Z Nation - 02x12 - Party With the Zeros



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  • 100:00:00,293 --> 00:00:01,899Previously on Z Nation...

    200:00:01,900 --> 00:00:03,466What were you doing out there.

    300:00:03,502 --> 00:00:05,001I was a DEA agent.

    400:00:05,036 --> 00:00:06,770I worked theUS/Mexican task force

    500:00:06,805 --> 00:00:08,505trying to dismantlethe Zero Cartel.

    600:00:08,540 --> 00:00:09,906They kidnapped my wife.

    700:00:09,941 --> 00:00:11,408My baby girl.

    800:00:11,910 --> 00:00:14,110Shot them right therein front of me.

    900:00:14,145 --> 00:00:16,446So you're trying to find theZero that killed your family.

    1000:00:16,782 --> 00:00:17,781Kurian.

    1100:00:17,816 --> 00:00:22,185You and I both know we lose.Humans won't survive.

    1200:00:22,521 --> 00:00:23,586But you will.

    1300:00:23,622 --> 00:00:27,524You and your kind willoutlive humans and zombies.

    1400:00:27,559 --> 00:00:28,591

  • You...

    1500:00:28,860 --> 00:00:30,360will inherit the earth.

    1600:00:34,239 --> 00:00:37,473_

    1700:01:17,970 --> 00:01:19,480TRAINING

    1800:01:55,213 --> 00:01:56,613Spread out.

    1900:02:20,138 --> 00:02:21,270Clear.

    2000:02:27,646 --> 00:02:28,411Shit.

    2100:02:38,457 --> 00:02:39,589Let's go.

    2200:02:50,902 --> 00:02:52,201Hold up. Hold up.

    2300:02:53,772 --> 00:02:55,572Alright, come on.

    2400:02:57,476 --> 00:02:58,80810K.

    2500:03:06,084 --> 00:03:06,950Keep up.

    2600:03:07,452 --> 00:03:08,451Hold.

    2700:03:09,721 --> 00:03:10,720Hold. Hold.

    2800:03:35,079 --> 00:03:36,379This really the border?

    2900:03:36,414 --> 00:03:38,047

  • Two thousand miles of it.No way around.

    3000:03:38,082 --> 00:03:39,448Shit. No way over.

    3100:03:39,484 --> 00:03:40,182No way back.

    3200:03:40,218 --> 00:03:41,751Here comes the goon squad.

    3300:03:41,786 --> 00:03:42,385Ammo?

    3400:03:42,420 --> 00:03:43,419Half a clip.

    3500:03:43,454 --> 00:03:44,020Three.

    3600:03:44,122 --> 00:03:45,287Four and three in my pocket.

    3700:03:45,323 --> 00:03:46,188Don't look at me.

    3800:03:46,224 --> 00:03:46,823One.

    3900:03:47,058 --> 00:03:48,525Save your ammo.

    4000:03:48,560 --> 00:03:49,792Murphy.

    4100:03:50,128 --> 00:03:51,260Hey, get up!

    4200:03:52,597 --> 00:03:54,597Hey! If you are thezombie messiah,

    4300:03:54,633 --> 00:03:56,699now's the time for a miracle.

  • 4400:03:57,235 --> 00:03:59,168You've got to try, man.

    4500:03:59,203 --> 00:04:01,137Remember the mission.

    4600:04:13,051 --> 00:04:14,183I can't hold them!

    4700:04:35,740 --> 00:04:36,873Down here!

    4800:04:36,975 --> 00:04:39,475You said it wastime for a miracle.

    4900:04:40,078 --> 00:04:41,410Hey, do you wanna die?!

    5000:04:43,748 --> 00:04:45,281Okay, let's go!

    5100:05:10,675 --> 00:05:13,342In the name of LaReina de los Muertos,

    5200:05:13,444 --> 00:05:15,078Queen of the Zeros Cartel,

    5300:05:15,113 --> 00:05:17,179I strongly suggest youlower your weapons.

    5400:05:17,215 --> 00:05:19,482Like the Z Weed Zeros?

    5500:05:20,418 --> 00:05:22,318That would be us.

    5600:05:23,287 --> 00:05:25,387Then I believe

    5700:05:25,757 --> 00:05:28,024you are looking for me.


  • 00:05:30,762 --> 00:05:32,261I am The Murphy.

    5900:05:33,297 --> 00:05:34,964This man is our prisoner.

    6000:05:35,333 --> 00:05:37,100That CDC bounty is ours.

    6100:05:37,135 --> 00:05:39,702If you try to takehim away from us,

    6200:05:39,738 --> 00:05:41,838I will blow his brains out.

    6300:05:44,898 --> 00:05:59,811www.TUSUBTITULO.com-DIFUNDE LA CULTURA-

    6400:06:04,963 --> 00:06:07,830El Murfi isn't wortha damn if he's dead.

    6500:06:07,866 --> 00:06:10,166Now back off!

    6600:06:10,401 --> 00:06:13,169Just want to make surehe's the real Murphy.

    6700:06:13,972 --> 00:06:15,772You wanna see the scars?

    6800:06:16,407 --> 00:06:17,140I do.

    6900:06:17,175 --> 00:06:20,276Not until you loweryour weapons.

    7000:06:22,681 --> 00:06:24,047Put them down.

    7100:06:49,908 --> 00:06:51,741It is true then.

  • 7200:06:52,677 --> 00:06:54,210If you lower your weapons,

    7300:06:54,245 --> 00:06:56,846you have my wordyou will be safe.

    7400:06:57,048 --> 00:06:59,148Look. If I wanted you dead,

    7500:06:59,184 --> 00:07:01,550we would have left youout with the zombies.

    7600:07:01,953 --> 00:07:06,189But La Reina is looking for you.She will give you the reward.

    7700:07:06,357 --> 00:07:09,025Remember the mission.

    7800:07:24,709 --> 00:07:26,375What is that smell?

    7900:07:26,410 --> 00:07:30,179The future. We've found out away to pay for the new world.

    8000:07:30,215 --> 00:07:32,314We no longer have enemies.

    8100:07:32,951 --> 00:07:34,751We have resources.

    8200:07:38,056 --> 00:07:41,090So you just leave yourresources down here to rot?

    8300:07:41,126 --> 00:07:44,026We let them compost.Composting creates heat.

    8400:07:44,062 --> 00:07:45,394Heat creates energy.

    8500:07:45,429 --> 00:07:47,864

  • Zombies for fuel. Clever.

    8600:08:08,019 --> 00:08:09,218What's this?

    8700:08:09,520 --> 00:08:11,154The future.

    8800:08:21,099 --> 00:08:22,999Welcome to Mexico.

    8900:08:23,768 --> 00:08:26,803It's a great privilege foryou to see this place.

    9000:08:26,838 --> 00:08:29,471I bet now you're glad we dug tunnelsunderneath the border, aren't you?

    9100:08:29,507 --> 00:08:30,339Unbelievable.

    9200:08:30,374 --> 00:08:32,275We've been trackingyou for a while.

    9300:08:32,310 --> 00:08:34,743Every time there's somecrazy bullshit going on,

    9400:08:34,779 --> 00:08:36,145it's you people.

    9500:08:36,380 --> 00:08:37,947It's not hard to follow you.

    9600:08:37,982 --> 00:08:40,316What's hard is guessingwhat you're gonna do next.

    9700:08:40,351 --> 00:08:42,167Lucky for you, one ofour drones spotted you

    9800:08:42,168 --> 00:08:44,287shortly before a zombieknocked it out of the air.

  • 9900:08:47,391 --> 00:08:49,792So this La Reina de los Muertos,

    10000:08:49,828 --> 00:08:53,329Queen of the Dead, she'llgive us the bounty?

    10100:08:54,132 --> 00:08:55,331She will.

    10200:08:55,366 --> 00:08:58,434And it won't be that bullshitbounty the CDC will pay you.

    10300:08:58,469 --> 00:09:00,303Then I guess we should meet.

    10400:09:00,638 --> 00:09:02,705That's a wise choice.

    10500:09:27,365 --> 00:09:30,166La Reina awaits your presence.

    10600:09:45,816 --> 00:09:47,183Mi Reina.

    10700:09:52,556 --> 00:09:55,024El Murfi.

    10800:09:55,493 --> 00:09:57,193The savior.

    10900:09:57,228 --> 00:10:01,264I have been looking foryou for a very long time.

    11000:10:01,699 --> 00:10:04,333And you must be Roberta Warren.

    11100:10:04,468 --> 00:10:07,904Excuse me, LieutenantRoberta Warren.

    11200:10:08,907 --> 00:10:10,039I am.

  • 11300:10:10,141 --> 00:10:12,975You are the leaderof this group?

    11400:10:13,144 --> 00:10:15,778The one who broughtme my Murphy?

    11500:10:19,083 --> 00:10:20,116Yes.

    11600:10:20,751 --> 00:10:22,618Impressive.

    11700:10:25,890 --> 00:10:28,657Leave it to Santa Muerteto work for a woman.

    11800:10:28,692 --> 00:10:30,826I've sent dozens of my best men

    11900:10:30,861 --> 00:10:33,695searching for El Murfito bring him to me.

    12000:10:33,798 --> 00:10:37,433And you're the only one whowas able to accomplish this.

    12100:10:40,504 --> 00:10:46,742And you are very slippery prey.

    12200:10:48,079 --> 00:10:51,280You said you havebeen looking for me.

    12300:10:51,316 --> 00:10:54,216Sent your men tohunt and capture me.

    12400:10:54,552 --> 00:10:56,518Care to tell me why?

    12500:10:57,455 --> 00:10:58,487No.

  • 12600:10:59,523 --> 00:11:01,757I'd rather show you.

    12700:11:06,364 --> 00:11:09,365You don't need no weapons here.

    12800:11:16,507 --> 00:11:18,441Don't hurt yourself.

    12900:11:27,018 --> 00:11:28,317What's the plan here?

    13000:11:28,353 --> 00:11:32,989Stay alive. Get out when we can.With Murphy.

    13100:11:44,435 --> 00:11:48,137When the rest of the worlddescended into chaos,

    13200:11:48,172 --> 00:11:49,972we survived.

    13300:11:50,341 --> 00:11:52,141And we found our true purpose.

    13400:11:54,145 --> 00:11:57,380We have a bounty ofresources at our disposal.

    13500:11:57,415 --> 00:12:01,517Yeah. Escorpion told usall about your resources.

    13600:12:01,619 --> 00:12:05,587I wouldn't believe everythingthat mi Escorpion says.

    13700:12:05,623 --> 00:12:09,091He's prone to exaggerate. Andhe likes to intimidate people.

    13800:12:09,127 --> 00:12:11,994Perhaps that's why the peoplelook to me for inspiration...


  • 00:12:12,030 --> 00:12:13,762and hope.

    14000:12:13,931 --> 00:12:15,064Hope?

    14100:12:16,300 --> 00:12:18,467Yes, Mr. Murphy.

    14200:12:18,569 --> 00:12:19,835Hope.

    14300:12:20,571 --> 00:12:25,274You see, like me, you toosurvived for a reason.

    14400:12:26,177 --> 00:12:28,344Please. This way.

    14500:12:29,547 --> 00:12:32,148Your blood is thecure, is it not?

    14600:12:32,183 --> 00:12:35,751What good is a cure if youcan't get it to the people?

    14700:12:35,786 --> 00:12:40,923Only the Zeros have the abilityto distribute narcotics globally

    14800:12:41,659 --> 00:12:43,992I'll get the vaccineto the people.

    14900:12:44,162 --> 00:12:46,162And restore order to the world.

    15000:12:46,531 --> 00:12:50,999My doctor has been working nightand day to develop a cure.

    15100:12:51,835 --> 00:12:54,170We are very very close.

    15200:12:55,039 --> 00:12:59,241This is the heart

  • of all my efforts.

    15300:13:00,545 --> 00:13:03,546All we need is theblood of El Murfi

    15400:13:03,714 --> 00:13:07,616to make my dreams ofcreating a cure a reality.

    15500:13:14,825 --> 00:13:17,460Welcome to my laboratory.


    15700:13:39,450 --> 00:13:40,816Murphy.

    15800:13:46,332 --> 00:13:47,468Kurian.

    15900:13:47,469 --> 00:13:49,523You son of a bitch.

    16000:13:49,524 --> 00:13:51,859So this is where theZeros took you.

    16100:13:52,570 --> 00:13:54,937I thought they weregonna kill you.

    16200:13:54,973 --> 00:13:57,407Glad they didn't. NowI can do it myself.

    16300:13:57,442 --> 00:13:58,574Warren.

    16400:13:59,277 --> 00:14:00,810You two know each other?

    16500:14:00,845 --> 00:14:04,247You hear about the nuclearstrike in Colorado?

  • 16600:14:04,649 --> 00:14:05,948Colorado?

    16700:14:05,984 --> 00:14:07,650That's where you disappeared

    16800:14:07,685 --> 00:14:09,819with all my researchand my money?

    16900:14:09,921 --> 00:14:11,921You brought me here to atone.

    17000:14:11,956 --> 00:14:14,491I am atoning.

    17100:14:15,093 --> 00:14:17,793And look. Here he is.

    17200:14:20,732 --> 00:14:22,565Lieutenant,

    17300:14:23,168 --> 00:14:25,235I understand you.

    17400:14:25,270 --> 00:14:27,370If someone tried to kill me,

    17500:14:27,406 --> 00:14:30,907I would not rest untilI took my revenge. But

    17600:14:31,843 --> 00:14:35,245you're not going to killmy doctor, are you?

    17700:14:36,181 --> 00:14:37,313No.

    17800:14:37,916 --> 00:14:39,849Why not? I would.

    17900:14:40,485 --> 00:14:42,318Because you took my gun.

  • 18000:14:44,226 --> 00:14:47,557Yes, I did.

    18100:14:49,528 --> 00:14:51,727But something tells me,

    18200:14:52,097 --> 00:14:56,132a smart woman like you, a team

    18300:14:56,168 --> 00:15:00,603who've traveled thousands ofmiles across the country,

    18400:15:00,638 --> 00:15:03,173crossed a border,

    18500:15:03,275 --> 00:15:06,943can make weapons out ofjust about anything?

    18600:15:08,447 --> 00:15:09,812Yes.

    18700:15:10,382 --> 00:15:11,647So tell me.

    18800:15:14,453 --> 00:15:16,819Why do you nottake your revenge?

    18900:15:19,257 --> 00:15:23,293Because he might be the onlyone who can synthesize a cure.

    19000:15:24,028 --> 00:15:25,428Yes.

    19100:15:27,566 --> 00:15:29,232Very good.

    19200:15:30,668 --> 00:15:33,303I know how frustrating it is.

    19300:15:34,172 --> 00:15:38,141It seems like sometimesto save humanity,

  • 19400:15:38,510 --> 00:15:42,011we have to put up with a fewdisagreeable men.

    19500:15:42,714 --> 00:15:44,880That is going to change.

    19600:15:46,151 --> 00:15:47,584Now this one.

    19700:15:47,619 --> 00:15:50,753It is no ordinary man

    19800:15:50,788 --> 00:15:54,957who will sacrifice himselffor the sake of humanity.

    19900:15:55,293 --> 00:16:00,330Santa Muerte is going tosmile upon you, Mr. Murphy.

    20000:16:00,365 --> 00:16:02,698And you are going to bless us

    20100:16:03,201 --> 00:16:05,001with your presence

    20200:16:05,137 --> 00:16:07,604until the end of our days.

    20300:16:07,705 --> 00:16:12,041Okay, whoa, whoa. Sacrifice?Kurian, you never said anything

    20400:16:14,312 --> 00:16:16,546I thought you onlyneeded his blood.

    20500:16:16,581 --> 00:16:19,715You're not gonnahurt him, right?

    20600:16:19,751 --> 00:16:21,618I'll try not to.


  • 00:16:23,355 --> 00:16:26,189Don't listen to him.You're going to be fine.

    20800:16:27,192 --> 00:16:29,592Let's leave them to their work.

    20900:16:31,563 --> 00:16:34,030So you've been herethis whole time?

    21000:16:34,132 --> 00:16:35,931Since Minnesota? Yes, mostly.

    21100:16:36,268 --> 00:16:39,602All the time that Ihave been out there

    21200:16:39,638 --> 00:16:40,903wandering,

    21300:16:41,139 --> 00:16:43,039watching people close to me die?

    21400:16:43,074 --> 00:16:45,708Do you have any ideawhat I've been through?

    21500:16:45,743 --> 00:16:47,977Doesn't matter. You're here now.

    21600:16:48,012 --> 00:16:50,613It matters to me.

    21700:16:53,051 --> 00:16:55,251What did you want me to do?

    21800:16:55,387 --> 00:16:56,786Send you a Hallmark card?

    21900:16:56,821 --> 00:16:58,388There are ways ofsending messages.

    22000:16:58,423 --> 00:17:02,758No, there aren't. Not from here.I told them to look for you.

  • 22100:17:02,794 --> 00:17:04,527Best I could do.

    22200:17:04,629 --> 00:17:06,529Now then, your reward.

    22300:17:06,565 --> 00:17:08,964I can equip you with

    22400:17:09,000 --> 00:17:13,069a decade worth of gasoline,bullets, a vehicle,

    22500:17:13,104 --> 00:17:14,404five vehicles.

    22600:17:14,439 --> 00:17:16,239Yeah, we'll... we'lltake all that.

    22700:17:16,274 --> 00:17:18,441Take them where, do you think?

    22800:17:18,476 --> 00:17:19,742Somewhere without zombies.

    22900:17:20,412 --> 00:17:21,444And where's that?

    23000:17:21,479 --> 00:17:22,878You have zombies here.

    23100:17:22,914 --> 00:17:25,981Sure, we do. But thanksto you, not for long.

    23200:17:26,851 --> 00:17:29,652You see the potential here, yes?

    23300:17:31,122 --> 00:17:32,422Well I see potential

    23400:17:32,990 --> 00:17:34,357in you.

  • 23500:17:36,027 --> 00:17:39,429So I could send you backinto the apocalypse or

    23600:17:39,764 --> 00:17:42,265I can offer you a place here.

    23700:17:43,368 --> 00:17:45,501As a part of your drug cartel?

    23800:17:45,537 --> 00:17:47,169As part of a new society.

    23900:17:47,205 --> 00:17:53,976The beginning of the firstpost-zombie society.

    24000:17:54,212 --> 00:17:58,448The cartel, the organization

    24100:17:58,783 --> 00:18:01,183is only a means to that end.

    24200:18:03,187 --> 00:18:05,455Seems too good to be true.

    24300:18:05,790 --> 00:18:07,156It isn't.

    24400:18:07,525 --> 00:18:10,660It's a small price topay to begin again.

    24500:18:12,130 --> 00:18:16,031Sacrifices are often madefor the greater good.

    24600:18:18,069 --> 00:18:20,536But the choice

    24700:18:21,606 --> 00:18:24,340is entirely up to you.

    24800:18:33,951 --> 00:18:35,385Take the offer.

  • 24900:18:35,420 --> 00:18:37,553What? Why?

    25000:18:37,656 --> 00:18:39,489Los Zeros don't give options.

    25100:18:39,524 --> 00:18:41,223If you take the bounty,

    25200:18:41,259 --> 00:18:43,793you'll never live to see it.

    25300:18:50,835 --> 00:18:51,934You are...

    25400:18:51,969 --> 00:18:54,537more generous than Icould have hoped for.

    25500:18:54,806 --> 00:18:56,372We'll stay.

    25600:18:57,074 --> 00:18:58,675Good.

    25700:18:59,678 --> 00:19:01,977I am very pleased.

    25800:19:04,316 --> 00:19:08,484Now there's just the littleformality of an examination.

    25900:19:08,886 --> 00:19:10,820Like a personality test?

    26000:19:11,088 --> 00:19:12,922Not exactly.

    26100:19:15,893 --> 00:19:17,393What have you been doing?

    26200:19:17,429 --> 00:19:18,428Experimenting.

    26300:19:18,463 --> 00:19:20,430

  • Looks more like torture.

    26400:19:20,465 --> 00:19:24,233I had to make it look like Iwas working on a vaccine.

    26500:19:24,268 --> 00:19:25,901Or they would've killed me.

    26600:19:25,937 --> 00:19:29,205But you weren't actually workingon a vaccine, were you?

    26700:19:30,375 --> 00:19:33,943Can you make a vaccine? Areyou even capable of that?

    26800:19:33,978 --> 00:19:35,177Probably not.

    26900:19:35,814 --> 00:19:39,148But that wasn't the plan,

    27000:19:39,384 --> 00:19:40,416was it?

    27100:19:42,286 --> 00:19:43,686Was it?

    27200:19:45,056 --> 00:19:48,324No, it wasn't. But if youcan't make a vaccine.

    27300:19:48,360 --> 00:19:52,595This is much simpler.This I can do.

    27400:20:22,527 --> 00:20:24,394What kind of test is this?

    27500:20:24,429 --> 00:20:25,828It's called kill the zombies.

    27600:20:25,864 --> 00:20:27,864Last man or woman standing


  • 00:20:27,899 --> 00:20:30,299is to join the ranksof our loyal order

    27800:20:30,334 --> 00:20:31,934of La Reina de los Muertos.

    27900:20:31,969 --> 00:20:34,203What if we don't want to play?

    28000:20:34,238 --> 00:20:35,805Then we shoot you.

    28100:20:47,318 --> 00:20:48,384Game on.

    28200:21:06,003 --> 00:21:07,804What are they doing?

    28300:21:08,840 --> 00:21:10,005Betting against us.

    28400:21:16,047 --> 00:21:16,879Round one.

    28500:21:16,981 --> 00:21:20,182Round one? How many rounds?

    28600:21:23,154 --> 00:21:24,153I got this.

    28700:21:38,369 --> 00:21:41,003This will be the final round.

    28800:21:53,250 --> 00:21:55,084I'm gonna do you a favor.

    28900:22:03,394 --> 00:22:06,462Please daddy.

    29000:22:11,903 --> 00:22:13,402Please.

    29100:22:13,437 --> 00:22:16,238Help me!

  • 29200:22:17,208 --> 00:22:19,542I'm gonna do you a favor.

    29300:22:21,880 --> 00:22:25,014No!

    29400:22:39,096 --> 00:22:40,796To speed things up,

    29500:22:40,899 --> 00:22:42,197why don't we

    29600:22:42,233 --> 00:22:43,499kill the lights?

    29700:22:51,998 --> 00:22:53,264Alright people,

    29800:22:55,168 --> 00:22:56,634Let's win.

    29900:23:12,518 --> 00:23:14,652No wonder you survived so long.

    30000:23:14,687 --> 00:23:16,988We could really usesome Zeros like you.

    30100:23:17,023 --> 00:23:19,324We get to join your club now?

    30200:23:48,388 --> 00:23:50,921I gave him a fulldose of the vaccine.

    30300:23:50,957 --> 00:23:52,357How long does this take?

    30400:23:52,392 --> 00:23:55,726The serum has to circulatethrough his whole body,

    30500:23:55,761 --> 00:23:57,862plus the incubation period.


  • 00:23:57,897 --> 00:24:01,466It could be anywhere fromone hour to two days.

    30700:24:02,568 --> 00:24:03,801No!

    30800:24:04,404 --> 00:24:05,803Fascinating.

    30900:24:05,905 --> 00:24:07,805Why'd he do that?

    31000:24:07,840 --> 00:24:09,840Why did he try to attack me?

    31100:24:09,876 --> 00:24:12,776The more important questionis why did he stop?

    31200:24:13,046 --> 00:24:14,879Because I wanted him to.

    31300:24:14,914 --> 00:24:15,779Yes.

    31400:24:33,199 --> 00:24:35,199It's perfect.

    31500:24:37,303 --> 00:24:38,769Well, almost perfect.

    31600:24:39,506 --> 00:24:41,039Just a few minor adjustments.

    31700:24:42,142 --> 00:24:44,975And then we'll be readyfor the human trials.

    31800:24:46,479 --> 00:24:47,445Wasn't he human?

    31900:24:47,480 --> 00:24:49,047You know what I mean.

    32000:26:02,655 --> 00:26:03,721

  • Damn.

    32100:26:03,756 --> 00:26:05,156Right?

    32200:26:05,691 --> 00:26:07,125We look so

    32300:26:07,927 --> 00:26:09,427shiny.

    32400:26:12,965 --> 00:26:14,465I feel weird.

    32500:26:14,834 --> 00:26:15,966Yeah, I do too.

    32600:26:23,843 --> 00:26:25,042Come with me.

    32700:26:27,809 --> 00:26:29,127"NUNCA TE OLVIDAR"

    32800:27:08,375 --> 00:27:11,409Zeros! Our queen, LaReina de la Muerte,

    32900:27:11,445 --> 00:27:13,244demands your attention!

    33000:27:24,023 --> 00:27:25,357My people.

    33100:27:26,727 --> 00:27:30,261We have suffered fora very long time.

    33200:27:30,364 --> 00:27:32,530The lives that we once knew

    33300:27:32,966 --> 00:27:34,699have been torn apart.

    33400:27:35,034 --> 00:27:36,735Most of the world

  • 33500:27:36,770 --> 00:27:39,036has fallen into darkness.

    33600:27:39,172 --> 00:27:41,339But not our world.

    33700:27:41,908 --> 00:27:46,077Under the protection and theguidance of Santa Muerte,

    33800:27:46,279 --> 00:27:48,112a miracle.

    33900:27:50,417 --> 00:27:51,716El Murfi

    34000:27:52,586 --> 00:27:55,253has been deliveredto our doorstep.

    34100:27:57,023 --> 00:27:59,591Thanks to the valiant effort

    34200:27:59,760 --> 00:28:02,093of Lieutenant Roberta Warren

    34300:28:02,896 --> 00:28:05,229and her courageous crew.

    34400:28:07,200 --> 00:28:08,633And so tonight,

    34500:28:08,802 --> 00:28:12,136we will give them thegreatest honor that we know.

    34600:28:13,640 --> 00:28:16,408We will make them one of us.

    34700:28:51,177 --> 00:28:53,411And now, we celebrate.

    34800:29:15,234 --> 00:29:16,634I saw it.


  • 00:29:17,003 --> 00:29:17,602Saw what?

    35000:29:17,637 --> 00:29:19,337Escorpion's tattoo.

    35100:29:22,976 --> 00:29:26,010You can't ask me todo nothing, Roberta.

    35200:29:26,112 --> 00:29:27,579It's him.

    35300:29:28,147 --> 00:29:29,881I got to do it.

    35400:29:30,116 --> 00:29:31,449For Julia.

    35500:29:31,651 --> 00:29:33,518Look, I'm not askingyou to do nothing.

    35600:29:33,553 --> 00:29:35,653I'm asking you to waituntil we have a plan.

    35700:29:35,689 --> 00:29:38,422If we're gonna get out of here,we got to go through him.

    35800:29:38,458 --> 00:29:40,959And I won't be ableto do it without you.

    35900:29:42,228 --> 00:29:45,363It's not just about you now.The mission.

    36000:29:45,765 --> 00:29:47,799The mission's over.

    36100:29:48,535 --> 00:29:50,067We made it.

    36200:29:50,236 --> 00:29:53,204Dr. Kurian's here. He's

  • got Murphy's blood.

    36300:29:53,306 --> 00:29:55,306The world is saved.

    36400:29:58,945 --> 00:30:01,880I got to do what Icame here to do.

    36500:30:35,682 --> 00:30:37,415Ladies and gentlemen.

    36600:30:37,751 --> 00:30:39,651Please, all of you,

    36700:30:40,086 --> 00:30:44,255today we celebrate thearrival of El Murfi

    36800:30:44,390 --> 00:30:47,025to the City of the Zeros.

    36900:30:47,193 --> 00:30:48,760Do your duty.

    37000:30:49,095 --> 00:30:50,929Make an offering.

    37100:30:52,732 --> 00:30:55,934Next, we have avery special guest.

    37200:30:57,236 --> 00:31:02,440Senor Diablo and his zombiefriend, Pepito. Good luck!

    37300:31:10,383 --> 00:31:12,148Get that mess out of here.

    37400:31:13,453 --> 00:31:18,189And no zombie mimes either!La Reina hates zombie mimes!

    37500:32:24,590 --> 00:32:26,024I think she likes you.


  • 00:32:26,059 --> 00:32:27,825God, I hope not.

    37700:32:27,927 --> 00:32:29,260I dunno, kid.

    37800:32:29,295 --> 00:32:32,329Sometimes the best women arethe ones that terrify you.

    37900:32:48,848 --> 00:32:50,614Murphy, you son of a bitch.

    38000:32:50,750 --> 00:32:54,285Where's my flower? You'resupposed to bring me a flower.

    38100:32:54,320 --> 00:32:55,119Apparently.

    38200:33:00,626 --> 00:33:02,359What happened to you?

    38300:33:02,628 --> 00:33:03,027What?

    38400:33:04,030 --> 00:33:07,031You know what I mean. Whatdid Kurian do to you?

    38500:33:07,067 --> 00:33:08,766Oh, that. Oh, you know.

    38600:33:09,235 --> 00:33:11,502Drew some blood,blah, blah, blah.

    38700:33:11,604 --> 00:33:12,369And?

    38800:33:12,471 --> 00:33:13,971He's working on it.

    38900:33:17,210 --> 00:33:17,975What?


  • 00:33:18,078 --> 00:33:19,744Quit looking at me like that.

    39100:33:19,779 --> 00:33:21,012You're up to something.

    39200:33:21,047 --> 00:33:25,116What would I be up to? I needthat cure as much as anybody.

    39300:33:25,151 --> 00:33:29,921Do you? I mean seems like you'restarting to enjoy what you do.

    39400:33:30,023 --> 00:33:31,723I'll tell you whatI am enjoying.

    39500:33:31,758 --> 00:33:33,758Being treated likea freakin' saint.

    39600:33:33,793 --> 00:33:35,893You ought to try it sometime.

    39700:33:35,929 --> 00:33:38,596Eat, drink, and be merry, Warren.For tomorrow

    39800:33:39,232 --> 00:33:40,732we die.

    39900:33:40,867 --> 00:33:42,166Probably.

    40000:35:16,986 --> 00:35:19,386She saved the queen!

    40100:35:20,255 --> 00:35:21,789Yes.

    40200:35:23,192 --> 00:35:24,324Warren.

    40300:35:26,629 --> 00:35:28,462My savior.

  • 40400:35:31,968 --> 00:35:33,667Hector.

    40500:35:35,705 --> 00:35:37,872Your life may stillbe in danger.

    40600:35:37,974 --> 00:35:39,373The assassin,

    40700:35:39,408 --> 00:35:41,609he could be workingwith the others.

    40800:35:41,644 --> 00:35:43,176Please, let me have him.

    40900:35:43,212 --> 00:35:45,045I will make him talk.

    41000:35:45,681 --> 00:35:48,215Yes, fine. Take him.Get out of here.

    41100:36:00,329 --> 00:36:03,397Even more reason to celebrate.

    41200:36:03,432 --> 00:36:05,766I live.

    41300:36:06,602 --> 00:36:07,902Again.

    41400:36:36,231 --> 00:36:38,599That's for ruining the party.

    41500:36:39,234 --> 00:36:40,467Now,

    41600:36:40,770 --> 00:36:42,069tell me.

    41700:36:42,171 --> 00:36:44,939Why were you tryingto kill La Reina?

  • 41800:36:45,575 --> 00:36:47,041I wasn't.

    41900:36:52,682 --> 00:36:56,216Don't make me go zombieapocalypse on your ass.

    42000:36:56,485 --> 00:36:58,285Because in the end,

    42100:36:58,387 --> 00:37:01,288you're gonna tell me everythingI want to know anyway.

    42200:37:01,691 --> 00:37:04,024You can save us both somemajor unpleasantness.

    42300:37:04,060 --> 00:37:06,393So I'm gonna askyou one more time.

    42400:37:10,332 --> 00:37:12,833Why were you tryingto kill La Reina?

    42500:37:15,605 --> 00:37:17,204I wasn't.

    42600:37:18,774 --> 00:37:20,307Wrong answer.

    42700:37:27,617 --> 00:37:30,618Who are you and yourpeople working for?

    42800:37:30,653 --> 00:37:32,552The United States government?

    42900:37:32,655 --> 00:37:35,589That's a joke, right?

    43000:37:35,691 --> 00:37:37,524But you got to beworking for somebody


  • 00:37:37,559 --> 00:37:39,559to make it downhere on your own.

    43200:37:39,595 --> 00:37:41,294Who is it?

    43300:37:41,964 --> 00:37:43,664The Russians?

    43400:37:44,199 --> 00:37:45,733The Chinese?

    43500:37:46,802 --> 00:37:49,202Those rich bastards in Zona?

    43600:37:51,440 --> 00:37:55,009I don't know whatyou're talking about.

    43700:37:59,214 --> 00:38:02,049I was afraid youwere gonna say that.

    43800:38:08,524 --> 00:38:10,590Never tried this before.

    43900:38:14,930 --> 00:38:18,966What do you think an eggbeater can do to a man's face?

    44000:38:19,835 --> 00:38:22,302Scramble it like a picasso?

    44100:38:23,072 --> 00:38:24,805Or like my mother's chilaquiles?

    44200:38:26,208 --> 00:38:26,774Hey!

    44300:38:26,909 --> 00:38:28,108Hey!

    44400:38:30,046 --> 00:38:31,478No.


  • 00:38:32,014 --> 00:38:34,114I like my mother's chilaquiles.

    44600:38:43,559 --> 00:38:45,425Let's try this again.

    44700:38:48,397 --> 00:38:49,362It's Kurian.

    44800:38:56,105 --> 00:38:58,471He needs to see La Reina.

    44900:39:01,243 --> 00:39:03,310We got some good news.

    45000:39:03,445 --> 00:39:06,013Not for you, but it's good.

    45100:39:39,559 --> 00:39:40,862What do we do, guys?

    45200:39:40,863 --> 00:39:42,716We gotta get out of here.Like now.

    45300:39:42,752 --> 00:39:44,886Yeah, well I wouldmaybe know what to do

    45400:39:44,921 --> 00:39:46,620if I knew what thehell was going on.

    45500:39:46,656 --> 00:39:49,090Yeah, did Vasquez really tryto kill that queen lady?

    45600:39:49,125 --> 00:39:50,524No. Why did he do that?

    45700:39:50,559 --> 00:39:54,061Yeah, and how was Warrenright there to stop him?

    45800:39:54,964 --> 00:39:56,864I'm gonna go talk to her.

  • 45900:39:59,769 --> 00:40:00,802My queen.

    46000:40:00,937 --> 00:40:02,636Doctor Kurian?

    46100:40:02,872 --> 00:40:04,371What is it?

    46200:40:04,473 --> 00:40:05,773I have it.

    46300:40:05,942 --> 00:40:08,142I have the vaccine.

    46400:40:08,878 --> 00:40:10,678The zombie plague is over.

    46500:40:10,713 --> 00:40:12,546I have the cure.

    46600:40:13,967 --> 00:40:14,916Tell me.

    46700:40:15,118 --> 00:40:16,650What have you done?

    46800:40:16,886 --> 00:40:25,092My queen, I present toyou your H1Z1 vaccine.

    46900:40:25,228 --> 00:40:29,496This serum makes the zombievirus virtually impotent.

    47000:40:29,598 --> 00:40:33,600Now a zombie bite willbe like... nothing.

    47100:40:34,037 --> 00:40:38,039Well, you may have toget a tetanus shot.

    47200:40:38,274 --> 00:40:39,640And when you die?

  • 47300:40:39,742 --> 00:40:41,242You stay dead.

    47400:40:42,912 --> 00:40:44,846How do you know this works?

    47500:40:44,881 --> 00:40:45,847I've been testing it.

    47600:40:45,882 --> 00:40:47,281On humans?

    47700:40:47,383 --> 00:40:48,916I.

    47800:40:49,018 --> 00:40:50,117Show me.

    47900:40:50,153 --> 00:40:53,620Show me how this works.

    48000:40:56,392 --> 00:40:57,959Of course.

    48100:41:00,696 --> 00:41:02,696I will just need a volunteer.

    48200:41:05,835 --> 00:41:09,070I have just the man foryou, Doctor Kurian.

    48300:41:09,239 --> 00:41:11,072He's still alive?

    48400:41:11,174 --> 00:41:12,706Not for long.

    48500:41:13,009 --> 00:41:15,109He's perfect then.

    48600:41:15,678 --> 00:41:16,777Doctor.

    48700:41:17,813 --> 00:41:19,813You have your volunteer.

  • 48800:41:29,625 --> 00:41:30,992All ready, my queen.

    48900:41:39,835 --> 00:41:41,235My friends.

    49000:41:41,271 --> 00:41:43,604We stand on the precipice

    49100:41:43,639 --> 00:41:46,974of a major scientific discovery.

    49200:41:47,110 --> 00:41:49,210Remember this day.

    49300:41:49,779 --> 00:41:55,383For it will mark the beginningof a New World Order.

    49400:41:56,485 --> 00:41:59,620Of a Zero World Order.

    49500:41:59,755 --> 00:42:02,456More like a Murphy World Order.

    49600:42:04,360 --> 00:42:06,260Let us proceed.

    49700:42:07,330 --> 00:42:09,863Hold him still goddammit.

    49800:42:14,270 --> 00:42:15,736What is his name?

    49900:42:15,771 --> 00:42:17,171Vasquez.

    50000:42:17,206 --> 00:42:20,507Javier or something like that.

    50100:42:20,709 --> 00:42:22,876Javier Vasquez.

    50200:42:23,279 --> 00:42:26,580

  • A name that will godown in history.

    50300:42:33,113 --> 00:43:03,146www.TUSUBTITULO.com-DIFUNDE LA CULTURA-
