Yr9 A3 Main Design guidance



Assignment help sheet for pupils to use for help with assignment 3 of the year 9 art course.

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An example of a Design sheet for A3: Design

For this assignment you are required to research, develop and illustrate a design based

on a chosen theme. Your final design will be done on A2 (size) paper and should

include at least 3 view points (elevations) and include annotations that fully explain

your design.

Read the task instructions below carefully and use the audio instructions and icon links

on the assignment page for more help.

Task 1: Research

• You need to start this assignment by doing some research on your possible areas

of chosen design. Areas of design to choose from are:

º Product Design

º Fashion Design

º Building (architecture)

º Interior Design

º Furniture Design

º Garden Design

• Select more than one theme for your work so that you have a back-up plan for

your work.

• Find images and information to help you plan for your own design, print out all

your research and make notes in your sketchbook.

Task 2: Planning

• For this task you need to illustrate your thinking about your chosen design ideas

by making a mind-map/ bubble chart. There is a link to a free mind-mapping

tool on the assignment page (use the link icon).

• Use the following structure to get start your mind-map:

• Draw your own Mind-map in your sketchbook that illustrates your own initial

thoughts for your design. Add more cells (bubbles) to extend the mind-map

that will explain your initial thoughts in detail.

Task 3: Illustrate your initial ideas.

• For this task you are to use one full sketchbook page to illustrate each (3) of your

initial ideas.

• Add the date and title (A3: Design - Idea 1,2 or 3)

• Divide each page into four equal sections as shown in the example below:

• In each of the sections draw your design using different view-points (elevations).

• Add annotations (labels) that explain your design and elevation (view-point).

• Add colour using coloured pencils to the design and background.

Task 4: Development of your final (chosen) idea.

• Choose ONE of your initial ideas/ designs for your final design.

• Using a full page in your sketchbook create a pactise design sheet of your design

using at least 3 alternative elevations (view-points).

• Add annotations and colour to your work.

• You may need to rotate your sketchbook page to 'Landscape format' for this


• This task should be completed to your best standard as you will use this to help

you work on your main (large) design sheet.

Task 5: Main Design

• Collect a sheet of A2 (size) paper and set up your design sheet by adding a

border. Make the border approximately 1-2 cm in thickness and use a ruler.

• Add your title inside the top border - A3: Design - My design sheet/ include the

name of your design.

• Add your name and form in the bottom border.

• Using a very light pencil line divide your design sheet into the relevant number

of sections (one for each of your elevations/ drawings).

• You need to illustrate your final design using at least 3 alternative elevations

(view-points). Use your previous sketchbook work to help you with this.

Remember to increase the scale/ size of your drawings to suit the larger sized

paper. Your elevations should fill the sections you have made.

• Using water colour paints add colour to your work. Begin by adding colour to

the background first!

• Use the colour effectively by using a range on tones and shades that make your

designs appear 3D and realistic.

• Add full annotations/ explanations for each of your elevations. Use a black ink

pen (not biro) so that your text is clear. You may also want to consider typing up

your annotations and then printing these out to stick on to your work too!

Submitting a sample of your work for assessment:

• When your work is complete, take a digital photo of it and submit this picture

into your markbook by using the link on the assignment page called: SUBMIT


• Check that your picture can be viewed correctly and that it is clear. If it needs to

be rotated then rotate it before your submit it.

• Listen to the audio instructions for more help and guidance on this.

• If you need to use a camera from school please ask, you can also use the school

computers in the ICT rooms (lunch) or the library if needed.