September: Welcome To The Danger Zone


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SEPTEMBER: Welcome To The Danger ZoneNico Omer Jonckheere, 4th September 2015

September is likely to be one wild month:

1.This is a SHEMITAH year. The Shemitah is the sabbath year, also called the sabbatical year or sheviit. The final date of this 7 year cycle ends on September 13th.Interestingly, the Jewish Shemitah has often ended at about the same time as the market crashes. The last Shemitah ended on 29 Sept 2008, the day the DOW shed 7%. The 2001 Shemitah ended on 17 Sept 2001, the day the DOW dropped 684 points.

In the fall of 1987 stock markets crashed around the world. ‘Black Monday’ of October 1987 saw the Dow lose 22% in one day. (Chart courtesy ‘Marketvolume’)

2. The 5776 Anno Lucis or “The Year of Lucifer” begins September 14th.

3. The military is beginning a massive rollout of military equipment and personnel all throughout the southern US called Jade Helm. This runs from July 15th to September 15th. The Pentagon has been war-gaming civil disorder for the last few years.

4. If the FOMC raises rates on September 17th, they will almost surely accelerate the pressure on EM, triggering further FX reserve drawdowns (i.e. UST dumping), resulting in substantial upward pressure on yields and prompting an immediate policy reversal and perhaps even QE4.

Furthermore, they have already been moving operations outside of New York to Chicago in expectation of a “natural disaster” that they never gave specifics on.

2. The September 2015 Greek legislative election will be held on Sunday, 20th September, following Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’ announced resignation on 20 August.

6. The Pope will be addressing U.S. Congress on September 24th, which is the first time in world history.

7. The Pope will address the U.N. General Assembly of world leaders on September 25th.

8. September 28th is the date for the last of four blood moons that fall on Biblical festival dates during 2014 and 2015. This blood moon will be a “supermoon”…

Pope John Francis

Blood Moon dates

What Should You Buy & What Should You Sell?

You can see from the chart above that despite the hiccup in 2008-2009, the central planners are determined to continue inflating the Global Ponzi Debt Scheme.

Given that US markets have been driven to giddying heights by the combination of maxed out margin debt and stock buybacks, it is clear that a crash of perhaps unprecedented proportions is on the cards.

We are going to need more Quantitative Easing…

Gold and silver are safe havens within periods of economic uncertainty. As you know a global financial crash creates economic uncertainty. It is time to get out of paper and into tangible assets.

The gold shares to gold ratio is now at the bottom side of a 44-year down channel and it’s formed a several decade falling wedge.

“The current action makes it look like 1998, and if that is the case then we should be putting in the low here.”

-Citi analyst Tom Fitzpatrick

The MSCI emerging markets Index has gone absolutely nowhere for the last six years – a time frame during which the S&P 500 Index has doubled.

A World On The Edge Of Total Collapse

• I will close by reiterating that investors have to be extremely careful here. Protect yourself – prepare for the worst and hope for the best..

• Please also watch the video titled “SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned For September 2015” at
