0301 Classroom Adaptations



An activity in class that shows how natural selection works. Students create offspring with genetic diversity, and nature chooses the organism best adapted to survive and reproduce. Over thousands of generations (5-6 rotations) a new species develops.

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Daily Stimulus #30What is the difference between artificial selection and natural selection? (MyWay p.50)

Schedule Planner / Daily Stimulus / SWBAT

7.5.3: Changes Over Time Natural Selection: Group Activity HW: Imaginary Creatures Project Exit Slip

Objectives SWBAT explain that small differences

between parents and offspring could produce descendants that look very different from their ancestors (7.5.3)

SWBAT use natural selection to create new species!

GLOs GLO #2: Community Contributor GLO #3: Complex Thinker

7.5.3 Changes Over Time

Explain that small differences between parents and offspring could produce descendants that look very different from their ancestors


Artificial SelectionMankind chooses and breeds an organism, selecting it for a trait that it desires.

Natural SelectionOnly the organisms with the best genes survive and reproduce to pass on their genes. After many many generations, the species changes into something new.

Basic Needs of Life Nature selects the organisms best adapted to

survive in a certain environment. Get food and energy Get water Get air/oxygen Protect itself from other organisms Protect itself from the climate/weather Reproduce: Pass on its genes

to its offspring

Evolution is “Adaptation through Natural Selection”

p.55? 1) Offspring look a little different from their parents and from each other

2) Not all the offspring will survive

3) The offspring that can survive better will grow up to have offspring with the same genes; the other ones will die.

4) Over thousands of generations, new species emerge

Let's See Natural Selection in Action!

Let's be Mother Nature

Let's decide who lives and who dies

Let's see what happens to organisms over time!

Natural Selection Activity

Roles: Group Leader: Keeps everybody on task. Materials Manager: Gets materials

Nature: Circles the one that survives.

Cheerleader: Maintains positivity.

Keep your markers and tape with you at all times.*

Natural Selection Activity

On the poster, each group member must copy AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE the organism that is circled. (2min)*


Natural Selection(Classroom) p.54

1) Draw your original creature2) Draw what it looks like after thousands of generations3) Explain: How did your creature change? 4) Explain: Why did your creature change? What basic need does it get better now?

Objectives SWBAT explain how fossils provide

evidence that life and environmental conditions have changed over time (7.5.5)

Whale Evolution


Evolution of Whales



Sperm Whale

Evolution of Whales

More Fossil Evidencehttp://www.fossilmuseum.net/Paleobiology/Precambrian-


Exit Slip

What are three pieces of evidence that Evolution through Natural Selection has occurred?
