Yulia Fitriana Thesis Proposal


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NIM : TE. 090428





A. Background of the study

Education plays an important role for people's lives. Especially for teachers

and students who run the education process. According to Law - Law of the Republic of

Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on Article 1 paragraph 1 that'' education is a conscious

and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that

learners are actively developing their own potentials, personality, intelligence, aklak

noble and necessary skills themselves, society,nation and the State''.1

  Talking about education certainly can not be separated with all the effort that

should be done to develop quality human resources in terms of education has been seen clearly

contained in the national education goals.

The purpose of education is a set of educational outcomes achieved by learners after the

organize educational activities. Guidance throughout the educational activities of teaching and

training are directed to achieve educational goals. In teaching is teaching that educates expect it.

An instruction on educating say when

1 UU Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 SISDIKNAS, Jakarta : Depdiknas

students can be in shape, therefore, teaching must be in duty to people - he who is

competent in that field. Because teachers have a responsibility in teaching.

Teachers as facilitators in the learning process that served to create conditions that

allow the teaching-learning process more effective and efficient. Prior to teaching, teachers

should plan activities in a systematic teaching, so it can be skilled in teaching and learning.

 Learning strategy is a need for one teacher, teachers, educators to carry out the task of learning

a healthy, creative, quality, speed up the learning process with maximum results, improving

students' basic skills, improve learning outcomes, and enhance effective learning communities.

Teacher interaction in the learning process is the one who gives knowledge to students, while

students are receiving lessons or subject knowledge of teachers. Science is a very important tool

in the learning process, without the knowledge it will not last, because science is the substance

of the learning process. Therefore, teachers should realize that science is a tool to achieve the

goal of learning, this means that teachers must have teaching skills in performing his duties as a

teacher and educator.

Teachers carry out its main task is to educate and guide students to student learn, and

develop themselves. On the job a person can expect it to teachers in helping students in the

member experience - the experience of others to form life as individuals who can live

independently in the midst of modern society.2

Task does not end when the teacher has finished delivering material lessons in the

classroom as well. someone teacher is also responsible for bringing the students in solving

problems in confront everyday , so they really - really capable of independently by using facts,

concepts, principles and theories - theories that have been.

they can solve the problem that is given by the teacher, then after they find a problem or an

issue outside of class in society.

According to Robert M. Gagne (1974), cognitive strategies are organized internal

capabilities, which can help learners in the learning process, the process of thinking, solving

problems and making decisions. The types of cognitive strategies according to the (1985): 1)

2 Martinis yamin , startegi pembelajaran berbasis kompetensi,jakarta:gaung persada press,2004,hlm.1

cognitive strategies in attending, 2) cognitive strategies in encoding; 3) cognitive strategies in

retrieval, 4) cognitive strategies in problem solving; 5) cognitive strategies in thinking.3

While Bell-Gredler (1986) defines cognitive strategies as an inductive thinking process.

When learning something, someone makes a generalization based on facts or principles that

have been learned.

Learning outcomes of each person is different from others because of cognitive

strategies everyone else was never really the same. And internal capabilities possessed or

carried out every person is different from others. The uniqueness of each person in the decision

making process the information until it is commonly referred to as executive control, high-level

control. The difference was caused by the factors supporting the cognitive development of each

person, namely: 1) maturity (maturation), 2) physical experience; 3) logical-mathematical

experience, 4) social transmission, and 5) self-control (equilibration).

Cognitive strategies useful for learners to learn independently, by using its intellectual

skills are never learned. Problems faced by someone not always exactly the same as has been

encountered. Then the intellectual skills are often inadequate. A learner needs organizing and

control of the process of learning to be able to choose alternative problem solving strategies are

most appropriate from among the options.

In connection with these objectives, the ability of elementary school students' reading

ability to understand the text reading low classification causes include the lack of student

interest in reading. Besides, according to Acmad in Sumarsono (1994:2) also caused by the use

of methods of teaching reading that are less precise, the teachers who use methods that are not

under their control, others do not have full equipment.

Based on the observations researchers see phenomena that exist in the field lack the

ability reading teaching in the school of English subjects. because less precisely the strategy

used by these teachers. The ability to understand the reading texts had to be owned by

students, Efforts to improve reading comprehension skills One effort to overcome a lack of

understanding success is to design the reading comprehension of learning strategies that

effectively and efficiently. Effective and efficient mean is in a relatively short time the

students can improve reading comprehension.

3 Martinis yamin, strategi pembelajaran berbasis kompetensi, jakarta :gaung persada perss, hlm 5

The draft strategy is learning reading comprehension in this study is strategies cognitive

learning, in the hope that these cognitive strategies can improve students' reading

comprehension, this strategy is expected to address barriers for teachers and students in

learning to read, especially in reading comprehension.

The results of preliminary studies conducted on MTS X class VII student, student learning

reading comprehension is low. To optimize learning reading comprehension text on MTS

researchers attempting to conduct action research, with the hope of being able to overcome

barriers to teachers and students in learning reading comprehension.

Based on the background of the issues mentioned above, further know want both

theoretical and practical instruction on reading comprehension. The authors raise the issue in a




B. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the above problems, the formulation in this study are as


1. How to improve teachers' skills in designing learning reading comprehension with

the application of cognitive strategies?

2. How to improve the learning ability of teachers to implement reading


3. How to improve the learning ability of teachers to evaluate reading


C. Limitations

To achieve the goals of research and that research is more focused in terms time

and power, for it limits the writer member the following issue:

1. Students who become research subjects is a class VII student at MTS x.

2. Application of cognitive strategies is the internal ability for someone to think,

solve problems and make decisions. Applications cognitive strategy in reading

comprehension instruction to be careful in this thesis in the limit into the four

categories, namely: planning a learning program, to master the material,

implement and lead or manage the learning process, and assess the progress of

the learning process.

3. Students' understanding that the authors draw from the cognitive domain of

daily tests students in English subject.

D. Purpose and Usability Research

1. research purposes

In general, this study aims to describe and develop an understanding of

learning to read with the literal application of schema theory. In particular, the study

aims action as follows:

1. Enhance the ability of teachers in designing teaching reading comprehension

with the application of cognitive strategies.

2. Enhance the ability of teachers to implement reading comprehension learning

with application of cognitive strategies.

3. Enhance the ability of teachers to evaluate reading comprehension learning

with application of cognitive strategies.

4. Describe the learning outcomes of students with the application of cognitive


2. Usability Research

The purpose of this study are:

a. For teachers the application of this theory can as use input the knowledge and practical

experience in implementing teaching reading comprehension. Teachers are expected to

apply this theory as an alternative to learning to read.

b. For researchers, it is expected as use input and knowledge can compare it with another

application of learning theories and their possible application in the school.

c. Contribute to improving the quality of education in MTS X.

d. as a guideline for education organization. English language education in particular in

order to achieve educational goals.

e. to add insight, knowledge and science for the writer in the field of English studies.

f. As a prerequisite to achieve a degree Strata One (S1) in science education english

Fakulatas Tarbiyah IAIN Thaha Saifuddin sultan of Jambi.

E. Frame of Theory

Before the authors conducted a study directly the first author will describe

some theories - theories regarding the variables - variables in this study:

a. Definition of cognitive strategies

Cognitive strategies (Gagne, 1974) is a person's internal ability to think, solve problems

and make decisions. Gredler Bell (1986), mentions the strategy of cognition as a process of

inductive thinking, which makes generalization of facts, concepts, and principles of what is

known to someone. 4

            Cognitive strategies are capabilities that govern the way how students manage their

learning, while remembering and thinking, he is also a process of controlling or regulating the

implementing measures. Gegne and Briggs (1974) stated an example of cognitive strategy is a

process of inference or induction. Experience with objects or events, and someone trying to get

explanations about a particular phenomenon that resulted in the induction. Cognitive strategies is

the object of students' own thinking process.

4 Martinis yamin , strategi pembelajaran berbasis kompetensi, jakarta: gaung persada ,2004, hlm 5

Children's cognitive development is related to the development of children's intelligence is

shown through the ability to remember, know and understand the various objects. The ability to

understand or comprehend the various objects is very important, because it will determine the

type of personal and social adjustment of children do. Children will be easy to adjust personal

and social development if they have enough sense and understanding about people, events or


As problem disintegration, the authors need to set goals and work to achieve it. Regard the

author as someone who is driven by their need for an integrated understanding of a subject,

knowledge of how language systems work, and problems in writing papers include the purpose,

reader and writer in roles , a paper that should be established (Flower & Hayes, 1981).

b. Background Cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies based upon the paradigm of constructivism, the theory of meta-

cognition. Constructivism was developed extensively by Jean Piaget, a psychologist he is known,

is ultimately more interested in the philosophy of constructivism in the learning process. The

central point is the development of the theory of Jean Piaget's thoughts naturally from birth to

adulthood, according to Piaget to understand this theory we have to understand about the

biological assumptions and implications of these assumptions in interpreting knowledge. 5

            Piaget's constructivism by Jeans paradigm underlying the onset of cognitive strategy,

called the theory of meta-cognition. Meta cognition is a skill possessed by the students in

organizing and controlling the think process, Preisseisen (1985). According to the meta cognition

Preisseien includes four types of skills, namely:

a. Problem-solving Skills (Problem Solving), namely: individual skills in using process

thinking to solve the problem through the collection of facts, information analysis,

develop a variety of alternative solutions, and selecting the most effective problem


5 Hamdi, strategi belajar mengajar,Bandung CV pustaka setia,2011. Hlm 90.

b. Decision Making Skills (Decision making), namely: individual skills in using thinking

process a decision to choose the best of several options available through the collection

of information, comparison of goodness and disadvantages of each alternative, the

analysis of information, and making the best decision based on the base an-rational


c. Critical Thinking Skills (Critical thinking), namely: individual skills in using a process

that analyzes the arguments thinking and make interpretations based on the perception

of right and rational, analytical assumptions and biases of the argument, and the logical


d. Creative thinking skills (creative thinking), namely: individual skills in using the

process to generate thinking a new idea, constructive, based on the concepts and

principles of a rational and perception, and intuition of the individual.

Above skills are intertwined with each other, and difficult to distinguish, because the

skills are integrated


 Constructivism paradigm and gave birth to the principles of the theory of meta cognition

Reflection in Action. Schon (1982), namely the principle of reflection of the experience of

professional practitioners in solving problems that have faced to solve new problems,

practitioners are known by other names Reflective Practioners. Reflections in the process of

actions is an overview of the learning process. Bragar and Johnson (1993) states that a person

learns through activity or the work itself and then reviewing of job retention strategies that have

been behavior . Process cognitive learning is a process of reflection in action.

Based on this theory suggests that learning begins from the actual experience observed by

someone. Experience is reflected on an individual basis.

The area is subtaksonomi revealing cognitive mental activity often begins from the level

of knowledge to the highest level, evaluasion . The region consisting of cognitive levels with

different aspects of learning - different, is as follows.


The level of knowledge (knowledge). Intruksional goal at this level according to the

student to be able to remember (recall) the information has been received.

2. Level of understanding (comprehension). Categories of the understanding in connecting

with the ability to explain the knowledge and information that has been in the know with

their own words.

3. Application level (application) the application is the ability to use or apply the

information that has been learned to new situations and solve various problems arising in

everyday life.

4. Level of analysis is the ability to identify, isolate and distinguish the components or

elements of a fact, the concept of opinion assumptions, hypotheses, or conclusions, and

examine each component is to see whether or not a contradiction.

5. Synthesis rate (synthesis). Synthesis in the mean as a person's ability to link and unify the

various elements and elements of existing knowledge to form a new pattern that is more


6. Level evaluation (evaluation). Is the highest level, which expects pupils to make

judgments and decisions about the value of an idea, method, product or thing by using

certain criteria, so the evaluation is more inclined to form regular assessment of the

evaluation system.6

Consequence of the application of this system are:

a. Teachers should treat carefully prepared teaching materials.

b. In teaching and learning, active student learning system needs to be done to

determine the outcome of study participation.

c. Take a relatively long time with the lecture method.

d. Learning situation is more serious and more alive.

e. A little more tiring compared to other methods.

6 Hamdani,strategi mengajar, bandung:pustaka setia ,2011, hlm 151

While the theoretical motivation in cooperative learning emphasizes the degree of change

in change-intensive cooperative goals for students to perform academic tasks, cognitive theory

emphasizes the influence of the cooperation itself (if the group is trying to achieve the goal or


c. The Role of Cognitive Strategies in Accelerated Learning

          Acceleration class is the class of accelerated learning that is presented to students who

have more ability or special materials or with a solid curriculum in two years so that students

have completed their education.

         Dave Meier (2002:25-26) writes some of the basic principles of accelerated learning,


1. Total involvement of learners in improving learning.

2. Learning is not a passive information gathering, but actively creating knowledge.

3. Cooperation among the learner greatly help improve learning outcomes.

4. Centered learning activities are often more successful than learning-centered


5. Centered learning activities can be designed in a much shorter time than the time required

to design teaching with the presentation.

         According to Socrates and John Dewey, learning is an activity that is mentally and

physically carried out, followed by the opportunity to reflect things that are done from the

results of such behavior. According to the principles of constructivism, a teacher or

teachers, and lecturers act as mediator and facilitator who helps students and student

learning in order to run properly.


Mediator and facilitator functions can be translated into several tasks as follows:

1. Provide learning experiences that allow students to be responsible in making the design,

process, and research.

7 robert E Salvin,Cooperatif learning,( teori ,riset,dan praktik), Nusa Media,2010, hlm 36

2. Provide or provide activities that stimulate students' curiosity.

3. Monitor, evaluate, and demonstrate whether the students' way of thinking or not.

Constructivism teaching roles and tasks:

1. Many teachers interact with students

2. Objectives and what will be best discussed in class together.

3. Teachers need to understand the experience of learning which is more suitable to the

needs of students

4. . Necessary involvement with students.

5. Teachers need to have a flexible mind.

Important things done by a constructivist teacher as follows:

1. Teachers need to listen seriously to the students' interpretation of the data.

2. Teachers need to pay attention to differences of opinion in class.

3. Teachers need to know that "not understand" is an important step to begin to pursue.

d. The components in the development of cognitive strategies that influence learning


The development of cognitive function consists of four factors, each of which are: the

physical environment, maturity, social influence, and self-regulation process, called

equilibration. The process of cognitive development according to Piaget (1977) is influenced by

three basic processes: assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration.

Assimilation is the cognitive process by which one integrates perceptions, concepts, or new

experiences into the scheme or pattern that is already in his thoughts.

Accommodation is:

1. Form a new scheme that can be matched with the stimulus.

2. Modify the existing scheme so that it matches the stimulus.

Equilibrium, namely: self-knowledge is mechanically to regulate the balance of assimilation and


Disequilibrium is a state of balance between assimilation and accommodation. Equilibration is a

process of disequilibrium to equilibrium.

2. Understanding the definition of reading comprehension

a. Reading Comprehension

It is necessary for the students of Senior High School to master reading comprehension.

Cooper (1986:11) stated that Comprehension is a process in which the reader may construct

meaning by interacting with the text. In reading comprehension, a reader should have

knowledge about understanding the reading passage. The common questions on the passages

are primarily about the main ideas, details, and an inference that can be drawn from the


According to Singer (1985) reading comprehension has been defined as an

interpretation of written symbols, the apprehending of meaning, the assimilation of ideas

presented by the written, and the process of thinking while deciphering symbols. Further,

reading comprehension is related closely to the cognitive competence of the readers, because

this will produce comprehension. This idea also supported by Parera in Kahayanto (2005:9),

he states as follows:

“Memahami adalah memperhatikan naskah tertulis dengan maksud memahami isinya. Proses

ini dilakukan dengan mata diam atau membaca dalam hati. Hasil pemahaman disebut

pemahaman bacaan. Cara membaca yang demikian disebut cara membaca pemahaman”.

In comprehending a topic, the readers interacts with the text relates to the pre-questioning

of the

text to prior experiences of construct meaning which can be found in the text. Skimming

and scanning are two very useful techniques that will help the reader become a better reader.

1. Skimming

Skimming is a technique used to look for the “gist” of what the author is saying without a

lot of detail (Kustaryo, 1988:5). This reading technique is used if one wants to get a general

impression of a book, essay, article and determine whether or not to read it more carefully.

Moreover, Yorkey (134) defines that there are two purposes of skimming: to locate a specific

word, fact, or idea quickly, and to get a rapid general impression of the material. Azies &

Alwasilah (1996:114) said “Aktifitas skimming melibatkan proses membaca, sekalipun

dengan kecepatan melebihi kecepatan membaca pada umumnya”.

Thus, in skimming the text, a reader needs to practice in order he or she can learn the key

words and phrases which can cover all the material he or she is reading. To do the skimming,

the reader should go through a passage quickly, jumping over parts of it, in order to get a

general idea of what it is about.

2. Scanning

Scanning is quickly reading to find the specific information Brown (2001:308) stated that,

scanning is quickly searching for some particular piece or pieces of information in a text.

By scanning, a reader mean glancing rapidly through a text either a text either to search a

specific piece of information (e.g. name, date) or to get an initial impression of whether the

text is suitable for a given purpose”, Nuttall in Kahayanto (2005:11). When scanning the

reader lets his or her eyes wander over the text until he or she is looking for, whether it is a

place, a kind of food, a kind of verb, or a specific information. To enable the student to scan

effectively, he or she should know what kinds of information he or she needs, also, he or she

should have the strong belief where he or she will find such information needed from the


b. Conceptual definition

The definition of reading is an activity to understanding the which implicit or explicit idea

in reading the text by using some reading skills to understanding the text.8

c. Practical definition

The reading activity in this research procedure using text to increase of student's reading


Reading ability is an aspect of academic aptitude and refers to the possession of the physical and

cognitive capacity for efficient reading. Underlying reading ability can affect development and

the limits of Attainment in reading skills and levels of reading achievement.

Much of the traditional advice to struggling readers, these days, seems a to involve

developing "cognitive strategies". in the approach, readers are asked to focus more, to think, to

be curious and AKS questions, to analyze, to predict, to infer, and to monitor Their

understanding, or worse still to answer question on Their comprehension of What They have

read in other words They are asked to Become self - conscious readers. I do not agree with this


Here are my seven strategies for reading improvement.

1. Read about thing that interest you. If you are interested in what you were reading about,

the words will come alive, and you will be motivated understand. You will fell

satisfaction in accomplishing a task that you consider meaningful. The more you read,

the better you will become at reading. Just get started and it will become a habit. As

long as you are interested what you are reading.

2. Read material that is at your level, or just a little difficult for you. Read material that

you find easy to read, or just a little hallenging. Looking up many unknown word in a

conventional dictionary is tedious, and the result of the dictionary search quickly

8 Listiyanto Ahmad, Speed Reading Teknik dan Metode cepat, Jakarta : A Plus Books. 2010. p.15

forgotten. It is better to say within your comfort zone and keep reading. Soon you will

be able to take on more difficult content.

3. Learn to read in depth, stay on the same subject for a while. If you are familiar with the

subject you are reading about, you will understand better. Do not just read shot articles.

Commit to books. stay with one author for at least one book. If the subject matter is

new to you, you should even try to read a few different books or articles about the same

subject, before you move on. This way you will meet the same vocabulary and ideas

often, helping you to learn. You will also be able to get deeper into the subject and your

reading confidence will grow.

4. If you have trouble reading, listen first. Many great works of literature were written to

be read out loud.

5. Let your imagination get involved. Good readers get engrossed in their reading and let

it tringger their imagination.

6. Don’t worry about what you don’t understand. Mont of your reading should be for

pleasure. you an enjoy reading without understanding all of what you read. Your may

even understands some thing in your own personal way.

7. Recognize that the key is to read a lot. You may develop a system for keeping track of

new words that you encounter in your reading, using lists, or flash cards, or other

memory system. However, the man growth in your vocabulary and reading skill will

come just from reading as much as you can, so learn to enjoy reading and read a lot.

Keep reading, and you will become a better reader.

Unfortunately not all reading is just for pleasure. When you are reading a textbook or

manual, or report or other material that have to read for school or work, you many need to

underline, take notes, and read some parts over again, in order to certain what you are reading.

However, if you have developed the habit of reading for pleasure, you will find that the

cognitive techniques you need will come natural, and that you will understand a lot better than


Guntur Tarigan Henry argues that "Reading is a process that is carried and used by readers

to get the message about to be delivered by the author through the medium of words or written

language". A process which requires that a group of words which is a unity will be seen in

glimpses, and that the meaning of individual words will be known. If this is not met, then the

message is explicit and implied will not be captured or understood, and the reading process is not

performing well.

Reading can also be regarded as a process for understanding implicit in the explicit, ie to

understand the meaning contained in the written words. Significance lies not in reading the

written page but is at the reader's mind. Thus meaning it will change, because every reader has a

different experience which is used as a tool to interpret those words.

In terms of linguistics, reading is a process of re-encryption and cryptanalysis (a recording

and decoding process), as opposed to speaking and writing that it involves the encoding

(encoding). An aspect of cryptanalysis (decoding) connecting the written word (written word)

with the meaning of spoken language (oral language meaning) which includes the conversion of

paper / print into meaningful sounds. Reading is an interpretation or the interpretation of

utterances that are in the form of writing is a process of cryptanalysis (decoding process).

Reading is a process concerned with language. Therefore the students should be assisted

to respond or provide responsiveness to visual symbols depicting the signs of auditory and

speaking must always precede the reading.

Harimurti Kridalaksana says "Reading is to dig information from the text, either in the

form of text or a picture or diagram or from a combination of it all'' Soedarso argues that

"Reading is a complex activity by recruiting a large number of separate actions, including the

need to use the understanding and imagination, observing, and remembering".

DP. Tampubolon argues that "Reading is the physical and mental activity that can develop

into a habit". There's even some writers who think that reading is a willingness to see the written

symbols and written symbols change through a method of teaching reading as fonik (greeting,

based on the interpretation of the phonetic spelling of common spelling) to be read orally.

Hudgson in his book Language Learning (1960:43-44) gives the restriction that reading is a

process that is carried and used by readers to get the message about to be delivered by the author

through the medium of words / written language. A process which requires that a group of words

which is a unity will be seen in a glimpse, and that the meaning of individual words will be

known, if this is not met, then the message contained an implied and not be caught or

understood, and the process reading is not performing well.

In terms of linguistics, Anderson (1972:209) explains that reading is a process of re-

encryption and cryptanalysis, as opposed to speaking and writing that it involves the encoding

(encoding). A discussion of aspects of the code (decoding) is to connect the written word with

the meaning of spoken language that includes the conversion of paper / print into meaningful


Reading is one of the four language skills are not as important as other skills. We know

that at the present time a lot of books, magazines, newspapers and other written form as a

transmitter of information. For it is necessary reading skills to understand the information or the

contents of the message of the text reading.

Reading has several major direction, reading direction is to obtain information, including the

content, understand the meaning of reading. Here are the writer suggested some reading goals.

1. Read to obtain the details or facts.

2. Reading for main ideas.

3. Reading to find out the order or arrangement.

4. Read to conclude.

5. Read to categorize or classify.

6. Reading to assess or evaluate.

7. Reading to compare or to contrast (Tarigan, 1994:10).

f. The Research Hypothesis

"Hypothesis is a statement that remains to be tested in empirical truth." Where is the

formulation of research problems stated in sentence form seagai following statement:

Ha: There is increasing the ability of teachers in designing learning reading comprehension with

the application of cognitive strategies in Madrasah Tsanawayah in MTS X.

Ho: There is increasing the ability of teachers in designing learning reading comprehension with

the application of cognitive strategies in Madrasah Tsanawayah in MTS X.

G. Types of Research

This research Using Qualitative Research Types, as Yang created by Spradley (2000), The

Telling Qualitative Research Methods Research Which Type Is Counting on Understanding and

Interpretation of Social Phenomena Of Symptoms Or.

Literally, as the name suggests, qualitative research is the kind of research findings is not

obtained through the quantification procedure, statistical calculations, or form any other ways to

use the size of the numbers (Strauss and Corbin, 1990 in Hoepfl, 1997 and Golafshani, 2003) .

Qualitative means something related to aspects of quality, value or meaning behind the facts

there. Quality, value or meaning can only be disclosed and explained in linguistics, language, or

words. Therefore, the shape of the data used is not the form of numbers, numbers, score or value;

rank or frequency, which usually analyzed using mathematical or statistical calculations

(Creswell, 2002).

According to Creswell (2003), a qualitative approach is an approach to build the statement

constructive knowledge-based perspective (eg, the meanings that come from individual

experience, social values and history, with the aim to build a theory or pattern of certain

knowledge), or by participatory perspective (eg, orientation to politics, issues, collaboration, or a

change), or both. More specifically, the definition is as follows:

A qualitative approach is one in the which the Inquirer Often makes knowledge claims

based primarily on constructivist perspectives (ie the multiple meanings of individual

experiences, meanings socially and Historically constructed, with an intent of developing a

theory or pattern) or advocacy / participatory perspectives (ie political, issue-oriented,

collaborative or change oriented) or both (Creswell, 2003, p.18).

Furthermore, Creswell explained that in qualitative research, the knowledge built up through

multiple interpretations about the different perspectives of all participants' input involved in the

research, not only from the researcher alone. Various data sources, such as observation notes,

interview notes of individual experience, and history.

Qualitative research aims to explore the meaning behind the behavior of human action.

Interpretation of the meaning of this behavior can not be explored through empirical verification

of the theory as a generalization, as is done in quantitative reseach. In other words, qualitative

research aims to understand the object, but not to make generalizations but rather to extrapolate

the meaning behind the object. Qualitative researchers reveal and explain the reality of the whole

meaning behind the object examined, which is made up of connectedness various life values and

beliefs, rather than extraction or derived from a thorough understanding context, such as the

statement of David and Sutton (2004) .

Qualitative research uses a naturalistic approach seeks to understand That phenomena in

context-specific settings, Such as "real world setting [where] the researcher does not attempt to

Manipulate the phenomenon of interest" (Patton, 2001, p. 39)

Therefore, qualitative research data not only in the form of the condition of the studied people's

behavior, but also the conditions and circumstances surrounding environment. To achieve this

type of data used varies, such as personal experience, introspective, life histories, interviews,

field observations, the course of history and the visual pengamantan, which describes the

moments and the values of routine and problematic life of every individual involved in the study.

Qualitative research is a situated activity That locates the observer in the world. It consists of a

set of interpretive, material practices transform the world. They turn the world into a series of

representations, Including filed notes, interviews, conversations, photographs, recordings, and

Memos to self. That means this qualitative study Researches Things in their natural settings,

Attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to

them (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005, p. 3).


G. Research methodology

a. Population and Sample

In a study on the object that is usually faced with a problem commonly referred to as

populations. This is very important, because the relationship with the determination of the

source data to be examined. Similarly, the sample, which is part of the population, have an

equal importance to the population.9

As for the concerns of the population and sample. The author will explain the following:

A. Population.

Suharsimi Arikunto that is the whole subject of the study population. This means that if

someone wants to examine all the elements or elements that exist within the region or the

location of the study, the research he did was study population.

While Nana Sudjana expressed understanding that the population is the totality of all possible

values of certain achievements of the complete set of objects to be studied and explained its

properties. Then understanding the population according to Hadi Sutrisno, explained that the

population is all individuals for each of the facts obtained from the sample.

Amirman Yousda population as a whole defines the object under study, whether it be

people, objects, events and things that happen. Of some sense that the authors mentioned above

can be concluded that the overall population is made up of a human object, objects, animals,

plants, test scores and events as a source of data that has certain characteristics and specifications

within a research.

9 Sugiono. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Bandung : Alfabeta 2007 hlm 102

As the population in this study were junior secondary school students in grade VII MTS X,

amounting to 172 students consisting of as many as 34 students a class VIIA, VIIB class by 31

students, as many as 37 students a class VIIC, and VIIDD and class VIIE many as 35 people and

as many as 35 students.

For more details, the state population population can be seen in the table below.

Table I

The state of junior secondary school student population MTS X

No Class Student

1. VIIA 34

2. VIIB 31

3. VIIC 37

4. VIID 35

5. VIIE 35

Total 172

3. samples

Sample is part of the population that has the general nature of populations or in other

words, the sample is a group of individuals or objects smaller number of existing populations

and can also be said that the sample is representative of the population.

In this case, Suharsimi Arikunto suggested that a part or a representative sample of the

population studied. Study used a sample if intends to generalize the research achievements of the


In this study the authors used a technique Sampling Random sampling means that all

members of the population given the opportunity to be selected into the sample.

More specifically this study using random sampling technique that is proportional to the size of

the population sample retrieval. In this case I take a sample of

43 students or 25% of the total population of 172. This is in accordance with the opinion

expressed by Suharsimi Arikunto who argued that:

"If the subject is less than 100, preferably made of all that research is the study population.

Furthermore, if a larger number of subjects can be taken between 10-15% or 20-25% or more.

H. Data Collection Method.

a. Research Library (Library research)

library research is a method used by the authors to reproduce read books that are relevant to the

discussion of this thesis and the author:

1. Quoting directly, by quoting the opinion of experts drawn from various sources in

accordance with the original manuscript and without changing the wording.

2. Indirectly quoting the quoted various sources that have anything to do with the

discussion of this thesis in the form of endeavor or in the form of reviews, so different from the

text or the original source, but the same intent and purpose.

b. Research Field (Field research)

The field research (field research) is a data collection undertaken by the authors in the field or

place of study using the technique:

1. Quesionnaire the authors collected data that has to do with the thesis of this

discussion by asking the respondents.

2. inquiry is a list of questions that contain a series of questions about things related to

teaching skills and the factors.

3. Documentation is a way collected data by noting the documents related to this thesis


I . The Research Instrument

Whether outstanding research conducted largely determined by the research

instruments used. The instrument is a tool to obtain data, the instrument is a tool collected

data essentially measure the research variables.

The type of instrument the authors used in this study, namely:

a. Observation

Nation states in Sugiyono observation is the basis of all sciences. Scientists can only can

only work based on the data, the facts about the world of reality obtained through

observation.10The Participatory observation techniques that researchers used is involved in the

day the person being observed or used as a source of research data.11 . While doing the

observation, investigators are party to what the data source observation technique is used to

determine the condition of classrooms, student activities, the condition of students, the learning

process and so on. Researchers use the check list in making observations.

b. Interview

Esterberg (2002) in Sugiyono defined interview as follow. “ a meeting of two persons to

exchange information and idea through question and responses, resulting in communication and

joint construction of meaning about a particular topic”.

This technique is used to find out more about what is being investigated. This technique is

based on self-reports or self belief.

In this case, researchers use structured interviews in an interview. A structured

interview is that each respondent was given the same question and the alternative of answer has

been prepared. This interview is aimed at students, English teachers and headmasters MTS X.

10 Sugiyono. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dan R&D.Bandung: Alfabeta. 2010. p. 22611

c. Documentation

The document is a record of events that had passed. Documents may take the form of writing,

pictures, or monumental work of someone.12 This technique is a review of the references that

relating to the focus of research. In action research, documentation studies, researchers can

locate and collect data text or image data.13 This technique is used to determine the history of

MTS X and Student’s semester mark. Beside of it, the documentation in this action research as

follows are:

1. Syllabus

2. lesson implementation plan

3. Student’s test result.

4. Interview with students and English teacher.14


This text is used by researcher to know the result of student’s learning, by using test that

measure learning result appropriate with the learning subject.15 In this research, the researcher

giving test comprehensive to know student understand or no with the reading material that have

been learned.

1. Indicator of The Performance

The indicator of the performance of this classroom action research is there is

improving student’s religion comprehension after the implementation the using some teaching

methods cognitive in teaching reading, it is can be known from the result of comprehensive test

that given by teacher on post learning activity, and from the result of deep interview with


12 Ibid. page 24013 Iskandar. Metodologi penelitian pendidikan dan sosial ( kuantitatif dan kualitatif). Jakarta: gaung press. 200814 Iskandar,ibid.p.7315 Iskandar. Ibid.p.73

j. Technique of Data Analysis

1. Data Analysis

After the data collected through field research, the data in the analysis through:

1. Domain analysis

Domain analysis is generally done to obtain a general and comprehensive overview of the

social situation of the object under study or research.

Taxonomic analysis is used to analyze the data that was obtained from the field, by and large

that is the picture of junior X.

2. Taxonomic analysis

After the researchers conducted a domain analysis found that the domain - the domain

or category of a particular social situation, we then select the domain that the researcher dab

in the set as the focus of further research.

Data analysis is an analysis of the overall data collected based on a predetermined domain

This analysis used in analyzing the data with rician particularly on strategies to overcome

the difficulties of teachers in students' learning in English subjects in the MTS X.

3. Komponensial analysis

The taxonomic analysis, which is explained in the specified domain that have become

the focus. Through analysis of the taxonomy, each searchable element similar domain or

cognate. This was obtained through observation and focused interviews and documentation,

Looking for specific features at each internal structure of the premises to contrast between


  Komponensial analysis also new to do after a domain analysis and taxonomic analysis

of the last alternative is made in the back to answer the problems - problems that are

discussed in accordance with the application of cognitive strategies in reading

comprehension pebelajaran on English subjects in junior X.

k. Trianggulation

Trianggulation is a technique that’s used to test the trustworthness of data by exploiting

the things that is outside the data to hold the filling up or as the discussant toward the collected

data. It compares and rechecks the validity of information that’s obtained by the different time

and tool in qualitative method. It can be obtained by:

                                    1.      Distinguish the data of observation result and the data of interview result.

                                    2.      Compare what people say in front of public with what he says personally.

                                    3.      Compare what people say about the research situation with what he says daily


                                    4.      Compare the situation and someone’s perspective with various opinions and

people’s perspective such as the common people, the middle educated people or the high

educated people, the well to do family or the governmental people.

                                    5.      Compare the the interview result with the content of a correlated document.

In this research to rechecks the validity of information that’s obtained, the scriptwriter will

use the first step, namely: distinguishing the data of observation result and the data of interview

result which the sciptwriter will distinguish the data of observation result about the

implementation of Educational Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) in field between the data of

interview result. The steps are by cheking the data which has been gotten from some of sources.

The sources will be the English teacher, the head master and the students of Islamic Junior High

Schooli. The scriptwriter also use the fifth step, namely: comparing the interview result with the

content of a correlated document. 16

16 Sugiono. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Bandung : Alfabeta 2007 hlm 330


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Iskandar. Ibid.p.73