урок Arranging a party


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Урок английского языка

Тема «Arranging a party» 9 класс

Разработала: учитель англии ского языка Глушатова О. С.

МОУ СОШ №4 г. Дмитрова

Цель: совершенствование речевых умений и навыков по теме «Организация вечеринки».



- развитие умений и навыков ведения диалогической речи;

- активизация лексических единиц по теме урока;

- развитие понимания иноязычной речи на слух, комментирование прослушанного;

- умение приглашать к действию / взаимодействию.


- развитие памяти, логического мышления;

- формирование умений коллективного речевого взаимодействия;

- развитие речевой активности;

- формирование межпредметных навыков и умений.


- формирование лингвистической и социокультурной компетенции;

- умение аргументировать свою точку зрения;

- воспитание культуры учащихся средствами иностранного языка;

- формирование навыка владения речевым этикетом.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Вид урока: деловая игра.

Методы и приемы:

- обучение в сотрудничестве

- метод «мозгового штурма»

Формы работы:

- индивидуальная

- фронтальная

- парная

- групповая


- интерактивная доска, мультимедийный проектор

- компьютер

- раздаточный материал: ролевые карточки

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап

Good morning, everybody! Glad to meet you here again!

The theme of our lesson is “Arranging a party”. Today at the lesson you'll get to know how to

make suggestions about arranging a party and will have a bit of practice in performing it.

II. Основная часть

1. Brainstorm «Preparations for the party»

T: Everyone loves a great party but before you have fun on it you’ll have to do some

preparations. What are they? (Elicit information from the Ss and write it down on the board).

2. Активизация речевых навыков с использованием лексики из диалога.

T: Now I’m going to show you a short video about arranging a New Year party. Watch it very

attentively and compare with your list on the board. Which of them have you suggested? Which

not? (Video “Arranging a party” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOmKVKMlF7w).

Приложение 1

3. Работа с текстом “Arranging a party”

3.1. Аудирование с общим пониманием.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос: Где семья решила устроить вечеринку?

T: Listen and watch the dialogue once more. Where did the family decide to arrange a party?

What other variants were suggested during the discussion?

3.2 Работа с опорными словами и выражениями, со скриптом диалога.

Учащиеся заполняют пропущенные слова в тексте диалога, используя ниже

перечисленные выражения.

Complete the missing parts of the dialogue using the following expressions:

Have you thought anything?

We can do one more thing

I agree.

Want you to go to …?

We shall …

What are you thinking about?

I have one more idea.

I’m not interested in …

Cкрипт диалога «Arranging a party» представлен в Приложении 2.

4. Повторное аудирование

Учащиеся осуществляют самопроверку полученных знаний.

Т: Now listen to the dialogue again and check your answers.

5. Говорение. Деловая игра

Учащиеся в группах из 4 человек проигрывают диалог о подготовке вечеринки по случаю

окончания четверти (триместра). Приложение 3

После проигрывания диалогов на местах попросить одну из групп разыграть диалог перед


Т: Work in groups of four. You are all friends and are trying to make arrangements for an end-

of-term party. First read through your role cards individually. Ten minutes will be at your

disposal. When everyone is ready, the role play can begin. A time-limit is 20 minutes. Student C


6. Рефлексия. Обмен мнениями о разыгранных диалогах

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы:

Было ли трудно разыграть диалог?

Смогли ли сказать все то, что хотели выразить?

Что оказалось самым трудным?

Что оказалось полезным для Вас?

Смогли ли вы, работая в группе, прийти к общему мнению?

Т: Let’s exchange opinion about your performing dialogue. Will you answer the questions?

Was it difficult for you to act the dialogue?

Could you say what you wanted to express?

What did you find most difficult?

What was the most useful thing for you to learn?

Could you working in group reach an agreement?

III. Подведение итогов. Оценки

IV. Домашнее задание

Т: Imagine that you want to arrange a prom party. Make up a dialogue taking into account

expressions for making suggestions / agreement / disagreement.

Приложение 1

English conversation - Arranging party at home

Woman: What are you thinking about Zuban?

Man: I’m thinking about celebrating New Year Eve.

Woman: Where do you want to go?

Man: We can watch a movie and then go for dinner in a good restaurant.

Woman: We often do it. There should be something special at New Year Eve.

Man: Have you thought anything?

Woman: Want you to go to a disco where we can dance and eat a delicious dinner?

Man: I talked to my friend in Hilton hotel to arrange a pass for two of us but he said it’s too late

now. There is no pass available.

Woman: You should have talked with him some days ago.

Man: I forgot do to work a lot. We can do one more thing. We can go to a freedom boating club

to enjoy boating. After that we can go for dinner.

Woman: No, I’m not interested in boating. I have one more idea.

Man: What is that?

Woman: We can arrange a party at home. We can invite a few our friends and have fun. There

will be music, dancing and fine dinner.

Man: But if you get busy in preparing dinner how will you enjoy the party?

Woman: We shall order ready-made things.

Man: Then let us finalise this program and prepare a list of friends we want to invite.

Woman: We shall not spend the whole money. Everybody will share. Party can be at our home

as we are having a big join room.

Man: Yes, I agree. This is the best program. I love you, sweetheart.

Woman: I love you too.

Приложение 2

Complete the missing parts of the dialogue using the following expressions:

Have you thought anything?

We can do one more thing

I agree.

Want you to go to …?

We shall …

What are you thinking about?

I have one more idea.

I’m not interested in …

English conversation - Arranging party at home

Woman: _________________________________ Zuban?

Man: I’m thinking about celebrating New Year Eve.

Woman: Where do you want to go?

Man: We can watch a movie and then go for dinner in a good restaurant.

Woman: We often do it. There should be something special at New Year Eve.

Man: ____________________________________?

Woman: _______________________ a disco where we can dance and eat a delicious dinner?

Man: I talked to my friend in Hilton hotel to arrange a pass for two of us but he said it’s too late

now. There is no pass available.

Woman: You should have talked with him some days ago.

Man: I forgot do to work a lot. _______________________________, we can go to a freedom

boating club to enjoy boating. After that we can go for dinner.

Woman: No, ________________________________ boating. _______________________.

Man: What is that?

Woman: We can arrange a party at home. We can invite a few our friends and have fun. There

will be music, dancing and fine dinner.

Man: But if you get busy in preparing dinner how will you enjoy the party?

Woman: _____________ order ready-made things.

Man: Then let us finalise this program and prepare a list of friends we want to invite.

Woman: We shall not spend the whole money. Everybody will share. Party can be at our home

as we are having a big join room.

Man: Yes, _______________. This is the best program. I love you, sweetheart.

Woman: I love you too.

Приложение 3
