From zero to_euro_rotterdam_nov_5_2008_


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Port of Rotterdam as infopreneur From zero tot EuroRobbin te Velde

Rotterdam, WTC, 4 November 2008


Information is a weird substance

Economic characteristics of information:• Non-rivalry*• Non-excludable

Information is not by itself excludable. It could be made excludable but thus involves additional costs.

What are you actually selling?

Information • Structure • Medium

Technological developments have a very strong impact on the costs of information


Storage Transport

The strategic dimension(‘Knowledge is power’)

• Having information (or not) changes the behaviour of firms and consumers.

• The added value of information often is in the change of behaviour, not in the information itself.o New behaviour new needs (2nd order) new markets

o Two different ways to create value by (re)use of information:o Public (Macro): information as public good. Society as a whole benefitso Private (Micro): information as excludable good. One specific firm benefits vis-à-vis other


Example change in behaviour

R2 = 0.73 (p=0.01)

Nota bene: GDP / capitaR2 = 0.57 (p=0.01)

Christopher R. Kedzie (1995). Democracy and Interconnectivity. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Corporation


Life at an information service firm

• Information services = making phone callso Research (information in)o Sales (subscriptions out)o Customer relations (extending subscriptions)

• Customer focuso Define your product (basic, Pro, Advanced)o User friendly information systemso Seize emergent needs of customers

Life at an information service firm

• Information services = improving communication processeso Match demand & supplyo Facilitate one complex processo Replicate that process

• Breadth versus deptho Sufficient critical mass (coverage) to draw reliable conclusionso Just enough breadth to break-even. Get your margin from the

deptho Deepen customer relations over time by a symbiosis between

Research and Customer service

The public sector also wakes up

• Public Sector Information is a pot of gold…o Building & Construction Authority (Singapore) o United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UK)o Statens Bygningstekniske Etat (NO)o ABI-case (UK)

Port of Rotterdam as infopreneur

• Assess each type of information on an individual basis• Grosso modo three business models:1. PoR gives away information for free (earn back via 2nd order effects)2. PoR sells information to the market itself

o Customer focus?!o Don’t overcharge (p<costs of collecting data customers)o Never make exclusive deals

3. PoR outsources sales of information to a commercial third partyo PoR uses the infrastructure of the third party (franchise)o Through public-private partnership the efficiency & effectiveness of

information flows can be optimized.

More information…

Robbin te