10 Interesting Facts About Colors


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Liana Vahanyan


This is a favorite color of forty percent

of the population.

1.  The world’s most popular color is blue.

Researchers says that these are the most appetizing colors. Having said that, they advise not to paint

your kitchen yellow if you’re on a diet. On the other

hand, the color blue  is the least appetizing color.

2.  Red with yellow makes us hungry. 


Recent discovery shows that colors affect the way we taste foods. For instance, an orange

or creme-colored cup definitely makes chocolate

taste better than in any other cup with a different color.

3.  Colors affect taste. 


4.  Red color can hurt your performance on exams.

The color red is hypothesized to impair

performance on achievement tasks

because it’s associated with failure in

achievement contexts and evokes avoidance



5.  Colors don’t exist! They’re all in your head.Technically, colors are just results when our brains try to make sense of signals it receives from the outside.

Can you imagine if our brains are not functioning

that way? Chances are, our world would probably look

like a scene from The Matrix. So hooray for



6.  Pink has the property to calm the nerves.

Pink is the palliative color, commonly used to splash the walls in prisons and mental

health care facilities to assist in subduing those who are

out-of-control. So pink definitely has a useful place and a purpose, other than decorating a prom dress or

Barbie’s dream house. 


7.  Color wheels are the best thing since the wheel.It is invented by Newton, and it clearly shows what shades are obtained by mixing the primary

colors. The main colors are yellow, red and blue. Orange, green and purple are secondary colors and formed by mixing the primary

colors. Auxiliary – shades that form as a result of mixing primary and secondary colors. The color wheel helps you understand what colors

will come out after mixing with each other.


8.  There's a Shade of Brown Made of People.We don't often consider

where all our colors come from, how we came to live in

a world that's so much brighter than the drab brown land our ancestors walked in.

Pigments are made from a variety of sources, including

minerals, synthetically produced chemicals,  plants, and even the crushed bodies

of insects.


9.  Fear of colors. Some people are hromofobii. In this disease a person has

a panic at the sight of brightly-colored or a certain shade of items. People with

chromophobia may correlate a distressing past event with

a color. Fortunately, this disease is easily treated by

various methods of psychotherapy.


10. Red is the first color a baby sees.Recent studies have shown that infants as young as 2 weeks of age can already distinguish the color red. Probably because red has the longest wavelength

among colors making it the easiest color to process by the developing receptors and nerves in the baby’s
