Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


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  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited




    A Research ProjectImpact of Adverts!" o!

    Co!s#mer P#rchase $ehavor

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Ta%&e of Co!te!tsI!trod#cto!''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''(

    Lear!!" o#tcome)* U!dersta!d!" ho+ to form#&ate a research specfcato!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Tas- )')* A poss%&e researchers a!d record project are form#&at!" o! Impact of adverts!" o!

    co!s#mer p#rchase %ehavo#r''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Tas- )'(* The factors those he&p ! researchers project projects se&ecto!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.

    Tas- )'* A crtca& reve+ o! the -e/ refere!ce''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

    Tas- )'.* The researchers project specfcato!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''1

    Tas- )'* A! approprate p&a! a!d proced#res for a"reed +th the researchers specfcato!'''''2

    3eed%ac- of tas-* )''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4

    Lear!!" o#tcome (* Imp&eme!t!" a"reed proced#res a!d specfcato! o! the researchers


    Tas- (')* Match!" the researchers 6#esto! +th the ava&a%&e reso#rces''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''5

    Tas- ('(* Accord!" to the proposed !vest"ato! process #!derta-!" the researchers project


    Tas- ('* Co&&ect!" a!d record!" data o! the re&eva!t researchers project''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')(

    3eed%ac- tas-* ('''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')

    Lear!!" o#tcome * Evaate the researchers project o#tcome''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''').

    Tas- ')* Us!" approprate research evaato! tech!6#e''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''').

    Tas- '(* A!a&/s!" a!d !terpret!" the res#&ts of data ! term of or"!a& researchers


    Tas- '* recomme!dato! a!d j#stf/!" f#rther co!sderato!'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')2


    3eed%ac- of tas- ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')2

    Tas- .* prese!t!" the o#tcomes of the research to a! a#de!ce %/ Us!" a! a"reed format a!d

    approprate meda'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''')4



  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited



    Research s the deep a!a&/ss of a "ve! topc to meas#re ts app&cato! a!d mpact ! rea& &fe'

    Adverts!" s o!e of promoto!a& approach' It ma!p#&ates co!s#mer %ehavo#r to+ard a

    prod#ct ! ver/ fr#tf#&&/ %/ !creas!" dema!d' Ths research project +&& perta! the e7te!t of

    adverts!"8s mpact o! co!s#mer %ehavo#r'

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Lear!!" o#tcome)* U!dersta!d!" ho+ to form#&ate a research


    Task 1.1: A possible researchers and record project are formulating on Impact

    of advertising on consumer purchase behaviour

    Background of the study:

    Ths research project s %asca&&/ o! the peop&e of U9' There are &ots of co!s#mer prod#cts

    ava&a%&e of varo#s compa!es %#t a&& are !ot s#ccessf#& ! dra+!" atte!to! to+ard them' :ere

    adverts!" s a -e/ p&a/er ;Adverts!"'com, (0)

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Task 1.": The factors those help in researchers project projects selection

    To p&a! a research project some factors have to ! m!d' $eca#se a proper p&a! a&+a/s co!ssts

    of some facts as +e&&'


    Tme ds%#rseme!t for ever/ &tt&e step of the research project s ver/ mporta!t' $eca#se a

    tmeta%&e +&& he&p to co!d#ct research ! order'

    #tudy $abit:

    The researcher m#st have st#d/ ha%t' >tho#t ths, the researcher +&& !ot %e a%&e to reach the

    o%jectves a!d a!s+er the 6#esto!s proper&/;$&/the, (004

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Task 1.': A critical revie( on the key reference

    $@tt!er, 3&orac- a!d Serfas, ;(0)< have frst do!e research o! adverts!" a!d co!s#mer

    %ehavo#r topc' A&o!" +th other researchers, the/ a&so have co!cded that co!s#mer %ehavo#r

    s a ps/cho&o"ca& aspect' Compa!es have to %#&d crtera to read ther attt#de to+ard prod#cts'

    Adverts!" s the +a/ of read!" that %ehavo#r' So accord!"&/ adverts!" has a! mpact o!

    co!s#mer %ehavo#r'

    $esdes others have a&so !cded ! ther research that c#stomers "ve prort/ to a!

    advertseme!t at frst a!d 6#a&t/ after ;The Eco!omc Tmes, (0)

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Methodo&o"/ of research s the dsc#sso! of processes that +&& %e fo&&o+ed to co!d#ct the

    +ho&e research' A co&&ecto! of data, determ!!" samp&e, se&ecto! of statstca& a!a&/ss too&s,

    6#a&tatve or 6#a!ttatve method +&& %e #sed a&& are dsc#ssed ! ths'


    Ths s ca&&ed the s#mmar/ part a!d most mporta!t part f the research paper' Co!cso! part

    +&& co!sst the e!d!" op!o! of the research topc a&so +th some recomme!dato! o! the %ass

    of f!d!"s a!d &ac-!" of advertseme!t o! co!s#mer %ehavo#rs'

    Task 1.,: An appropriate plan and procedures for agreed (ith the researchers


    Data a!d !formato! are m#st re6#sto! for a research project ;Ed#'p&/mo#th'ac'#-, (0)

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    After co&&ecto! of data, the rest team mem%ers +&& a!a&/se these %/ app&/!" s#ta%&e treatme!ts

    to adopt %est res#&ts +hch represe!t the research topc'


    The act#a& jo% of research starts at ths step' After co&&ecto! a!d a!a&/s!" f!d!"s, the "ro#p

    &eader +&& parta-e the co!cso! o! Impact of advertseme!t o! co!s#mer %ehavo#r of peop&e

    ! Lo!do!='


    The researcher +&& provde some recomme!dato! o! the %ass of res#&ts a!d f!d!"s o! the

    topc' The recomme!dato! +&& %e #sef#& to %e #sed %/ ma!/ frms to #!dersta!d adverts!"8s

    mpact o! the ps/cho&o"ca& %ehavo#r of co!s#mers'

    3eed%ac- of tas-* )Tas- ) co!ssts o!&/ +th the %ac-"ro#!d a!d %asc dsc#sso! of a research projects' Research

    specfcato!, topc se&ecto! factors, methodo&o"/ a!d data co&&ecto!, a!a&/ss are theoretca&&/

    descr%ed here'

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Lear!!" o#tcome (* Imp&eme!t!" a"reed proced#res a!d specfcato!

    o! the researchers project

    Task ".1: &atching the researchers -uestion (ith the available resources

    The research h/pothess s a! op!o! made %/ a researcher at the !cepto! of research a!d the

    researcher prepares 6#esto!s, co&&ects a!d a!a&/se data, !formato!' A&so, the 6#esto!!are ad

    test!" the h/pothess of the research' So the 6#esto!s preparato! s ver/ vta&'

    )' Do /o# p#rchase the prod#ct as per adverts!"?a< Stro!"&/ A"ree

    %< A"ree

    c< Ne#tra&d< Dsa"ree

    e< Stro!"&/ dsa"ree

    (' Do /o# a%&e to !terpret messa"e r"ht&/ %/ advertseme!t?

    a< Stro!"&/ A"ree%< A"ree

    c< Ne#tra&

    d< Dsa"reee< Stro!"&/ dsa"ree

    ' Do /o# th!- adverts!" s "ves proper !formato! a%o#t 6#a&t/?a< Stro!"&/ a"ree

    %< A"ree

    c< Ne#tra&d< Dsa"ree

    e< Stro!"&/ a"ree.' >hch s meda of adverts!" s more proms!" to /o#?

    a< Pr!t!" meda%< E&ectro!c meda

    c< Soca& meda

    ' Do /o# th!- adverts!" has a profo#!d mpact o! p#rchas!" decso!?a< Stro!"&/ a"ree

    %< A"ree

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    c< U!certa!

    d< Dsa"ree

    e< Stro!"&/ dsa"ree


    The researcher has prepared 6#esto!s %/ cover!" adverts!" a!d c#stomers= attt#des to+ard

    the advertseme!t, +hch meda of advertseme!t the/ prefer most' It +&& "ve the research

    project va&dt/ for research o#tcomes'

    *iterature revie(:

    The researcher has deve&oped h/pothess stateme!t o! the %ass of read %oo-s, jo#r!a&s, artc&es,

    !e+spapers a!d samp&e papers' The h/pothess stateme!t s represe!tatve of researcher depth of

    -!o+&ed"e a!d a&so %oosts the re&a%&t/ of the research'

    Task ".": According to the proposed investigation process undertaking the

    researchers project

    Research !vest"ato! he&ps the researcher to derve the %est ava&a%&e !formato! from severa&

    so#rces' It a&so !eeds the p&a! to co!d#ct' The !vest"ato! p&a! s deta&ed %e&o+*


    Research !vest"ato! sesso! s &!-ed to am o%jectve of research prevo#s&/ me!to!ed

    ;Espejo, (0)0

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    The s-&&ed co#p&e of mem%ers of the research team +&& %e ass"!ed to a!a&/se the f!d!"s ver/

    +e&& a!d sce!tfca&&/ ;B%a&d, (005

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    co&&ect accord!"&/ ;Brer a!d $r#m%a#"h, (002

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Lear!!" o#tcome * Evaate the researchers project o#tcome

    Task '.1: /sing appropriate research evaluation techni-ue

    Evoto! of co&&ected data a!d !formato! s a! esse!ta& part of the research' $eca#se ths

    he&ps researchers to "o to the core co!cept of the topc' Statstca& a!d mathematca& too&s +&& %e

    #sed accord!" to the !ecesst/ of research ;9#&c/Fs-a, (0)0

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    ". o you able to interpret message rightly by advertisement0

    The/ are as-ed a%o#t the !terpretato! of advertseme!t r"ht&/ a!d have a!s+ered stro!"&/

    a"ree (4 respo!de!ts' ) +ere !e#tra& a%o#t ther op!o!'

    '. o you think advertising is gives proper information about -uality0

    A%o#t (( have stro!"&/ a"reed that the/ "et proper !formato! a%o#t prod#cts 6#a&t/ thro#"h

    advertseme!t' The/ stro!"&/ a"reed a!d ) respo!de!ts have a"reed'

    ). hich is media of advertising is more promising to you0

    As ! Lo!do! the/ have profo#!d !#m%ers of !e+spapers, ma"a!es the/ "et !formato! a%o#t

    the prod#ct from these Medas tha! others' respo!de!ts have sad so'

    ,. o you think advertising has a profound impact on purchasing decision0

    The compa!es a!d c#stomers %oth are as-ed a%o#t the mpact of a! advertseme!t o! co!s#mers

    p#rchase %ehavo#r' The/ have stro!"&/ a"reed a!d a"reed +th the 6#esto!s' (4 a!d )

    respo!de!ts have sad so'

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Task '.': recommendation and justifying further consideration


    The recomme!dato! co!ssts some pote!ta& op!o! a!d pro%&ems soto! of the chose! topc

    %/ the researcher' A&so, t s !o!!e"&"%&e part of the research project' :ere ! ths project the

    researcher has fo#!d that someho+ some compa!es are e7p&ot!" ths opport#!t/ over

    c#stomers' Some c#stomers have comp&a!ed a%o#t ths ;M#-herjee a!d D#%H, (0)(

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    Tas- .* prese!t!" the o#tcomes of the research to a! a#de!ce %/ Us!"

    a! a"reed format a!d approprate meda'

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    The researcher +&& p#t a!d e!d of ths +ho&e proced#re %/ "v!" t a s#%sta!ta& form a!d reach

    to the #sers' As a res#&t researcher has prepared a s&de prese!tato!' The s&des are %e&o+*

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


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  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited



    C#stomer ore!ted mar-et!" mea!s a compa!/ "v!" prort/ ther c#stomers a!d t s ther

    core %#s!ess vae' The ja"#ar motor vehc&e compa!/ ma!ta!s drect re&ato! +th ther

    c#stomers' The/ are co!sdered as the prem#m car %ra!d ! the U!ted 9!"dom' So c#stomer

    ore!ted mar-et!" s a "ood approach for a %ra!d &-e ths' $eca#se the/ ca! mp&a!t the

    c#stomer=s choce drect&/ o! ther prod#ct' As a res#&t c#stomers a&so "et satsfed %/ #s!" ther

    desred prod#ct ! rea&t/' So ths research project +&& +or- as a he&per for c#stomers of the#r/ %ra!d as +e&& as for the other #r/ %ra!ds'

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited



    Adverts!"'com, ;(0)

  • 7/25/2019 Zarina (Sayed Ziaul Karim).Edited


    B%a&d, J' ;(005
