Zachary elise and jarett


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Out of my Viking mind

By: Zachary Maness, Jarett Talley, Elise Cobabe

Combined Summary

Eric the red is very hostile like every normal Viking and doesn’t hesitate to pull out his sword. He was smart to name Greenland, Greenland: a very desolate and cold land, the exact opposite of what the country really is. Eric the Red, also called many more names, was born in Norway but their family moved to Iceland. Eric the Red killed two men in Iceland and was soon banished from Iceland for three years.

Melody Brooks is a physically but not mentally challenged child in need of something that will help her speak and express her smartness. Soon she does find a miraculous machine that helps her speak and people finally know how smart she is. She is soon entered into a quiz team and succeeds on the first round.

Eric the RedMelody

Got kicked out of multiple cities

Owns a ship

Sailed across the ocean blue

Disabled child

Goes around in a wheel chair


Made it on a quiz team

Both are very unique people

Not hesitant to state opinion

Venn Diagram


Eric the red: cruel savage beast• Kicked him out of Greenland for lying and

stealing.• Killed thousands of people

Melody: smart disabled girl• She made the quiz team and went to

Washington D.C. • She knows stuff that kids don’t think she


Melody and the Viking

I was being rolled into the wiz kid show when she saw Lief Ericson .The Viking was rallying the other team like a football coach. The host said “Let’s get started.!”The lights went around like blue butterflies dancing in a meadow. The first question lit up on the board. Sweat rolled down my back. This was a math question, and I was in trouble. All of a sudden, there was a banging on the door. Suddenly there were giant bumblebees in my stomach. Out busted Eric the red, red hair flying everywhere. He flew like a blue jay to where she was standing, or more likely sitting, and he said in his proud Viking voice:

“This is the girl of the century! She is outstanding as all of you can tell.” “She has crossed many stormy seas herself, and yet, ye people judge her like a criminal in court.” Now I would like Claire and Molly to walk up here.”

Claire’s face turned bright red.

“Now mate, who put salt in ye so-called Kool-Aid?!?” “This girl, Melody is a queen. Soon after that the Vikings walked up to Claire and molly and squeezed them like giant tubes of toothpaste.

Melody and the Viking

I was being rolled into the wiz kid show when she saw Lief Ericson .The Viking was rallying the other team like a football coach. The host said “Let’s get started.!”The lights went around like blue butterflies dancing in a meadow. The first question lit up on the board. Sweat rolled down my back. This was a math question, and I was in trouble. All of a sudden, there was a banging on the door. Suddenly there were giant bumblebees in my stomach. Out busted Eric the red, red hair flying everywhere. He flew like a blue jay to where she was standing, or more likely sitting, and he said in his proud Viking voice:

“This is the girl of the century! She is outstanding as all of you can tell.” “She has crossed many stormy seas herself, and yet, ye people judge her like a criminal in court.” Now I would like Claire and Molly to walk up here.”

Claire’s face turned bright red.

“Now mate, who put salt in ye so-called Kool-Aid?!?” “This girl, Melody is a queen. Soon after that the Vikings walked up to Claire and molly and squeezed them like giant tubes of toothpaste.
