Building the Social Library Online - OLA Superconference




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Building the Social Library Online

Meredith FarkasOLA Superconference 2008

Web 1.0: Democratized Access to Information

Web 2.0: Democratized Participation

What is social software?

What is social software?My definition: To be defined as social software, a tool must meet at least two of the following conditions:

What is social software?My definition: To be defined as social software, a tool must meet at least two of the following conditions:

1. It allows people to communicate, collaborate and build community online

What is social software?My definition: To be defined as social software, a tool must meet at least two of the following conditions:

1. It allows people to communicate, collaborate and build community online

2. It can be syndicated, shared, reused or remixed, or it facilitates syndication

What is social software?My definition: To be defined as social software, a tool must meet at least two of the following conditions:

1. It allows people to communicate, collaborate and build community online

2. It can be syndicated, shared, reused or remixed, or it facilitates syndication

3. It allows people to easily learn from and capitalize on the behavior or knowledge of others

Examples• Blogs


• Wikis

• Social networking sites (MySpace/Facebook, etc.)

• Social bookmarking sites

• Other online communities

• Instant messaging/VoIP/Webconferencing

• Podcasting

• Video blogging/screencasting

• Multi-user virtual environments and games

Characteristics of Social Software

Easy Content Creation and Sharing

Online Collaboration

Conversations: Distributed

Conversations: Real Time

Capitalizing on the Wisdom of Crowds

Capitalizing on the Wisdom of Crowds






What Can Social Software do for


Disseminate Information

Disseminate Information

Disseminate Information

Disseminate Information

Disseminate Information

Get Feedback! Start a Conversation!

Get Feedback! Start a Conversation!

Get Feedback! Start a Conversation!

Get Feedback! Start a Conversation!

Highlight Collections

Highlight Collections

Highlight Collections

Highlight Collections

Highlight Collections

Highlight Collections

Give the Library a Human Face!

Give the Library a Human Face!

Provide Services to Remote Users

Provide Services to Remote Users

Go where your users are

Go where your users are

Go where your users are

Go where your users are

Provide Services Using Tools Patrons Use

Provide Services Using Tools Patrons Use

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of our Users

Capitalize on the Collective Intelligence of our Users

Strategies for Implementing Social











Avoid technolust

Know your users

Understand the culture of social tools

Involve staff at all levels in planning

Develop a learning culture

Develop a risk-tolerant culture

Start small and keep it simple

Capitalize on your network

Consider maintenance and sustainability

Must be able to integrate into staff workflow

Training for staff and patrons

Create partnerships

In marketing focus on the functionality

Be agile

Time must be devoted to all this


Meredith Farkasmgfarkas(at)

