarter past nine. Noura : What time have you got science and maths? Soha : I …… ( 3 ) …… science …… ( 4 ) …… twelve o'clock.

{1} job

{2} Where

{3} company

{4} single

{1} Where

{2} am

{3} speak

{4} When

{1} Where

{2} second

{3} upstairs

{4} between

3 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 7 } Does – Would – an – and - many

Hisham : What's your father's job? Nabil : He is …… ( 1 ) …… engineer. Hisham : How …… ( 2 ) …… sisters and brothers do you have? Nabil : Two sisters …… ( 3 ) …… one brother. Hisham : …… ( 4 ) …… you like to be an engineer, too? Nabil : No, I wouldn’t. I'd like to be a doctor.

{ 8 } old – than – youngest – called – tall

Noha : What's your brother …… ( 1 ) …… ? Eman : His name is Adel. Noha : Is he older …… ( 2 ) …… you? Eman : No, he isn't. He's the …… ( 3 ) …… person in the family. Noha : How …… ( 4 ) …… is he? Eman : He's six years old.

{ 9 } at – good – visit – will - were

Samir : Would you like to …… ( 1 ) …… the science Museum? Ahmed : Yes. That's a …… ( 2 ) …… idea. Samir : When …… ( 3 ) …… we be able to go? Ahmed : Next Friday …… ( 4 ) …… ten in the morning.

{ 10 } weight – kilometers – fast – long- age

Rami : How …… ( 1 ) …… can camels live? Maher : Most of them can live to the …… ( 2 ) …… of forty? Rami : How …… ( 3 ) …… can they run? Maher : The fastest camel can run fifty …… ( 4 ) …… per hour.

4 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 11 } Last – about – won't – will – Next

Magda : When …… ( 1 ) …… you go to the park? Heba : …… ( 2 ) …… Sunday. Can you go with me? Magda : I'm sorry I …… ( 3 ) …… be able to go on Sunday. Heba : What …… ( 4 ) …… Friday? Magda : That's OK.

{ 12 } were – can't – will – go - Because

Soha : Can you …… ( 1 ) …… shopping? Hanan : No, I …… ( 2 ) …… . Soha : Why not? Hanan : …… ( 3 ) …… I am revising for the test. Soha : When …… ( 4 ) …… you be able to go? Hanan : Next Friday.

{ 13 } who – doing – was – while - happened

Amin : Did you see the accident? Emad : Yes. A boy on a bike hit a small girl …… ( 1 ) …… she was

crossing the road. Amin : What …… ( 2 ) …… then? Emad : The boy fell off his bike and the girl was injured. Amin : What were you …… ( 3 ) …… when this happened? Emad : I …… ( 4 ) …… walking to school.

{ 14 } float – made – didn’t – will - experiment

Hani : What are you doing, Ali? Ali : I'm doing an …… ( 1 ) …… to see if this ball will …… ( 2 ) …… or

sink in water. Hani : What's it …… ( 3 ) …… of? Ali : Plastic. Hani : If you put it in water, I think it …… ( 4 ) …… float.

5 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 15 } What – nature – Great – was - environment

Sami : We had our new science teacher last week. Nabil : How …… ( 1 ) …… he? Sami : …… ( 2 ) …… . He was teaching us about the …… ( 3 ) …… . Nabil : Do you mean …… ( 4 ) …… and the places we live and work? Sami : Yes, that's right.

{ 16 } pupil – high – doctor – favourite - like

Magda : Why was your sister Manar happy yesterday? Heba : Because she got …… ( 1 ) …… marks in the English test. Magda : Does she …… ( 2 ) …… English? Heba : Yes. English and science are her …… ( 3 ) …… subjects. Magda : What does she want to be? Heba : She wants to be a …… ( 4 ) …… .

{ 17 } wasn't – question – was – doing - phone

Kamal : Hello, Samir. I phoned you three times yesterday evening but you didn’t answer the …… ( 1 ) …… .

Samir : Sorry, Kamal, I …… ( 2 ) …… at home. Kamal : What were you …… ( 3 ) …… then? Samir : I …… ( 4 ) …… visiting some friends.

{ 18 } much – course – Can – many - one

Assistant : …… ( 1 ) …… I help you? Rami : Yes, please. May I see a computer? Assistant : Of …… ( 2 ) …… . This is a modern …… ( 3 ) …… . You can get the

internet on it as well as TV channels. Rami : How …… ( 4 ) …… is it? Assistant : Two thousand pounds.

6 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 19 } say – far – turn – speak - get

Tourist : Can you …… ( 1 ) …… English? Hani : Yes. What can I do for you? Tourist : How do I …… ( 2 ) …… to Victoria Hotel? Hani : Go straight along this road and then …… ( 3 ) …… left. The

hotel is opposite the bus station. Tourist : Is it …… ( 4 ) …… from here? Hani : No, it isn’t.

{ 20 } like - some – any – a - cook

Magdy : What are you going to …… ( 1 ) ……, Noura? Noura : I'm going to cook some eggs. Magdy : You know I don’t …… ( 2 ) …… eggs. Noura : I know but Mum asked me to cook lunch and we haven't got

…… ( 3 ) …… meat. We've got some cheese in the fridge. Magdy : Ok. I can have …… ( 4 ) …… cheese sandwiches.

{ 21 } food – much – many – lunch - tomato

Soha : What are you going to have for …… ( 1 ) …… ? Dina : Courgettes with …… ( 2 ) …… and rice. Soha : How …… ( 3 ) …… courgettes do we need for this recipe? Dina : Six. Soha : And how …… ( 4 ) …… tomato paste and rice? Dina : A jar of tomato paste and one kilogram of rice.

{ 22 } ask - show - straight - speak - What

Tourist : Good morning. Hind : Good morning. Tourist : Can you …… ( 1 ) …… English? Hind : Yes. …… ( 2 ) …… can I do for you? Tourist : Could you …… ( 3 ) …… me to the way to Khan Al-Khalili, please? Hind : Yes. Go …… ( 4 ) …… along Al-Azhar Road.

7 1st Year Prep Final Revision

السؤال الثاني يف ورقة االمتحان :

2- Supply the missing parts in the following mini-dialogues:

عزیزي الطالب راجع أدوات االستفھام اآلتیة حتى تستطیع أن تحصل علي الدرجة النھائیة في ھذا السؤال:

- تنقسم أدوات االستفهام إيل : -

N أداة االستفھام المعنى متى نستخدمھا ؟

-ø«–U� ØU� What 1 تسأل عن: المفعول – الفعل – الحدث

-ø ÆÆÆ s� Who 2 ( اسم شخص )تسأل عن: الفاعل

-ø ÆÆÆ s�√ Where 3 تسأل عن المكان (حرف الجر + اسم المكان)

-ø ÆÆÆ v�� When 4 تسأل عن الزمان (حرف الجر + اسم الزمان)

-because - to ø ÆÆÆ «–U* Why 5تسأل عن السبب واإلجابة

-ø ÆÆnO� How 6 تسأل عن: الحال أو الطریقة

االختیار بین شیئینتسأل عن: øÍ√ Which 7

N أداة االستفھام المعنى متى نستخدمھا ؟

r??�dLF�« ø How old 1 أو العمرتسأل عن: السـن

- فرعیـــــــــة2

- أساسیـــــة1

( 4 marks )

8 1st Year Prep Final Revision

ÊU��û� © ‰u� U� How tall 2 ® الطول لألشخاصتسأل عن:

Ê“Ë U� How heavy 3 الوزنتسأل عن:

d� Ø ŸU��« U� How wide 4÷ االتساع أو العرضتسأل عن:

W�U�*« © ‰u� U� How long 5® المسافةتسأل عن:

s�e�« © ‰u� U� How long 6® طول الزمن تسأل عن:

W�U�*« ‰u� U� How far 7 بعد المسافةتسأل عن: W�d� U� How fast 8 السرعةتسأل عن:

r??�ŸUH�—« ø How high 9 تسأل عن: االرتفاع

؟عددكــم تسأل عن: العـــدد How many 10

كم كمیھ؟ ، ما الكمیة أو السعرتسأل عن:

سعر؟How much 11

What colour 12 ما لون؟ تسأل عن: اللون

What time 13 في أي وقت؟ تسأل عن: الوقت المحدد

What language 14 ما لغة؟ تسأل عن: اللغة

What subjects 15 ما ھي المواد؟ تسأل عن : المواد

أحفظ اخلطوات اآلتية للتعامل مع أي سؤال :

Ÿ—UC� © WKL'« s�“ b�b��� q�UJ�U� ΫbO� ‰«R��« √d�√– w{U� –Æ® q�I���

q�� UNM� ‰«R��« »uKD*« W�U�ù« ·c�√whereÆ® ÊUJ*« ´ d'« ·d� © ·c% wI��

��J�« ·d(« j�capital ÆWLN� W�U� Íœ ÎUF��Ë ‰«R��« W�«b� �

9 1st Year Prep Final Revision

„bM� u�Ë WKL'« � b�U�*« qFH�« ·u�is t�«b� j%Ë t�O�� w�Ë√Ë ¨ Áb� doÆWKJA� vI��

q�� ‰u���� wK�« dzULC�« ·u�we w�≈ youÆ

d�ü« � ÂUNH��ô« W�ö� j% w�M� w�Ë√¢ ø ¢

∫ wKO�œ√Ë Íœ W�U� wK�«  U�U(« kH�√

you �L{ q�U� I

qF� you ‰uFH� �L{ qF� me

you we

my your

Are you I am

Were you I was

your our

You us

any some

ever never

للسؤال:لتكوين أحفظ القاعدة العامة-

( 6 ) ( 5 ) ( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 )

أداة االستفھام فعل مساعد فاعل الجملة فعل باقي الجملة ?

ھذا الجزء یستفید منھ

- طلبة المرحلة االبتدائیة عربي ولغات. 1

- طلبة المرحلة اإلعدادیة ( أولي وثانیة وثالثة). 2

- طلبة الصف األول والثاني والثالث الثانوي. 3

- إلي كل من یرید أن یتعلم. 4

10 1st Year Prep Final Revision

Yes or No

1. V.to Be am - is - are – was - were

2. V.to Have has - have - had

3. V.to Do do - does - did

4. Model verbs can – will – must

طب يا مسرت لو ملقتش أي حاجة من األفعال املساعدة دي ، اعمل أية؟

¿ «–≈�∫t�U�√ wK� lC�Ë WKL'« � wK�_« qFHK� dEM� WKL'« � h�U� Ë√ b�U�� qF� „UM� sJ�

( go – play – watch.. أذا كان الفعل مضارع بسیط بدونs → do ( goes – plays …… أذا كان الفعل مضارع بسیط+ s → does ( went – played…. شاذ ماضي أذا كان الفعل )- d( → did

اموعة األويل

1) A : What language do you speak? B : …………………………………………. .

2) A : What's your cousin's job? B : She works in a big hospital.

3) A : Where are you from?

ملحوظـــــــــــــة ھامــــــــــــــــة :

) قبلة. do - does - didوالبد وأن یعود الفعل في المصدر في حالة وضع (

I speak Arabic.

She is a doctor.

11 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : …………………………………………. .

4) A : Where were you born? B : …………………………………………. .

5) A : Where does a businessman work? B : …………………………………………. .

6) A : What are you reading? B : …………………………………………. .

7) A : What would you like to be when you leave school? B : …………………………………………. .

8) A : What does a farmer do? B : …………………………………………. .

9) A : What is your uncle called? B : …………………………………………. .

10) A : Where does your mother work? B : …………………………………………. .

11) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Fine, thanks.

12) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Yoko is from Japan.

13) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : It's nine o'clock.

14) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : The two girls are eating ice cream.

15) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?

I am from Egypt.

I was born in Fayoum.

He works in a tourist company.

I am reading a story.

I would like to be a doctor.

He keeps animals.

He is called Osama.

She works at home.

12 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : My father was born in Aswan. 16) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?

B : I start work at half past seven.

17) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Manal works in a tourist company.

18) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : My last name is Heba.

19) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : In 2001 I lived in Sohag.

20) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Ahmed lives in Luxor.

اموعة الثانية

1) A : …………………………………………. ? B : No, it isn’t. Classroom 4 A isn’t on this floor.

2) A : Where does a farmer work? B : …………………………………………. .

3) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : He works in a hospital.

4) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : My cousin is called Zeinab.

5) A : Can you tell me the time, please? B : …………………………………………. .

6) A : How will you travel to Luxor?

Is classroom 4 A on this floor?

He works on the farm.

Where does your father work?

What is your cousin called?

Of, course. It’s seven o’clock.

13 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : …………………………………………. .

7) A : What will you be able to do when you are 25? B : …………………………………………. .

8) A : How fast can a horse run? B : …………………………………………. .

9) A : Can you jump up and down 30 times? B : …………………………………………. .

10) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I can't go for a walk because I'm cooking dinner.

11) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I'll have dinner at nine thirty.

12) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I'll go shopping in the evening.

13) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : It's twenty past seven?

14) A : How do tourists come to Egypt? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

15) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Dad is tallest in our family.

16) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : A thirsty camel can drink fifty litres of water.

17) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : A camel can live without water for sixteen days.

18) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?

By bus.

I will be able to drive a car.

A horse can run fifty kilometres per hour.

Yes, I can. Or أو No, I can not.

14 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : Lake Nasser is about ten kilometers wide.

19) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Horses can run sixty kilometers per hour.

20) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I'm one metre fifty centimeters tall.

لثةاموعة الثا

1) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : This mountain is about 260 metres high.

2) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : No. Cats can't talk.

3) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Hani weighs fifty-two kilograms.

4) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : This mosque is about 1100 years old.

5) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : The River Nile is about 6600 kilometers long.

6) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Baby Samy is the youngest in our family.

7) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : No, I can't ride a bike.

8) A : Could you tell me the time, please? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

9) A : Why does brick sink in water?

15 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

10) A : What do you get if you divide four by two? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

11) A : What is a hotel? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

12) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : There are forty pupils in my class.

13) A : What is the second month of the year? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

14) A : What's your sister's bag made of? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

15) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : He was born in August, nineteen eighty.

16) A : Does a metal key float or sink in water? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

17) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Yes. Lake Nasser is near Aswan.

18) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Environment means nature and the places where we live

and work.

19) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I was doing my homework at seven o'clock yesterday.

20) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : The man was taking a photo when the policeman arrived.

16 1st Year Prep Final Revision

اموعة الرابعة

1) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I went to the park yesterday.

2) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : Yes, she was driving quickly.

3) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : This door is made of metal.

4) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : For this experiment we need a tank of water and a piece of


5) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I go to school on my bike.

6) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : No. Manal is wearing a blue skirt.

7) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : It's ten to ten.

8) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I was visiting some friends yesterday evening.

9) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : I didn’t do the homework because the questions were too


10) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ? B : A butcher sells meat.

11) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?

17 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : We've got cheese and eggs for dinner.

12) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?B : There is one litre of apple juice in that bottle.

13) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?B : Horse-riding is my favourite hoppy.

14) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?B : I think monkeys are more interesting than dolphins.

15) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?B : No. There aren’t any oranges on the table.

16) A : …………………………………………………………………………. ?B : I didn’t eat the sandwich because it was too salty.

17) A : What is a cinema?B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

18) A : I'm too tired to study, Eman.B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

19) A : I can't sleep well at night. What should I do?B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

20) A : Why didn’t you do your homework? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

اجملموعة الخامسة

1) A : How much sugar do you need for your tea, Magdy?B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

2) A : What would you like to drink, Hanaa?

18 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

3) A : May I use your telephone, please? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

4) A : What is your first name? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

5) A : What is your last name? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

6) A : What was the name of your teacher last year? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

7) A : What is the name of your teacher this year? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

8) A : Where are you from? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

9) A : What subjects have you got on Saturday? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

10) A : What time do you have science on Monday? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

11) A : Excuse me, Where is the library? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

12) A : How tall are you? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

13) A : What did you in your dream? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

14) A : What does a baker do?

19 1st Year Prep Final Revision

B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

15) A : What does a farmer do? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

16) A : What do you want to be when you leave school? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

17) A : What does a doctor do? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

18) A : Why do you want to be a doctor? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

19) A : How about going to the cinema? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

20) A : What will you be able to do when you are 20? B : …………………………………………………………………………. .

20 1st Year Prep Final Revision

السؤال الثالث يف ورقة االمتحان :

3-Read and match:

{ 1 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) Egypt is famous a} for Ali to eat.

2) You shouldn’t b} for some medicine.

3) You should c} put litter in the bin.

4) The sandwich was too salty d} for its treasures.

5) She walked to the chemist’s e} to borrow some books.

f} play football in the street.

{ 2 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) A supermarket is a big shop a} and faster than a bus.

2) A mechanic is a person b} which we use to build buildings.

3) A plane is bigger c} as her sister Hanaa.

4) Brick is something d} than my sister.

5) Mona is as beautiful e} who fixes cars.

f} where we can buy many things.

{ 3 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) A school is a place where a} teaches students in a school.

2) A horse is an animal b} we’ll get seventeen.

3) If we add 50 and 50, c} children learn and study.

4) A teacher is a person who d} which can carry people.

5) If we take 3 away from twenty, e} we’ll get a hundred.

f} we’ll get sixty.

1 → d

2 → f

3 → c

4 → a

5 → b

1 → f

2 → e

3 → a

4 → b

5 → c

1 → c

2 → d

3 → e

4 → a

5 → b

( 7 ½ marks )

21 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 4 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) My father’s father is a} some presents.

2) The science lab is the place where b} married to aunt Salwa.

3) Giza is famous for c} we watch films.

4) Uncle Fadi is d} we do experiments.

5) They went to Khan Al-Khalili to buy e} the Pyramids.

f} my grandfather.

{ 5 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) Arabic is beautiful but a} so I didn’t eat it.

2) A postman b} experiments in the science lab.

3) The spaghetti was too salty c} the grammar is difficult.

4) I couldn’t drink the coffee d} examines sick people.

5) He likes doing e} because there was too much sugar in it.

f} delivers letters to houses.

{ 6 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) She weighs a} a fantastic thing.

2) In the future, we will be b} will they travel?

3) The human body is c} fifty kilometers.

4) Braille is d} able to build better hospitals.

5) What time e} forty-eight kilograms.

f} special writing for the blind.

1 → f

2 → d

3 → e

4 → b

5 → a

22 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 7 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) A camel is an animal a} you will get ten.

2) A baker is a person b} at the butcher’s.

3) If you divide fifty by five c} doesn’t go to work.

4) We buy meat d} who bakes bread and cakes.

5) A housewife e} which can live for a long time without water.

f} at home.

{ 8 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) Who is the a} a horse run?

2) How tall is b} taller than my father.

3) How long will they c} the biggest town.

4) My uncle is d} her sister?

5) How fast can e} tallest boy in your class?

f} stay in Egypt?

{ 9 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) The science lab is the place a} where we buy clothes.

2) You shouldn’t put b} where we do experiments.

3) A clinic is a place c} who makes things of wood.

4) The environment is the place d} too much sugar in your tea.

5) A carpenter is a person e} where a doctor works.

f} where we live and work.

23 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 10 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) We can’t go out because a} downstairs.

2) The cat is going b} book and look at page 20.

3) Hesham was riding c} flying to the moon.

4) The rocket is d} shopping.

5) Take out your e} it’s raining.

f} a bike yesterday evening.

{ 11 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) If you aren’t careful, a} made of paper.

2) We are b} it will break.

3) Books and magazines are c} their uncle phoned.

4) If you drop a glass, d} going to buy a new house.

5) While they were cooking lunch e} your clothes will get wet.

f} useful animals.

{ 12 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) Some Turkish words a} At quarter to seven.

2) What are you doing? b} is not easy.

3) How old are you? c} Fine, thanks.

4) What time do you get up? d} I’m drawing a picture.

5) English spelling e} I’m twelve years old.

f} are very long.

24 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 13 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) Yoko is from a} Japanese.

2) Yoko speaks b} called Heba.

3) I played football c} because he likes to help people.

4) My aunt is d} is upstairs next to the library.

5) Classroom 4 B e} Japan.

f} with Tamer.

{ 14 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) Listen to a} on the second floor.

2) The library is b} at home.

3) Walk to c} in Luxor.

4) The teacher wasn’t d} your teacher’s instructions.

5) A housewife works e} angry with me.

f} the window.

{ 15 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) The science lab is between a} cousins.

2) A postman delivers b} to classroom 1 A.

3) My uncle’s wife is my c} daughters.

4) The head teacher’s office is next d} classroom 2 C and 3 B.

5) My uncle’s sons are my e} letters.

f} aunt.

25 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 16 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) A baker works a} in the fields and farms.

2) Mechanics work b} in offices.

3) A farmer works c} at a bakery.

4) Secretaries work d} at home.

5) Sales assistants work e} in shops.

f} at workshops.

{ 17 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) My uncle’s sons are a} sells clothes.

2) Mechanics b} is Zaki.

3) A doctor c} my cousins.

4) Bakers d} make and sell bread.

5) His last name e} examines patients.

f} fix cars.

{ 18 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) I hope you a} the longest rivers in the world.

2) This playground is about b} the fastest animal.

3) Hoda and her cousin c} the tallest in our class.

4) The River Nile is one of d} will be able to visit us next week.

5) My friend Ashraf is e} are the same height.

f} 100 metres wide.

26 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 19 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) Can you tell me a} a length of time.

2) He could ride a bike at b} that river?

3) Egypt is famous for c} in the afternoon.

4) How wide is d} the time, please?

5) The minute is e} the age of six.

f} its treasures.

{ 20 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) A plane can fly at the speed of a} one metre fifty centimeters tall.

2) Lake Nasser is about b} seven kilograms.

3) The oldest person in our family is c} from Cairo.

4) This baby weighs about d} 500 Kph.

5) Aswan is very far e} my father.

f} ten kilometers wide.

{ 21 }

( A ) ( B ) 1) I’m one metre fifty-five a} oldest person in your family?

2) Heba is taller b} is this ship?

3) Who is the c} three hundred tones.

4) This ship weighs about d} centimeters tall.

5) How long e} one hundred metres long.

f} than my sister.

27 1st Year Prep Final Revision

: السؤال الرابع يف ورقة االمتحان

4-Read the following, then answer the questions:

) حتى تستطیع أن تحصل علي 10 - 9 - 8عزیزي الطالب راجع أدوات االستفھام التي ورد شرحھا بالتفصیل في صفحة (

الدرجة النھائیة في ھذا السؤال ......

my book I

his book He

her book She

its food It

our books We

their books They

your books you

Ahmed ( مفرد مذكر ) He his

Heba ( مفرد مؤنث ) She her

What does “………..” refer to? إيل أي شيء تشري كلمة .....؟

Question Wordsأدوات االستفهــــــام

( 7 ½ marks )

28 1st Year Prep Final Revision

Friends )مذكر أو مؤنث ، عاقل أو غیر عاقل)اسم جمع They their

Cairo حیوان، شيء ،، مكان مدینة ( اسم غیر عاقل ( It Its

What do the underlined words refer to? إلي أي شيء تشیر الكلمات التي تحتھا خط؟

1) Mr Ragab is a teacher of English. He works hard. {………………… }

2) A crocodile went to the river. It ate the fish. {………………… }

3) I saw the lion at the zoo. It was big. {………………… }

4) This is my friend Salma. She is from Luxor. {………………… }

5) Ahmed bought me a postcard. It was very nice. {………………… }

6) Zeinab is from Tanta. She lives near school. {………………… }

7) My father and mother went to Fayoum. They visited Wadi El Rayyen. {………………… }

8) Ahmed was late for school. He must get up early. {………………… }

9) A baby crocodile is an animal. It has got a long tail. {………………… }

10) A giraffe is an animal. Its neck is very long. {………………… }

11) Bear is an animal. It is not a fruit. {………………… }

12) Pear is a fruit. It is not an animal. {………………… }

13) The teacher read the two books. He liked them very much. {………………… }

14) Mustafa likes playing football in the morning. He doesn’t like playing tennis. {………………… }

15) We went on holiday to Siwa. It is about 800 kilometers from Cairo. {………………… }

16) Ahmed is my friend. He is eleven years old. {………………… }

17) Hany and Yasser are friends. They went to the club. {………………… }

18) Samir visited Hurghada on holiday. It’s a beautiful resort beside the Red Sea. {………………… }

29 1st Year Prep Final Revision

19) Heba is a pupil. Her favourite subject is Arabic. {………………… }

20) Baby giraffes must learn quickly .Some animals like them. {………………… }

21) Osama lives in Cairo. His school team is very good. {………………… }

1- Read the following, then answer the questions:

{ 1 } My name is Ali. I have got two cousins. Their names are Soha and Mona. Mona goes to a primary school. Soha goes to a prep school. Her school is not far from her house, so she walks to school. She usually goes there with her friend Zeinab. Soha’s class is on the second floor next to Zeinab’s classroom. Soha’s school has got twenty classrooms. The computer room and the science lab are upstairs. The library and the head teacher’s room are downstairs. A) Answer the following questions :

1- Who is older, Soha or Mona?

2- How many cousins has Ali got? B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c :

3- The underlined word “she” refers to تشیر إلى ……………. a) Zeinab b) Mona c) Soha

4- The library is ……………. a) on the second floor b) downstairs c) upstairs

5- Soha and Zeinab go to school ……………. a) by bus b) on foot c) by car

{ 2 } Tom is my pen friend. He comes from England. He is twelve years old. He is interested in drawing and reading. He also enjoys listening to music in his spare time. He likes school very much. He likes English and science but he doesn’t like history. He isn’t good at maths. His family will come to Egypt in August. When they arrive, they will visit Cairo and Alexandria. During their stay, they will visit us.

Soha is older than Mona.

He has got two cousins.

30 1st Year Prep Final Revision

A) Answer the following questions : 1- What nationality is Tom?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . 2- What are his hobbies?

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c :

3- Tom’s family will come to Egypt in ……………. a) summer b) autumn c) winter

4- …………… is one of Rom’s favourite subjects. a) Science b) History c) Maths

5- Tom doesn’t like ……………. a) his school b) English c) history

{ 3 } Mr Samy and his family went to Luxor last week. They got four train tickets. The ticket was fifty pounds. They arrived at Luxor on Saturday morning. Some friends were waiting for them at the station. They visited a lot of interesting places. At last they left Luxor on Friday. They flew back to Cairo very early in the morning. A) Answer the following questions :

1- How did the family travel to Luxor? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

2- What does the underlined word “them” refer to? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c :

3- Mr Samy and his family stayed in Luxor for …………… days. a) six b) nine c) four

4- The four tickets were …………… pounds. a) a hundred b) two hundred c) fifty

5- They went back to Cairo by ……………. a) train b) car c) plane

31 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 4 } Nader is eleven years old. He goes to a preparatory school. His father is a carpenter and his mother is a housewife. He has got two sisters, Enas and Dina. They go to a primary school. Yesterday Nader was hungry, so he went to the kitchen. He tried to cut an orange with a knife. He wasn’t careful, so he cut his finger. He cried and was very angry. His mother took him to hospital. A) Answer the following questions :

1- What happened to Nader when he tried to the orange? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

2- What does the underlined word “They” refer to? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c :

3- Nader is …………… his sisters. a) younger than b) as old as c) older than

4- Nader went to the kitchen to ……………. a) eat b) cut himself c) study

5- When Nader cut his finger, he was very ……………. a) happy b) unhappy c) hungry

{ 5 } My name is Adel. There are four people in my family: my sister Salwa, my father Zaki, my mother Sawsen and me. We live in Port Said. Salwa goes to a primary school. I go to a preparatory school. My father is a businessman. He works in a tourist company. My mother is a nurse. She works in a big hospital. A) Answer the following questions :

1- Where does Adel’s family live? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

2- Where does Adel’s father work? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c :

3- Zaki is a ……………. a) nurse b) tourist c) businessman

32 1st Year Prep Final Revision

4- Sawsen is Adel’s ……………. a) cousin b) sister c) mother

5- Adel is a student in …………… school. a) primary b) preparatory c) secondary

{ 6 } Do you know the rules of driving? Drivers should stop when the traffic light is red. When the traffic light is yellow, they should get ready. They should go when the traffic light is green. It is dangerous for drivers to drive too fast. They may have bad accidents. If you break the traffic rules, the traffic officers will make you pay a fine. We should all follow traffic rules. A) Answer the following questions :

1- When should drivers stop? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .

2- What does the underlined word “they” refer to? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . B) Choose the correct answer from a, b or c :

3- Drivers can go if the traffic light is …………… . a) red b) yellow c) green

4- It isn’t …………… to drive too fast. a) dangerous b) bad c) safe

5- If the traffic police chase you, you …………… . a) shouldn’t stop b) should pay a fine c) shouldn’t go

33 1st Year Prep Final Revision

السؤال اخلامس يف ورقة االمتحان :

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

5- Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:

{ 1 } {1} A doctor ……… patients to find out why they are ill.

a) gives b) examines c) shows {2} She ……… born in Cairo.

a) is b) was c) were {3} A secretary works in ……… .

a) a workshop b) a bakery c) an office {4} The sports hall isn’t ……… this floor.

a) at b) on c) in {5} This is my ……… car.

a) father b) fathers c) father’s {6} I don’t think she is ……… a letter.

a) write b) writing c) writes {7} What ……… do you speak?

a) country b) grammar c) language {8} What lessons ……… got after break on Thursday?

a) Amr has b) has Amr c) have Amr { 2 }

{1} My aunt is a housewife. She works ……… . a) at home b) in an office c) in a workshop

{2} ……… were you last year? – I was eleven. a) Where b) What c) How old

{3} My father’s sister is my ……… . a) aunt b) daughter c) cousin

{4} We don’t have school ……… Friday. a) in b) at c) on

{5} A baker ……… bread and cakes. a) keeps b) grows c) makes

{6} Look! The men ……… the car.

( 8 marks )

34 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) push b) is pushing c) are pushing {7} A ……… makes and sells cakes.

a) teacher b) secretary c) baker {8} Tamer, pick ……… the paper from the floor, please.

a) up b) down c) on { 3 }

{1} What time is it? – It’s half ……… eleven. a) quarter b) to c) past

{2} What is your friend’s uncle ………? a) call b) calling c) called

{3} She is ……… Mona. a) calls b) called c) are calling

{4} Listen carefully to your teacher’s ……… . a) writing b) drawing c) instructions

{5} The teacher is standing in front ……… the class. a) from b) of c) for

{6} A doctor tries to find out ……… his patients are ill. a) when b) why c) where

{7} A mechanic is ……… my car. a) fix b) fixes c) fixing

{8} What does a baker ………? – He makes and sells cakes? a) doing b) do c) does

{ 4 } {1} Where ……… you born?

a) was b) are c) were {2} Your father’s ……… is your aunt.

a) husband b) sister c) wife {3} Hala, ……… and stand next to my desk, please.

a) come b) comes c) coming {4} A ……… takes letters to homes and companies.

a) secretary b) postman c) teacher {5} ……… have you got science on Monday? – It’s at half past nine.

a) What b) What time c) What lessons {6} Ahmed is a good doctor. His ……… likes him.

a) patients b) medicines c) X-rays {7} The head teacher’s office is ……… the science lab and the stairs.

35 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) next b) between c) on {8} What ……… does she start work?

a) time b) clock c) hour { 5 }

{1} Did you ……… anyone nice at school? a) met b) meet c) meeting

{2} A ……… can fly to the moon. a) bike b) car c) rocket

{3} Classroom two is ……… classroom four. a) to b) opposite c) next

{4} What is your uncle’s ……… ? – He’s a doctor. a) dream b) job c) name

{5} A man’s ……… is the mother of his children. a) daughter b) sister c) wife

{6} A sales assistant ……… things at a shop. a) bakes b) makes c) sells

{7} I ……… my new job in 2002. a) started b) start c) starts

{8} I need some bread. I should go to the ……… . a) butcher’s b) chemist’s c) bakery

{ 6 } {1} Open you book and take ……… your English book.

a) in b) up c) out {2} When will you finish ……… homework?

a) you b) you’re c) your {3} We know about new jobs from ……… .

a) advertisements b) treasures c) museums {4} Can we stay ……… , in that big hotel?

a) their b) this c) there {5} How ……… is your brother? - Twenty-two.

a) old b) tall c) fast {6} Camels can live to the ……… of forty.

a) weight b) age c) height {7} We ……… build better hospitals in the future.

a) were able to b) could c) will be able to {8} Ali is 5 kilograms ……… than Magdy.

36 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) light b) lightest c) lighter { 7 }

{1} Salma is the ……… person in our family. a) young b) youngest c) younger

{2} I’m 150 centimeters ……… . a) heavy b) old c) tall

{3} How ……… can a camel carry? - About 200 kg. a) fast b) heavy c) tall

{4} Tourists usually stay in ……… when they are in Egypt. a) homes b) hospitals c) hotels

{5} How ……… can a horse run? - About 50 kph. a) long b) fast c) many

{6} We saw a very ……… film last night. a) comfortable b) exciting c) happy

{7} They will go to Luxor ……… train. a) with b) in c) by

{8} A ship can ……… at 600 kph. a) run b) sail c) fly

{ 8 } {1} How ……… brothers have you got?

a) many b) any c) much {2} People can’t live without ……… for a long time.

a) animals b) camels c) water {3} Can Heba ride a bike? - No, she ……… .

a) could b) can c) can not. {4} The opposite of “heavy” is ……… .

a) fast b) slow c) light {5} What ……… will you finish work tomorrow? - At half past three.

a) time b) height c) weight {6} When I ……… young, I couldn’t swim.

a) am b) was c) were {7} They will stay in Egypt ……… a week.

a) for b) to c) from {8} What ……… to Helen Keller when she was two?

a) will happen b) happens c) happened

37 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{ 9 } {1} How ……… is the Great Pyramid? - About 6 million tones.

a) light b) high c) heavy {2} This is a very comfortable ……… .

a) mountain b) hotel c) treasure {3} We’ll have lunch ……… two twenty.

a) on b) in c) at {4} Camels can go ……… water for a long time.

a) with b) without c) by {5} At ten, he will go to the ……… to take the plane to London.

a) station b) bus station c) airport {6} The ……… will travel to Aswan by plane.

a) visit b) visitors c) visits {7} Samy is two years ……… than his sister.

a) oldest b) old c) older {8} A train is ……… than a plane.

a) slowest b) slow c) slower { 10 }

{1} A tone is 1,000 ……… . a) kilometers b) kilograms c) kph.

{2} How ……… will they stay in Egypt? a) old b) tall c) long

{3} A ……… person can’t hear. a) blind b) happy c) deaf

{4} A came can ……… fifty litres of water. a) drinks b) drinking c) drink

{5} She starts work at half ……… seven in the morning. a) to b) past c) and

{6} My little brother could speak at the ……… of two. a) height b) weight c) age

{7} He ……… able to answer all the questions in yesterdays’ test. a) will be b) was c) is

{8} A strong horse can ……… a weight of a hundred kilograms. a) drink b) carry c) run

{ 11 } {1} ……… time will the train to Aswan leave?

38 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) How b) When c) What {2} Tourists are people ……… visit other countries.

a) which b) where c) who {3} We teach our children how to look after the ……… .

a) litter b) environment c) bin {4} What were you ……… at ten last Friday?

a) did b) doing c) do {5} You’ll get twelve if you ……… sis and six.

a) divide b) multiply c) add {6} A ……… is usually made of wood.

a) chair b) hat c) house {7} The ……… month of the year is “May”.

a) five b) fifth c) fifteen {8} Another word for “litter” is ……… .

a) letter b) litre c) rubbish { 12 }

{1} A nurse is a person who looks ……… sick people. a) before b) at c) after

{2} This is the story ……… I read in the library last week. a) where b) which c) while

{3} Dolphins are ……… which live in the sea. a) birds b) animals c) people

{4} A month ago, Magdy ……… ill. a) will be b) is c) was

{5} A tourist needs a ……… when he travels to another country. a) map b) lab c) tap

{6} We ……… meat and rice for lunch yesterday. a) eat b) ate c) are eating

{7} If you ……… a glass, it will break. a) drop b) drink c) draw

{8} This is the boy ……… dropped litter on the grass. a) who b) where c) when

{ 13 } {1} You will get twenty if you ……… ten by two.

a) add b) divide c) multiply {2} What ……… the man doing when the police arrived?

39 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) will b) is c) was {3} You’ll get twenty if you ……… forty by two.

a) add b) divide c) multiply {4} What ……… if you drop this bottle on the floor?

a) was happening b) happened c) will happen {5} A fine is money which someone pays for doing something ……… .

a) right b) good c) wrong {6} This cup is made ……… plastic.

a) of b) off c) by {7} Don’t drop banana ……… in the road.

a) bottle b) peel c) jar {8} This is the park ……… I meet my friends.

a) which b) where c) when { 14 }

{1} The driver swerved to ……… the boy. a) miss b) hit c) drive

{2} She was cooking when someone ……… at the door. a) knock b) knocked c) knocking

{3} If you ……… careful, you will get wet. a) aren’t b) weren’t c) wasn’t

{4} A ……… is a person who builds houses. a) build b) building c) builder

{5} October is the ……… month of the year. a) ten b) tenth c) twelve

{6} If you drop litter on the grass, you will ……… a fine. a) pay b) buy c) pray

{7} ……… I was having lunch, my friend arrived. a) When b) While c) Where

{8} Magdy was reading the paper when his uncle ……… . a) arrived b) arriving c) will arrive

{ 15 } {1} Tamer is the best ……… in our team.

a) player b) plays c) playing {2} She stopped ……… when her mother came.

a) cry b) to cry c) crying {3} People who ……… litter should be fined.

40 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) throw b) pick up c) take {4} He went to New York on the seventh of April, two ……… and four.

a) hundred b) thousand c) million {5} A clinic is a place ……… people go to see a doctor.

a) which b) while c) where {6} ……… things don’t sink in water.

a) Light b) Big c) Heavy {7} If you put metal in water, it will ……… .

a) break b) float c) sink {8} The police will fine the people ……… drop litter in the road.

a) where b) which c) who { 16 }

{1} I went to the butcher’s where I bought some ……… . a) cakes b) meat c) medicine

{2} Go along this street. The museum is ……… your right. a) in b) on c) from

{3} She wanted to make a cheese sandwich, but there wasn’t ……… bread. a) too b) enough c) many

{4} I can’t buy this book because I don’t have ……… . a) many b) much c) enough

{5} The jar is not empty. It is ……… . a) full b) comfortable c) big

{6} This box is ……… heavy for me to carry. a) enough b) too c) some

{7} We can buy peas and tomatoes at the ……… . a) grocer’s b) greengrocer’s c) chemist’s

{8} This question is ……… difficult for me to answer. a) enough b) too c) many

{ 17 } {1} Be careful or your clothes will get ……… .

a) new b) small c) wet {2} Could you tell me where I could ……… some sugar and tea?

a) eat b) buy c) cook {3} People like mobile phones because they are ……… to use.

a) heavy b) easy c) big {4} He was busy yesterday evening, ……… he didn’t watch the film.

41 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) because b) so c) when {5} You can send and ……… text messages and pictures on mobile phones.

a) receive b) buy c) study {6} Where ……… you buy these new shoes?

a) were b) have c) did {7} People go to ……… to pray.

a) library b) mosque c) bakery {8} Is there ……… garden in your house?

a) some b) a c) an { 18 }

{1} Dad bought some ……… for my sister’s headache. a) spaghetti b) medicine c) courgettes

{2} I don’t watch TV these days because I don’t have ……… . a) enough b) too c) many

{3} There is a butcher’s next to my house, so it’s easy for me to get ……… . a) vegetables b) meat c) medicines

{4} I can’t carry this bag. It’s too ……… . a) light b) heavy c) new

{5} ……… I borrow your bike, please? a) Do b) Should c) May

{6} There are ……… books under the table. a) any b) some c) much

{7} ……… the onions into very small pieces. a) Cut b) Cook c) Cover

{8} How ……… rice do we need for dinner? a) many b) much c) heavy

{ 19 } {1} I can’t eat this ………. . It is too salty.

a) sandwich b) carrot c) apple {2} ……… there any chicken in this fridge?

a) Are b) is c) Were {3} There ……… any spaghetti for lunch.

a) aren’t b) isn’t c) is {4} May I have ……… apple, please?

a) some b) a c) an {5} Chocolate, cakes and ice cream are ……… .

42 1st Year Prep Final Revision

a) fruit b) vegetables c) dessert {6} What ……… you like to have to have for lunch, sir?

a) can b) would c) should {7} We go to the ……… to read and borrow books.

a) bookshop b) shoe shop c) library {8} I’m too ……… to watch television.

a) busy enough b) too busy c) busy { 20 }

{1} If you put ……… in water, it’ll float. a) glass b) brick c) wood

{2} Last ……… I was in primary six. a) day b) night c) year

{3} She left the shop and ……… the road. a) cross b) crossed c) crossing

{4} My school is next ……… the post office. a) to b) with c) at

{5} There are sixty ……… in a minute, aren’t’ there? Yes, they are. a) minutes b) seconds c) hours

{6} The rat is ……… than the cat. a) strong b) stronger c) strongest

{7} I’m very sick. I should see the ……… . a) doctor b) baker c) teacher

{8} The boy ……… is wearing glasses is my brother. a) who b) which c) where

43 1st Year Prep Final Revision

السؤال السادس يف ورقة االمتحان :

6-Read the following, then answer the questions:

اموعة األويل

1) The summer holidays start in June. { When } When do the summer holidays start?

2) A postman delivers letters. { What } What does a postman do?

3) My first name is Ahmed. { What } What is your first name?

4) I live in Cairo. { Where } Where do you live?

5) I was born in 1993. { When } When were you born?

6) Her last name is Sherif. { What } What is her last name?

7) A mechanic fixes cars. { what } What does a mechanic do?

8) Doctors work in hospitals and clinics. { Where } Where do doctors work?

9) I’m twelve years old. { How } How old are you?

10) The old men are sitting. { What } What are the old men doing?

11) Dr Ahmed examines patients to try to find out why they are ill. { Why } Why does Dr Ahmed examine patients?

12) My grandfather is called Ahmed. { What } What is your grandfather called?

13) The children are playing in the playground. { Where }

( 6 marks )

44 1st Year Prep Final Revision

Where are the children playing? 14) A postman takes letters to homes and companies. { Who } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

15) I am laughing because the monkey is jumping. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

16) Samir is playing football. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

17) Classroom 2 A is next to the library? { Where } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

18) Ali’s mother is forty years old. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

19) Eman speaks English. { What language } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

20) After the break we had maths and Arabic. { What subjects } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

21) Turgut is from Turkey. { Where } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

22) I’m reading a story. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

23) Magdy likes English because her teacher is very good. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

24) On Monday, we have got science at quarter to twelve. { What time } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

اموعة الثانية

1) I’m twelve years old. { How } How old are you?

2) He is 1 m 60 tall. { How } How tall is he?

3) She weighs 50 kilograms. { How heavy } How heavy does she weigh?

4) Samir could speak two languages when he was seven. { What }

45 1st Year Prep Final Revision

What could Samir do when he was seven? 5) A donkey can carry a weight of 300 kilograms. { How much } How much can a donkey carry?

6) They will eat lunch at a Bedouin village. { Where } Where will they eat lunch?

7) The Great Pyramid weighs about 6 million tones. { How heavy } How heavy does the Great Pyramid?

8) He will finish work at eight thirty. { What time } What time will he finish work?

9) They will travel to Cairo by bus. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

10) I’m fine, thank you. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

11) They will go shopping in the afternoon. { When } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

12) Lake Nasser is about 10 km wide. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

13) I can walk about one kilometer in one day. { How far } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

14) I’m one metre 58 tall. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

15) It’s ten to nine. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

16) They will stay in Alexandria for a week. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

17) Horses can run about 50 km per hour. { How fast } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

18) They will eat lunch at a Bedouin village. { Where } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

19) The teacher made three puzzles. { How many } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

20) Mr Kamal started to teach us last week. { When } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

46 1st Year Prep Final Revision

21) He ran fast to catch the bus. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

22) Brick sinks in water because it is heavy. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

23) Samir is wearing white clothes today. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

24) Books are made of paper. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

اموعة الثالثة

1) We need water and oil for this experiment. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

2) These trousers are made of paper. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

3) Paper floats on water because it is not heavy. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

4) Nabil won the prize. { Who } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

5) He closed his left eye. { Which } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

6) This bag is made of plastic. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

7) I was watching TV when my aunt arrived. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

8) If you put metal in water, it will sink. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

9) Three people in my family have a stronger left eye. { How many } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

10) We bought a kilo of rice. { How much } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

11) He likes peas best. { Which food } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

47 1st Year Prep Final Revision

12) There are nice oranges in the basket. { How many } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

13) You should always help your friends. { Who } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

14) I can’t eat the sandwich because it’s too salty. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

15) He went home early to get some rest. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

16) The blue mobile is six hundred pounds. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

17) He was too busy, so he didn’t watch the film. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

18) The nearest hospital is more than two kilometers. { How far } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

19) Yes, I have got a mobile phone. { Have } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

20) We can keep our class by putting rubbish in bins. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

21) Ahmed was born in 1990. { When } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

22) I would like to have chicken and rice, please. { What } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

23) People go to the library to read books. { Why } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

24) Tourists come to Egypt by plane. { How } ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

48 1st Year Prep Final Revision

السؤال السابع يف ورقة االمتحان :

-Read and correct the underlined words: علي الستخدام واالكتابة ، ، والنطق* تتشابھ بعض الكلمات في اللغة اإلنجلیزیة من حیث

الرغم من أنھا تختلف في الحروف المكونة لھا وتختلف أیضاً في المعني مثل :

too ًأیضا - two اثنین

pen قلم جاف - pin سلة مھمالت

bear دب - pear حبة كمثره

when + بسیط. م +while - عندما مستمر. م بینما

letter خطاب - litter = rubbish قمامة ، زبالة

much+ + many - )للكمیةكثیر ( ك )للعددكثیر ( ع

straight بطول - street شارع

pen قلم جاف - pin سلة مھمالت

meat لحمة - meet یقابل

( 6 marks )

49 1st Year Prep Final Revision

see یري - sea بحر

no ال - know یعرف

here ھنا - hear یسمع

sun شمس - son ابن

right یمین - write یكتب

there ھناك - their (ملك) ھم

you’re أنت تكون - your (ملك) أنت

think یعتقد ، یظن - sink یغرق ، یغوص

two اثنین - to إلي

desert صحراء - dessert ( بعد األكل) الحلو

inside داخل - outside خارج

please من فضلك - place مكان

50 1st Year Prep Final Revision

for لمدة - four أربعة

الذي ، التي who+ عاقل الذي ، التي which+ غیر عاقل -

where أین - were كانوا

اموعة األويل

{1} He will arrive at for o’clock. four

{2} Can I have too apples, please. two

{3} When will you finish you’re homework? your

{4} We’ll go and swim in the see. sea

{5} I like fish but ii don’t like meet. meat

{6} Read the questions and right the answers. write

{7} Go straight on, then turn write. {8} Can we stay their, in that hotel? {9} Can you tell me the time, place? {10} When will you meat Ahmed? {11} We can sea with our eyes. {12} What can we have for desert? - Some cake. {13} Were was he born? - He was born in Fayoum. {14} I go two school by car every day. {15} I have got too eyes. {16} I sink wood will float in water. {17} They where born in Aswan.

51 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} Brick thinks in water. {19} Is there any fish? - Know, it isn’t. {20} I no a lot about the environment. {21} The son is yellow. {22} This is my uncle’s sun.

اموعة الثانية

{1} I don’t go to school in Friday. on

{2} Yoko speak Japanese. speaks

{3} She have got school on five days. has

{4} I have got maths on quarter to eleven. at

{5} What subjects has you got on Saturday? have

{6} The boy is call Ali. called

{7} My friend Nabil is born in 1996. {8} Some Turkish words is very long. {9} Walk to the door and opens it. {10} I am write a letter. {11} A housewife works in home. {12} My uncle’s son is my uncle. {13} My father’s father is my brother. {14} My mother’s mother is my sister. {15} Last year, my teacher is Miss Nadia. {16} Classroom 3 A is next for classroom 2 B. {17} I think Hesham is push a car.

52 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} Where you were born? {19} His names Hesham. {20} The people in Turkey speak Turkey. {21} Samira is married with Fawzi. {22} A postman takes letters from homes and companies.

اموعة الثالثة

{1} What is the name of you teacher? your

{2} I get up at half to seven in the morning. past

{3} Excuse I , where is the science lab? me

{4} Stand up and walks to the teacher’s table. walk

{5} Manal’s brother are called Tamer. is

{6} Salwa have got maths on Wednesday. has got

{7} What do a secretary do? {8} The toilets are next from the playground. {9} We’ll go and swim in see. {10} Don’t eat a lot of meet. {11} Go straight on, then turn write. {12} The sun of my uncle is my cousin. {13} When will you meat your friend? {14} I can sea a cat and two dogs in the picture. {15} Can I have too apples, please? {16} Read the questions and right the answer. {17} The son is in the sky.

53 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} She has got for brothers. {19} In the future we were able to build better hospitals. {20} How much litres of water can a camel drink? {21} She can’t jump but she can’t sing. {22} Blind people can see.

اموعة الرابعة

{1} Sara will go to the museum with bus. by

{2} At the age of 6 Nabil can speak two languages. could

{3} She’ll have breakfast at for in the afternoon. four

{4} They’ll catch the bus on half past nine. at

{5} What are you doing at ten last Friday? were

{6} Look! She is hold some flowers. holding

{7} Ahmed were listening to music in the afternoon. {8} I was sleeping while my dad arrived. {9} I sink Rami will visit us tomorrow. {10} Ok. You are write. {11} I am at home yesterday evening. {12} If you will put wood in water, it will float. {13} Didn’t come late again, Samir. {14} I go to school with my bike. {15} This chair made of metal. {16} If you divide ten by three, you will get thirty. {17} Adel drop a glass yesterday.

54 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} Aswan is a town which people go in winter. {19} A doctor is a person where examines patients. {20} A dolphin is an animal who lives in the sea. {21} This is the place which she was born. {22} He was running fast by catch the bus.

اموعة اخلامسة

{1} While my father was sleep, the phone rang. sleeping

{2} If you add two by two, you will get four. and

{3} This chair make of metal and wood. is made

{4} I’m thirsty but I haven’t got some water. any

{5} This is the boy which dropped litter under the desk. who

{6} There aren’t any fruit salad in this jar. isn’t

{7} How many rice would you like? {8} We buy meat at the greengrocer’s. {9} How much orange juice are there in the bottle? {10} How many is this mobile phone, please? - Five hundred pounds. {11} I have got any biscuits. {12} On holidays two many cars stop at the park. {13} Cook the meat from thirty minutes. {14} There is too many sugar in my tea. {15} What’s the three month of the year? {16} There isn’t many apple juice in the bottle. {17} I have got too sisters.

55 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} Maher wants an pen. {19} How many tomato paste do you need for your recipe? {20} Heba is tall than her brother. {21} Nabil is smallest boy in our class. {22} This tea is too hot from drink.

اموعة السادسة

{1} There are seven days in a weak. week

{2} My grandfather is my father’s mother. father

{3} X-ray pictures show the doctors the outside of their patients bodies. inside

{4} Ahmed is the taller person in my family. tallest

{5} My brother is three years long. old

{6} I have got too ears. two

{7} A farmer is a person who sells meat. {8} The opposite of week is strong. {9} The River Nile is about 6600 kilograms long. {10} A camel can live with water for about two weeks. {11} If you put metal in water, it will float. {12} I’ll meat Manal at seven o’clock. {13} What’s two hundreds and a thousand? {14} They’ll visit the Egyptian Museum at Sunday morning. {15} I have got school by Saturday to Thursday. {16} If you multiply five with two, you’ll get ten. {17} A blind person can’t sea.

56 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} How many is the cheapest mobile? {19} While we were watching TV, my brother arrive. {20} I got up in half past six. {21} The tea is to hot for me to drink. {22} She is reading a letter when the phone rang.

اموعة السابعة

{1} Mohamed is marry to Hoda. married

{2} If you take three away of ten, you’ll get seven. from

{3} Emma has got school from Saturday of Thursday. to

{4} They will meat tomorrow. meet

{5} She’ll have breakfast on seven o’clock. at

{6} You shouldn’t eating a lot of sweets. eat

{7} We listen to music now. {8} There are seven months in a week. {9} I’ll meet her at Friday. {10} I like read stories. {11} We have got a holiday in Friday. {12} They play football yesterday. {13} He’ll stay their in a comfortable hotel. {14} I eat a lot of meet. {15} Go straight on, then turn write. {16} A policeman made the tourist paid a fine. {17} She was sad when she won the prize.

57 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} There are seven days in a weak. {19} This table is make of wood. {20} I have got too sisters. {21} The accident happened on 7 o’clock. {22} She didn’t have some water.

اموعة الثامنة

{1} Aya wasn’t go to school last Monday. didn’t

{2} I have got too eyes. two

{3} It’s half and twelve now. past

{4} Camels can live to the old of forty. age

{5} Go straight then turn write. right

{6} He doesn’t have some money. any

{7} I like read books. {8} People should put litter in the pen. {9} There is a hospital next of my house. {10} How many money do you want? {11} He is write a letter at the moment. {12} A first is a length of time. {13} I go to school at half to seven. {14} Huda is tall than Marwa. {15} I went to the club yesterday. {16} Ali will travel at for in the evening. {17} How many sugar do you need?

58 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} Hady is marry to Nora. {19} Tourists enjoy visited Egypt. {20} My uncle’s son is my nephew. {21} While the girl is riding her bike, she fell down. {22} What does she do yesterday?

اموعة التاسعة

{1} While she is reading, her friend arrived. was

{2} How many money do you need? much

{3} Would you like to eating apples? eat

{4} I enjoy read English books. reading

{5} Deaf people can’t see. Blind

{6} If a tourist visit Egypt, he will see the Pyramids. visits

{7} How much pupils are there in your class? {8} I usually go to school on seven o’clock. {9} The tourist paid a fin because he dropped litter on the land. {10} October is the ten month of the year. {11} We will catch the bus on nine o’clock. {12} This is the park who they go on Friday. {13} We’ll catch the bus on half past seven. {14} Cats is animals. {15} Have you got some apples? {16} She didn’t have some water. {17} We don’t go to school in Friday.

59 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} She is sing a song now. {19} This table is make of bricks. {20} I have got to sisters. {21} The accident happened on 7 o’clock. {22} A doctor works in a workshop .

اموعة العاشرة

{1} A policeman made the tourist paid a fine. pay

{2} She was sad when she won the prize. happy

{3} There are seven days in a weak. week

{4} I eat a lot of meet. meat

{5} Go street on, then turn right. straight

{6} He’ll stay their in a comfortable hotel. there

{7} I like read stories. {8} We have got a holiday in Friday. {9} They play football yesterday. {10} We listen to music now. {11} There are seven months in a week. {12} I’ll meet her at Friday. {13} You shouldn’t eating a lot of sweets. {14} She’ll have breakfast on seven o’clock. {15} They will meat tomorrow. {16} Mona is so ill to study her lessons. {17} People which drop litter in the street should pay a fine.

60 1st Year Prep Final Revision

{18} We shouldn’t get up early. {19} I’ll like to have a cup of tea, please. {20} How much bread did she need yesterday? {21} She doesn’t mind help you in the kitchen. {22} Heba makes 66 kilograms.

61 1st Year Prep Final Revision

السؤال الثامن يف ورقة االمتحان :

8-Look at the pictures and write three more sentences:

1 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

businessman – tourist company - helps

My uncle is called Hisham. He is a businessman. He works in a tourist company. He helps tourists. He likes his job.

2 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

doctor – hospital – examine patients

My brother is called Ahmed. He is a doctor. He works in a hospital. He examines patients and gives them medicines.

3 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

clinic – try to find – X-ray pictures

My cousin is a doctor. He works in both a hospital and a clinic. He tries to find why patients are ill. He examines X-ray pictures.

( 4 ½ marks )

62 1st Year Prep Final Revision

4 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

cake – singing songs – taking pictures

It was my birthday yesterday. My mother made some cakes. My friends and I were singing songs. My brother was taking pictures with his camera.

5 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

sales assistant – clothes shop - live

My aunt is called Rania. She is a sales assistant. She works in a clothes shop. She lives in Nasr City. She likes her job.

6 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

housewife – home - cooks in the kitchen

This is my mother. She is a housewife. She works at home. She cooks in the kitchen.

63 1st Year Prep Final Revision

7 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

farm – keep animals – grow crops - early

My friend’s father is a farmer. He works on a farm. He keeps animals. He grows a lot of crops. He gets up early in the morning.

8 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

mechanics – garage – fix - job

Their names are Nagy and Ali. They are mechanics. They work in workshops or at garages. They fix (=mend) cars. They like their job.

9 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

moon – earth – beautiful – happy.

In my dream yesterday. I was travelling in a rocket.

I saw the moon. I saw the earth, too. It was a beautiful dream. I was very happy.

64 1st Year Prep Final Revision

10 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

baker – bakery - bread and cake

My friend is called Hassen. He is a baker. He works in a bakery. He makes bread and cake. He likes his job.

11 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

secretary - works - types letters

My mother is called Salwa. She is a secretary. She works in an office. She always types letters. She likes her job.

12 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

postman - delivers – letters

My friend is called Osama. He is a postman. He delivers letters. He takes letters to homes and companies.

65 1st Year Prep Final Revision

13 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

work - garage – workshop - hospital

These are different jobs. A mechanic works at a garage. A carpenter works in a workshop. A nurse works in a hospital. She helps a doctor.

14 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

got up early – different animals -liked

Last week, Soha visited the zoo. She got up early at 6 o’clock. She saw different animals there . ھناك She liked the lion very much ًكثیراً جدا.

15 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

play – sing a song - jump

Mona, Ahmed and Ali are my friends. Mona is singing a song. Ahmed is playing football. Ali is jumping up and down. They are very happy.

66 1st Year Prep Final Revision

16 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

live – two metres – 50 kilometres

The camel is the ship of the desert. It can live up to forty years. It can grow to two metres. It can walk about 50 Km per day.

17 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

Pyramids – Luxor and Aswan – 2 weeks

Next Monday, the tourists will arrive in Cairo. They will visit the Pyramids at Giza. They will visit Luxor and Aswan. They will stay two weeks in Cairo.

18 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

without – drink – one hundred Kg

A camel can run fifty Km per hour. It can live without water for about 16 days. It can drink about 50 litres of water. It can carry about one hundred Kg.

67 1st Year Prep Final Revision

19 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

slowest – biggest - fastest

This is the picture of different vehicles. The car is the slowest vehicle. The ship is the biggest one. The plane is the fastest of all.

20 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

6 million tones – 3 thousand metres high - tourists

The Great Pyramid is at Giza. It’s 6 million tones. It’s 3 thousand metres high. Tourists come to visit it. It is very big.

21 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

hospital – examine - medicine

When I leave school, I want to be a doctor.

I will work in a hospital. I will examine patients. I will give them medicine. I will be very famous.

68 1st Year Prep Final Revision

22 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

a piece of wood – a ball – metal - heavy

Heavy things sink in water but light things float.

A piece of wood is light, it floats on water. A ball floats on water, too. But a metal key sinks in water because it’s heavy.

23 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

sunny – dolphins - beautiful

Last Friday we went to the beach. The weather was sunny. We saw dolphins in the sea. They were very beautiful.

24 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

paper – plastic - glass

Chairs are usually made of wood. Books are made of paper. Bottles are made of glass. Balls are made of plastic.

69 1st Year Prep Final Revision

25 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

not careful – fell - ambulance

A fast car hit a boy on a bike. He was not careful. He fell off his bike. He broke her leg. The ambulance took him to hospital.

26 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

glass – dangerous - environment

We shouldn’t drop litter on the streets. Dropping glass is dangerous. People who drop litter should pay a fine. We should keep our environment clean.

27 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

library – science lab - play

My school is clean and beautiful. The library is downstairs. The science lab is upstairs. We play football in the playground.

Science Lab Library

70 1st Year Prep Final Revision

28 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

40 years old – nurse – looks after

My aunt is called Samira. She is 40 years old. She is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She looks after ـتعتني ب patients.

29 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

games – e-mail - expensive

I have got a computer at home. I play games on the computer. I send e-mails to my friends by the internet. Computers are not expensive now. They are cheap.

30 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

expensive – married - children

My uncle is very rich. He has got an expensive car. He isn’t single. He is married. He has got three children.

71 1st Year Prep Final Revision

31 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

plane – hotels – visit the Pyramids

Tourists visit Egypt all the year around. They fly to Egypt by plane. They stay in hotels. They always visit the Pyramids.

32 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

asked – greengrocer’s - bought

Mum wanted some things to cook a meal of courgettes.

She asked me to buy a kilo of courgettes. So I went to the greengrocer’s. I bought a kilo of courgettes and two kilos of tomatoes.

33 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

eyes – smell – taste - touch

We can touch with our fingers. We can see with our eyes. We can smell with our nose. We can hear with our ears. We can taste with our tongue.

72 1st Year Prep Final Revision

34 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

shortest – play – enjoy

Soha is at the park with her family. Noha is the shortest of her family. They are playing football. They enjoy their time very much.

35 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

Pyramids – Luxor and Aswan – 2 weeks

Next Monday, the tourists will arrive in Cairo.

They will visit the Pyramids at Giza. They will visit Luxor and Aswan. They will stay two weeks there.

36 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

weather – fruit and cake – enjoy

Last Friday, they had a picnic at the park. The weather wasn’t hot. They ate fruit and cake. They enjoyed their time very much.

73 1st Year Prep Final Revision

37 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

at school – teaches - likes

My father is a teacher. He works at school. He teaches maths. He works hard. He likes his job very much.

38 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

cow – useful – milk and butter – help

I saw a cow on my uncle’s farm. The Cow is a useful animal. It gives him milk and butter. It helps him on the farm.

39 } Look at the picture and write three more sentences: (The words in the box may help you.)

doctor – teacher – pupil

My family is a happy one. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I’m a pupil in 1st year prep.

74 1st Year Prep Final Revision

السؤال التاسع يف ورقة االمتحان:

9 - Punctuate the following sentences:

1) what did riham do in luxor What did Riham do in Luxor?

2) mona s mother is from mansura Mona's mother is from Mansura.

3) where was magdi last sunday Where was Magdi last Sunday?

4) we have got an English test next week We have got an English test next week.

5) mona s father went to assiut yesterday Mona's father went to Assiut yesterday.

6) mona s mother is from siwa Mona's mother is from Siwa.

7) let s visit siwa next week …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

8) did dina go to alexandria last summer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

9) the pyramids are in giza …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

10) my friend hesham is from alexandria …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

11) we ve got english test next week …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

12) did ali go to aswan on holiday

( 2 marks )

75 1st Year Prep Final Revision

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 13) who is visiting noha on monday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

14) let s play football on friday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

15) is damietta bigger than cairo …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

16) let s go to alexandria next week …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

17) samya went to alexandria in may …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

18) where did ayman go in july …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

19) did ahmed go to hurghada last week …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

20) my sister s name is rania …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

21) did hesham go to alexandria last summer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

22) what s maha doing now …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

23) hany banged mona s chin. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

24) how high is the eiffel tower …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

25) has atef finished his english homework

76 1st Year Prep Final Revision

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 26) did hala visit france before …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

27) seif went to cairo at 8 o clock …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

28) where s Khalid going today …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

29) is hanan older than nadia …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

30) is damietta about 200 kilometers from cairo …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

31) taha hussein is a great egyptian writer …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

32) no i can t go out now …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

33) my sister s name is mona …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

34) samya is adel s sister …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

35) has your sister got a sling hoda …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

36) did manal go to aswan last month …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

37) was ahmed samy born in 1999 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

38) do amir and ali want to be engineers

77 1st Year Prep Final Revision

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 39) his mother s a doctor in cairo …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

40) does salwa wan to be an arabic teacher …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

41) are you egyptian or british …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

42) the high dam is in aswan …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

43) let s visit sinai …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

44) is aswan bigger than hurghada …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

45) we went to aswan on thursday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

46) where is my pen ali …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

47) how high is the cn tower …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

48) how high is the galata tower …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

49) how high is the big ben …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

50) the cairo tower is in cairo …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

51) the sphinx is at giza

78 1st Year Prep Final Revision

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… . 52) he has got English on friday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

53) yes today is saturday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

54) where was ali on monday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

55) what s samir doing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

56) what mustn t ali do at school …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

57) tamer and hany went to the zoo on friday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

58) we visited the temple of karnak on friday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

59) where is the high dam …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

60) what did maher do last sunday …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .

79 1st Year Prep Final Revision

) آخر حاجه : 10

10) Two marks are allotted to good handwritingand neatness.

ختصص درجتان حلسن اخلط وتنظيم ورقة اإلجابة.

وسيلتك فإنه اخلط حتسني يف اجتهد

للمصحح عنه التعبري تريد ما لتوصيل


80 1st Year Prep Final Revision
