13 intelligenza emotiva maggio 2013 inglese


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Multilateral School Partnership Project“Little Europeans know each other”



Scuola dell’Infanzia “P.Guarneri”Direzione Didattica di Palazzolo

sull’OglioBrescia - Italy

Even neuroscience, today, submits that if we attempt to increase self-awareness, control our negative feeling, keep our optimism, increase the ability to be empathetic, take care for others, we cooperate ...in other words, if we pay more attention to our emotional intelligence, we can hope for a more peaceful future.Daniel Goleman







The teacher’s job is to educate little children to use emotions in an intelligent and aware way, developing emotional skills that can be expressed in:

•personal context (self-awareness', self-confidence, self-mastery …)

•the social sphere (EMPATHY, SOCIAL ABILITY)

Personal emotional competence:

amazement as a motor for


Observation, reflection,

discovery ...

Social Emotional Competence:

Construction of emotional ties

Personal and social emotional competence:

To wait your own turnTo respect the rules

Social emotional competence:

taking care of others

The cure: me … like

mom and dad

Social emotional competence:

Cooperate on a joint project

social emotional competence:

•working together•interacting in cooperative way•tutoring as a way of learning

Social emotional competence:

relationship management

Personal emotional competence:

To manage the anxieties

Elaborate the lived

Progetto “mostro scaccia paure”

Mostro verme

Exorcise fears

Personal emotional competence:

The narration, Listening to stories

Personal emotional competence:

Promoting emotional skills through artistic activities
