7 steps to attracting wealth




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7 Steps to Attracting Wealth

1. Define your vision


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What do you want from life? Whether your vision of attracting wealth is a beach side bungalow or a life free of debt collectors, the best way to create an attraction wealth strategy is to define your goals.


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You can start today. Write down everything you want from

life. Making a list will help you get into the mindset that's

essential for wealth attraction.


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2. Manage your money


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That's right. When we're stuck in a poverty rut, a common reaction is to avoid looking at the bank account unless absolutely necessary.

Part of a good wealth attraction plan is to grab

control of your finances.


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3. Generate wealth attraction



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There's more to attracting wealth than visualizing money-you've got to feel those emotions to attract wealth

According to the law of attraction, powerful positive

emotions attract powerful positive actions.


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4. Visualize yourself attracting



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In fact, attraction wealth experts recommend creating a "dream" or "vision" board


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5. Take action


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Taking action means that you invest time into your attraction wealth strategies

For instance, set aside 5 or 10 minutes each day to

visualize yourself in a brand-new luxury car or relaxing on

sunny sands.


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6. Increase your flexibility


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No, not the kind of flexibility you see in Gumby-like gymnasts or figure skaters. To attract wealth, you'll need to expand your money-making horizons

That means you shouldn't rely only on your paycheck to

attract the wealth you deserve. By opening your eyes

just a little, you'll find opportunity all around you.


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7. Share the wealth


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Put your spare change in a jar, and, when the jar is full, donate it to a favorite charity

Remember, the law of attraction dictates that when you put out good vibes, the universe will reward you with good things.


Learn The Powerful Formula To Achieve Your Financial Goals

Attracting wealth is easier than you ever thought. Pick one of the steps above and

start doing it-today. Tomorrow, add another step to your routin


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