Zoo Project - Artifact for Standard 5



Zoo project for artifact 5

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  • So Youre a Zoo Designer!

    You have just been hired to design the animal exhibits for the new _______ zoo! Your job is to select an animal that lives on the continent of __________and draw a blueprint of what the enclosure would look like to show the zoo owners. Below

    are the requirements the zoo owners have given you:

    The enclosure needs to be scaled for each animals needs (you cant put an elephant in a monkey sized enclosure)

    You must have the enclosure marked with area and perimeter There needs to be at least two features like a pool, moat, trees, grassy field etc. These features need to have area and perimeter marked on them as well A sidewalk around your enclosure marked with area and perimeter At least 2 of the below additions:

    A rock native to the ______continent Other animals (like multiple birds, or different types of fish) Plants native to animals home Items for the animals to play with A place for the animals to sleep

    The blueprint should also be colorful

    Once you have created your blueprint the zoo owners have asked you to design a card describing each animals home. The card should read:

    What type of animal and its traditional habitat, home, and diet The scientific name of the animal Dimensions of the enclosure The features you have added and why A picture of the animal

  • I can gatheraccurate

    information onthe tipic

    I can take notesand put them inmy own words

    I can use myschema to ad tomy information

    I can take mynotes and

    summarize myinformation

    I cancommunicatemy learning to


    I can use aformula to findthe area of a


    I can use aformula to findthe periemeterof a rectangle

    I can solve rateproblems

    I can measure tothe nearestcentimeter

    I can write aparagraph with atopic sentence,

    supportingdetails, and a


    I can use textfeatures to

    support my mainidea

    I can locate avariety ofsources

    I can read andunderstand

    information onmy topic

    I can take notesin my own words

    I can summarizethe information

    I can share myinformation

    through wiritngor speaking

    Student Names

    Reading Math Writing

    Integrates and communicates information from two sources on thesame topic

    Solves problems involving measurement and conversionof measurement

    Writes informative/explanatory paragraphs

    including a topic and detailsInvestigates to conduct short research projects