1 m powerpoint for Book Launch


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Week 1We began our new unit of worked called

ONE WORLD , MANY STORIES.The junior school classes rotated around all 6 classrooms.In each classroom we took part in a different activity about stories.

Mrs Trinh showed us that stories can be told through pictures. We had to look at the first and last picture and then draw what happened in between.

Miss Ialuna taught us about Readers’ Theatre. We enjoyed acting out the roles in the play.

We recorded our play on the flip camera. It is very funny to watch ourselves back on the interactive whiteboard.

Miss Fleming introduced us to 3 stories written by our Author in Residence, Corinne Fenton.

We loved listening to “Flame Stands Waiting”, “The Dog on the Tuckerbox” and “Queenie”.

We had to take our favourite books to Mrs Hamblin and Miss Fitzgerald’s classroom. We shared our books and then completed a booklet about why we chose it as our favourite book.

In Miss Parker’s class we learnt that stories can be told orally, just by a person telling the story. They don’t always have to be read from a book.

Long ago, this was the way that stories were passed down from parents and grandparents to their children. In some countries where they don’t have many books this is still the way that stories are passed on.

Mrs Moy read stories from different cultures. We looked at an Aboriginal dreamtime story, a Traditional Chinese story and a Bible story about Noah’s Ark.

We learnt that stories can

be funny

We can learn about other

countries through stories.Stories can teach us lessons

We can learn about the past from stories.

Stories can be read, listened to, seen on a screen or acted out. Even dance can tell a story!

Corinne Fenton visited St Clement of Rome school in July 2011. She showed us some of her books that she had written.

We had to vote on which story she would read to us. The choices were “Queenie”, “The Dog on the Tuckerbox” and “Flame Stands Waiting.” We listened to “Queenie”.

Corinne Fenton is the author of these books.

At the end of the session, Corinne answered some questions. Andrew asked, ”What is your favourite word?” Corinne answered, ”Whispered.”

We felt happy when she read us a book.

We felt sad when Corinne had to leave.

We wonder what we will do when she returns?

In week 3 we began an author study about

Pamela Allen.

We read three books written by Pamella Allen and we compared them.

Mr McGee and the Big Bag of Bread

Mr Archimedes ‘ Bath Mr McGee and the Biting Flee

1M compared 3 Pamela Allen books. We found some similarities and some differences and placed them on a Venn Diagram.

-A large treeMr McGee was hurt.-Rhyming

-Animals-1 person-Mr-Cross hatch shading-water


Danni, a parent from 1HF came to teach us how to

sketch like Pamela Allen.

She showed us how to shade using cross hatching

and then she showed us how to make things have a 3-

D effect and texture by gradually shading with


We looked at the style of shading that Pamela

Allen uses often in her illustrations and tried

out those techniques.

We really listened to her and then tried out her ideas.

Wow...who knew we were so skilful!

Together we read a book written by our author in residence, Corinne Fenton, called, “Flame Stands Waiting.”

It was a beautiful story about a carousel horse, a girl named Clara and wanting something enough to make it real.

We each drew a picture of the main character-Clara , and then on the page underneath we wrote words to describe her.......

What interesting Character Portraits we created!










Character Web

In our literacy rotations this week we did some activities about character studies. We thought about the characters in Pamela Allen books and filled out these Character webs on the computer.We had to save them into our own folders.

adventurous friendly proudawesome fun-loving pretty

artistic gentle protective

athletic generous quiet

active grumpy rich

beautiful happy respectful

brave hideous sad

bold humble sloppy

bossy hostile serious

caring honest successful

charming intelligent shy

cheerful independent short

curious inventive smart

creative a leader studious

courageous lazy selfish

considerate messy simple

cunning mischievous tall

daring mean timid

a dreamer neat trustworthy

dangerous nervous thoughtful

exciting nasty unselfish

entertaining nice warm

energetic nosy witty

ferocious open wild

funny persistent wise

a fighter poor wonderful

In another literacy activity, we had to read these character traits and highlight the ones that we thought described our special person.

The author Corinne Fenton visited us again for a second visit. She spoke to us about how we felt about the special person in our lives that we are going to write about.

We listened to music and were encouraged

to draw or write how it made us feel.

Character StudyAs part of our reading rotations we completed character webs about a favourite character from a Pamela Allen book

We compared character traits on worksheets as well as filling out templates on the computer.

We are getting very good at saving documents into our own folders on the computer.

This week’s session with our Artist in Residence...

We learnt another technique using crayons and scratching to colour our mice.

First we coloured in our mice in a light colour; then we went over it in either black or brown.

Then we used our very sharp grey lead pencils to scratch over the top.

This week’s session with our Artist in Residence...

Then we scattered our mice on Mr McGee’s tree and all through the room. Be careful, you don’t know where you'll find one!

Can you see Black Dog in the tree?

This week, we looked at some picture story books and we chose some good story starters. The story starter is the opening sentence.

Story starters are like hooks to get you interested in the story – questions might pop into your head and you want to read the book.

We thought about what story starters we could use in our own stories.

We started thinking about the collages about our special person. We were inspired by Jeannie Baker’s books.


We got some green and blue paint and made backgrounds which we are going to cut out for our collages. We used sponges and brushes to get special effects.

We hunted outside for materials we might need for our collage

We practised making different textures with crayon rubbings.

This week we looked at the Black dog book by Pamela Allen and Mila’s Mum Danni, showed us how to use pastels and crayons to blend colours on our bluebirds. The combination of pencil lines and smudging made our bluebirds look fantastic!

Firstly we had to use a grey lead to draw the shading.

Next we used pastels to blend colours and create our wonderful bluebirds. We think Pamela Allen would be proud of us!

This week we are looking at a book called “Clancy and Millie and the Very Fine House.”After listening to the story a few times we had to go on to PowerPoint and retell the story in our own words. We had to fill in the blank spaces on the PowerPoint.

We also looked at what made a ‘Sensational Sentence Starter!’After looking at a selection in picture story books, this is what we decided on.

We had a go at writing sensational story starters ourselves. We were very proud of our efforts. We all managed to write really interesting sentences. Mrs Moy can’t wait to read our stories now that she has read such exciting story starters.

Bang! bang! I’m scared, but what is that noise?

by Alexander

Burp! Was that Ryan?

by Daniel W

Clank, Clank! What’s that?

by Ryan

What’s that smell? It can’t be pasta.

by Alec

I can’t wait until my birthday. I wonder what my grandma will give me?

by Gabriella

Yum, yum, yum I smell something.

by Nicholas.

Daniel! Who was that?

by Daniel M

Sorry for tackling you!

by Marcello

Here are some of our sensational story starters...do they make you want to read the rest of our stories? We hope so!

1, 2, 3! Oh no, is that my aunty?

by Mia

ZZZZZZZ Is that my Grandpa?

by Xavier

I can taste the vegetables in the wavy soup my Nonna makes.

by Caterina

Zia what’s that noise?

by Tania

“Once upon a time...”Did you hear that? It was my cousin reading me a


by Emma

What is that noise? Is it my brother playing wii?

by Lachlan

Boo! I wonder what that noise is?

by Amelia

Ting, ting! What was that noise? I’m scared!by Christian Ding dong! Who could that be knocking on the door?by Madeleine

Pop, pop! I can almost hear Mum making popcorn.

by Michaela

ZZZZ ...Who’s that snoring? Is it my sister or my mum?

by Alicia

Mmm the delicious tomato smell of my Omi’s’ gnocchi always

makes me hungry.

by Dante

Hey Daniel, where are the remotes? I love going to Daniel’s


by Thomas

What’s that noise? Is that my Nanny listening to the radio?

by Robert

Can you believe year 1 children came up with such fantastic sentences? Wait until your read our stories!

This week we used our sensational story starters to begin drafting our special person stories.

We are trying very hard to be creative and use interesting language just like a real author. Why use boring words when there are so many wonderful words that paint a picture in the reader’s head!

We looked at the language in books and thought about boring ways the author could have said something, and how beautiful their words actually were......

It was like crawling into a dreamy world, where twisting plants grew tall as trees.There were tall trees in the garden.

Which do you prefer?

Look at all these interesting words we can use!

Before we started writing we talked to our partners about a precious time we shared with our special person. Talking always helps to get ideas clear in our minds before we start to put those ideas on paper as stories or to create our collages.

We had to do our backgrounds first, layering all different sorts of materials onto our sheet to get a 3D effect. Then we added our people.

We were inspired by looking at Jeannie Baker’s books.

Our collages look great, but what a mess we made!

It is a good thing that we are also great at cleaning up!

Week 9 We reached the stage where we needed to check and edit our special person stories.

This is the checklist that we must fill out with a friend before we go to our teacher.

It is always helpful to read our stories to a friend to see if we have made any mistakes.

When we check it with a friend, we use a red pencil to make suggestions of corrections that are needed.

The next step is to read through our stories with our teacher and discuss any ways that we could improve them. Our teachers are there to make helpful suggestions.

Finally when we are happy with our stories we type the up and save them in a folder ready to be sent to the publishers.

Wow! We really are authors!

Week 10

This week we finished our One World Many Stories unit of work.

We felt like real authors as we wrote the biography piece . We had to write about ourselves so that we could include it on our story boards along with our special person stories and our collages.