12 chapter evaluation 1


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Chapter Evaluation 1

Name:_____________________________ Date:____________

P.E. Schedule:______________________ Rating:__________

A. Identify the Different Position of the Arms and the Feet

Write down on the space provided the position of the arms and the feet describe

by the statement.

_______________1. Both raised sideward with a graceful curve at shoulder level._______________2. Both arms raised over head._______________3. One arm raised sideward as in 2nd position ; other arm raised

upward._______________4. Both raised forward in a circle in front of chest with the finger tips

about an inch apart._______________5. One arm raised in front as in 1st position ; other arm raised overhead._______________6. Heel close together; toes apart with an angle of about 45 degrees._______________7. Heel of front close to big toe of rear foot._______________8. Astride sideward about a pace or 1 foot distance._______________9. Heel of one foot close to in-step of other foot._______________10. One in front of other foot of a pace distance.

B. Fix Me Up!!!

Arrange the following scrambled words to form the basic dance steps. Clues are

given under the scrambled words.

1. lebkign tpes - ______________

2. zurakma - _______________

3. igncokr pset - ______________

4. kspi tsep - _______________

5. chtou tsep - _______________

6. oscrs altwz - _________________

7. wltza alnceba - _______________

8. pvtio urtn - __________________

9. vsoveiarnen pets - ____________

10. flifsnhg teps - _______________


1. Place R heel in front and hop on the L foot (ct. 1), with a spring reverse the position of the feet, that is L heel is placed in front (ct. 2).This is taking one count for each movement. Place R heel in front (ct. 1),step R close to L (ct. 2). This is taking two counts for each movement.

2. Slide R foot sideward (ct. 1), cut R sideward with the L foot (ct. 2), hop on L and bring the R foot in front or in rear of the L ankle (ct. 3).

3. Fall onto L foot forward and raise R foot in rear (ct. 1), fall onto R foot backward and raise L foot in front (ct. 2).

4. The movements are the same as in step-hop, but done in one count only. Step on R (ct. 1) and hop on R (ct. ah). There are two skip steps in one measure. This may be executed in any direction.

5. Point R foot in front (ct. 1), step R close L foot (ct. 2).

6. Step R across L in front and raise slightly the L foot across in rear (ct. 1), step L close to R in third in rear (ct. 2), step R forward (ct. 3).

7. Step R foot forward (ct. 1), close L to R in third in rear or in first position and raise both heels (ct. 2), lower heels with the weight of the body on the R foot (ct. 3).

8. Slide R foot diagonally forward R (ct. 1), step L close to R in third in rear or in first position (ct. 2), step R sideward (ct. 3). Point L foot in front (cts. 1, 2, 3).

9. Step R foot in fourth in front and bend the R knee slightly (ct. 1), execute a quarter turn right with a push on the ball of the L foot and raise the R foot slightly off the floor (ct. and).

10. Tiny sliding steps forward on the balls of the feet. Execute as many steps as necessary.

Chapter Evaluation 1C. Basic Steps or Dance Terms

Tell whether the following words fall under the basic steps or terminologies. Write your answer on the space provided.

__________1. Clockwise

__________2. Pivot Turn

__________3. Free Foot

__________4. Free Hand

__________5. Cross Waltz

__________6. Chasse

__________7. Counterclockwise

__________8. Rocking Step

__________9. Skip Step

__________10. Curtsy

D. Answer the following.

1. What are the basic steps you had encountered in Foreign Folk Dance that are also basic steps in the Philippine Folk Dance? Differentiate each. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Which is easier the Philippine Folk Dance or the Foreign Folk Dance? Explain.


Chapter Evaluation 1

