Outsourcing Your ATM Network



What is ATM outsourcing and is it right for your financial institution?

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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? i


The ATM Money Sink

The Benefits of Outsourcing Hardware & Software Maintenance/Improvements Resource Management Network Reach Increased ROI

Outsourcing Options Partial Outsourcing Full Network Management

Selecting an ATM Management Provider

About Welch ATM













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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 1

The ATM Money Sink

“...as ATM portfolios grow, so, too do

profit-margin pressures.”

- Tracy Kitten*

ATMs were once a revenue generator. However, a flooded market coupled with the current economic crunch has resulted in plummetting profits. Yet despite the increased availability of cash back and debit/credit card options at the register of many major retailers, customers still rely on ATM availability for their transaction needs.

The dilemma now facing financial institutions has become:

How do we maintain or even increase our current customer service availability through ATMs...without breaking our budget?

A true solution would need to cover all of the worries and costs of ATM operation including: Cash Management, Maintenance, Processing, Installation as well as Technological and Compliance Upgrades.

Enter the ATM ISO and ATM Outsourcing...

* Kitten, Tracy, (04/24/2007). Mind on the ATM Money. http://www.atmmarketplace.com/article/130750/Mind-on-the-atm-money









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 2

The Benefits of Outsourcing

“As an industry, we’ve probably been leaning

too hard toward thinking the only way to

[provide top-of-the-line ATM service] is to do

it ourselves.”

- Matthew Burns, VP of Electronic Banking

National City Corp.*

Hardware & Software Maintenance/ImprovementsWhile customers often give ATMs little thought, they receive an immediate negative impression the moment they need one and it is out of order. This is not just an instance of poor customer service. ATM down time means loss of transaction fees as well as additional maintenance costs.

Changing regulations and ATM techology are another concern. New ADA, PCI and DES regulations as well as security provisions and technology require ATM upgrades...too often for many financial institutions to keep up.

Outsourcing Solution:Most ATM ISOs provide maintenance and compliance guarantees in their out-sourcing contracts. This ensures your ATM fleet gets the regular mainte-nance and service it requires to stay up and running plus emergency service if any breakdown.

ATM ISOs also keep up-to-date with all of the latest information & technology regarding upgrades, updates, virus notifications, regulation compliance, security measures and technology so that your ATMs are compliant and operational when your customers need them...all with no extra cost to you.

*Unknown, (10/12/2005). ATM Outsourcing Growth to Continue. http://www.atmmarketplace.com/article/133218/atm-outsourcing-growth-to-continue









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 3

The Benefits of Outsourcing

Resource ManagementFinancial Institutions have to organize a multitude of processes in order to manage their ATM network. All of these processes must function together in order to provide a positive customer experience. This task can be made more difficult as each process often means another vendor.

* Transaction Processing * Armored Car Services * Cash Management * Monitoring * Maintenance Services * Equipment/Software

If a network offers advanced services such as image processing or deposit automation the task becomes even more difficult. All of this effort culmi-nates into additional full time employee costs.

Outsourcing Solution:ATM ISOs offer all of these services and more in one package. Under an out-sourcing contract, financial institutions need only deal with a single vendor to make certain that their network is running efficiently. Fewer vendors means fewer contracts, fewer calls when there are problems, less time, less hassle, less money and lower employee costs.

“Fewer vendors means

fewer contracts, less time

spent by employees and

lower FTE costs.”









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 4

The Benefits of Outsourcing

Network Reach“The ATM is a ‘must have’ customer service channel for financial institu-tions.”* According to a 2011 Dieringer Research Group consumer study, 74% of consumers consider ATM locations and 54% consider number of ATMs important when selecting a financial institution. These numbers show that having an ATM network is not just a convenience but a “strategic foundation for customer service.”*

However, providing a reliable ATM network grows more difficult the wider the network becomes. Distance from main branches can increase problems with monitoring and make it more expensive for staff or vendors to deal with issues. Research by electronic commerce company FirstData indicates the total cost of operating a high-transacting ATM can reach up to $26,000 per year per ATM for operational costs alone.* A similar study performed by Dove Consulting indicates that ATM costs have a compounded average annual increase of 6.7%.** Running a network is time consuming and progressively more expensive.

** Dove, David, (08/01/2011), The Case for Outsourcing ATMs.http://www.bai.org/bankingstrategies/distribution-channels/atm/the-case-for-outsourcing-atms

ConvenientLocation of ATMs

Number of ATMs

6% 21% 74%

9% 35% 57%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Not Important Neutral Important

ATM Importance When Selecting A Financial Institution

Source: Dieringer Research Group Conjoint Consumer Survey, 2011

*Pit, Richard (2011). Evolving Options for ATM Outsourcing: Pooling Can Keep Your Channel Competitive. Retrieved from http://www.firstdata.com/downloads/thought-leadership/Evolving-ATM-Options-WP.pdf









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 5

The Benefits of Outsourcing

“The nature of the off-premises network really

dictates that you outsource just about every-

thing. If [outsourcing] services didn’t exist, we

couldn’t even be 65 miles from here.”

- Chris Klein, Senior VP of ATM Systems

Bank Atlantic*

Outsourcing Solution:Outsourcing all or part of an ATM network consolidates services under one contract with a single vendor, effectively staving off cost increases for the duration of that contract. This consolidation also eliminates the hassle of multiple vendors, decreasing the costs for full time employees and the liability of creating a wider ATM footprint.

As ATM ISOs regularly manage extensive networks, they are capable of leveraging their connections and expertise to alleviate the difficulties and costs that a financial institution would encounter when expanding further from their main branches.

“[Outsourcing programs are] very beneficial in areas where you need a presence but you don’t want to spend the money to build business there,” says Shelly Chandler, VP of Self Service banking for PNC Bank.*

Many ATM ISOs also maintain relationships with major retailers and utilize these associations to place Financial Institution ATMs at popular locations, ensuring higher transaction volume and revenue. Customers recognize the convenience of surcharge-free transactions located at the retailers they regularly shop.

*Unknown, (10/12/2005). ATM Outsourcing Growth to Continue. http://www.atmmarketplace.com/article/133218/atm-outsourcing-growth-to-continue









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 6

The Benefits of Outsourcing

Increased ROIIt is clear that a dependable ATM network is important and strategic but, due to the changing market, most financial institutions no longer consider ATMs a core business. Rather, they have become a customer service expense and a money sink.

* Dove, David, (08/01/2011), The Case for Outsourcing ATMs.http://www.bai.org/bankingstrategies/distribution-channels/atm/the-case-for-outsourcing-atms

Outsourcing Solution:Competing with banking monoliths is about economy of scale and the same is true of the ATM industry. ATM ISOs can operate ATMs for a fraction of the cost it takes a financial institution to run them because they leverage the management of multiple ATMs.

These savings are passed on to the financial institution by lowering monthly operational costs and consolidating vendor-client interactions.

A recent study from Dove Capital Partners reveals that even large banks could save up to 20% on their direct costs per month per ATM by outsourcing to a third-party managed services provider.* That percentage increases when considering the savings in employee expense. This increases the prof-itability of potential costs at the client level.

“Save up to 20% on direct costs

alone by outsourcing to

a third party









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 7

Outsourcing Options

Partial OutsourcingIt is a long standing practice with financial institutions to outsource separate, distinct functions such as cash management or hardware maintenance. Many institutions select to segment rather than fully outsource due to concerns regarding control, security and confidence in third-party providers. When deciding to partially outsource, an institution must consider costs of vendors, employee time and current versus resulting overhead.

Partial outsourcing may save time and effort while still allowing the financial institution to maintain overall control of their network. However, there can be drawbacks such as:

* Segmentation of ATM network services often results in a lack of business intelligence in regards to overall performance and cost of a network.

* Customer service and satisfaction problems can develop as ATMs go down and it becomes unclear which service provider should be held responsible.

Consolidating outsourced services to a single provider can help reduce these issues. However, it can be difficult, even in-house, to create complete, comprehensive reports without full ATM management. This results in contin-ued use of employee time and effort for report collection and evaluation.









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 8

Outsourcing Options

** Dove, David, (08/01/2011), The Case for Outsourcing ATMs. http://www.bai.org/bankingstrategies/distribution-channels/atm/the-case-for-outsourcing-atms

“We can operate off-premise outsourced ATMs

for half of what it costs us to run our (onsite)


- James Braddock, VP of UMB*

Full Network ManagementFull network outsourcing hands off management of all ATM processes to a third-party provider. As ATM ISOs are capable of running entire networks for a fraction of the cost, many financial institutions select this option solely based on price tag.

However, as most third-party providers have had years of focus in the ATM industry, they have developed an expertise in ATM management and service. An ATM ISO is not only more cost effective but also more likely to know the ins-and-outs of the industry. Thus, they are capable of providing better, more efficient service than a financial institution. This results in better monitoring, better response rates and more up time.**

There is also the added convenience of consolidated reporting. A third-party provider operating a fully outsourced ATM network is capable of providing a complete report of all activity for each ATM.

Finally, there is the maintenance, service and upgrades... complete with compliance guarantees. A third-party provider eliminates the extra costs of maintaining an ATM network, making certain that it is operational and meets regulations and security requirements including ADA, PCI, and DES.

* Unknown (2006). Outsourcing in 2006. http://www.atmmarketplace.com/article/132788/outsourcing-in-2006









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 9

Selecting an ATM Management Provider

When a financial institution is choosing a provider to manage it’s ATMs, whether it be partial outsourcing or full network management, it is essential that the provider have the expertise to fulfill the role. Here are some basic recommendations for what to look for in a management partner.

ExperienceThe company should have prior experience running an ATM network including all technical and business aspects of the industry. This ensures that they have all of the knowledge to provide maintenance, branding, reporting and ATM placement strategies to maximize a financial institution’s network.

CustomizationAs each client has different needs and requirements, the company needs to be capable of designing sourcing strategies that meet the individual needs of said clients. This includes being capable of providing partial outsourcing and full management options.

Strategic PartnersA third-party provider should be capable of creating additional value for clients such as offering network expansion through ATM placement with retail partners at popular locations. Another worthwhile addition is expand-ing the surcharge-free population of ATMS for cardholders.

Customer CareCustomer service is the focus and purpose of an ATM network. These values should be reflected in how the company deals with financial institution and retail clients.

“Customer service is the

focus and purpose of an

ATM Network.”









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Outsourcing Your ATM Network: Is it the Right Move for Your Institution? 10

About Welch ATM

Welch ATM is an independent ATM company founded in 1973. With over three decades of ATM industry experience and service, we have developed rela-tionships with over 1,000 financial institutions and major retailers.

Welch provides an array of ATM solutions including retail ATM branding, equipment, transaction processing, managed services and more. Welch strives to provide excellent customer service and works individually with each client to create strategies that best fit their goals and needs.

Welch ATM is the one of the largest ATM companies and a leader in the indus-try. Welch currently manages over 20,000 ATMs nationwide.









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