YXZ10YPXG - Yamaha Motor


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READ THIS MANUAL CAREFULLY!It contains important safety information.


Read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. This manual should stay with this ve-hicle if it is sold.

ANSI ROHVA1 - 2011

General ManagerRV Engineering DivisionRecreational Vehicle Business Unit Business Development OperationsYAMAHA MOTOR CO., LTD.

28, September, 2015

We, YAMAHA MOTOR CO., LTD. 2500 Shingai, Iwata, Japan, declare in sole responsibility, that the product

(Make, model)

(If applicable)

and to the other relevant Directives of EEC2004/108/EC

(Title and/or number and date of issue of the other Directives of EEC)

(If applicable)


Koolhovenlaan 101, 1119 NC Schiphol-Rijk, The Netherlands

SignatureAkihiro Tsuzuki

Date of Issue

to which this declaration applies, conforms to the essential healthand safety requirements of Directive 2006/42/EC

To effect correct application of the essential health and safety requirementsstated in the Directives of EEC, the following-standards and/or technicalspecifications were consulted:

(Title and/or number and date of issue of standards and/or specifications)

Authorized Representative

EC Declaration of Conformityconforming to Directive 2006/42/EC


1000 GA Highway 34 East, Newnan, Georgia 30265-1320, U.S.A.

YXZ1000E (YXZ10YPXG) (5Y4AN06W0F0500101–)

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Congratulations on your purchase of the Yamaha YXZ10YPXG. It represents the result of manyyears of Yamaha experience in the production of fine sporting, touring, and pace-setting racingvehicles. With the purchase of this Yamaha, you can now appreciate the high degree of crafts-manship and reliability that have made Yamaha a leader in these fields.This manual will provide you with a good basic understanding of the features and operation ofthis vehicle. It also includes basic maintenance and inspection procedures. If you have any ques-tions regarding the operation or maintenance of your vehicle, please consult a Yamaha dealer.


Please read this manual carefully before operating this vehicle. Do not attempt to operatethis vehicle until you have attained adequate knowledge of its controls and operating fea-tures. Regular inspections and careful maintenance, along with good operating techni-ques, will help ensure that you safely enjoy the capabilities and reliability of this vehicle.

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FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE WARNINGS CONTAINED IN THIS MANUAL CAN RESULT IN SERI-OUS INJURY OR DEATH.Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations:

* Product and specifications are subject to change without notice.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to poten-tial personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that fol-low this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.

A WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

A NOTICE indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to the vehicle or other property.

A TIP provides key information to make procedures easier or clear-er.




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This vehicle is designed and manufactured for use on UNPAVED surfaces only, for sport-type recreational use by experienced operators. It is unsafe to operate this vehicle onany paved surface, paved street, paved road or motorway.

Check the laws and regulations in force before choosing where to operate this vehicle.It is illegal to operate this vehicle on public lands where vehicles its size are prohibited.



©2015 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.1st edition, September 2015

All rights reserved.Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited.

Printed in U.S.A.

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SAFETY INFORMATION .........................2-1

DESCRIPTION.........................................3-1Left view ...............................................3-1Right view.............................................3-2Controls and instruments.....................3-3

INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS............................................4-1

Main switch ..........................................4-1Indicator lights and warning lights .......4-2Multi-function meter unit ......................4-6Light switch ........................................4-15On-Command drive knob “2WD/4WD/DIFF LOCK” ..................4-15

Reverse gear lock lever “REV.” ..........4-16Accelerator pedal ...............................4-16Clutch pedal .......................................4-17

Brake pedal ........................................ 4-17Parking brake lever ............................ 4-18Shift lever ........................................... 4-19Fuel tank cap...................................... 4-19Doors.................................................. 4-20Seats .................................................. 4-20Adjusting the driver seat position....... 4-22Adjusting the steering wheel position............................................. 4-22

Seat belts ........................................... 4-23Glove compartment ........................... 4-23Storage compartments ...................... 4-24Cup holders........................................ 4-26Cargo bed .......................................... 4-27Flag pole bracket ............................... 4-28Adjusting the front shock absorber assemblies ....................................... 4-28

Adjusting the rear shock absorber assemblies ....................................... 4-33

Auxiliary DC jack ................................ 4-38

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Front and rear brakes...........................5-3Clutch ...................................................5-3Fuel.......................................................5-4Engine oil ..............................................5-5Transmission ........................................5-6Coolant .................................................5-6Final gear..............................................5-6Differential gear ....................................5-7Accelerator pedal .................................5-7Seat belts .............................................5-7Passenger handhold ............................5-7Steering ................................................5-7Shift lever..............................................5-8Fittings and fasteners...........................5-8Instruments, lights and switches..........5-8Control cables ......................................5-8Tires......................................................5-8

OPERATION............................................6-1Engine break-in ....................................6-1Starting the engine ...............................6-2

Shift lever operation and reverse driving .................................................6-3

Selecting the drive mode......................6-7Parking..................................................6-9Loading.................................................6-9

BASIC GUIDE FOR SAFE USE...............7-1KNOW YOUR VEHICLE ........................7-1LEARNING TO OPERATE YOUR VEHICLE ...........................................7-12

PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT.........................................8-1

Owner’s manual and tool kit .................8-2Periodic maintenance chart for the emission control system .....................8-4

General maintenance and lubrication chart....................................................8-6

Hood ...................................................8-10Panels .................................................8-10Engine oil and oil filter.........................8-15Transmission oil ..................................8-25Final gear oil .......................................8-28

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Differential gear oil .............................8-30Coolant...............................................8-33Axle boots ..........................................8-34Checking the spark plugs ..................8-35Air filter maintenance..........................8-37Cleaning the air filter case check hoses ................................................8-41

Cleaning the spark arrester ................8-42Valve clearance ..................................8-43Brakes ................................................8-43Checking the front and rear brake pads..................................................8-44

Checking the parking brake pads ......8-44Checking the brake and clutch fluid levels.................................................8-45

Brake and clutch fluid replacement ...8-47Checking the clutch pedal .................8-47Checking the brake pedal ..................8-47Checking the accelerator pedal .........8-48Parking brake lever free play adjustment........................................8-49

Brake light switch adjustment ............8-50Cable inspection and lubrication........8-50

Pedal lubrication.................................8-51Checking the stabilizer bushes...........8-51Upper and lower arm pivot lubrication (left and right) ..................8-52

Rear knuckle upper and lower pivot lubrication (left and right) ..................8-53

Drive shaft universal joint lubrication .........................................8-53

Steering shaft lubrication....................8-53Wheel removal ....................................8-54Tire replacement.................................8-54Wheel installation................................8-55Battery ................................................8-55Jump-starting .....................................8-59Fuse replacement ...............................8-60Headlights...........................................8-62Headlight beam adjustment ...............8-63Tail/brake light ....................................8-63Troubleshooting..................................8-63Troubleshooting charts.......................8-65

CLEANING AND STORAGE ....................9-1Cleaning................................................9-1

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SPECIFICATIONS .................................10-1

CONSUMER INFORMATION ................11-1Identification number records ............11-1


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Read and understand all of the labels on your vehicle. They contain important information for safeand proper operation of your vehicle.Never remove any labels from your vehicle. If a label becomes difficult to read or comes off, areplacement label is available from your Yamaha dealer.

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For Europe

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18 1917

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2015 YXZ1000E83.5 kW685 kg


Any part of your body (arms, legs, or head) outside ofthe vehicle can be crushed by the cage/frame.

If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or roll, brace your feet on the floorboards, and keep your hands on the steering wheel.

Do not try to stop avehicle tipoverusing your arm or leg.







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YAMAHA 1XD-K8483-10

AVERTISSEMENTNe pas appuyer les mains ni les bras sur la portière ou sur le coussin de l’épaule. Afin de prévenir lesblessures, garder mains et bras dans l’habitacle etagripper le volant ou la poignée de maintien.

YAMAHA 1XD-K8483-00

WARNINGDo not rest hands or arms on door or shoulder bolster. To avoid Injury, keep hands and arms completely Inside the vehicle by holding the steering wheel or handhold.

YAMAHA 1XD-K7761-10


Toute partie du corps (bras, jambes, tête) se trouvant hors de l’habitacle risque d’être é crasée par l’arceau de protection.

Si une roulade ou un capotage semble imminent, caler les pieds sur le plancher ou sur les repose-pieds et agripper le volant ou la poignée de maintien. Ne jamais agripper l’arceau de protection.

Ne jamais tenter d’empê cher un capotage à l’aide du bras ou de la jambe.



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YAMAHA 2HC-F4897-12


Charge maximale dans la caisse : 136 kg (300 lbs) Charge maximale du véhicule : 326 kg (719 lbs)

La charge peut affecter la maniabilité et la stabilité du véhicule.

Lors du transport d’une charge :

Lire le manuel du propriétaire avant de charger la benne.

– Ne pas dépasser la capacité de charge maximale pour la benne ou le véhicule.

– Réduire la vitesse et prévoir une distance de freinage accrue.– Négocier les virages progressivement et lentement.– Éviter les pentes et les terrains accidentés.

– Arrimer solidement toute charge – un article mal arrimé pourrait nuire soudainement à la maniabilité ou être projeté vers l’avant et heurter un occupant.– Répartir le poids de la charge de façon équilibrée et le plus bas possible dans la caisse; une charge mal équilibrée augmente le risque de capotage.

Le mauvais usage de la caisse de chargement ou de l’arceau de protection peut provoquer de graves blessures ou la mort par suite d’une perte de contrôle, d’un capotage ou d’un accident quelconque.

Aucun passager dans la caisse de chargement


La charge ne doit pas exéder 4.5 kg (10 lbs).

Les vapeurs d’essence peuvent provoquer un icendieou une explosion.Afin d’éviter tout risque de blessure corporelle, voiremortelle, ne jamais stocker de carburant ni de liquideinflammable dans ce compartiment de rangement.



Storage should not exceed 10 lbs (4.5 kg)

Fuel vapors can be a fire or explosion hazard. To avoid injury or death, never store fuel orflammable liquids in this storage compartment.


7 8


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YAMAHA 2HC-F1696-23

AVERTISSEMENT• Une pression de gonflage incorrecte des pneus ou la

surcharge du véhicule risquent de provoquer une perte de contrôle ou un capotage, entraînant des blessures, voire la mort.

• Ne jamais régler la pression de gonflage ni la laisser baisser sous le seuil minimal; le pneu risque de se déjanter.

• CHARGE DU VÉHICULE : de 0 kg (0 lbs) à 195 kg (430 lbs)

Recommandation: AVANT: ARRIÈRE:


114 kPa128 kPa

110 kPa124 kPa

(16.5 psi)(18.5 psi)

(16 psi) (18 psi)

• CHARGE DU VÉHICULE : de 195 kg (430 lbs) à 326 kg (719 lbs)

Recommandation: AVANT: ARRIÈRE:


114 kPa169 kPa

(16.5 psi)(24.5 psi)(16 psi) (24 psi)

110 kPa165 kPa

* La charge du véhicule comprend le poids du pilote, du passager, des accessoires et la charge. Ne pas dépasser la charge maxmale du véhicule.

Poids nominal brut du véhicule : 1025 kg (2260 lbs) maximum (véhicule, poids du pilote, du passager, des accessoires et charge).

PRESSION DE SERVICE DES PNEUS : Régler les pneus à froid.

YAMAHA 2HC-F1696-12

WARNING• Improper tire pressure or overloading this vehicle may

cause severe injury or death from loss of control orrollover.

• Never set or allow tire pressure to be below the minimum. Tire may dislodge from rim.

• VEHICLE LOAD of 0 kg (0 lb) ~ 195 kg (430 lbs)

Recommended: FRONT: REAR:

Minimum: FRONT: REAR:

114 kPa128 kPa110 kPa 124 kPa

• VEHICLE LOAD of 195 kg (430 lbs) ~ 326 kg (719 lbs)

Recommended: FRONT: REAR:

Minimum: FRONT: REAR:

114 kPa169 kPa110 kPa165 kPa

(16.5 psi)(18.5 psi)(16 psi)(18 psi)

(16.5 psi)(24.5 psi)(16 psi)(24 psi)

* Vehicle load is weight of operator, passenger, accessories, and cargo. Do not exceed maximum vehicle load.

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating: 1025 kg (2260 lbs) maximum including vehicle, weight of operator, passenger, accessories, and cargo.

OPERATING TIRE PRESSURE: With tires cold, set as follows.


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YAMAHA 1XD-K7762-10


Toute partie du corps (bras, jambes, tête) se trouvant hors de l’habitacle risque d’être é crasée par l’arceau de protection.

Si une roulade ou un capotage semble imminent, caler les pieds sur le plancher ou sur les repose-pieds et agripper le volant ou la poignée de maintien. Ne jamais agripper l’arceau de protection.

Ne jamais tenter d’empê cher un capotage à l’aide du bras ou de la jambe.

YAMAHA 2HC-F4897-02


• Load may affect handling and stability.

• Do not exceed the maximum load ratings for the

cargo bed, or vehicle.

• When loaded with cargo:

• Reduce speed and allow more room to stop.

• Turn gradually and slowly.

• Avoid hills and rough terrain.

• Secure cargo so that it will not shift - a loose load

could change handling unexpectedly or be thrown

forward and strike occupants.

• Keep weight in the cargo bed centered side to side and

as low as possible. Top-heavy loads increase the risk of a


• Read Owner’s Manual before loading cargo bed.

Improper use of cargo bed or

cage/frame can result

in severe injury or

death from loss of

control, overturn or

other accidents.

Maximum Load in Cargo Bed: 300 lbs (136 kg)

Maximum Vehicle Load: 719 lbs (326 kg)

Never carry


in cargo bed.

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Any part of your body (arms, legs, or head) outside ofthe vehicle can be crushed by the cage/frame.

If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or roll, brace your feet on the floorboards, and keep your hands on the handholds.

Do not try to stop avehicle tipoverusing your arm or leg.





Moving parts can crush and cut. Do not operate engine with guard removed.


Les pièces mobiles peuvent entrainer des coupures et des blessures par écrasement. Ne pas faire fonctionner le moteur si le carter de protection est déposé.




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YAMAHA 2MB-F1568-00






Improper Use of Off-Highway Vehic le Can Cause Severe In jury or Death

Read Owner’s ManualRead Tips Guide for the Recreat ional Off-Highway Vehic le Dr iver

Fol low Al l Instruct ion and Warnings

Be Prepared

Dr ive Respons ib ly

I f you th ink o r fee l the veh ic le may t ip o r ro l l , reduce your r i sk to in ju r y :

Pay A t ten t ion and P lan Ahead

Do no t a l low care less o r reck less d r i v ing .Do your par t to p reven t in ju r ies :Requ i re Proper Use o f Your Veh ic le

Rollovers have causedsevere injuries and death,even on flat, open areas.

S tay comp le te ly ins ide the veh ic le .•

Passenger mus t be able to reach the handho ld wh i le keep ing fee t f l a t on f l oo r and s i t t i ng upr igh t w i th back aga ins t sea t .

Dr i ve r mus t be able to comfor tably reach a l l con t ro ls wh i le s i t t i ng upr igh t w i th back aga ins t sea t .

•Wear an approved he lmet , eye p ro tec t ion and p ro tec t i ve gear.•Fas ten sea t be l t s .•

Do no t a l low anyone to r ide in the ca rgo bed .•Avo id s ide h i l l i ng ( r id ing ac ross s lopes) .•

P lan fo r h i l l s , rough te r ra in , r u ts , and o ther changes in t rac t ion and te r ra in . Avo id paved sur faces.

•Avo id hard acce le ra t ion when tu r n ing , even f rom a s top.•S low down be fo re en te r ing a tu r n .•

Avo id abr up t maneuvers, s ideways s l id ing , sk idd ing , o r f i sh ta i l i ng , and never do donu ts.

•Avo id loss o f con t ro l and ro l lovers :

Do no t pu t any par t o f your body ou ts ide o f the veh ic le fo r any reason .

Keep a f i r m gr ip on the s teer ing whee l o r handho ld and b race yourse l f .

Do no t exceed sea t ing capac i t y : 1 passenger.•

Do no t a l low opera t ion on publ i c roads (un less des igna ted fo r o f f -h ighway veh ic le access) — co l l i s ions w i th ca rs and t r ucks can occur.

Do no t le t peop le d r i ve o r r ide a f te r us ing a lcoho l o r d r ugs.

Make sure opera to rs a re 16 o r o lder w i th va l id d r i ve r ’s l i cense.



Be PreparedAd jus t , lock and never remove handho ld .A lways use handho ld , Never ho ld cage.A lways wear seatbe l t and he lmet .


Toujours prévoir l’imprévu. Régler et verrouiller la poignée de maintien; ne jamais la retirer. Toujours agripper la poignée de maintien, non l’arceau de protection. Toujours porter la ceinture de sécurité et un casque approprié.




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1 Liste de vérification de sécurité intégrale

YAMAHA 1XD-F1558-10

Tête Casque et protection des yeuxCorps Ceinture de sécurité et vêtements de protectionMains À l’intérieur du véhicule, tenantla

poignée de maintien ou le volant.Pieds Sur le plancher ou les repose-pieds, prêts à

encaisser le choc; portière fermée.

Head to Toe Safety Checklist

YAMAHA 1XD-F1558-00

Head Helmet and eye protection.Body Seatbelt and protective clothing.Hands Inside vehicle and holding the

handhold or steering wheel.Feet On floor or footrests,

ready to brace, and door closed.





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YAMAHA 2MB-F1568-10






Lire le Manuel du propriétaire. Lire le Guide de conseils à l’intention du conducteur du véhicule récréatif hors route.

Suivre toutes les directives et tous les avertissements.

L’utilisation négligente d’un véhicule hors route peut causer de graves blessures, voire la mort.

Les roulades ont déjà causé des blessures graves et la mort, même sur terrain plat et sans obstacles.

Utilisation vigilante du véhiculeFaire sa part pour prévenir les blessures :

Ne pas permettre la conduite acrobatique ou imprudente.•S’assurer que le conducteur est âgé d’au moins 16 ans et qu’il est titulaire d’un permis de conduire valide.

Ne permettre à personne de conduire le véhicule ou d’y prendre place après avoir consommé alcool ou drogues.

Ne pas permettre la conduite du véhicule sur les chemins publics (à moins que les véhicules hors route y soient autorisés) – les collisions avec voitures et camions arrivent en un clin d’œil.

Ne pas dépasser le nombre de places disponibles : 1 passager.•

Être préparéAttacher la ceinture de sécurité.•Porter un casque homologué, une protection pour les yeux et une tenue de protection.•Le conducteur doit pouvoir rejoindre aisément toutes les commandes alors qu’il est en position assise, son dos contre le dossier du siège.

Les occupants doivent pouvoir rejoindre la poignée de maintien centrale alors que leurspieds reposent à plat sur le plancher et qu’ils sont assis le dos contre le dossier du siège.

Demeurer entièrement dans l’habitacle du véhicule.•

Conduire de façon responsablePrévenir la perte de contrôle ou les roulades :

Éviter les manœuvres subites, glissements latéraux, dérapages, queues de poisson et zigzags; ne jamais tenter d’acrobaties.

Ralentir avant d’entamer un virage.•Éviter d’accélérer brusquement dans les virages, même à partir de l’arrêt.

Être prêt pour pentes, terrains inhospitaliers, ornières, aspérités du terrain et autres facteurs réduisant la traction. Éviter les surfaces asphaltées.

Ne pas conduire sur le flanc des pentes.•Ne permettre à personne de prendre place dans la caisse de chargement.•

Être prévoyant, être prêtSi une roulade ou un capotage semble imminent, réduire le risque de blessures :

Agripper fermement le volant ou la poignée de maintien et se préparer à encaisser le choc.•Ne mettre aucune partie du corps hors du véhicule, pour quelque raison que ce soit.•


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For Oceania

1 2 3 4




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Any part of your body (arms, legs, or head) outside ofthe vehicle can be crushed by the cage/frame.

If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or roll, brace your feet on the floorboards, and keep your hands on the steering wheel.

Do not try to stop avehicle tipoverusing your arm or leg.





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YAMAHA 1XD-K8483-00

WARNINGDo not rest hands or arms on door or shoulder bolster. To avoid Injury, keep hands and arms completely Inside the vehicle by holding the steering wheel or handhold.


Storage should not exceed 10 lbs (4.5 kg)

Fuel vapors can be a fire or explosion hazard. To avoid injury or death, never store fuel orflammable liquids in this storage compartment.


YAMAHA 2HC-F1696-12

WARNING• Improper tire pressure or overloading this vehicle may

cause severe injury or death from loss of control orrollover.

• Never set or allow tire pressure to be below the minimum. Tire may dislodge from rim.

• VEHICLE LOAD of 0 kg (0 lb) ~ 195 kg (430 lbs)

Recommended: FRONT: REAR:

Minimum: FRONT: REAR:

114 kPa128 kPa

110 kPa 124 kPa

• VEHICLE LOAD of 195 kg (430 lbs) ~ 326 kg (719 lbs)

Recommended: FRONT: REAR:

Minimum: FRONT: REAR:

114 kPa169 kPa110 kPa165 kPa

(16.5 psi)(18.5 psi)

(16 psi)(18 psi)

(16.5 psi)(24.5 psi)(16 psi)(24 psi)

* Vehicle load is weight of operator, passenger, accessories, and cargo. Do not exceed maximum vehicle load.

Gross Vehicle Weight Rating: 1025 kg (2260 lbs) maximum including vehicle, weight of operator, passenger, accessories, and cargo.

OPERATING TIRE PRESSURE: With tires cold, set as follows.




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YAMAHA 2HC-F4897-02


• Load may affect handling and stability.

• Do not exceed the maximum load ratings for the

cargo bed, or vehicle.

• When loaded with cargo:

• Reduce speed and allow more room to stop.

• Turn gradually and slowly.

• Avoid hills and rough terrain.

• Secure cargo so that it will not shift - a loose load

could change handling unexpectedly or be thrown

forward and strike occupants.

• Keep weight in the cargo bed centered side to side and

as low as possible. Top-heavy loads increase the risk of a


• Read Owner’s Manual before loading cargo bed.

Improper use of cargo bed or

cage/frame can result

in severe injury or

death from loss of

control, overturn or

other accidents.

Maximum Load in Cargo Bed: 300 lbs (136 kg)

Maximum Vehicle Load: 719 lbs (326 kg)

Never carry


in cargo bed.

Any part of your body (arms, legs, or head) outside ofthe vehicle can be crushed by the cage/frame.

If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or roll, brace your feet on the floorboards, and keep your hands on the handholds.

Do not try to stop avehicle tipoverusing your arm or leg.




Moving parts can crush and cut. Do not operate engine with guard removed.


Les pièces mobiles peuvent entrainer des coupures et des blessures par écrasement. Ne pas faire fonctionner le moteur si le carter de protection est déposé.

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YAMAHA 2MB-F1568-00






Improper Use of Off-Highway Vehic le Can Cause Severe In jury or Death

Read Owner’s ManualRead Tips Guide for the Recreat ional Off-Highway Vehic le Dr iver

Fol low Al l Instruct ion and Warnings

Be Prepared

Dr ive Respons ib ly

I f you th ink o r fee l the veh ic le may t ip o r ro l l , reduce your r i sk to in ju r y :

Pay A t ten t ion and P lan Ahead

Do no t a l low care less o r reck less d r i v ing .Do your par t to p reven t in ju r ies :Requ i re Proper Use o f Your Veh ic le

Rollovers have causedsevere injuries and death,even on flat, open areas.

S tay comp le te ly ins ide the veh ic le .•

Passenger mus t be able to reach the handho ld wh i le keep ing fee t f l a t on f l oo r and s i t t i ng upr igh t w i th back aga ins t sea t .

Dr i ve r mus t be able to comfor tably reach a l l con t ro ls wh i le s i t t i ng upr igh t w i th back aga ins t sea t .

•Wear an approved he lmet , eye p ro tec t ion and p ro tec t i ve gear.•Fas ten sea t be l t s .•

Do no t a l low anyone to r ide in the ca rgo bed .•Avo id s ide h i l l i ng ( r id ing ac ross s lopes) .•

P lan fo r h i l l s , rough te r ra in , r u ts , and o ther changes in t rac t ion and te r ra in . Avo id paved sur faces.

•Avo id hard acce le ra t ion when tu r n ing , even f rom a s top.•S low down be fo re en te r ing a tu r n .•

Avo id abr up t maneuvers, s ideways s l id ing , sk idd ing , o r f i sh ta i l i ng , and never do donu ts.

•Avo id loss o f con t ro l and ro l lovers :

Do no t pu t any par t o f your body ou ts ide o f the veh ic le fo r any reason .

Keep a f i r m gr ip on the s teer ing whee l o r handho ld and b race yourse l f .

Do no t exceed sea t ing capac i t y : 1 passenger.•

Do no t a l low opera t ion on publ i c roads (un less des igna ted fo r o f f -h ighway veh ic le access) — co l l i s ions w i th ca rs and t r ucks can occur.

Do no t le t peop le d r i ve o r r ide a f te r us ing a lcoho l o r d r ugs.

Make sure opera to rs a re 16 o r o lder w i th va l id d r i ve r ’s l i cense.



Be PreparedAd jus t , lock and never remove handho ld .A lways use handho ld , Never ho ld cage.A lways wear seatbe l t and he lmet .

Head to Toe Safety Checklist

YAMAHA 1XD-F1558-00

Head Helmet and eye protection.Body Seatbelt and protective clothing.Hands Inside vehicle and holding the

handhold or steering wheel.Feet On floor or footrests,

ready to brace, and door closed.




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Be a responsible ownerAs the vehicle’s owner, you are responsible for the safe and proper operation of your YamahaYXZ1000R. While understanding all parts of this manual are important for vehicle ownership, besure to read this chapter and the instructions in Chapter 7 before operating your YamahaYXZ1000R. Also use these two chapters and the labels on the vehicle to instruct new operatorsand passengers. Do not allow anyone else to operate your vehicle or ride as a passenger if youare unsure whether he or she is willing and able to follow these instructions.

Get to know your vehicleThis off-road vehicle will handle and maneuver differently from cars, ATVs, go-carts, golf-carsand grounds-keeping vehicles. Follow these instructions to reduce your risk of an accident andto reduce the risk of serious injury or death in the event of an accident.

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Before you operate your Yamaha YXZ1000RPrepare yourself and your passenger:

• This vehicle is intended for use only by an operator 16 or older with a valid motor vehicle li-cense. Check country laws for minimum age requirements.

• This vehicle is designed to carry the driver and one passenger. Never carry passengers inthe cargo bed.

• Both driver and passenger should wear seat belts properly.• Both driver and passenger must be able to put both feet flat on the floorboard while seated

upright with their backs against the backrests. Passenger must be able to reach and holdthe passenger handhold in front of them.

• Both driver and passenger should wear an approved motorcycle helmet that fits properly.Both driver and passenger should also wear eye protection (goggles or a face shield), gloves,over-the-ankle boots, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, and long pants.




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• Do not drive or ride as passenger after using drugs or alcohol.

Prepare your vehiclePerform the pre-operation checks each time you use the vehicle to make sure it is in safe oper-ating condition. Failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle properly increases the possibility of anaccident or equipment damage. See page 5-1 for a list of pre-operation checks.

Prepare your loadCarrying heavy or over-sized loads can affect handling, stability, and cause the risk of overturnsor other accidents.Read “Loading” on page 6-9 before loading the cargo bed.Do not overload the vehicle or cargo bed.Refer to the labels on the vehicle for specific loading limits and recommended tire air pressure.Keep heavier objects and the load in general centered side to side, and as low and as far for-

ward in the cargo bed as possible.Secure cargo so that it will not shift – a loose load could change handling unexpectedly or be

thrown forward and strike occupants.This vehicle is not designed to tow or pull objects. Towing a trailer or pulling another vehicle or

other object will affect handling, stability, and increase the risk of overturns and accidents.Towing or pulling can also cause frame and vehicle damage.

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While using your Yamaha YXZ1000RKeep your body completely inside the vehicle at all times. Keep both hands on the steering

wheel except when operating the shift lever. Be sure the passenger is seated, belted, and hold-ing onto the passenger handhold. Close doors before driving. Any part of your body (arms,legs, and head) outside the vehicle can be struck by objects your vehicle is passing or crushedby the vehicle itself in a rollover accident.

Watch for branches, brush, or other hazards that could enter the vehicle.Abrupt maneuvers or aggressive driving, even on flat, open areas, can cause loss of control,

including rollovers. The YXZ1000R has higher ground clearance and other features to handlerugged terrain, and, as a result, can overturn in situations where some other vehicles may not.

Avoid rollovers:• Use care when turning:

• Turning the steering wheel too far or too fast can result in a rollover.• Avoid sideways sliding, skidding, or back-wheel sliding, and never do donuts.• Slow down before entering a turn and avoid hard braking in a turn.• When making tight turns from a stop or at slow speeds, avoid sudden or hard acceleration.

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• Drive straight up and down inclines, not across them. If crossing a hill is unavoidable, driveslowly and turn downhill immediately if you feel the vehicle may tip.

• Avoid paved surfaces. Turn gradually and go slowly if you must drive on pavement. Thisvehicle is designed for off-road use only.

If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or roll, keep your body completely inside the protec-tive structure of the vehicle:• Brace yourself by pressing your feet firmly on the floorboard and keep a firm grip on the

steering wheel or passenger handhold.• Do not put your hands or feet outside of the vehicle for any reason. Your arm or leg could be

crushed.• Do not try to stop a vehicle tipover using your arm or leg.

Do not operate this vehicle on any public street, road, or highway, even if dirt or gravel.

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Do not operate the vehicle in fast-flowing water or water deeper than 39 cm (15 in). If you mustcross shallow, slow-moving water, choose your path carefully to avoid sharp drop-offs, largerocks, or slippery surfaces. Operating this vehicle through deep or fast-flowing water can leadto loss of control or overturn. To reduce your risk of drowning or other injuries, use care whencrossing through water.

When loaded with cargo:• Drive more slowly than normal and allow more room to stop.• Avoid hills and rough terrain. Use caution when carrying a load up or downhill.

Avoid carbon monoxide poisoningAll engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing carbon monoxide cancause headaches, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, confusion, and eventually death.Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas which may be present even if you do notsee or smell any engine exhaust. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can collect rapidly and youcan quickly be overcome and unable to save yourself. Also, deadly levels of carbon monoxidecan linger for hours or days in enclosed or poorly-ventilated areas. If you experience any symp-toms of carbon monoxide poisoning, leave the area immediately, get fresh air, and SEEK MED-ICAL TREATMENT.Do not run engine indoors. Even if you try to ventilate engine exhaust with fans or open win-

dows and doors, carbon monoxide can rapidly reach dangerous levels.Do not run engine in poorly ventilated or partially enclosed areas such as barns, garages, or


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Do not run engine outdoors where engine exhaust can be drawn into a building through open-ings such as windows and doors.

Genuine Yamaha AccessoriesChoosing accessories for your YXZ1000R is an important decision. Genuine Yamaha Accesso-ries, which are available only from a Yamaha dealer, have been designed, tested, and approvedby Yamaha for use on your YXZ1000R.Many companies with no connection to Yamaha manufacture parts and accessories or offer oth-er modifications for Yamaha vehicles. Yamaha is not in a position to test the products that theseaftermarket companies produce. Therefore, Yamaha can neither endorse nor recommend theuse of accessories not sold by Yamaha or modifications not specifically recommended byYamaha, even if sold and installed by a Yamaha dealer.

Aftermarket parts, accessories, and modificationsWhile you may find aftermarket products similar in design and quality to genuine Yamaha Acces-sories, recognize that some aftermarket accessories or modifications are not suitable becauseof potential safety hazards to you or others. Installing aftermarket products or having other mod-ifications performed to your YXZ1000R that change any of the vehicle’s design or operation char-acteristics can put you and others at greater risk of serious injury or death. You are responsiblefor injuries related to changes in the vehicle.

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Aftermarket tires and rimsThe tires and rims that came with your YXZ1000R were designed to match the performance ca-pabilities and to provide the best combination of handling, braking, and comfort. Other tires,rims, sizes, and combinations may not be appropriate. Refer to page 8-54 for tire specificationsand more information on replacing your tires.

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Left view

1 2,3 4 5 6


7 8


1. Front shock absorber2. Brake fluid reservoir3. Clutch fluid reservoir4. Door5. Shoulder bolster6. Driver seat belt7. Cargo bed8. Muffler9. Exhaust pipe10.Engine


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Right view

1 2,3 7 84 5,6

91. Rear shock absorber2. Engine oil tank3. Air filter4. Passenger seat belt5. Battery6. Fuses7. Coolant reservoir8. Headlight9. Fuel tank cap

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Controls and instruments

The vehicle you have purchased may differ slightly from those shown in the figures of this man-ual.

3 4 5 6 71 2

12 10 8,913 11141. Steering wheel2. Reverse gear lock lever3. Multi-function meter unit4. Main switch5. Shift lever6. Parking brake lever7. Passenger handhold8. Helmet indicator light

9. Seat belt indicator light10.Light switch11.On-Command drive knob12.Accelerator pedal13.Brake pedal14.Clutch pedal

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Main switch

Functions of the respective switch positionsare as follows:


“ ” (on):All electrical circuits are supplied with power.The key cannot be removed.

TIPThe helmet indicator light comes on and stayson while the key is turned to “ ” (on).


“ ” (off):All electrical circuits are switched off. The keycan be removed.


“ ” (start):The electric starter is engaged by turning andholding the key in this position. Release thekey when the engine starts.

1. Main switch2. “ ” (off)3. “ ” (on)4. “ ” (start)




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Indicator lights and warning lights


Neutral indicator light “N”This indicator light comes on when the trans-mission is in the neutral position.


Reverse indicator light “R”This indicator light comes on when the trans-mission is in the reverse position.

1. Shift timing indicator light2. Electric Power Steering warning light “EPS”3. Differential gear lock indicator light “DIFF LOCK” 4. Parking brake indicator light “(P)”5. Reverse indicator light “R”6. Neutral indicator light “N”7. Engine trouble warning light “ ”8. Coolant temperature warning light “ ”9. Drivetrain icon “ ”/“ ”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Helmet indicator light “ ”2. Seat belt indicator light “ ”



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Parking brake indicator light “(P)”This indicator light comes on when the park-ing brake is applied.


Differential gear lock indicator light “DIFF LOCK”This indicator light comes on when the frontdifferential gear is locked.


Drivetrain icon “ / ”The drivetrain icon indicates what type ofdrive mode is currently selected. When 2WDis selected, the icon will turn off. When 4WDis selected, “ ” is displayed. And when 4WDwith differential lock is selected “ ” is dis-played.

TIPSee pages 4-15 and 6-7 for more informa-

tion on selecting the drive mode.

Due to the synchronizing mechanism in thedifferential gear case, the drivetrain iconmay not come on until the vehicle startsmoving.

When the On-Command drive knob is setto “DIFF LOCK” or “4WD”, the drivetrainicon and the differential gear lock indicatorlight will flash until the differential gear iscompletely locked or unlocked. If the iconand the indicator light continue to flash, thedifferential is not completely locked or un-locked. In this case, start moving slowlyand/or turn the steering wheel back andforth to help the differential to lock or un-lock.


Shift timing indicator lightThis indicator light can be set to come on andgo off at the desired engine speeds and isused to inform the driver when it is time to up-shift.

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The electrical circuit of the indicator light canbe checked by turning the key to “ ” (on). Ifthe indicator light does not come on initiallywhen the key is turned to “ ” (on), or if theindicator light remains on, have a Yamahadealer check the electrical circuit.

TIPSee page 4-12 for a detailed explanation ofthis indicator light and how to set it.


Coolant temperature warning light “ ”This warning light comes on when the coolanttemperature, and therefore the engine, is out-side its normal operating temperature range.The warning light comes on in blue to informthe driver that the vehicle should be warmedup. After the engine is started, warm it up untilthe warning light goes off.The vehicle can be operated normally whenthe warning light is off.

The warning light comes on in red when theengine is overheating. If the red light comeson, stop the vehicle as soon as it is safe to doso and allow the engine to idle for about 10minutes. If the warning light does not go off,stop the engine and allow it to cool. (See page8-66.)

TIPThe coolant temperature warning light can bechecked by turning the key to “ ” (on). Thewarning light should come on in purple briefly(which confirms that both the blue and red in-dicators are okay) and then go off. If the warn-ing light does not come on at all, comes on inred or blue, or if the warning light remains on,have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.


The engine may overheat if the vehicle isoverloaded. If this happens, reduce theload to specification.

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After restarting, make sure that thewarning light is out. Continuous usewhile this warning light is on may causedamage to the engine.


Engine trouble warning light “ ”This warning light comes on or flashes if aproblem is detected in the electrical circuitmonitoring the engine. When this occurs,have a Yamaha dealer check the self-diagno-sis system. (See page 4-12 for an explanationof the self-diagnosis device.)The electrical circuit of the warning light canbe checked by turning the key to “ ” (on). Ifthe warning light does not come on initiallywhen the key is turned to “ ” (on), or if thewarning light remains on, have a Yamahadealer check the electrical circuit.


Electric Power Steering warning light “EPS”This warning light comes on when the key isturned to “ ” (on), and then goes off oncethe engine is started. If the warning light re-mains on or comes on after the engine isstarted, the EPS system may not be workingcorrectly. When this occurs, have a Yamahadealer check the EPS system.The electrical circuit of the warning light canbe checked by turning the key to “ ” (on). Ifthe warning light does not come on, have aYamaha dealer check the electrical circuit.

TIPIf the steering load is too heavy (e.g., exces-sive steering use at slow speed or when op-erating in deep mud, sand, or snow), thepower assist is reduced to protect the EPSmotor from overheating.

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Helmet indicator light “ ”The indicator light comes on and stays onwhile the key is turned to “ ” (on) to remindthe occupants to always wear a helmet. If theindicator light does not come on when the keyis turned to “ ” (on), have a Yamaha dealercheck the electrical circuit.


Seat belt indicator light “ ”The indicator light comes on when the key isturned to “ ” (on) to remind the occupantsto fasten their seat belt. The indicator lightstays on until the driver seat belt is properlylatched. If the indicator light does not comeon when the key is turned to “ ” (on), or ifthe indicator light remains on after the driverseat belt is properly latched, have a Yamahadealer check the electrical circuit.


Multi-function meter unit

The multi-function meter unit is equipped withthe following: speedometer tachometer

1. Tachometer2. Transmission gear display3. Shift timing indicator light4. Speedometer5. “SELECT” button6. “MODE” button7. “RESET” button8. Clock/Hour meter/Voltage display9. Fuel meter10.Odometer/Tripmeter A/Tripmeter B

1 2 3 4 5 6

10 9 8 7

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odometer two tripmetersclockhour meter voltage display fuel meter transmission gear display shift timing indicator control mode self-diagnosis device

TIPTo switch the display between “MPH” and“km/h”, turn the key to “ ” (off), then pushand hold the “SELECT” button while turningthe key to “ ” (on).


The speedometer shows the vehicle’s travel-ing speed.

1. Speedometer


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The tachometer shows the engine speed incrankshaft revolutions per minute (r/min).When the vehicle is first powered on, the ta-chometer needle will sweep once across ther/min range and then return to zero r/min inorder to test the electrical circuit.


Do not operate the engine in the tachome-ter red zone.

Red zone: 10500 r/min and above

Odometer and tripmeter modes

The odometer shows the total distance trav-eled by the vehicle.The tripmeters show the distance traveledsince they were last reset.

TIPThe odometer will lock at 99999.

1. Tachometer2. Tachometer red zone


1. Odometer/Tripmeter A/Tripmeter B2. “SELECT” button3. “RESET” button

2 31

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The tripmeters will reset and continuecounting after 9999.9 is reached.

Pushing the “SELECT” button switches thedisplay between the odometer mode “ODO”and the tripmeter modes “TRIP A” and “TRIPB” in the following order:


To reset a tripmeter, select it by pushing the“SELECT” button, and then push the “RE-SET” button for three seconds. The tripme-ters can be used to estimate the distance thatcan be traveled with a full tank of fuel. This in-formation enables you to plan future fuelstops.

Clock, hour meter and voltage displaymodes

The clock displays time in 12-hour format.The hour meter shows the total time the en-gine has been running.The voltage display shows the battery volt-age.

1. Clock/Hour meter/Voltage display2. “SELECT” button3. “RESET” button4. “MODE” button

2 3 41

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Pushing the “MODE” button switches the dis-play between the clock mode “CLOCK”, thehour meter mode “HOUR”, and the voltagedisplay mode “VOLTAGE” in the following or-der:


To set the clock1. Set the display to the clock mode.2. Push the “SELECT” button and “RESET”

button together for three seconds.3. When the hour digits start flashing, push

the “RESET” button to set the hours.4. Push the “SELECT” button, and the mi-

nute digits will start flashing.5. Push the “RESET” button to set the minu-

tes.6. Push the “SELECT” button, and then re-

lease it to start the clock.

Voltage display mode

This display shows “ ” and the battery volt-age.If the battery voltage is less than 10 volts,“LO” is displayed, and if the voltage is above16 volts, “HI” is displayed.


If the voltage display indicates “LO” or“HI”, there may be trouble with the batterycharging circuit or the battery may befaulty. If this occurs, have a Yamaha dealercheck or repair the vehicle.

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Fuel meter

The fuel meter indicates the amount of fuel inthe fuel tank. The display segments of the fuelmeter disappear from “F” (full) towards “E”(empty) as the fuel level decreases. When thelast segment on the left disappears and thefuel level warning indicator flashes, refuel assoon as possible.

TIPThis fuel meter is equipped with a self-diag-nosis system. If a problem is detected in anelectrical circuit, all the display segments andfuel level warning indicator start flashing. Ifthis occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check theelectrical circuit.

Transmission gear display

1. Fuel level warning indicator2. Fuel meter

1 2

1. Transmission gear display2. Neutral indicator light “N”

1 2

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This display shows the selected gear. Theneutral position is indicated by “N” and by theneutral indicator light “N”.

Self-diagnosis device

This model is equipped with a self-diagnosisdevice for various electrical circuits.If a problem is detected in any of those cir-cuits, the engine trouble warning light comeson or flashes, and the multi-function displayindicates an error code.

If the multi-function display indicates an errorcode, note the code number, and then have aYamaha dealer check the vehicle.


If the multi-function display indicates anerror code, the vehicle should be checkedas soon as possible in order to avoid en-gine damage.

Shift timing indicator light

1. Error code display2. Engine trouble warning light “ ”

1 2

1. Shift timing indicator light2. “RESET” button3. “MODE” button

1 2 3

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The shift timing indicator light has three set-tings which can be adjusted.Flashing pattern: this function allows you to

choose whether or not the indicator lightwill come on and whether it should flash orstay on when activated.

Activation point: this function allows you toselect the engine speed at which the indi-cator light is activated.

Deactivation point: this function allows youto select the engine speed at which the in-dicator light is deactivated.

To adjust the shift timing indicator light1. Turn the key to “ ” (off).2. Push and hold the “MODE” button.3. Turn the key to “ ” (on), and then re-

lease the “MODE” button after five sec-onds. After all segments of the displaydisappear and the shift timing indicatorlight comes on, the shift timing indicatorlight can be adjusted.

To set the flashing pattern1. Push the “RESET” button to select one of

the following flashing pattern settings:On: the indicator light stays on when

activated. (The indicator light will con-firm this setting by staying on.)

Flash: the indicator light flashes whenactivated. (The indicator light will con-firm this setting by flashing four timesper second.)

Off: the indicator light is deactivated; inother words, it does not come on orflash. (The indicator light will confirmthis setting by flashing once every twoseconds.)

2. Push the “MODE” button to confirm theselected flashing pattern. The controlmode changes to the activation point set-ting mode. The shift timing indicator lightremains on and the tachometer showsthe current setting r/min for the activationpoint.

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To set the shift activation point

TIPThe shift timing indicator light activation

point can be set between 7000 r/min and12000 r/min. The activation point can be setin increments of 500 r/min.

The tachometer needle will start over at7000 r/min after 12000 r/min.

1. Push the “RESET” button to select thedesired engine speed for activating theindicator light.

2. Push the “MODE” button to confirm theselected engine speed. The shift timingindicator light flashes and the tachometershows the current setting r/min for thedeactivation point.

To set the deactivation point

TIPThe shift timing indicator light deactivation

point can be set between 7000 r/min and12000 r/min. The deactivation point can beset in increments of 500 r/min.

Be sure to set the deactivation point to ahigher engine speed than for the activationpoint, otherwise the shift timing indicatorlight will not come on.

The tachometer needle will start over at7000 r/min after 12000 r/min.

1. Push the “RESET” button to select thedesired engine speed for deactivating theindicator light.

2. Push the “MODE” button to confirm theselected engine speed. The display exitsthe shift timing light control mode and re-turns to the standard multi-function dis-play mode.

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Light switch “ / / ”

Set the switch to “ ” to turn on the lowbeam and the taillight.Set the switch to “ ” to turn on the highbeam and the taillight.Set the switch to “ ” to turn off the head-lights and taillight.


Do not use the headlights with the engineturned off for an extended period of time.The battery may discharge to the point

that the starter motor will not operateproperly. If this should happen, remove thebattery and recharge it.


On-Command drive knob “2WD/4WD/DIFF LOCK”

This vehicle is equipped with an On-Com-mand drive knob to select the drive mode.The knob has three positions: “2WD”, “4WD”,and “DIFF LOCK”. Select the appropriatedrive according to terrain and conditions.

1. Light switch “ / / ”






1. On-Command drive knob “2WD/4WD/DIFF LOCK”


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“2WD” (two-wheel drive): Power is suppliedto the rear wheels only.

“4WD” (four-wheel drive): Power is sup-plied to the rear and front wheels.

“DIFF LOCK” (four-wheel drive with the dif-ferential gear locked): Power is supplied tothe rear and front wheels with the differen-tial gear locked. Unlike the “4WD” mode, allwheels turn at the same speed regardlessof traction.


Reverse gear lock lever “REV.”To prevent the transmission from being acci-dently shifted into reverse, this model isequipped with a reverse gear lock mecha-nism. To release the lock and be able to shiftthe transmission into reverse, pull this levertowards you.

TIPSee page 6-5 for information on driving in re-verse.


Accelerator pedalPress the accelerator pedal to increase en-gine speed. Spring tension returns the pedalto the rest position when released. Alwayscheck that the accelerator pedal returns nor-mally before starting the engine.

1. Reverse gear lock lever “REV.”


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Clutch pedalPress the clutch pedal to disengage theclutch. To engage the clutch, release theclutch pedal. The clutch pedal should bepressed rapidly and released slowly forsmooth clutch operation.


Brake pedalPress the brake pedal to slow or stop the ve-hicle.

1. Accelerator pedal


1. Clutch pedal


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Parking brake leverThe parking brake lever is located at the rightside of the driver’s seat. Setting the parkingbrake lever will help keep the vehicle frommoving while parked.To set the parking brake, pull the lever up-ward firmly.To release the parking brake, pull slightly up-ward on the lever, press the release button,and then push the lever all the way down.

TIPSpring tension helps return the lever to the

released position. If you drive the vehicle with the parking

brake engaged, a buzzer will sound.

1. Brake pedal


1. Release button2. Parking brake lever



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Shift leverThis model is equipped with a 5-speed se-quential transmission with reverse gear. Theshift lever is used in combination with theclutch pedal when shifting. See page 6-3 forshift lever operation.


Fuel tank cap

To openRemove the fuel tank cap by turning it coun-terclockwise.

To closeInstall the fuel tank cap by turning it clock-wise.

1. Shift lever

11. Fuel tank cap


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DoorsThe door handle is located on the inside ofeach door.To open a door, pull the handle. To close adoor, push or pull the door inward until it issecurely latched. Be sure the door is SE-CURELY LATCHED AFTER CLOSING IT.

TIPWhen opening a door from the outside, usethe “ ” mark to locate the door handle.


SeatsTo remove a seat cushion, lift the front of thecushion, and then pull the cushion off.

1. Door2. Handle3. “ ” mark



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To install a seat cushion, insert the projec-tions on the rear of the seat cushion under theseat frame, and then insert the projection onthe front of the cushion into the grommetwhile pushing the cushion downward. Makesure the seats are properly secured beforestarting off. WARNING! A loose seat couldcause the operator to lose control, or cau-se the operator or passenger to fall. [EWB03510]

1. Driver seat cushion

1. Passenger seat cushion



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Adjusting the driver seat positionThe driver seat position can be adjusted tosuit the driver’s preference. WARNING! Nev-er adjust the seat position while operatingthe vehicle, otherwise the seat may sud-denly change position, which may lead toan accident. [EWB03990]

To adjust the driver seat position, pull thedriver seat position adjusting lever upwardand move the seat to the desired position.

TIPAdjust the driver seat position and make sureit is locked in place before starting off.


Adjusting the steering wheel positionThe steering wheel position can be adjustedto suit the driver’s preference. WARNING!Never adjust the steering wheel positionwhile operating the vehicle, otherwise thesteering wheel may suddenly change posi-tion, which may lead to an accident. [EWB04000]

To adjust the steering wheel position, pull thesteering wheel position adjusting lever andmove the steering wheel to the desired posi-tion.

1. Driver seat position adjusting lever


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TIPAdjust the steering wheel position beforestarting off.


Seat beltsThis vehicle is equipped with three-point seatbelts for the driver and passenger. Alwayswear the seat belts properly while riding in thevehicle. See page 7-5 for more information.


Glove compartmentThis vehicle is equipped with a glove com-partment.When storing any documents in the glovecompartment, be sure to wrap them in a plas-tic bag so that they will not get wet. Whenwashing the vehicle, be careful not to let anywater enter the glove compartment.

1. Steering wheel position adjusting lever


1. Seat belt


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To protect from damage, do not put metalitems, like tools, or sharply edged items di-rectly in the glove compartment. If theymust be stored, wrap them in appropriatecushioning material.


Storage compartmentsThere are storage compartments located inthe center console, under the passenger seat,and behind the driver seat.To access the storage compartment underthe passenger seat, remove the seat cushion(see page 4-20 for more information).

1. Unlock.2. Open.



1. Storage compartment


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To access the storage compartment behindthe driver seat, remove the storage compart-ment cover. WARNING! Fuel vapors can bea fire or explosion hazard. To avoid injuryor death, never store fuel or flammable liq-uids in this storage compartment. [EWB03230]

NOTICE: Do not exceed the specifiedmaximum load limit for this storage com-partment. [ECB02090]

1. Storage compartment

1. Storage compartment



Maximum load limit:Storage compartment behind driver seat:

4.5 kg (10 lb)

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When storing any documents in the storagecompartments, be sure to wrap them in aplastic bag so that they will not get wet. Whenwashing the vehicle, be careful not to let anywater enter the storage compartments.


To protect from damage, do not put metalitems, like tools, or sharply edged items di-rectly in the storage compartment. If theseitems must be stored, wrap them in appro-priate cushioning material.


Cup holdersBe sure to tightly close the cap of any plasticbottle before placing it in a cup holder.Some plastic bottles may not fit into the cupholders depending on their size and shape.


Never ride with any open or glass con-tainers in the cup holders; otherwise, thecontents may spill and the glass contain-ers may be thrown about and break, andpossibly injure people in the vehicle dur-ing sudden braking or an accident.

1. Storage compartment cover2. Turn.



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Do not place any other items than seal-able plastic containers in the cup hold-ers; otherwise, they may be thrownabout and possibly injure people in thevehicle during sudden braking or an ac-cident.


Cargo bed


Never carry passengers in the cargobed.

Do not exceed the specified maximumload limits. Heavier cargo could causeloss of control because of improperweight balance.

There are four cargo hooks in the cargo bed.

For additional loading information, see page6-9.

1. Cup holder


1. Cargo hook

Maximum load limit: 136.0 kg (300 lb)


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Flag pole bracketThis model is equipped with a flag pole brack-et.


Do not use the flag pole bracket as a cargohook.


Adjusting the front shock absorber as-sembliesThe shock absorber assemblies are equippedwith a spring preload adjusting nut, a rebounddamping force adjusting screw, a high speedcompression damping force adjusting bolt,and a low speed compression damping forceadjusting screw.


Suspension components become hotduring operation. Never touch the com-pression damping force adjusting boltand screw, the rebound damping forceadjusting screw or the oil reservoir withyour bare hand or skin until suspensioncomponents have cooled.

Always adjust the shock absorber as-semblies on the left and right side to thesame setting. Uneven adjustment cancause poor handling and loss of stability,which could lead to an accident.

1. Flag pole bracket

1 1

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Never turn an adjusting mechanism be-yond the minimum and maximum settings.

TIPAlthough the total number of clicks or turns ofa damping force adjusting mechanism maynot exactly match the following specificationsdue to small differences in production, the ac-tual number of clicks or turns always repre-sents the entire adjusting range. To obtain aprecise adjustment, it would be advisable tocheck the number of clicks or turns of eachdamping force adjusting mechanism and tomodify the specifications as necessary.

Spring preload1. Loosen the locknut.2. Turn the spring preload adjusting nut in

direction (a) to increase the spring pre-load and thereby harden the suspension,

and in direction (b) to decrease the springpreload and thereby soften the suspen-sion.

TIPA special wrench can be obtained at a

Yamaha dealer to make this adjustment.

1. Locknut2. Special wrench3. Spring preload adjusting nut





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The spring preload setting is determined bymeasuring distance A, shown in the illustra-tion. The shorter distance A is, the higherthe spring preload; the longer distance A is,the lower the spring preload.

3. Tighten the locknut to the specifiedtorque. NOTICE: Always tighten thelocknut against the adjusting nut, andthen tighten it to the specified torque.[ECB00082]

Spring preload setting:Minimum (soft):

Distance A = 428.2 mm (16.86 in)Standard:

Distance A = 415.5 mm (16.36 in)Maximum (hard):

Distance A = 402.8 mm (15.86 in)

1. Distance A

Tightening torque:Locknut:

41 Nm (4.1 m·kgf, 30 ft·lbf)


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Rebound damping forceTurn the rebound damping force adjustingscrew in direction (a) to increase the rebounddamping force and thereby harden the damp-ing, and in direction (b) to decrease the re-bound damping force and thereby soften thedamping.

Compression damping force

High speed compression damping forceTo increase the compression damping forceand thereby harden the high speed compres-sion damping, turn the compression dampingforce adjusting bolt in direction (a). To de-crease the compression damping force andthereby soften the high speed compressiondamping, turn the adjusting bolt in direction(b).

1. Rebound damping force adjusting screw



Rebound damping setting:Minimum (soft):

26 click(s) in direction (b)*Standard:

12 click(s) in direction (b)*Maximum (hard):

1 click(s) in direction (b)** With the adjusting screw fully turned in di-

rection (a)

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Low speed compression damping forceTo increase the compression damping forceand thereby harden the low speed compres-sion damping, turn the compression dampingforce adjusting screw in direction (a). To de-crease the compression damping force andthereby soften the low speed compressiondamping, turn the adjusting screw in direction(b).

1. High speed compression damping force adjusting bolt

High speed compression damping settingMinimum (soft):

4 turn(s) out from the fully turned in posi-tion

Standard:2 turn(s) out from the fully turned in posi-tion

Maximum (hard):Adjusting bolt fully turned in




1. Low speed compression damping force adjusting screw




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These shock absorber assemblies containhighly pressurized nitrogen gas. Read andunderstand the following information be-fore handling the shock absorber assem-blies.Do not tamper with or attempt to open

the cylinder assemblies.Do not subject the shock absorber as-

semblies to an open flame or other highheat source. This may cause the unit toexplode due to excessive gas pressure.

Do not deform or damage the cylindersin any way. Cylinder damage will result inpoor damping performance.

Do not dispose of a damaged or wornout shock absorber assembly yourself.Take the shock absorber assembly to aYamaha dealer for any service.


Adjusting the rear shock absorber as-sembliesThe rear shock absorber assemblies areequipped with a spring preload adjusting nut,a rebound damping force adjusting screw, ahigh speed compression damping force ad-justing bolt, and a low speed compressiondamping force adjusting screw.


Suspension components become hotduring operation. Never touch the com-pression damping force adjusting boltand screw, the rebound damping force

Low speed compression damping settingMinimum (soft):

4 turn(s) out from the fully turned in posi-tion

Standard:1 1/2 turn(s) out from the fully turned in position

Maximum (hard):Adjusting screw fully turned in

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adjusting screw or the oil reservoir withyour bare hand or skin until suspensioncomponents have cooled.

Always adjust the shock absorber as-semblies on the left and right side to thesame setting. Uneven adjustment cancause poor handling and loss of stability,which could lead to an accident.


Never turn an adjusting mechanism be-yond the minimum and maximum settings.

TIPAlthough the total number of clicks or turns ofa damping force adjusting mechanism maynot exactly match the following specificationsdue to small differences in production, the ac-tual number of clicks or turns always repre-sents the entire adjusting range. To obtain aprecise adjustment, it would be advisable to

check the number of clicks or turns of eachdamping force adjusting mechanism and tomodify the specifications as necessary.

Spring preload1. Loosen the locknut.2. Turn the spring preload adjusting nut in

direction (a) to increase the spring pre-load and thereby harden the suspension,and in direction (b) to decrease the springpreload and thereby soften the suspen-sion.

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TIPA special wrench can be obtained at a

Yamaha dealer to make this adjustment.The spring preload setting is determined by

measuring distance A, shown in the illustra-tion. The shorter distance A is, the higherthe spring preload; the longer distance A is,the lower the spring preload.

3. Tighten the locknut to the specifiedtorque. NOTICE: Always tighten thelocknut against the adjusting nut, andthen tighten it to the specified torque.[ECB00082]

1. Locknut2. Spring preload adjusting nut3. Special wrench




Spring preload setting:Minimum (soft):

Distance A = 496.8 mm (19.56 in)Standard:

Distance A = 484.1 mm (19.06 in)Maximum (hard):

Distance A = 471.4 mm (18.56 in)

1. Distance A


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Rebound damping forceTurn the rebound damping force adjustingscrew in direction (a) to increase the rebounddamping force and thereby harden the damp-ing, and in direction (b) to decrease the re-bound damping force and thereby soften thedamping.

Compression damping force

High speed compression damping forceTo increase the compression damping forceand thereby harden the high speed compres-sion damping, turn the compression dampingforce adjusting bolt in direction (a). To de-crease the compression damping force andthereby soften the high speed compressiondamping, turn the adjusting bolt in direction(b).

Tightening torque:Locknut:

41 Nm (4.1 m·kgf, 30 ft·lbf)

1. Rebound damping force adjusting screw



Rebound damping setting:Minimum (soft):

26 click(s) in direction (b)*Standard:

8 click(s) in direction (b)*Maximum (hard):

1 click(s) in direction (b)** With the adjusting screw fully turned in di-

rection (a)

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Low speed compression damping forceTo increase the compression damping forceand thereby harden the low speed compres-sion damping, turn the compression dampingforce adjusting screw in direction (a). To de-crease the compression damping force andthereby soften the low speed compressiondamping, turn the adjusting screw in direction(b).

1. High speed compression damping force adjusting bolt

High speed compression damping settingMinimum (soft):

4 turn(s) out from the fully turned in posi-tion

Standard:1 1/2 turn(s) out from the fully turned in position

Maximum (hard):Adjusting bolt fully turned in


1. Low speed compression damping force adjusting screw


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These shock absorber assemblies containhighly pressurized nitrogen gas. Read andunderstand the following information be-fore handling the shock absorber assem-blies.Do not tamper with or attempt to open

the cylinder assemblies.Do not subject the shock absorber as-

sembly to an open flame or other highheat source. This may cause the unit toexplode due to excessive gas pressure.

Do not deform or damage the cylindersin any way. Cylinder damage will result inpoor damping performance.

Do not dispose of a damaged or wornout shock absorber assembly yourself.Take the shock absorber assembly to aYamaha dealer for any service.


Auxiliary DC jackThe auxiliary DC jack is located at the left sideof the glove compartment. The auxiliary DCjack can be used for suitable work lights, ra-dios, etc. The auxiliary DC jack should only beused when the engine is running and thelights are turned off.


Do not use accessories requiring morethan the stated maximum capacity. Do-ing so may overload the circuit and cau-se the fuse to blow.

Low speed compression damping settingMinimum (soft):

4 turn(s) out from the fully turned in posi-tion

Standard:1 1/2 turn(s) out from the fully turned in position

Maximum (hard):Adjusting screw fully turned in

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If accessories are used without the en-gine running, the battery may discharge.

Do not use an automotive cigarette light-er or other accessories with a plug thatgets hot, because the jack can be dam-aged.

1. Set the light switch to “ ” (off).2. Turn the accessory off.3. Start the engine. (See page 6-2.)4. Open the auxiliary DC jack cap, and then

insert the accessory power plug into thejack.

5. Turn the accessory on.6. When the auxiliary DC jack is not being

used, cover it with the cap.

1. Auxiliary DC jack cap2. Auxiliary DC jack

Maximum rated capacity for the auxiliary DC jack:

DC 12 V, 10 A (120 W)


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Inspect your vehicle each time you use it to make sure the vehicle is in safe operating condition.Always follow the inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules described in the Own-er’s Manual.


Failure to inspect or maintain the vehicle properly increases the possibility of an accidentor equipment damage. Do not operate the vehicle if you find any problem. If a problem can-not be corrected by the procedures provided in this manual, have the vehicle inspected bya Yamaha dealer.

Before using this vehicle, check the following points:


Brakes •Check operation, free play, fluid level, and fluid leakage.•Fill with DOT 4 brake fluid if necessary. 5-3, 8-43, 8-50

Clutch •Check operation, free play, fluid level, and fluid leakage.•Fill with DOT 4 brake fluid if necessary. 5-3, 8-47

Parking brake •Check for proper operation, condition, and free play. 8-49

Fuel •Check fuel level.•Fill with the recommended fuel if necessary. 5-4

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Engine oil •Check oil level.•Fill with oil to proper level if necessary. 5-5, 8-15

Drivetrain •Check front differential, transmission case, and rear final gear for leakage.

5-6, 5-6, 5-7, 8-25, 8-28, 8-30

Coolant •Check coolant level in reservoir.•Fill with coolant if necessary. 5-6, 8-33

Accelerator pedal •Check free play and for proper operation. 5-7

Seat belts •Check for proper operation and belt wear. 5-7

Passenger handhold •Check for stability and proper fastening. 5-7, 7-8

Steering •Check for proper operation. 5-7

Shift lever •Check for proper operation. 5-8

Fittings and fasteners •Check all fittings and fasteners. 5-8

Instruments, lights and switches •Check operation, and correct if necessary. 5-8, 8-62, 8-63

Wheels and tires •Check tire pressure and for wear and damage. 5-8, 8-54, 8-55

Axle boots •Check for damage. 8-34


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Front and rear brakes

Brake pedalCheck that there is no free play in the brake

pedal. If there is free play, have a Yamahadealer check the brake system. (See page8-47.)

Check the operation of the brake pedal. Itshould move smoothly and there should bea firm feeling when the brakes are applied.If not, have the vehicle inspected by aYamaha dealer.

Brake fluid levelCheck the brake fluid level. Add fluid if neces-sary. (See page 8-45.)

Brake fluid leakageCheck to see if any brake fluid is leaking outof the pipe joints or the brake fluid reservoir.Apply the brakes firmly for one minute. If thereis any leakage, have the vehicle inspected bya Yamaha dealer.

Brake operationCheck the operation of the brakes at the startof every ride. Test the brakes at slow speedafter starting out to make sure they are work-ing properly. If the brakes do not provideproper braking performance, inspect thebrake system. (See page 8-43.)



Clutch pedalCheck the operation of the clutch pedal. Thepedal should move smoothly and thereshould be some resistance when the clutchpedal is depressed.

Specified brake fluid: DOT 4

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Clutch fluid Depress and release the clutch pedal fivetimes. Check to see if any fluid is leaking outof the hoses, reservoir, or master cylinder.Check the clutch fluid level and correct if nec-essary. (See page 8-45.)

TIPIf any leakage is found, or if the clutch pedaloffers little resistance, have a Yamaha dealerservice the vehicle.


FuelMake sure there is sufficient fuel in the tank.


Gasoline and gasoline vapors are ex-tremely flammable. To avoid fires and ex-plosions and to reduce the risk of injurywhen refueling, follow these instructions.

1. Before refueling, turn off the engine andbe sure that no one is sitting in the vehi-cle.Never refuel while smoking, or while inthe vicinity of sparks, open flames, orother sources of ignition such as the pilotlights of water heaters and clothes dry-ers.

2. Do not overfill the fuel tank. Because fuelexpands when it heats up, heat from theengine or the sun can cause fuel to spillout of the fuel tank.

3. Wipe up any spilled fuel immediately.4. Be sure the fuel tank cap is closed se-



Gasoline is poisonous and can cause inju-ry or death. Handle gasoline with care.Never siphon gasoline by mouth. If youshould swallow some gasoline or inhale alot of gasoline vapor, or get some gasolinein your eyes, see your doctor immediately.

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If gasoline spills on your skin, wash withsoap and water. If gasoline spills on yourclothing, change your clothes.

Your Yamaha engine has been designed touse regular unleaded gasoline with a researchoctane number of 91 or higher (95 or higherfor Europe). If knocking or pinging occurs,use a different brand of gasoline or premiumunleaded gasoline. Unleaded fuel will giveyou longer spark plug life and reduced main-tenance cost.

Portable fuel containersIf you carry a portable fuel container in thebed of your Yamaha YXZ1000R, be sure tosecure it with the cap tightened before drivingthe vehicle.Always place a portable fuel container on theground before filling it. Before removing thecontainer cap, touch the container with thefuel dispenser nozzle. Keep fuel dispensernozzle in contact with container inlet when fill-ing. WARNING! Never refill a fuel containerin the bed of any vehicle. Fire may resultfrom a build-up of static electricity. Thedischarge of this build-up while refuelingcan cause a spark and ignite the gasoline.[EWB03270]


Engine oilMake sure the engine oil is at the specifiedlevel. Add oil as necessary. (See page 8-15.)

Recommended fuel:Regular unleaded gasoline onlyFor Europe: Regular unleaded gasoline only with a research octane number of 95 or higher

Fuel tank capacity:34.0 L (8.98 US gal, 7.48 Imp.gal)

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Do not use oils with a diesel specifica-tion of “CD” or oils of a higher qualitythan specified. In addition, do not useoils labeled “ENERGY CONSERVING II”or higher.

Make sure that no foreign material en-ters the oil tank.


TransmissionMake sure there is no oil leaking from thetransmission case.


CoolantCheck the coolant level in the coolant reser-voir when the engine is cold (the coolant levelwill vary with engine temperature).

The coolant level is satisfactory if it is be-tween the minimum and maximum levelmarks on the coolant reservoir. If the coolantlevel is at or below the minimum level mark,add additional coolant to bring the level up tomaximum level mark. If coolant is not avail-able, add distilled water. Change the coolantevery two years. (See page 8-33.)


Hard water or salt water is harmful to theengine. You may use soft water if you can-not get distilled water.


Final gearMake sure there is no oil leaking from the finalgear case.

Recommended engine oil type and quantity:See page 10-1.

Coolant reservoir capacity (up to the maxi-mum level mark):

0.31 L (0.33 US qt, 0.28 Imp.qt)

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Differential gearMake sure there is no oil leaking from the dif-ferential gear case.


Accelerator pedalCheck to see that the accelerator pedal oper-ates correctly. It must operate smoothly andspring back to the idle position fully when re-leased. Have a Yamaha dealer repair as nec-essary for proper operation.


Seat beltsMake sure that the seat belts are not frayed,torn, stretched, or damaged. The seat beltsmust move smoothly when pulled out and re-tract on its own when released. The seat beltsmust also lock up when quickly pulled out.The latch plate should click securely into thebuckle and release when the release button ispushed firmly. Wash off any dirt or mud thatcould affect operation. Have a Yamaha dealerrepair as necessary for proper operation.

A crash can damage the restraint systems inyour vehicle. A damaged restraint systemmay not properly protect the person using it,resulting in serious injury or death in a crash.To help make sure your restraint systems areworking properly after a crash, have them in-spected and any necessary replacementsmade as soon as possible.


Passenger handholdCheck that the handhold bar and its supportsare in good condition. Confirm that the lock-ing pins are securely fastened, and then pushand pull on the handhold to make sure that itis not loose.


SteeringPark on level ground. Turn the steering wheelright and left. Check for excessive free play,abnormal noises, or a rough feeling. Have aYamaha dealer repair as necessary for properoperation.

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Shift leverThe shift lever should move smoothly bothforward and backwards and return to its orig-inal position after a gear change is made.Check the shift lever and transmission forroughness before starting off.

TIPThe engine may need to be started for thetransmission to engage gears.


Fittings and fastenersAlways check the tightness of chassis andwheel fittings and fasteners before startingoff. Take the vehicle to a Yamaha dealer or re-fer to the Service Manual for correct tighten-ing torque.


Instruments, lights and switchesCheck that all instruments, lights and switch-es are working properly. Correct if necessary.


Control cablesWhen driving in cold weather, always makesure all control cables work smoothly beforestarting off. WARNING! Control cables canfreeze in cold weather and you could beunable to control the vehicle. [EWB03280]


TiresCheck tire pressure regularly to make sure itis at the recommended specifications. Alsocheck for wear and damage.

Tire pressureUse the tire pressure gauge to check and ad-just tire pressures when the tires are cold. Tirepressures must be equal on both sides.WARNING! Operation of this vehicle withimproper tire pressure may cause severeinjury or death from loss of control or roll-over. Tire pressure below the minimum

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specified could also cause the tire to dis-lodge from the rim under severe drivingconditions. [EWB03960]

Set tire pressures to the following specifica-tions:

Recommended tire pressure:Vehicle load:

0 - 195 kg (0 - 430 lb)Front:

114.0 kPa (1.140 kgf/cm², 16.5 psi)Rear:

128.0 kPa (1.280 kgf/cm², 18.5 psi)Vehicle load:

195 kg - maximum (430 lb - maximum)Front:

114.0 kPa (1.140 kgf/cm², 16.5 psi)Rear:

169.0 kPa (1.690 kgf/cm², 24.5 psi)Minimum tire pressure:

Vehicle load:0 - 195 kg (0 - 430 lb)

Front:110.0 kPa (1.100 kgf/cm², 16.0 psi)

Rear:124.0 kPa (1.240 kgf/cm², 18.0 psi)

Vehicle load:195 kg - maximum (430 lb - maximum)

Front:110.0 kPa (1.100 kgf/cm², 16.0 psi)

Rear:165.0 kPa (1.650 kgf/cm², 24.0 psi)

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The tire pressure gauge is included as stan-dard equipment. Make two measurements ofthe tire pressure and use the second reading.Dust or dirt in the gauge could cause the firstreading to be incorrect.

Tire wear limitWhen the tire groove decreases to 3 mm(0.12 in) due to wear, replace the tire.

Maximum vehicle load*:326.0 kg (719 lb)

* Total weight of operator, passenger, acces-sories, and cargo

1. Tire pressure gauge


1. Tire wear limit


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Read the Owner’s Manual carefully to be-come familiar with all controls. If there is acontrol or function you do not understand,ask your Yamaha dealer.


Failure to familiarize yourself with the con-trols can lead to loss of control, whichcould cause an accident or injury.


Engine break-inThere is never a more important period in thelife of your vehicle than the period between 0and 20 hours.For this reason, we ask that you read the fol-lowing material carefully. Because the engineis brand new, you must not put an excessiveload on it for the first several hours of opera-tion. During the first 20 hours, the various

parts in the engine wear and polish them-selves to achieve the correct operating clear-ances.During this period, prolonged full-throttle op-eration or any condition that might result inexcessive engine heating must be avoided.However, momentary (2–3 seconds maxi-mum) full-throttle operation under load doesnot harm the engine.Each full-throttle acceleration sequenceshould be followed with a substantial rest pe-riod for the engine, by cruising at lower r/minso the engine can rid itself of the temporarybuild-up of heat. If any abnormality is noticedduring this period, consult a Yamaha dealer.

0–10 hours:Avoid prolonged operation above 5300 r/min.Allow a cooling-off period of 5 to 10 minutesafter every hour of operation. Vary the speedof the vehicle from time to time. Do not oper-ate it at one set throttle position.

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10–20 hours:Avoid prolonged operation above 6300 r/min.

After break-in:The vehicle may now be operated normally.


Starting the engine1. Turn the key to “ ” (on).


The coolant temperature warning light andengine trouble warning light should comeon, then go off.The EPS warning light should come on,then go off when the engine is started.If a warning light does not go off, see page4-2 for the corresponding warning lightcircuit check.

2. Press the brake pedal.3. Shift the transmission into neutral.

When the transmission is in the neutralposition, the transmission gear displayshows “N” and the neutral indicatorlight should come on.

The engine can be started in any gear ifthe clutch pedal is applied. However, itis recommended to shift into neutralbefore starting the engine.

4. With your foot off the accelerator pedal,start the engine by turning the key to “ ”(start).

If the engine fails to start, release the key, andthen try starting it again. Wait a few secondsbefore the next attempt. Each attempt shouldbe as short as possible, to preserve batteryenergy. NOTICE: Do not crank the enginemore than 5 seconds on each attempt, orstarter damage could occur. Wait at least5 seconds between each operation of theelectric starter to let it cool. [ECB02140]

Do not turn the key to the “ ” (start) positionwith the engine running; otherwise, damageto the electric starter may result.

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TIPFor maximum engine life, never acceleratehard when the engine is cold!


Shift lever operation and reverse driv-ingThis vehicle has a 5-speed forward and 1-speed reverse transmission. The transmis-sion allows you to control the amount of pow-er you have available at a given speed or forstarting, accelerating, climbing hills, etc.To shift into neutral, release the acceleratorpedal, apply the clutch, and then repeatedlymove the shift lever forward until it stops.When it stops, it will be in first gear. Move theshift lever rearward slightly to reach the neu-tral position, and then release the clutch.


Even with the transmission in the neutralposition, do not coast for long periods oftime with the engine off. The transmis-sion is properly lubricated only when theengine is running. Inadequate lubricationmay damage the transmission.

1. Shift lever2. Neutral position


R 1 N 2 3 4 5

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Always use the clutch when changinggears. The engine and drivetrain are notdesigned to withstand the shock offorced shifting and can be damaged byshifting without using the clutch.

To start out and accelerate1. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal,

apply the brake, and then release theparking brake if applied. NOTICE: Al-ways take your foot off the acceleratorpedal before shifting gears, otherwisedamage to the engine and drivetrainmay result. [ECB02930]

2. Press the clutch pedal to disengage theclutch.

3. Shift into first gear by moving the shift le-ver forward. (The transmission gear dis-play will show “1” when the transmissiongears have properly engaged.)

4. Release the brake pedal.

5. Press the accelerator pedal gradually andat the same time, release the clutch pedalslowly.

6. Once the vehicle has attained adequatespeed, release the accelerator pedal, andat the same time, quickly press the clutchpedal.

7. Shift the transmission into second gear.(Make sure not to shift the transmissioninto neutral.)

8. Press the accelerator pedal gradually andrelease the clutch pedal slowly.

9. Follow the same procedure when shiftingto the next higher gear.

To decelerateWhen slowing down or stopping, release theaccelerator pedal and press the brake pedalsmoothly and evenly. As you slow down, shiftto a lower gear. Be sure that the engine hassufficiently slowed before engaging a lowergear. Improper use of the brake or shifting

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can cause the tires to lose traction, reducingcontrol and increasing the possibility of an ac-cident.


Make sure the engine has sufficientlyslowed before shifting to a lower gear. En-gaging a lower gear when the enginespeed is too high could make the wheelsstop rotating and lose traction. This couldcause loss of control, an accident and inju-ry. It could also cause engine or drivetraindamage.

Recommended shift pointsThe recommended shift points during accel-eration and deceleration are shown in the ta-ble below.

To drive in reverse


Before you shift into reverse, make surethere are no obstacles or people behindyou. When it is safe to proceed, go slowly.Hitting an obstacle or person could resultin serious injury or death.

1. Stop the vehicle and continue to applythe brake pedal.

2. Check behind you.3. Press the clutch pedal, and pull the re-

verse gear lock lever.4. Shift the transmission into reverse.

Shift up points:1st → 2nd: 19 km/h (12 mi/h)2nd → 3rd: 33 km/h (21 mi/h)3rd → 4th: 44 km/h (27 mi/h)4th → 5th: 53 km/h (33 mi/h)

Shift down points:5th → 4th: 30 km/h (19 mi/h)4th → 3rd: 17 km/h (11 mi/h)

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TIPWhen in reverse, the transmission gear dis-play should show “R” and the reverse indica-tor light should come on.

5. Release the reverse gear lock lever andthe parking brake, if applied.

6. Check behind you and then release thebrake pedal.

7. Press the accelerator pedal gradually andrelease the clutch pedal slowly. Continueto watch to the rear while driving in re-verse.

1. Reverse gear lock lever “REV.”

1. Shift lever2. Reverse gear



2 R 1 N 2 3 4 5

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Selecting the drive modeThe vehicle handles differently in each of the drive modes: “2WD”, “4WD” and “DIFF LOCK”. Forexample, the vehicle requires more effort to turn in “DIFF LOCK” than in “2WD”. Always stop thevehicle before changing the position of the On-Command drive knob. The drive mode iconchanges according to the selected drive mode. The drive mode icon and the “DIFF LOCK” indi-cator light come on as follows:

Knob position Indication Drive mode


“2WD” (two-wheel drive): Drive power is supplied to the rear wheels only.

“4WD” (four-wheel drive): Drive power is supplied to the front and rear wheels.

“DIFF LOCK” (four-wheel drive with the differential gear locked): Drive power is supplied to the front and rear wheels and the differential gear is locked.Unlike in four-wheel drive, all wheels turn at the same speed.

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TIPWhen the knob is set to “DIFF LOCK” or “4WD”, the drive mode icon and the indicator light

will flash until the differential gear is completely locked or unlocked.Turning the steering wheel back and forth will help the differential gear lock to engage or dis-

engage.To protect the drivetrain from damage, vehicle speed is limited until the differential gear lock

has properly transitioned.

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ParkingWhen parking, shift into first gear, stop theengine, and then apply the parking brake. Seepage 7-16 for when parking on a slope.



Take extra precautions when driving with aload. Turn gradually and drive more slowlythan you would without a load. The moreweight you carry, the slower you should go.Although conditions vary, it is good practiceto keep the vehicle in a low gear when you arecarrying a heavy load. Follow these instruc-tions and always use common sense andgood judgment when carrying a load.


Improper loading or any pulling or towingwill increase the risk of loss of control, anoverturn, or other accident:

Do not pull objects, other vehicles, ortow a trailer—this vehicle is not de-signed for such operation.

Keep weight in the cargo bed centeredside to side, and as low and as far for-ward as possible. Top-heavy loads in-crease the risk of overturn.

Make sure that cargo is securely fas-tened down—a loose load could changehandling unexpectedly or strike occu-pants.

Do not exceed the maximum loadinglimit for the cargo bed: 136.0 kg (300 lb).

Do not exceed the maximum loadinglimit for the vehicle: 326.0 kg (719 lb).

Cargo bedUse the hooks equipped on the cargo bed totie down loads. Make sure the load is securelyfastened down, centered in the cargo bed,and not top-heavy. Never allow anyone toride in the cargo bed.

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As a YXZ1000R owner you are responsiblefor the safe and proper operation of this vehi-cle. Read this chapter and review the safetyinstructions in Chapter 2 before operating thevehicle. Use these chapters and the labels onthe vehicle to instruct new operators and pas-sengers. Do not allow anyone else to operatethe vehicle or ride as a passenger if you areunsure that he/she is willing and able to followthese instructions.


Follow these instructions to reduce yourrisk of an accident and to reduce the riskof serious injury or death in the event of anaccident.


KNOW YOUR VEHICLEThis off-road vehicle will handle and maneu-ver differently from cars, ATVs, go-carts, golf-cars and grounds-keeping vehicles. TheYXZ1000R has higher ground clearance andother features to handle rugged terrain, and,as a result, can overturn in situations wheresome vehicles may not. This would includevehicles made primarily for pavement, roads,improved paths, or grounds-keeping. If youdo not use care in maneuvering theYXZ1000R, you can cause it to roll over evenon flat, open areas.Doing things with a YXZ1000R that somepeople do for thrills in other vehicles (such assideways sliding, skidding, back-wheel slid-ing, or donuts) could lead to side rollovers.These rollovers can result in crushed limbsand other serious injuries or death to driversor passengers.

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As the owner/operator, it is your responsibilityto protect yourself and your passenger fromaccidents, including rollovers. The YXZ1000Rhas many features, including a protectivestructure and seat belts, to help protect occu-pants, but the best way to avoid injuries is toavoid accidents. There is a risk of injury ordeath in any accident, even with these safetyfeatures.

Driver requirementsThis vehicle is intended for use only by an

operator 16 or older with a valid motor ve-hicle license. Check country laws for mini-mum age requirements.

The driver must be able to place both feetflat on the floorboard while seated uprightwith his/her back against the backrest.

Do not drive after using drugs or alcohol.Remove the ignition key when the vehicle is

not in use to prevent unauthorized use ofthe machine.

Parents:Many countries have implemented new mo-tor vehicle licensing requirements for youngdrivers. These requirements are in responseto the disproportionately high rate of crashesinvolving youthful drivers. As with automo-




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biles, to promote safe driving behaviors, youshould supervise younger drivers and consid-er setting rules and putting limits on how,when, and where the YXZ1000R can be used.

Passenger requirementsThis vehicle is designed for the operator andone passenger. Allowing passengers to rideimproperly can lead to serious injury or death.As the operator, you are responsible for yourpassenger.Your passenger must be able to place both

feet on the floorboard while seated uprightwith his/her back against the backrest.

Your passenger must be able to reach andhold the passenger handhold.

Allow only one passenger in the vehicle andonly in the designated passenger seat. Donot carry any other passengers. Do not car-ry passengers in the cargo bed.

Do not allow someone to ride as a passen-ger who has been using drugs or alcohol.

Do not allow children who need child safetyseats or booster seats in the YXZ1000R.The seat belt is not designed to restrain au-tomotive child safety seats.

Occupant protection system


Do not make changes to the occupant pro-tection system. If you install aftermarketproducts or have your vehicle modified,you may put yourself and others at greaterrisk of serious injury or death. You are re-sponsible for any such changes to the ve-hicle.

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7The YXZ1000R comes with a variety of fea-tures to help reduce the risk of driver and pas-senger injury. These features work together,and when properly used, these features willhelp protect the occupants in the event of anaccident. If these features are not used prop-erly, they can cause injury.

1. Seat belt2. Shoulder bolster3. Door





1. Passenger handhold2. Shoulder bolster3. Door




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Protective structureThe vehicle cage/frame provides a protectivestructure that helps limit intrusions by branch-es or other objects and may reduce your riskof injury in accidents. The protective structurewill not protect occupants in all rollovers oraccidents.Body parts outside of vehicle can be struckby passing objects or crushed during vehiclerollover. Do not put your hands or feet outsideof the vehicle for any reason. Do not hold ontothe door, cage/frame or shoulder bolster.Wear your seat belt and helmet.If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip orroll, do not put your hands or feet outside thevehicle for any reason. You will not be able tostop the vehicle from tipping over using yourbody. Any part of your body (arms, legs, orhead) outside of the vehicle can be crushedby the vehicle cage/frame.

Seat beltsSeat belts should be worn by the driver andpassenger. The driver must be sure that thepassenger is belted before driving.Be sure the seat belt is not twisted, is close-

fitting across the hips and chest, and islatched securely.

Do not wear the seat belt across the abdo-men or stomach.

Do not put the seat belt behind the back.Failure to use seat belts properly may lead toan increased likelihood and severity of injury.An unbelted occupant may strike the interiorof the vehicle, the protective structure, or oth-er objects in an accident or during operation.You may also fall completely out or be partial-ly ejected from the vehicle, which may lead tobeing crushed between the ground and thevehicle. Wearing the seat belt helps you re-main in the vehicle – the doors and passengerhandhold are not a substitute for using a seatbelt.

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A crash can damage the restraint systems inyour vehicle. A damaged restraint systemmay not properly protect the person using it,resulting in serious injury or death in a crash.To help make sure your restraint systems areworking properly after a crash, have them in-spected and any necessary replacementsmade as soon as possible.

To wear the seat belt properly, do the follow-ing:

1. Hold the latch plate as you pull the beltacross your lap and chest. Make sure thebelt is not twisted and is not caught onany portion of the vehicle, your clothing,or any equipment you are carrying.

2. If the latch plate is not positioned in thecorrect location along the seat belt,squeeze the latch plate ends togetheralong its long edges in order to more eas-ily adjust its location up or down alongthe length of the belt.

1. Seat belt2. Latch plate3. Buckle




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3. Push the latch plate into the buckle until itclicks. Pull up on the latch plate to makesure it is secure.

4. Put the lap portion of the belt low on yourhips. Pull up on the shoulder part so thebelt is snug across your hips. Be sure theseat belt is not caught on the shoulderbolster or other object.

5. Position the shoulder belt over yourshoulder and across your chest. Theshoulder belt should fit against yourchest. If it is loose, pull the belt out all theway and then let it retract.

6. Check if the seat belt shoulder positionsuits the size of the driver and passenger.To lower the belt, insert the belt into theseat belt height adjuster slot as shown.To raise the belt, remove the belt from theheight adjuster slot.

1. Buckle2. Latch plate3. Release button




1. Seat belt height adjuster2. Seat belt3. Slot



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7. To release the buckle, firmly press the re-lease button.

DoorsThe doors are designed to reduce the likeli-hood that you will stick your leg out to stopthe vehicle from tipping over or for any otherreason in a rollover. The doors may also re-duce intrusion of objects into the occupantarea. Make sure the door is securely latchedbefore operation. Do not place your arm orhand on the door during operation. Your handor arm may be struck by objects or crushedagainst outside objects or the ground duringa rollover.

Passenger handholdThe passenger handhold is provided to gripduring operation to maintain proper positionand balance. Holding onto the handholdhelps to reduce the likelihood that the pas-senger puts a hand outside the vehicle if thevehicle begins to tip.The driver should make sure the passenger isholding onto the handhold with both handsbefore operating the vehicle.

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Adjusting the handhold positionThe handhold can be adjusted to one of threepositions to suit the passenger’s preference.

Adjust the handhold position as follows.1. Remove the locking pins.

2. Slide the handhold to the desired positionand align the holes in the handhold barwith the holes in the handhold supports.

1. Passenger handhold2. Locking pin



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7 3. Insert the pins into the holes and securethem with the wire loops. Make sure thatthe handhold is properly secured beforeriding.

Seat and shoulder bolstersThe seats and shoulder bolsters are designedto help keep you in the vehicle. Do not putyour hand or arm on or outside of the shoul-der bolster during operation. Your hand orarm may be struck by objects or crushedagainst outside objects or the ground duringa rollover.

1. Handhold support2. Handhold bar




1. Wire loop


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FloorboardThe floorboard allows you to brace your feet,which helps you keep your body in the vehiclein the event of an accident or rollover. Keepyour feet on the floorboard during operation.

Steering wheelKeep both hands on the steering wheel ex-pect when using your right hand to operatethe shift lever. Do not hold the steering wheelwith your thumbs inside the rim. Keep yourpalms on the outside of the steering wheel.Similar to other off-road vehicles, if the

YXZ1000R hits a deep rut or large obstacle,the steering wheel could briefly jerk in one di-rection or back and forth as the tires and ve-hicle respond to the obstacle. This quickmotion could injure your thumbs or wrist ifyour thumbs or hand(s) are inside the steeringwheel. Grip the steering wheel so that yourthumbs will not be hit by the spokes. As anexample, see the illustration.

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Personal protective equipment

The driver and passenger should wear the fol-lowing to reduce risk of injury in an accident:Approved motorcycle helmet that fits prop-




1. Approved motorcycle helmet2. Eye protection3. Long-sleeved shirt or jacket4. Gloves5. Long pants6. Over-the-ankle boots






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Eye protection (goggles, helmet face shield,or protective eyewear)

Over-the-ankle boots, gloves, long-sleevedshirt or jacket, and long pants

An approved helmet and other personal pro-tective equipment can help in a variety ofways, including:Reduce the severity of injuries if any part of

you is outside the vehicle or protectivestructure during a rollover.

Help protect you if outside objects intrudeinside the vehicle during operation.

Help protect you in the event of impact withan obstacle or other vehicle.

Wear eye protection when operating or ridingthe vehicle to reduce the risk of a serious ac-cident or injury. Eye protection, such as a faceshield or goggles, may reduce the risk of for-eign material getting in your eyes and helpprevent loss of vision.

Practice for new Yamaha YXZ1000R usersBecome familiar with the performance char-acteristics of the vehicle in a large, flat areathat is free of obstacles and other vehicles.Practice controlling the accelerator pedal,clutch, brakes, steering, and shift lever. Driveat slow speeds with gradual acceleration andsmooth turns. Practice applying the accelera-tor pedal smoothly. Practice slowing downbefore turning. Practice maintaining a steadyamount of throttle (accelerator pedal position)through the turn. Avoid higher speeds untilyou are thoroughly familiar with the operationand handling of the vehicle. Remember, driv-ing aggressively or making abrupt maneuverseven on flat, open areas can cause side roll-overs.

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Become familiar with the way the vehicle han-dles in the various drive modes. Start off withtwo-wheel drive “2WD”, then four-wheel drive“4WD”, and finally four-wheel drive with thedifferential locked “DIFF LOCK”. Steeringmay take more effort in four-wheel drive withthe differential locked “DIFF LOCK”. Alsopractice driving in reverse.

TIPTake the time to learn basic operation of thevehicle before driving at higher speeds or at-tempting more difficult maneuvers.

Getting ready to ridePerform the pre-operation checks on page5-1. Follow the instructions on page 6-2 whenstarting the engine.

TurningUse care in turns — turning the steering wheeltoo far or too fast can result in loss of controlor a rollover. Slow down before enteringturns. When making tight turns from a stand-still or at slow speeds, avoid sudden or hardacceleration. Driving aggressively or makingabrupt maneuvers even on flat, open areascan cause side rollovers. Avoid sideways slid-ing, skidding, or back-wheel sliding, and nev-er do donuts. If you feel the vehicle begin toslide sideways or the back wheels slide dur-ing a turn, steer into the direction of the slide,if possible, and gradually let off the accelera-tor pedal to regain directional control andavoid rollover. For example, if you feel theback of the vehicle start to slide to your right,steer to the right.

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If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip orroll, keep your body completely inside theprotective structure of the vehicle:Brace yourself by pressing your feet firmly

on the floorboard and keep a firm grip onthe steering wheel or passenger handhold.

Do not put your hands or feet outside of thevehicle for any reason. Do not try to stop atipover using your arm or leg.

AcceleratingAvoid higher speeds and sudden or hard ac-celeration until you are thoroughly familiarwith the operation of your vehicle. Avoid sud-den or hard acceleration in any turn. Neverdrive faster than is safe for current conditions.

ShiftingFollow the instructions on pages 6-2 and 6-3for shifting, downshifting, and shifting into re-verse until you are thoroughly familiar witheach operation.

BrakingWhen slowing down or stopping, take yourfoot off the accelerator pedal and press thebrake pedal smoothly. Abrupt or improperuse of the brakes can cause the tires to losetraction, reducing control of the vehicle andincreasing the possibility of an accident.Braking ability is affected by type of terrain. Inmost cases, gradual application of the brakesis more effective than abrupt braking, partic-ularly on loose surfaces, such as gravel. Al-ways allow for greater braking distance onrough, loose, or slippery surfaces.Engine compression braking will also helpslow the vehicle down. With the transmissionstill in gear, take your foot off the acceleratorand allow the drivetrain and engine to absorbvehicle speed. Downshift as necessary. Ap-plication of the brakes provides additionalstopping power.

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Leaving the vehicleDo not get out of the vehicle while the engineis running. Take the key with when you leavethe vehicle. There is a serious risk of injury ordeath because:Children or other unauthorized persons

may attempt to operate the vehicle.Objects tossed into the vehicle may strike

the shift lever and accidently engage thetransmission.

The parking brake may not keep the vehiclefrom moving.

Parking on a flat areaEven when parking on a seemingly flat area, itis good practice to leave the transmission ingear to prevent the vehicle from rolling.Therefore, shift into first or reverse gear, stopthe engine and always apply the parkingbrake.

Parking on a slopeThe parking brake is located on the rear driveshaft. When the drivetrain is in “2WD” mode,only the rear wheels will be locked. Therefore,switch the drive mode to “DIFF LOCK” beforestopping the engine to lock all four wheelswhen parking. In addition to the parkingbrake, leave the transmission in gear to helpprevent the vehicle from rolling.If you park on a hill that is too steep, the vehi-cle may roll out of control. Never park on hillsthat are so steep you cannot walk up themeasily. If you must park on an incline, followthese instructions:1. First, bring the vehicle to a stop and con-

tinue to apply the brake pedal.2. Switch the drive mode to “DIFF LOCK”

and shift into first gear when parking up-hill, or reverse gear when parking down-hill.

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TIPYou may need to turn the steering wheel leftand right or release the clutch slightly to helpthe differential lock into place.

3. Stop the engine (turn the key to “ ”[off]).

4. With the brake pedal still being applied,set the parking brake.

5. Finally, get out of the vehicle and blockthe front and rear wheels with rocks orother objects.

LoadingBe aware that vehicle load includes the totalcombined weight of the operator, passenger,any installed accessories, and any luggage orcargo brought on board or stored in the cargobed. Make sure that the gross vehicle weight(vehicle load plus weight of the vehicle itself)never exceeds 1025 kg (2260 lb).

Vehicle loading can affect handling as well asthe recommended tire pressure. See “Load-ing” on page 6-9 and “Tire pressure” on page5-8.


Operation on different surfaces and terrainsGo slowly and proceed with caution when op-erating on an unfamiliar surface or terrain.This vehicle may handle differently in certaintypes of terrains or on certain surfaces. Youmay come upon hidden rocks, bumps, orholes without enough time to react. To avoidloss of control or rollover, always be alert tochanging surfaces or terrain when operatingthe vehicle.Your Yamaha YXZ1000R has higher groundclearance and other features to handle rug-ged terrain, and as a result, can overturn insituations where some vehicles may not.Abrupt maneuvers or aggressive driving cancause loss of control, including rollovers –

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even on flat, open areas. These rollovers canresult in crushed limbs and other serious inju-ries or death to drivers or passengers.

When operating the vehicle in areas which re-quire the use of a safety flag, mount the safetyflag pole on the flag pole bracket. See page4-28.

HillsChoose carefully which hills you attempt toclimb or descend. Avoid hills with slipperysurfaces or those where you will not be ableto see far enough ahead of you. Use common

sense and remember that some hills are toosteep for you to climb or descend. Use properdriving techniques to avoid rearward, for-ward, or sideways rollovers on hills andslopes.Drive straight up and down inclines, notacross them. If crossing a hill is unavoidable,drive slowly. Turn downhill immediately if youfeel the vehicle may tip.

If you think or feel the vehicle may tip orroll:Brace yourself by pressing your feet firmly

on the floorboard and keep a firm grip onthe steering wheel or passenger handhold.

Do not put your hands or feet outside of thevehicle for any reason.

UphillDo not attempt to climb hills until you havemastered basic maneuvers on flat ground.Drive straight up hills, and avoid crossing theside of a hill, which increases your risk of roll-

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over. Practice first on gentle slopes before at-tempting steeper hills. Always check theterrain carefully before attempting any hill.To climb a hill, you need traction, momentum,and steady throttle. For more traction andcontrol for climbing steeper and/or rougherslopes, shift into low gear and select “4WD”or “DIFF LOCK”. Travel fast enough to main-tain momentum, but not so fast that you can-not react to changes in the terrain as youclimb.Slow down when you reach the crest of thehill if you cannot see clearly what is on theother side – there could be another person, anobstacle, or a sharp drop-off.If you start to lose traction or momentumwhen climbing, and decide you will be unableto continue, use the brakes to stop. Do not at-tempt to turn the vehicle around. With yourfoot on the brake pedal, look behind you andplan your descent. Press the clutch pedal andshift the transmission into reverse so you canuse engine braking to slow your descent. Re-

lease the brake and clutch, and then begin tocoast down the hill. Use engine braking asmuch as possible, gently applying the brakeswhen necessary.

DownhillCheck the terrain carefully before goingdownhill. When possible, choose a path thatlets you drive your vehicle straight downhill.Choose your path carefully and drive slowlyenough to be able to react to obstacles thatyou encounter.For more traction and control, before goingdown steeper and/or rougher slopes, shiftinto low gear and select “4WD” or “DIFFLOCK”. Engine braking will help you godownhill slowly. Go as slowly as possible. Ifyou begin to go too fast, apply the brakesgently. Avoid hard application of the brakes,which could cause the vehicle to slide.

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If you are sliding or skidding, try to steer in thedirection the vehicle is sliding, to regain con-trol. For example, if you feel the back of thevehicle start to slide to your right, steer to theright.If you must turn on the hill to avoid an obsta-cle, do so slowly and carefully. If the vehiclestarts to tip, immediately steer in the downhilldirection if there are no obstacles in yourpath. As you regain proper balance, graduallysteer again in the direction you want to go.

Rough terrainOperation over rough terrain should be donewith caution.Look for and avoid obstacles that could

cause damage to the vehicle or could leadto a rollover or accident.

Do not drive in a way that will get the vehicleairborne, as injury, loss of control, anddamage to the vehicle could occur.

PavementThis vehicle is designed for off-road use only.Avoid paved surfaces. Turn gradually and goslowly if you must drive on pavement.

WaterIf you must cross shallow, slow-moving waterup to the depth of the vehicle’s floorboard,choose your path carefully to avoid sharpdrop-offs, large rocks, or slippery surfacesthat could cause the vehicle to overturn. Nev-er operate through water deeper than 39 cm(15 in) or fast-flowing water. Choose a pathwhere both your entrance into and exit pointfrom the water is a gradual incline. Determinethe water depth and currents before crossing.Operating this vehicle through deep or fast-flowing water can lead to loss of control oroverturn. To reduce your risk of drowning orother injuries, use care when crossingthrough water.

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Wet brakes may have reduced effectiveness.After leaving the water, test your brakes. Ifnecessary, apply the brakes several times tolet friction dry out the linings.


After driving your vehicle in water, be sureto drain the trapped water by removing thecheck hoses at the bottom of the air filtercase. Wash the vehicle in fresh water if ithas been operated in salt water or muddyconditions.

Loose terrain/slippery terrainWhen driving on slippery terrain, includingwet, muddy, or icy conditions, as well asloose gravel, be aware that you could beginskidding or sliding. To avoid loss of control,slow down and put the vehicle in four-wheeldrive before driving on a slippery surface andplan your path to avoid making abrupt ma-neuvers.

If you feel the vehicle begin to slide sidewaysor the back wheels slide during a turn, steerinto the direction of the slide if possible, to re-gain directional control. For example, if youfeel the back of the vehicle start to slide toyour right, steer to the right.

Brush or wooded areasWhen operating in areas with brush or trees,watch carefully on both sides and above thevehicle for obstacles such as branches thatthe vehicle might hit, causing an accident.Watch for brush that might enter the vehicleas you pass and strike you or the passenger.Never hold onto the cage/frame. The passen-ger should always hold onto the passengerhandhold with both hands.The muffler and other engine parts becomeextremely hot during operation and remainhot after the engine has stopped. To reducethe risk of fire during operation or after leavingthe vehicle, do not let brush, grass and othermaterials collect under the vehicle, near the

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muffler or exhaust pipe, or next to other hotparts. Check under the vehicle after operatingin areas where combustible materials mayhave collected. Do not idle or park the vehiclein long dry grass or other dry ground cover.

Encountering obstaclesIf you cannot go around an obstacle, such asa fallen tree or a ditch, stop the vehicle whereit is safe to do so. Set the parking brake andget out to inspect the area thoroughly. Lookfrom both your approach side and exit side. Ifyou believe you can continue safely, choosethe path that will allow you to get over the ob-stacle and at as close to a right angle as pos-sible to minimize vehicle tipping. Go only fastenough to maintain your momentum but stillgive yourself plenty of time to react to chang-es in conditions.

If there is any question about your ability tomaneuver safely over the obstacle, youshould turn around if the ground is flat andyou have the room or back up until you find aless difficult path.

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Periodic inspection, adjustment, and lubrica-tion will keep your vehicle in the safest andmost efficient condition possible. Safety is anobligation of the vehicle owner/operator. Themost important points of vehicle inspection,adjustment, and lubrication are explained onthe following pages.


Failure to properly maintain the vehicle orperforming maintenance activities incor-rectly may increase your risk of injury ordeath during service or while using the ve-hicle. If you are not familiar with vehicleservice, have a Yamaha dealer perform theservice.


Turn off the engine when performing main-tenance unless otherwise specified.A running engine has moving parts that

can catch on body parts or clothing andelectrical parts that can cause shocks orfires.

Running the engine while servicing canlead to eye injury, burns, fire, or carbonmonoxide poisoning - possibly leadingto death. See page 2-6 for more informa-tion about carbon monoxide.


Brake discs, calipers, drums, and liningscan become very hot during use. To avoidpossible burns, let brake components coolbefore touching them.

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Owner’s manual and tool kitYou are recommended to put this owner’smanual in the vinyl bag and always carry it inthe glove compartment as shown. Put theowner’s tool kit and tire pressure gauge underthe passenger seat.

The service information included in this man-ual is intended to provide you, the owner, withthe necessary information for completingyour own preventive maintenance and minorrepairs.The tools provided in the owner’s tool kit aresufficient for this purpose, except that atorque wrench is also necessary to properlytighten nuts and bolts.

1. Owner’s manual


1. Owner’s tool kit2. Tire pressure gauge



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If you do not have a torque wrench availableduring a service operation requiring one, takeyour vehicle to a Yamaha dealer to check thetorque settings and adjust them as neces-sary.

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Periodic maintenance chart for the emission control systemFor vehicles equipped with an odometer or an hour meter, follow the km (mi) or hours mainte-

nance intervals. However, keep in mind that if the vehicle isn’t used for a long period of time,the month maintenance intervals should still be followed.

Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as they require specialtools, data and technical skills.



Whichev-er comes


month 1 3 6 6 12

km (mi)

320 (200)

1300 (800)

2500 (1600)

2500 (1600)

5000 (3200)

hours 20 80 160 160 320

1 * Fuel line •Check fuel hose for cracks or damage.•Replace if necessary. √ √ √

2 * Valves •Check valve clearance.•Adjust if necessary. √ √ √ √

3 * Spark plugs•Check condition.•Adjust gap and clean.•Replace if necessary.

√ √ √ √ √

4 * Breather system •Check breather hose for cracks or damage.•Replace if necessary. √ √ √

5 * Fuel injection •Adjust synchronization. √ √ √ √ √

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6 * Exhaust system

•Check for leakage.•Check for looseness and tighten all screw

clamps and joints if necessary.•Replace gasket(s) if necessary.

√ √ √

7 * Air induction sys-tem

•Check the air cut-off valve, reed valve, and hose for damage.

•Check condition and clean or replace if nec-essary.

√ √ √

8 Spark arrester •Clean. √ √ √



Whichev-er comes


month 1 3 6 6 12

km (mi)

320 (200)

1300 (800)

2500 (1600)

2500 (1600)

5000 (3200)

hours 20 80 160 160 320

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General maintenance and lubrication chart



Whichev-er comes


month 1 3 6 6 12

km (mi)

320 (200)

1300 (800)

2500 (1600)

2500 (1600)

5000 (3200)

hours 20 80 160 160 320

1 * Cooling system•Check coolant leakage.•Repair if necessary. √ √ √ √ √

•Change coolant. Every 2 years


Primary air filter (foam)

•Clean.•Replace if necessary.

Every 300–600 km (200–400 mi)(more often in wet or dusty condi-


* Secondary air fil-ter (paper) •Replace.

Every 2000–5000 km (1200–3000 mi)

(more often in wet or dusty condi-tions)

3 Engine oil •Change (warm engine before draining). √ √ √ √

4 Engine oil filter cartridge •Replace. √ √ √

5 Transmission oil•Check oil level and for leakage. √ √ √ √ √

•Change. √ √ √ √

6 Final gear oil/Dif-ferential gear oil

•Check oil level and for leakage. √ √ √ √ √

•Change. √ √

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7 * Clutch •Check operation and for fluid leakage.•Correct if necessary. √ √ √ √ √

8 * Brake system

•Check operation, brake pad wear, and for fluid leakage.

•Correct if necessary, replace pads if worn to the limit.

√ √ √ √ √

9 * Parking brake

•Check operation and free play/brake pad wear.

•Correct if necessary. Replace pads if worn to the limit.

√ √ √ √ √

10 * Brake fluid and internals

•Change the brake fluid.•Replace internal components of master cyl-

inder and calipers.Every 2 years

11 * Brake hoses •Replace. Every 4 years

12 * Accelerator pedal •Check operation and free play. √ √ √ √ √

13 * Reverse lock re-lease cable

•Check operation and adjust or replace if necessary. √ √ √



Whichev-er comes


month 1 3 6 6 12

km (mi)

320 (200)

1300 (800)

2500 (1600)

2500 (1600)

5000 (3200)

hours 20 80 160 160 320

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14 * Wheels

•Check balance, runout, and for damage.•Balance wheel if necessary.•Replace wheel if damaged or if runout is

over specified limits.

√ √ √ √

•Check and tighten the bead lock (for equipped models). Every 500 km (300 mi)

15 * Wheel bearings•Check bearing assemblies for loose-

ness/damage.•Replace if damaged.

√ √ √ √

16 * Front and rear suspension

•Check operation and for oil leakage.•Correct if necessary. √ √

17 * Steering system•Check operation and for looseness. Replace

if damaged.•Check toe-in. Adjust if necessary.

√ √ √ √ √

18 * Stabilizer bushes •Check for cracks or other damage, and re-place if necessary. √ √ √

19 * Upper and lower arm pivots •Lubricate with lithium-soap-based grease. √ √ √

20 *Rear knuckle up-per and lower piv-ots

•Lubricate with lithium-soap-based grease. √ √ √



Whichev-er comes


month 1 3 6 6 12

km (mi)

320 (200)

1300 (800)

2500 (1600)

2500 (1600)

5000 (3200)

hours 20 80 160 160 320

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TIP Inspect and service the vehicle more frequently if you drive aggressively or in severe conditions

such as rain, mud, sand or unusually dusty areas. Service the clutch system in similar fashion and at similar intervals to the brake system.The service items contained herein should not be considered exhaustive, therefore:

• have your YXZ1000R checked and serviced by your Yamaha dealer at regular intervals.• replace any damaged or visibly worn part immediately.

21 * Drive shaft uni-versal joint •Lubricate with lithium-soap-based grease. √ √ √

22 * Engine mount •Check for cracks or damage.•Check bolt tightness. √ √ √

23 * Front and rear axle boots

•Check for cracks or other damage, and re-place if necessary. √ √

24 * Fittings and fas-teners

•Check all chassis fittings and fasteners.•Correct if necessary. √ √ √ √ √



Whichev-er comes


month 1 3 6 6 12

km (mi)

320 (200)

1300 (800)

2500 (1600)

2500 (1600)

5000 (3200)

hours 20 80 160 160 320

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To removeRemove the bolts, and then pull the hood offas shown.

To installPlace the hood in the original position, andthen install the bolts.


PanelsThe panels shown need to be removed toperform some of the maintenance jobs de-scribed in this chapter. Refer to this sectioneach time a panel needs to be removed andinstalled.

1. Hood2. Bolt




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Panel A

To remove the panelRemove the panel by pulling it up as shown.

To install the panelPlace the panel in the original position.

1. Panel A2. Panel B

1. Panel C


11. Panel A


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Panel B

To remove the panel1. Remove the hood. (See page 8-10.)2. Remove panel A.3. Remove the top cover by removing the

quick fastener screw and the bolts.

4. Remove the passenger seat cushion.(See page 4-20.)

5. Remove the passenger seat by removingthe bolts.

1. Top cover2. Bolt3. Quick fastener screw



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86. Remove the quick fastener screws and

the bolts, and then pull the panel off asshown.

To install the panel1. Place the panel in the original position,

and then install the bolts and the quickfastener screws.

1. Passenger seat2. Bolt3. Seat belt




21. Panel B2. Quick fastener screw3. Bolt






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2. Install the passenger seat by installing thebolts, and then tighten them to the spec-ified torque.

TIPMake sure that the seat frame is properly


Place the passenger seat belt in the originalposition.

3. Install the passenger seat cushion.4. Install the top cover by installing the bolts

and quick fastener screw.5. Install panel A and the hood.

Panel C

To remove the panelRemove the quick fastener screws, and thenpull the panel off as shown.

1. Panel B

Tightening torque:Passenger seat bolt:

32 Nm (3.2 m·kgf, 23 ft·lbf)


1. Panel C2. Quick fastener screw

1 2


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To install the panelPlace the panel in the original position, andthen install the quick fastener screws.


Engine oil and oil filterCheck the engine oil level before each opera-tion. In addition, change the oil and replacethe filter at the intervals specified in the gen-eral maintenance and lubrication chart.

To check the engine oil level1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Remove panel C (page 8-10).

3. Start the engine and warm it up to a nor-mal operating temperature (the engine oiltemperature should reach 60 °C [140 °F]),then let the engine idle for a minimum often seconds before turning the engine off.

TIPIf the engine is cold, take the vehicle for ashort drive or let it idle for approximately tenminutes before checking the engine oil level.

4. Remove the engine oil tank filler cap andwipe the dipstick with a clean rag.

5. Insert the dipstick back into the oil tank(without screwing it in), and then removeit again to check the oil level.

TIPThe engine oil level should be between the tipof the dipstick and the maximum level mark.

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8 6. If the oil level is not between the tip of thedipstick and the maximum level mark,add sufficient oil of the recommendedtype to raise it to the correct level.

7. Install the engine oil tank filler cap.8. Install the panel.

To change the engine oil1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Remove panel C. (See page 8-10.)

3. Remove the engine oil tank cover by re-moving the bolts.

4. Start the engine, warm it up for severalminutes, and then turn it off.

5. Place an oil pan (or use a trough or funnel)beneath the oil tank to collect the usedengine oil.

6. Remove the engine oil tank filler cap andthe cylinder head cap.

1. Engine oil tank filler cap2. Engine oil dipstick3. Maximum level mark4. Tip of the engine oil dipstick




1. Engine oil tank cover2. Bolt



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7. Remove the oil tank drain bolt and itsgasket to drain the engine oil from the oiltank.

8. Place an oil pan under the engine to col-lect the used engine oil.

9. Remove the engine oil drain bolt and itsgasket to drain the oil from the engine.

1. Engine oil tank filler cap

1. Cylinder head cap



1. Engine oil tank drain bolt2. Gasket



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8TIPA “ ” mark is stamped on the crankcasenear the engine oil drain bolt for easy identifi-cation.

10. Install the engine oil drain bolt, engine oiltank drain bolt and their new gaskets,and then tighten the bolts to the specifiedtorques.

11. Add 2.00 L (2.11 US qt, 1.76 Imp.qt) ofthe recommended engine oil to the oiltank, and then install and tighten the en-gine oil tank filler cap and the cylinderhead cap.

12. Start the engine, warm it up for severalminutes, and then turn it off.

13. Remove the engine oil tank filler cap, andthen add sufficient oil of the recommend-ed type to raise it to the maximum levelmark on the dipstick.

1. Engine oil drain bolt2. Gasket3. “ ” mark



3Tightening torques:

Engine oil drain bolt:10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf)

Engine oil tank drain bolt:16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf)

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TIPBe sure to wipe off spilled oil on any parts af-ter the engine and exhaust system havecooled down.


Do not use oils with a diesel specifica-tion of “CD” or oils of a higher qualitythan specified. In addition, do not useoils labeled “ENERGY CONSERVING II”or higher.

Make sure that no foreign material en-ters the oil tank.

14. Install and tighten the engine oil tank fillercap.

15. Start the engine, and then let it idle forseveral minutes while checking it for oilleakage. If oil is leaking, immediately turnthe engine off and check for the cause.

16. Turn the engine off, wait at least ten mi-nutes, and then check the oil level andcorrect it if necessary.

17. Install the engine oil tank cover by install-ing the bolts.

18. Install the panel.

To change the engine oil and oil filter1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Loosen the left and right side panels by

removing the bolt as shown.

Recommended engine oil:See page 10-1.

Oil quantity:Oil change only:

2.50 L (2.64 US qt, 2.20 Imp.qt)Oil change and filter replacement:

2.70 L (2.85 US qt, 2.38 Imp.qt)

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83. Remove the rear bottom panel by remov-

ing the bolts.

4. Remove the bolts, and then slide the cen-ter bottom panel rearward to remove it.

1. Left side panel2. Right side panel3. Bolt





1. Rear bottom panel2. Bolt




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5. Drain the engine oil from the both the oiltank and the engine.

TIPRefer to steps 2–9 of the “To change the en-gine oil” section for the oil draining procedure.

6. Remove the oil filter cartridge with an oilfilter wrench. Make sure that the O-ring isremoved together with the oil filter car-tridge. If the O-ring remains attached tothe crankcase, oil leakage may occur.

TIPAn oil filter wrench is available from a Yamahadealer.

7. Apply a light coat of clean engine oil tothe O-ring of the new oil filter cartridge.

TIPMake sure that the O-ring is properly seated.

1. Center bottom panel2. Bolt



2 21

1. Oil filter cartridge2. Oil filter wrench


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8. Install the new oil filter cartridge with anoil filter wrench, and then tighten it to thespecified torque with a torque wrench.

9. Install the drain bolts, and then add thespecified amount of the recommendedengine oil. Check the engine oil level andthe vehicle for oil leakage. Install the en-gine oil tank cover and panel C.

TIPRefer to steps 10–18 of the “To change theengine oil” section for the oil filling procedure.

1. O-ring

Tightening torque:Oil filter cartridge:

17 Nm (1.7 m·kgf, 12 ft·lbf)


1. Torque wrench


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10. Slide the front portion of the center bot-tom panel into place as shown, and thenhook the left and right sides of the centerbottom panel into place.

11. Install the center bottom panel bolts, andthen tighten them to the specified torque.

1. Center bottom panel


1. Center bottom panel


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12. Install the rear bottom panel by installingthe bolts, and then tightening them to thespecified torque.

1. Bolt A2. Bolt B3. Bolt C

1 2 3

1. Bolt A2. Bolt B3. Bolt C

Tightening torques:Bolt A:

7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf)Bolt B:

7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf)Bolt C:

7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf)




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13. Install the side panel bolts, and then tight-en them to the specified torque.


Transmission oilCheck the oil level and change the transmis-sion oil at the intervals specified in the generalmaintenance and lubrication chart.

1. Rear bottom panel2. Bolt A3. Bolt B

Tightening torques:Bolt A:

7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf)Bolt B:

7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf)




1. Bolt B

Tightening torque:Bolt B:

7 Nm (0.7 m·kgf, 5.1 ft·lbf)

1 1

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When checking or changing the transmis-sion oil, make sure that no foreign materialenters the transmission. If necessary,clean the filler cap and surrounding area.

To check the transmission oil level1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Remove panel B (page 8-10).3. Remove the transmission oil filler cap,

wipe the dipstick off with a clean rag, in-sert it back into the transmission case(without screwing it in), and then removeit again to check the oil level.

TIPThe transmission oil level should be betweenthe tip of the dipstick and the maximum levelmark.

4. If the oil level is at or below the tip of thedipstick, add sufficient oil of the recom-mended type to raise it to the correct lev-el.

5. Install the transmission oil filler cap.

1. Transmission oil filler cap2. Dipstick3. Maximum level mark4. Tip of the dipstick




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6. Install the panel.

To change the transmission oil1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Remove panel B (page 8-10).3. Place an oil pan under the transmission

case to collect the used oil.4. Remove the transmission oil filler cap,

and then the transmission oil drain boltand its gasket to drain the oil from thetransmission case.

5. Install the transmission oil drain bolt andnew gasket, and then tighten the bolt tothe specified torque.

6. Refill with the specified amount of therecommended oil, and then install thetransmission oil filler cap.


Do not use oils with a diesel specifica-tion of “CD” or oils of a higher qualitythan specified. In addition, do not useoils labeled “ENERGY CONSERVING II”or higher.

1. Transmission oil drain bolt2. Gasket



Tightening torque:Transmission oil drain bolt:

20 Nm (2.0 m·kgf, 14 ft·lbf)

Recommended oil:See page 10-1.

Oil quantity:1.50 L (1.59 US qt, 1.32 Imp.qt)

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In order to prevent clutch slippage, donot mix any chemical additives.

TIPBe sure to wipe up any spilled oil.

7. Start the engine and drive the vehicle fora few minutes to circulate the transmis-sion oil.

8. Park the vehicle on a level surface, stopthe engine, and then check the transmis-sion case for oil leakage.

TIPIf oil is leaking confirm that the transmissionoil filler cap is properly installed and then havea Yamaha dealer check the transmission.

9. Check the transmission oil level and cor-rect if necessary.

10. Install the panel.


Final gear oilCheck the oil level and change the final gearoil at the intervals specified in the generalmaintenance and lubrication chart.

Checking the final gear oil level1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Remove the final gear oil filler bolt and its

gasket, and then check the oil level in thefinal gear case. The oil level should be atthe brim of the filler hole.

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83. If the oil is below the brim of the filler hole,add sufficient oil of the recommendedtype to raise it to the correct level.NOTICE: Be sure no foreign materialenters the final gear case. [ECB00422]

4. Check the gasket for damage, and re-place it if necessary.

5. Install the oil filler bolt and its gasket, andthen tighten the bolt to the specifiedtorque.

Changing the final gear oil1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Place an oil pan under the final gear case

to collect the used oil.3. Remove the final gear oil filler bolt, the fi-

nal gear oil drain bolt and their gasket todrain the oil.

1. Final gear oil2. Gasket3. Final gear oil filler bolt4. Correct oil level



31 Tightening torque:Final gear oil filler bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf)

1. Final gear oil drain bolt2. Gasket

2 1

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4. Install the drain bolt and its new gasket,and then tighten the bolt to the specifiedtorque.

5. Refill with the recommended final gear oilup to the brim of the filler hole. NOTICE:Be sure no foreign material enters thefinal gear case. [ECB00422]

TIPGL-4 is a quality and additive rating; GL-5

rated hypoid gear oils may also be used. If desired, an SAE 80W-90 hypoid gear oil

may be used instead.

6. Check the oil filler bolt gasket for dam-age, and replace it if necessary.

7. Install the oil filler bolt and its gasket, andthen tighten the bolt to the specifiedtorque.

8. Check for oil leakage. If oil leakage isfound, check for the cause.


Differential gear oilCheck the oil level and change the differentialgear oil at the intervals specified in the gener-al maintenance and lubrication chart.

Checking the differential gear oil level1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.

Tightening torque:Final gear oil drain bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf)

Recommended oil:SAE 80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear oil

Oil quantity:0.47 L (0.50 US qt, 0.41 Imp.qt)

Tightening torque:Final gear oil filler bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf)

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2. Remove the differential gear oil filler boltand its gasket, and then check the oil lev-el. It should be up to the brim of the fillerhole.

3. If the level is low, add sufficient oil of therecommended type to raise it to thespecified level. NOTICE: Be sure no for-eign material enters the differentialgear case. [ECB00412]

4. Check the gasket for damage, and re-place it if necessary.

5. Install the differential gear oil filler boltand its gasket, and then tighten the boltto the specified torque.

Changing the differential gear oil1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Place an oil pan under the differential

gear case to collect the used oil.3. Remove the differential gear oil filler bolt,

the differential gear oil drain bolt and theirgasket to drain the oil.

1. Differential gear oil filler bolt2. Gasket3. Differential gear oil4. Correct oil level




Tightening torque:Differential gear oil filler bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf)

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4. Install the differential gear oil drain boltand its new gasket, and then tighten thebolt to the specified torque.

5. Refill the differential gear case with therecommended oil. NOTICE: Be sure noforeign material enters the differentialgear case. [ECB00412]

TIPGL-4 is a quality and additive rating; GL-5

rated hypoid gear oils may also be used. If desired, an SAE 80W-90 hypoid gear oil

may be used instead.

6. Check the oil filler bolt gasket for dam-age, and replace it if necessary.

7. Install the differential gear oil filler boltand its gasket, and then tighten the boltto the specified torque.

8. Check for oil leakage. If oil leakage isfound, check for the cause.

1. Differential gear oil drain bolt2. Gasket

Tightening torque:Differential gear oil drain bolt:

9.8 Nm (0.98 m·kgf, 7.1 ft·lbf)



Recommended oil:SAE 80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear oil

Oil quantity:0.18 L (0.19 US qt, 0.16 Imp.qt)

Tightening torque:Differential gear oil filler bolt:

23 Nm (2.3 m·kgf, 17 ft·lbf)

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CoolantCheck the coolant level prior to each time youoperate the vehicle, and have a Yamaha deal-er change the coolant every two years.

Checking the coolant level1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.2. Remove the hood. (See page 8-10.)3. Check the coolant level when the engine

is cold (the coolant level will vary with en-gine temperature).

TIPThe coolant level in the coolant reservoirshould be between the minimum and maxi-mum level marks.

4. If the coolant level is at or below the mini-mum level mark, remove the coolant res-ervoir cap and add coolant to themaximum level mark. NOTICE: If cool-ant is not available, use distilled wateror soft tap water instead. Do not usehard water or salt water since they areharmful to the engine. If water hasbeen used instead of coolant, replaceit with coolant as soon as possible,otherwise the cooling system will not

1. Coolant reservoir cap2. Maximum level mark3. Minimum level mark




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be protected against frost and corro-sion. If water has been added to thecoolant, have a Yamaha dealer checkthe antifreeze content of the coolantas soon as possible, otherwise the ef-fectiveness of the coolant will be re-duced. [ECB01012]

5. Install the reservoir cap.6. Install the hood when finished servicing

the vehicle.

TIPThe radiator fan automatically switches on

or off according to the temperature of thecoolant in the radiator.

If the engine overheats, see page 8-66 forinstructions.


Axle bootsCheck the axle boots for holes or tears.If any damage is found, have them replacedby a Yamaha dealer.

Coolant reservoir capacity(up to the maximum level mark):

0.31 L (0.33 US qt, 0.28 Imp.qt)

1. Front axle boot

1 1

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Checking the spark plugsThe spark plug is an important engine com-ponent which should be periodicallychecked, preferably by a Yamaha dealer.Since heat and deposits will cause any sparkplug to slowly erode, the spark plugs shouldbe removed and checked in accordance withthe periodic maintenance chart for the emis-sion control system. In addition, the conditionof the spark plugs can reveal the condition ofthe engine.

The porcelain insulator around the centerelectrode of each spark plug should be a me-dium-to-light tan color (the ideal color whenthe vehicle is ridden normally), and all sparkplugs installed in the engine should have asimilar color. If any spark plug shows a dis-tinctly different color, the engine could be op-erating improperly. Do not attempt todiagnose such problems yourself. Instead,have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.If a spark plug shows signs of electrode ero-sion and excessive carbon or other deposits,it should be replaced.

Before installing a spark plug, the spark pluggap should be measured with a wire thick-ness gauge and, if necessary, adjusted tospecification.

1. Rear axle boot

1 1

Specified spark plug:NGK/CR9EB

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8 Clean the surface of the spark plug gasketand its mating surface, and then wipe off anygrime from the spark plug threads.

TIPIf a torque wrench is not available when in-stalling the spark plug, a good estimate of thecorrect torque is 1/4–1/2 turn past finger tight.However, the spark plug should be tightenedto the specified torque as soon as possible.


Do not use any tools to remove or installthe spark plug cap, otherwise the ignitioncoil coupler may be damaged. The sparkplug cap may be difficult to remove be-cause the rubber seal on the end of the capfits tightly. To remove the spark plug cap,simply twist it back and forth while pullingit out; to install it, twist it back and forthwhile pushing it in.

1. Spark plug gap

Spark plug gap:0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in)

Tightening torque:Spark plug:

13 Nm (1.3 m·kgf, 9.4 ft·lbf)


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Air filter maintenanceThis model is equipped with two air filter ele-ments, a primary foam-type air filter and asecondary paper-type air filter.

The primary air filter is easily accessed andshould be cleaned and oiled every 300–600km (200–400 mi).The secondary air filter is more difficult to ac-cess, cannot be cleaned, and should be re-placed by a Yamaha dealer every 2000–5000km (1200–3000 mi).

TIPService the air filters more frequently whenoperating in wet or dusy environments.

Whenever air filter maintenance is performed:check the air inlet for obstructions and the

air filter case for dirt and foreign matter.check the air filter case check hoses for dirt

or water and clean as necessary.check the air filter case joints and the rub-

ber joints to and from the throttle body forproper fit and sealing.

tighten all fittings securely to avoid the pos-sibility of unfiltered air entering the engine.


Never operate the engine with the air filterelement removed. Doing so would allowunfiltered air to enter, causing rapid en-gine wear and possible engine damage.

1. Primary air filter2. Secondary air filter

1 2

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Additionally, the fuel injection systemwould be affected, resulting in poor engineperformance and possible overheating.

Clean the primary air filter as follows.1. Remove panel C (page 8-10).2. Remove the air filter case cover by turn-

ing the air filter case cover lock counter-clockwise.

TIPMake sure that the match mark on the coverlock is aligned with the open match mark onthe air filter case cover.

3. Remove the foam air filter.

1. Air filter case cover2. Air filter case cover lock3. Match mark



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4. Remove the foam air filter element fromthe air filter frame. 5. Wash the foam material gently but thor-

oughly in parts cleaning solvent.WARNING! Using gasoline or otherflammable solvents to clean the air fil-ter element can cause a fire or explo-sion, which could lead to seriousinjury. [EWB03360]

6. Squeeze out the excess solvent.NOTICE: Do not twist the foam materi-al when squeezing it. [ECB02970]

1. Foam air filter


1. Foam air filter element2. Air filter frame

1 2

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7. Wash the foam material in warm soapywater to remove remaining solvent, thenrinse thoroughly with plain warm water.

8. Squeeze out the excess water. NOTICE:Do not twist the foam material whensqueezing it. [ECB02970]

9. Allow the foam air filter to dry thoroughly.Inspect for wear and tear and replace ifdamaged or heavily worn.

10. Thoroughly apply Yamalube foam air fil-ter oil (or other quality liquid foam air fil-ter—do not use a spray-type product) tothe foam material. The foam air filter ele-ment should be wet but not dripping.

11. Pull the foam air filter element over itsframe.

12. Install the air filter.13. Install the air filter case cover and lock it

into place by turning the air filter casecover lock clockwise.

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TIPMake sure that the match mark on the coverlock is aligned with the close match mark onthe air filter case cover.

14. Install the panel.


Cleaning the air filter case check hosesThere is a check hose on each side of the airfilter case. If dust or water collects in a checkhose, empty the hose and clean the air filterelement and air filter case.

1. Match mark


1. Air filter case check hose

1. Air filter case check hose



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Cleaning the spark arrester


Hot exhaust system may cause burns. Toavoid burns or fires, make sure that the en-gine is stopped and the exhaust system iscool before cleaning the spark arrester. Donot start the engine while cleaning the ex-haust system.

1. Remove the tailpipe cover by removingthe bolts.

2. Remove the tailpipe bolts.

3. Remove the tailpipe by pulling it out ofthe muffler, and then remove the gasket.

4. Tap the tailpipe lightly, and then use awire brush to remove any carbon depos-its from the spark arrester portion of thetailpipe and inside of the tailpipe housing.

1. Tailpipe cover2. Bolt




1. Tailpipe bolt


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85. Install the gasket, and then insert the tail-

pipe into the muffler and align the boltholes.

6. Install the tailpipe bolts and tighten themto the specified torque.

7. Install the tailpipe cover.

8. Install the bolts and tighten them to thespecified torque.


Valve clearanceThe correct valve clearance changes withuse, resulting in improper fuel/air supply orengine noise. To prevent this, the valve clear-ance must be adjusted regularly. This adjust-ment however, should be left to aprofessional Yamaha service technician.


BrakesReplacement of brake components requiresprofessional knowledge. Brake serviceshould be performed by a Yamaha dealer.

1. Gasket2. Spark arrester3. Tailpipe

Tightening torque:Tailpipe bolt:

10 Nm (1.0 m·kgf, 7.2 ft·lbf)


3Tightening torque:

Tailpipe cover bolt:8 Nm (0.8 m·kgf, 5.8 ft·lbf)

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Operating with improperly serviced or ad-justed brakes could lead to a loss in brak-ing ability and an accident.


Checking the front and rear brake padsCheck each brake pad for damage and mea-sure the lining thickness. If a brake pad isdamaged or if the lining thickness is less than1.0 mm (0.04 in), have a Yamaha dealer re-place the brake pads as a set.The wheels need to be removed to check thebrake pads. (See pages 8-54, 8-55 for wheelremoval and installation procedures.)


Checking the parking brake padsEach brake pad is provided with a wear indi-cator groove, which allows you to check thebrake pad wear without having to disassem-ble the brake. If a brake pad has worn to thepoint that the wear indicator groove has al-most disappeared, have a Yamaha dealer re-place the brake pads as a set.

1. Lining thickness


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Checking the brake and clutch fluid levelsBefore starting off, check that the brake andclutch fluids are above the minimum levelmarks. Replenish the brake and clutch fluidsif necessary.

TIPThe brake and clutch fluid reservoirs are lo-

cated under the hood (page 8-10).For an accurate reading, make sure the ve-

hicle is parked on a level surface.

1. Parking brake pad wear indicator groove


1. Brake fluid reservoir2. Clutch fluid reservoir3. Minimum level mark

Specified fluid for brake and clutch systems:DOT 4 brake fluid




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Improper maintenance can result in loss ofbraking ability or clutch operation. Ob-serve these precautions: Insufficient brake or clutch fluid may al-

low air to enter the brake or clutch sys-tem, reducing braking or clutchperformance.

Clean the filler caps before removing.Use only DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealedcontainer.

Use only the specified brake fluid; other-wise, the rubber seals may deteriorate,causing leakage.

Refill with the same type of brake fluid.Adding a brake fluid other than DOT 4may result in a harmful chemical reac-tion.

Be careful that water or dust does notenter the brake or clutch fluid reservoirwhen refilling. Water will significantlylower the boiling point of the fluid andmay result in vapor lock.


Brake fluid may damage painted surfacesor plastic parts. Always clean up spilledfluid immediately.

As the brake pads wear, it is normal for thebrake fluid level to gradually go down. A lowbrake fluid level may indicate worn brakepads or brake system leakage; therefore, besure to check the brake pads for wear and thebrake system for leakage. A low clutch fluidlevel may indicate clutch system leakage;therefore, be sure to check the clutch systemfor leakage. If the brake or clutch fluid levelgoes down suddenly, have a Yamaha dealercheck and repair the vehicle before any fur-ther operation.

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Brake and clutch fluid replacementComplete fluid replacement should be doneonly by trained Yamaha service personnel.Have a Yamaha dealer replace the followingcomponents during periodic maintenance orwhen they are damaged or leaking.Replace the oil seals every two years.Replace the brake and clutch hoses every

four years.


Checking the clutch pedalThe clutch pedal should operate smoothlyand spring back to position when released.When depressed, it should offer resistancebefore reaching the floorboard. If the pedaloffers little resistance when depressed, or ifthe transmission grinds gears when shifting,have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

TIPDon’t forget to have your Yamaha dealercheck the clutch and transmission as a wholeat the intervals specified in the general main-tenance and lubrication chart.


Checking the brake pedalHave a Yamaha dealer check the brakes atthe intervals specified in the periodic mainte-nance and lubrication chart. There should be

1. Clutch pedal2. No clutch pedal free play



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no free play in the brake pedal. The brakesshould operate smoothly and there should beno brake drag. If the brakes feel soft orspongy, this could indicate air in the brakesystem. Have a Yamaha dealer check thebrake system if necessary.


Checking the accelerator pedalThe accelerator pedal should operatesmoothly and spring back to position whenreleased. If the pedal free play is out of spec-ification, have a Yamaha dealer adjust or re-place the throttle wire.

1. Brake pedal2. No brake pedal free play


Accelerator pedal free play:10.0-25.0 mm (0.39-0.98 in)

1. Accelerator pedal2. Accelerator pedal free play



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Parking brake lever free play adjust-mentPeriodically check the parking brake leverfree play and adjust it if necessary.1. Shift the transmission into first gear.2. Check the parking brake lever free play.

The maximum free play is equal to oneclick of the parking brake lever. If neces-sary, adjust the free play as follows.

3. Remove panel B. (See page 8-10.)4. Release the parking brake lever.

5. Slide the rubber cover back on the park-ing brake cable.

6. Loosen the locknut.

7. Turn the adjusting nut in direction (a) toincrease the free play or in direction (b) todecrease the free play.

8. Tighten the locknut, and then slide therubber cover to its original position.

9. Install the panel.

1. Parking brake lever free play


1. Rubber cover2. Adjusting nut3. Locknut




3 2

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Brake light switch adjustmentThe brake light switch, which is activated bythe brake pedal, is properly adjusted whenthe brake light comes on just before brakingtakes effect. If necessary, adjust the brakelight switch as follows.Turn the adjusting nut while holding the brakelight switch in place. To make the brake lightcome on earlier, turn the adjusting nut in di-rection (a). To make the brake light come onlater, turn the adjusting nut in direction (b).


Cable inspection and lubrication


Damaged cables could restrict operation,which may cause an accident or injury. In-spect control cables frequently and re-place damaged cables. Corrosion canresult when the outer covering of controlcables becomes damaged. Cables canalso become frayed or kinked.

Lubricate the cable ends. If the cables do notoperate smoothly, ask a Yamaha dealer to re-place them.

1. Brake light switch2. Adjusting nut




Recommended lubricant:Yamalube LubezAll (synthetic lubricant spray with PTFE)

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Pedal lubricationThe pivoting parts of the brake, clutch, andaccelerator pedals should be lubricated peri-odically to prevent rust and ensure smoothoperation.


Checking the stabilizer bushesThe stabilizer bushes must be checked forcracks or damage at the intervals specified inthe periodic maintenance and lubricationchart.Have a Yamaha dealer replace the stabilizerbushes if necessary.


Recommended lubricant:Lithium-soap-based grease

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Upper and lower arm pivot lubrication (left and right)Lubricate the upper and lower arm pivots witha grease gun.



Recommended lubricant:Lithium-soap-based grease

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Rear knuckle upper and lower pivot lu-brication (left and right)Lubricate the knuckle upper and lower pivotswith a grease gun.


Drive shaft universal joint lubricationLubricate the drive shaft universal joint with agrease gun.


Steering shaft lubricationLubricate the pivot points.Recommended lubricant:

Lithium-soap-based grease

Recommended lubricant:Lithium-soap-based grease

Recommended lubricant:Lithium-soap-based grease

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Wheel removal1. Loosen the wheel nuts.2. Elevate the vehicle and place a suitable

stand under the frame.3. Remove the nuts from the wheel.4. Remove the wheel.


Tire replacementAlways use the same size and type of tiresrecommended in this owner’s manual. Thetires that came with your Yamaha YXZ1000Rwere designed to match the performance ca-pabilities and to provide the best combinationof handling, braking, and comfort. It is best toreplace all four tires at the same time. If that isnot possible, you must replace the tires in

1. Wheel nut



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pairs (front or rear) with tires of the same sizeand type as the originals. Never replace justone tire.


Installing improper tires on your YamahaYXZ1000R can affect handling and stabili-ty. This can cause a loss of control.

The tires listed below have been approved byYamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation ofAmerica for this model.


Wheel installation1. Install the wheel and the nuts.2. Lower the vehicle so that the wheel is on

the ground.3. Tighten the wheel nuts in a crisscross

pattern to the specified torque.


Do not reverse the rims on your YamahaYXZ1000R to widen the track width. In-stalling wheels improperly increases therisk of wheel failure and accidents.


BatteryThe battery is located under panel A. (Seepage 8-10.)

Front tire:Size:

27 x 9.00R-14NHSManufacturer/model:

MAXXIS/MU09Rear tire:

Size:27 x 11.00R-14NHS


Tightening torques:Front wheel nut:

75 Nm (7.5 m·kgf, 54 ft·lbf)Rear wheel nut:

75 Nm (7.5 m·kgf, 54 ft·lbf)

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This model is equipped with a VRLA (ValveRegulated Lead Acid) battery. There is noneed to check the electrolyte or to add dis-tilled water. However, the battery lead con-nections need to be checked and, ifnecessary, tightened.


Avoid battery contact with skin, eyes, orclothing. Shield eyes when working nearbatteries. Keep out of reach of children.You could be poisoned or severely burnedby the sulfuric acid in battery electrolyte. Incase of accidental contact with batteryelectrolyte:EXTERNAL: Flush with water.INTERNAL: Drink large quantities of wateror milk. Follow with milk of magnesia,beaten egg, or vegetable oil. Get promptmedical attention.EYES: Flush with water for 15 minutes andget prompt medical attention.


Batteries may produce explosive gases.Ventilate when charging or using in aclosed space. Keep batteries away fromsparks, flames, cigarettes, or other sourc-es of ignition.

To remove the battery1. Turn the key to “ ” (off).2. Remove panel A. (See page 8-10.)3. Remove the battery holding plate by re-

moving the bolts.

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4. Disconnect the negative battery lead first,then the positive battery lead by remov-ing their bolt. NOTICE: When removingthe battery, the main switch must beoff, and the negative lead must be dis-connected before the positive lead.[ECB01002]

5. Pull the battery out of its compartment.

To charge the batteryHave a Yamaha dealer charge the battery assoon as possible if it seems to have dis-charged. Keep in mind that the battery tendsto discharge more quickly if the vehicle isequipped with optional electrical accessories.

1. Battery holding plate2. Bolt




1. Positive battery lead (red)2. Negative battery lead (black)3. Battery



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To charge a VRLA (Valve Regulated LeadAcid) battery, a special (constant-voltage)battery charger is required. Using a con-ventional battery charger will damage thebattery.

To store the battery If the vehicle will not be used for more than

one month, remove the battery, fully chargeit, and then place it in a cool, dry place.

If the battery will be stored for more thantwo months, check it at least once a monthand fully charge it if necessary.


Always keep the battery charged. Storinga discharged battery can cause perma-nent battery damage.

To install the battery

TIPBe sure the battery is fully charged.

1. Place the battery in its compartment.2. Connect the positive battery lead first,

then the negative battery lead by install-ing their bolt. NOTICE: When installingthe battery, the main switch must beoff, and the positive lead must be con-nected before the negative lead. [ECB01111]

1. Positive battery lead (red)2. Negative battery lead (black)3. Battery



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3. Install the battery holding plate by install-ing the bolts.

4. Install the panel.


Jump-startingJump-starting the vehicle should be avoided.The battery should be removed and chargedinstead.


To avoid battery explosion and/or seriousdamage to the electrical system:Do not connect the negative lead of the

jumper cable to the negative terminal ofthe battery.

Do not touch the positive lead of thejumper cable to the negative lead.

Do not reverse the polarity of the jumpercables when connecting to the batteries.

However, if the vehicle must be jump-started,proceed as follows.1. Turn the key to “ ” (off).

2. Remove panel A. (See page 8-10.)3. Remove the passenger seat cushion.

(See page 4-20.)4. Using a charged 12-volt battery, connect

the positive lead of the jumper cable tothe positive terminal of the battery in theYXZ1000R and the other end of the pos-itive lead to the positive terminal of thecharged battery.

5. Connect the negative lead of the jumpercable to the negative terminal of thecharged battery and the other end of the

1. Jumper cable positive lead


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negative lead to an unpainted metal sur-face of the passenger seat frame near thecenter console in the YXZ1000R.

6. Start the engine. (Refer to “Starting theengine” on page 6-2.)

7. After the engine starts, disconnect thenegative lead of the jumper cable fromthe seat frame and charged battery, andthen disconnect the positive lead of thejumper cable from the charged batteryand the battery in the YXZ1000R.

8. Install the seat cushion and the panel.


Fuse replacementThe main fuse, the fuel injection system fuse,the EPS fuse, and the fuse box are locatedunder panel A. (See page 8-10.)

1. Jumper cable negative lead


1. Main fuse2. EPS fuse3. Fuse box4. Fuel injection system fuse5. Fuel injection system spare fuse





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If a fuse is blown, replace it as follows.1. Turn the key to “ ” (off) and turn off the

electrical circuit in question.


To prevent accidental short-circuiting,turn off the main switch when checking orreplacing a fuse.

2. Remove panel A. (See page 8-10.)3. Remove the blown fuse, and then install a

new fuse of the specified amperage.WARNING! Always use a fuse of thespecified amperage. Never use anymaterial in place of the proper fuse.Using an improper fuse can causedamage to the electrical system andmay lead to a fire. [EWB03440]

1. Headlight fuse “HEAD”2. Signaling system fuse “SIGNAL”3. Four-wheel-drive motor fuse “DIFF”4. Backup fuse “BACK UP” (for clock)5. Ignition fuse “IGNITION”6. Radiator fan motor fuse “FAN”7. Spare fuse8. Auxiliary DC jack fuse “TERMINAL”





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4. Turn the key to “ ” (on) and turn on theelectrical circuit in question to check ifthe device operates. If the fuse blowsagain immediately, have a Yamaha dealercheck the electrical system.

5. Install the panel.


HeadlightsThis model is equipped with LED headlights.There are no user replaceable bulbs. If one ormore headlights do not come on, check for aloose connection, check the headlight fuse,and then have a Yamaha dealer check the ve-hicle.

TIPWhen the headlights are set to low beam,

only the top half of each lamp will illuminate.When the headlights are set to high beam,

both halves of each lamp will illuminate.

Specified fuses:Main fuse:

40.0 AFuel injection system fuse:

15.0 AHeadlight fuse:

15.0 AIgnition fuse:

15.0 AAuxiliary DC jack fuse:

10.0 ASignaling system fuse:

10.0 AFour-wheel-drive motor fuse:

10.0 ARadiator fan motor fuse:

30.0 ABackup fuse:

10.0 AEPS fuse:

40.0 A

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Headlight beam adjustment


It is advisable to have a Yamaha dealermake this adjustment.

To raise the beam, turn the headlight beamadjusting screw in direction (a).To lower the beam, turn the headlight beamadjusting screw in direction (b).


Tail/brake lightThis model is equipped with an LED tail/brakelight, there are no replaceable bulbs.If the tail/brake light does not come on, checkthe fuses, and then have a Yamaha dealercheck the vehicle.


TroubleshootingAlthough Yamaha vehicles receive an inspec-tion before shipment from the factory, troublemay occur during operation. Any problem in

1. Headlight beam adjusting screw



1. Headlight beam adjusting screw




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the fuel, compression, or ignition systems cancause poor starting and loss of power. Thetroubleshooting chart describes a quick, easyprocedure for making checks. If your vehiclerequires any repair, take it to a Yamaha deal-er.The skilled technicians at a Yamaha dealer-ship have the tools, experience, and know-how to properly service your vehicle. Use onlygenuine Yamaha parts on your vehicle. Imita-tion parts may look like Yamaha parts, butthey are often inferior. Consequently, theyhave a shorter service life and can lead to ex-pensive repair bills.


When checking the fuel system, do notsmoke and make sure there are no openflames or sparks in the area, including pilotlights from water heaters or furnaces.

Gasoline or gasoline vapors can ignite orexplode, causing severe injury or propertydamage.

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Troubleshooting charts

Starting problems or poor engine performance

Check the fuel level inthe fuel tank.

1. FuelThere is enough fuel.

There is no fuel.

Check the battery.

Supply fuel. The engine does not start. Check the battery.

Operate the electric starter.

4. CompressionThere is compression.

There is no compression.

The engine does not start. Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle.

Remove the spark plugsand check the electrodes.

3. Ignition Wipe off with a dry cloth and correct thespark plug gaps, or replace the spark plugs.

Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. The engine does not start.Check the compression.

Operate the electric starter.

2. BatteryThe engine turns over quickly.

The engine turns over slowly.

The battery is good.


Wet Operate the electric starter.

Check the battery lead connections,and have a Yamaha dealer charge the battery if necessary.

The engine does not start.Check the ignition.

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Engine overheatingWait for the engine to cool before removing the radiator cap. WARNING! If the engine is notcool when removing the radiator cap, hot fluid and steam could blow out under pressureand burn you. [EWB03460] Place a thick rag over the cap and remove the cap slowly to allow any re-maining pressure to escape.

TIPIf it is difficult to get the recommended coolant, tap water can be used temporarily, provided thatit is changed to the recommended coolant as soon as possible.

Wait until the engine has cooled.

Check the coolant level in the coolant reservoir and/or radiator.

Level is OK.

Level is low, check the cooling system for leakage.

No leakage.

Leakage.Ask a Yamaha dealer to inspect and repair the cooling system.

Add coolant. (See TIP.)

Restart the engine. If the engine overheats again, ask a Yamaha dealer to inspect and/or repair the cooling system.

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CleaningFrequent, thorough cleaning of your vehiclewill not only enhance its appearance but willimprove its general performance and extendthe useful life of many components.1. Before cleaning the vehicle:

a. Block off the end of the exhaust pipeto prevent water entry. A plastic bagand strong rubber band may be used.

b. Make sure the spark plugs and all fillercaps are properly installed.

2. If the engine case is excessively greasy,apply degreaser with a paint brush. Donot apply degreaser to the wheel axles.

3. Rinse the dirt and degreaser off with agarden hose. Use only enough pressureto do the job. WARNING! Test thebrakes after washing. Apply thebrakes several times at slow speeds tolet friction dry the brakes. Wet brakes

may have reduced stopping ability, in-creasing the chance of an accident.[EWB03471] NOTICE: Excessive water pres-sure may cause water seepage anddeterioration of wheel bearings,brakes, transmission seals and electri-cal devices. Many expensive repairbills have resulted from improper high-pressure detergent applications suchas those available in coin-operated carwashers. [ECB00712]

4. Once the majority of the dirt has beenhosed off, wash all surfaces with warmwater and mild, detergent-type soap. Anold toothbrush or bottle brush is handyfor hard-to-get-at places.

5. Rinse the vehicle off immediately withclean water and dry all surfaces with aclean chamois towel or soft, absorbentcloth.

6. Clean the seats with a vinyl upholsterycleaner to keep the covers pliable andglossy.

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7. Automotive-type wax may be applied toall painted and chrome-plated surfaces.Avoid combination cleaner-waxes. Manycontain abrasives which may scratch thepaint or protective finish. When finished,start the engine and let it idle for severalminutes.


StorageLong term storage (60 days or more) of yourvehicle will require some preventive proce-dures to guard against deterioration. Makeany necessary repairs before storing the vehi-cle.After thoroughly cleaning the vehicle, preparefor storage as follows:1. Fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel and add

the specified amount of Fuel Med Rx oranother high-quality fuel stabilizer prod-uct. Follow the instructions on the prod-

uct label. Operate the vehicle for at least5 minutes to distribute treated fuelthrough the fuel system.

2. Remove the spark plugs and pour one ta-blespoon of fresh engine oil into each cyl-inder and then re-install the spark plugs.Remove the spark plug wires and groundthem. Operate the electric starter to turnthe engine over several times and coatthe cylinder walls with oil.

3. Lubricate all control cables.4. Put the frame on stands or blocks to raise

all wheels off the ground.5. Tie a plastic bag over the exhaust pipe

outlet to prevent moisture from entering.

Specified amount:1 oz of stabilizer to each gallon of fuel (or 7.5 ml of stabilizer to each liter of fuel)

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6. If storing in a humid or salt-air atmo-sphere, coat all exposed metal surfaceswith a light film of oil. Do not apply oil toany rubber parts or the seat covers.

7. Remove the battery and charge it. Storeit in a dry place and recharge it once amonth. Do not store the battery in an ex-cessively warm or cold place [less than 0°C (30 °F) or more than 30 °C (90 °F)].

Use of fuel stabilizer eliminates the need todrain the fuel system. Consult a Yamahadealer if the fuel system needs to be drained.

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Overall length:3121 mm (122.9 in)

Overall width:1626 mm (64.0 in)

Overall height:1834 mm (72.2 in)

Wheelbase:2300 mm (90.6 in)

Ground clearance:330 mm (13.0 in)

Minimum turning radius:6000 mm (236 in)

Weight:Curb weight:

685.0 kg (1510 lb)Noise and vibration level:

Noise level (77/311/EEC):85.8 dB(A) at 4125 r/min (EUR,FRA,GBR)

Uncertainty of measurement:3.0 dB(A) (EUR,FRA,GBR)

A-weighted sound power level:100.0 dB(A) at 4125 r/min (EUR,FRA,GBR)

Uncertainty of measurement:3.0 dB(A) (EUR,FRA,GBR)

Vibration on seat (EN1032, ISO5008):Will not exceed 0.5 m/s² (EUR,FRA,GBR)

Uncertainty of measurement:0.0 m/s² (EUR,FRA,GBR)

Vibration on handle (EN1032, ISO5008):Will not exceed 2.5 m/s² (EUR,FRA,GBR)

Uncertainty of measurement:0.2 m/s² (EUR,FRA,GBR)

Engine:Engine type:

Liquid cooled 4-stroke, DOHCCylinder arrangement:

Inline 3-cylinderDisplacement:

998 cm³Bore × stroke:

80.0 × 66.2 mm (3.15 × 2.61 in)Compression ratio:

11.3 : 1Starting system:

Electric starterLubrication system:

Dry sumpEngine oil:

Recommended brand:YAMALUBE

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Type:SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 20W-40 or 20W-50

Recommended engine oil grade:API service SG type or higher, JASO standard MA

Engine oil quantity:Without oil filter cartridge replacement:

2.50 L (2.64 US qt, 2.20 Imp.qt)With oil filter cartridge replacement:

2.70 L (2.85 US qt, 2.38 Imp.qt)Transmission oil:

Recommended brand:YAMALUBE

Type:SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40, 20W-40 or 20W-50

Recommended engine oil grade:API service SG type or higher, JASO standard MA

Quantity:1.50 L (1.59 US qt, 1.32 Imp.qt)

Final gear oil:Type:

SAE 80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear oilQuantity:

0.47 L (0.50 US qt, 0.41 Imp.qt)Differential gear oil:

Type:SAE 80 API GL-4 Hypoid gear oil

Quantity:0.18 L (0.19 US qt, 0.16 Imp.qt)

Coolant quantity:Coolant reservoir (up to the maximum level mark):

0.31 L (0.33 US qt, 0.28 Imp.qt)Radiator (including all routes):

3.75 L (3.96 US qt, 3.30 Imp.qt)Air filter:

Air filter element:Wet element

Secondary air filter element:Oil-coated paper element

Fuel:Recommended fuel:

Regular unleaded gasoline onlyFuel tank capacity:

34.0 L (8.98 US gal, 7.48 Imp.gal)Fuel injection:

Throttle body:ID mark:

2HC1 00

0 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 ̊ F

–20 –10 0 10 20 30 40 50 ̊ C

SAE 5W-30

SAE 10W-30

SAE 10W-40

SAE 15W-40

SAE 20W-40

SAE 20W-50

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Spark plug (s):Manufacturer/model:

NGK/CR9EBSpark plug gap:

0.7–0.8 mm (0.028–0.031 in)Clutch:

Clutch type:Wet, multiple-disc

Transmission:Primary reduction system:

Spur gearPrimary reduction ratio:

88/53 (1.660)Secondary reduction system:

Shaft driveSecondary reduction ratio:

41/22 × 33/9 (6.833)Transmission type:

Constant mesh 5-speed forward, 1-speed reverseOperation:

Right hand operationReverse gear:

37/15 (2.467)1st:

35/17 (2.059)2nd:

34/22 (1.545)3rd:

31/26 (1.192)4th:

25/26 (0.962)

5th:25/31 (0.806)

Chassis:Frame type:

Steel tube frameCaster angle:

6.80 °Trail:

33.7 mm (1.33 in)Front tire:


Size:27 x 9.00R-14NHS


Rear tire:Type:


27 x 11.00R-14NHSManufacturer/model:


Maximum loading limit:326.0 kg (719 lb)

(Total weight of operator, passenger, cargo, and accessories)

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Tire air pressure (measured on cold tires):Recommended:

Vehicle load:0 - 195 kg (0 - 430 lb)

Front:114.0 kPa (1.140 kgf/cm², 16.5 psi)

Rear:128.0 kPa (1.280 kgf/cm², 18.5 psi)

Vehicle load:195 kg - maximum (430 lb - maximum)

Front:114.0 kPa (1.140 kgf/cm², 16.5 psi)

Rear:169.0 kPa (1.690 kgf/cm², 24.5 psi)

Minimum:Vehicle load:

0 - 195 kg (0 - 430 lb)Front:

110.0 kPa (1.100 kgf/cm², 16.0 psi)Rear:

124.0 kPa (1.240 kgf/cm², 18.0 psi)Vehicle load:

195 kg - maximum (430 lb - maximum)Front:

110.0 kPa (1.100 kgf/cm², 16.0 psi)Rear:

165.0 kPa (1.650 kgf/cm², 24.0 psi)Front wheel:

Wheel type:Cast wheel

Rim size:14 x 6.5AT

Rear wheel:Wheel type:

Cast wheelRim size:

14 x 8.0ATFront brake:

Type:Disc brake

Operation:Unified brake

Specified brake fluid:DOT 4

Rear brake:Type:

Disc brakeOperation:

Unified brakeSpecified brake fluid:

DOT 4Front suspension:

Type:Double wishbone

Spring/shock absorber type:Coil spring/gas-oil damper

Wheel travel:410 mm (16.2 in)

Rear suspension:Type:

Double wishboneSpring/shock absorber type:

Coil spring/gas-oil damper

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Wheel travel:432 mm (17.0 in)

Electrical system:Ignition system:

TCICharging system:

AC magnetoBattery:


Voltage, capacity:12 V, 28.0 Ah

Bulb voltage, wattage × quantity:Headlight:

LEDTail/brake light:

LEDNeutral indicator light:

LEDReverse indicator light:

LEDCoolant temperature warning light:

LEDEngine trouble warning light:

LEDParking brake indicator light:

LEDDifferential gear lock indicator light:

LEDEPS warning light:


Helmet/Seat belt indicator light:14 V, 0.85 W × 2

Shift timing indicator light:LED

Fuses:Main fuse:

40.0 AFuel injection system fuse:

15.0 AEPS fuse:

40.0 AHeadlight fuse:

15.0 ASignaling system fuse:

10.0 AIgnition fuse:

15.0 AAuxiliary DC jack fuse:

10.0 ABackup fuse:

10.0 AFour-wheel-drive motor fuse:

10.0 ARadiator fan motor fuse:

30.0 A

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For Europe onlyThe figures quoted are emission levels andare not necessarily safe working levels. Whilstthere is a correlation between the emissionand exposure levels, this cannot be used reli-ably to determine whether or not further pre-cautions are required. Factors that influencethe actual level of exposure of work-force in-clude the characteristics of the work room,the other sources of noise, etc. i.e. the num-ber of machines and other adjacent process-es, and the length of time for which anoperator is exposed to the noise. Also thepermissible exposure level can vary fromcountry. This information, however, will en-able the user of the machine to make a betterevaluation of the hazard and risk.

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Identification number recordsRecord the vehicle identification number andmodel label information in the spaces provid-ed for assistance when ordering spare partsfrom a Yamaha dealer or for reference, incase the vehicle is stolen.




Vehicle identification numberThe vehicle identification number is stampedinto the frame.

The vehicle identification number is used toidentify your vehicle.


Model labelThe model label can be found under the driverseat. Record the information on this label inthe space provided. This information will beneeded to order spare parts from yourYamaha dealer.

1. Vehicle identification number


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1. Model label


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Accelerator pedal .........................................................4-16Accelerator pedal, checking ........................................8-48Accelerator pedal, Pre-operation check ........................5-7Air filter .........................................................................8-37Air filter case hoses, cleaning ......................................8-41Auxiliary DC jack ..........................................................4-38Axle boots ....................................................................8-34

BBasic guide for safe use .................................................7-1Battery, Periodic maintenance .....................................8-55Brake and clutch fluid levels, checking ........................8-45Brake fluid, replacing ...................................................8-47Brake light switch, adjusting ........................................8-50Brake pedal ..................................................................4-17Brake pedal, checking .................................................8-47Brakes, Periodic maintenance .....................................8-43Brakes, Pre-operation check .........................................5-3

CCable, inspecting and lubrication ................................8-50Cargo bed ....................................................................4-27Cleaning .........................................................................9-1Clutch pedal .................................................................4-17Clutch pedal, checking ................................................8-47Clutch, Pre-operation check ..........................................5-3Control cables, Pre-operation check .............................5-8Coolant, Periodic maintenance ....................................8-33Coolant, Pre-operation check ........................................5-6Coolant temperature warning light .................................4-4

Cup holders .................................................................4-26D

Differential gear lock indicator light ...............................4-3Differential gear oil, Periodic maintenance ..................8-30Differential gear, Pre-operation check ...........................5-7Doors ...........................................................................4-20Drive mode, selecting ....................................................6-7Driver seat position ......................................................4-22Drive shaft universal joint, lubrication ..........................8-53Drivetrain icon ................................................................4-3

EEngine break-in ..............................................................6-1Engine oil and oil filter, Periodic maintenance .............8-15Engine oil, Pre-operation check .....................................5-5Engine trouble warning light ..........................................4-5EPS warning light ...........................................................4-5

FFinal gear oil, Periodic maintenance ............................8-28Final gear, Pre-operation check .....................................5-6Fittings and fasteners, Pre-operation check ..................5-8Flag pole bracket .........................................................4-28Front and rear brake pads, checking ...........................8-44Fuel, Pre-operation check ..............................................5-4Fuel tank cap ...............................................................4-19Fuse, replacing .............................................................8-60

GGlove compartment .....................................................4-23

HHeadlight beam, adjusting ...........................................8-63Headlights ....................................................................8-62Helmet indicator light .....................................................4-6

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Hood ............................................................................ 8-10I

Identification number records ...................................... 11-1Indicator lights and warning lights ................................. 4-2Instruments, lights and switches, Pre-operation

check ........................................................................... 5-8J

Jump-starting .............................................................. 8-59L

Label locations ............................................................... 1-1Light switch .................................................................. 4-15Loading .......................................................................... 6-9

MMain switch .................................................................... 4-1Maintenance and lubrication chart ................................ 8-6Maintenance chart, emission control system ................ 8-4Model label .................................................................. 11-1Multi-function meter unit ............................................... 4-6

NNeutral indicator light ..................................................... 4-2

OOn-Command drive knob ............................................ 4-15Owner’s manual and tool kit .......................................... 8-2

PPanels .......................................................................... 8-10Parking ........................................................................... 6-9Parking brake indicator light .......................................... 4-3Parking brake lever ...................................................... 4-18Parking brake lever free play, adjusting ....................... 8-49Parking brake pads, checking ..................................... 8-44Passenger handhold, Pre-operation check ................... 5-7

Pedal, lubrication ......................................................... 8-51R

Rear knuckle upper and lower pivot, lubrication ......... 8-53Reverse gear lock lever ............................................... 4-16Reverse indicator light ................................................... 4-2

SSafety information .......................................................... 2-1Seat belt indicator light .................................................. 4-6Seat belts ..................................................................... 4-23Seat belts, Pre-operation check .................................... 5-7Seats ............................................................................ 4-20Shift lever ..................................................................... 4-19Shift lever operation and reverse driving ....................... 6-3Shift lever, Pre-operation check .................................... 5-8Shift timing indicator light .............................................. 4-3Shock absorber assemblies, adjusting the front ......... 4-28Shock absorber assemblies, adjusting the rear .......... 4-33Spark arrester, cleaning ............................................... 8-42Spark plugs, checking ................................................. 8-35Specifications .............................................................. 10-1Stabilizer bushes, checking ......................................... 8-51Starting the engine ........................................................ 6-2Steering, Pre-operation check ....................................... 5-7Steering shaft, lubrication ............................................ 8-53Steering wheel position ............................................... 4-22Storage .......................................................................... 9-2Storage compartments ................................................ 4-24

TTail/brake light ............................................................. 8-63Tire, replacing .............................................................. 8-54Tires, Pre-operation check ............................................ 5-8Transmission oil ........................................................... 8-25

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Transmission, Pre-operation check ...............................5-6Troubleshooting ...........................................................8-63Troubleshooting charts ................................................8-65

UUpper and lower arm pivot, lubrication ........................8-52

VValve clearance ............................................................8-43Vehicle identification number .......................................11-1

WWheel installation .........................................................8-55Wheel removal .............................................................8-54

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Original instructions

PRINTED IN USA2015.10-0.3×1 CR


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