Your Money eZine



December 8, 2010

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ith technology and innova-tion never ceasing to amaze

and awe, we must be appreciative of the moves and shakes by the movers and shakers of our increasingly small global economy. The YM4 highlights four stories that are both newsworthy and heartening for the future of innova-tion.

Motorola Restructures:The company that was responsible for some of the most iconic cell phone sets of our generation had found itself on the back foot in recent years as the smartphone market seemed to leave it behind. Now the success of Motorola’s Droid handsets has prompted a move that has been in the making for about two years. So effective January 4, 2011, Motorola Inc will become Motorola So-lutions Inc and Motorola Mobility Hold-ings Inc which should give the mobile section of the company ample oppor-tunity for success on its own.

Apple Patents Glasses-less 3D TV:Never mind that 3D technology has been around almost since there has been photography, the recent craze

with 3D movies has prompted the drive for 3DTV. The problem with cur-rent offerings is that they require you to wear those silly glasses or be in the so called “sweet spot” to get the full experience. Apple, a company that has been very successful and very sued, has one a patent for the first glasses-free 3D television. This could be one of the biggest gamechangers in the entertain-ment industry for some time.

Random Hacks of Kindness:The term “hacker” obviously brings with it a lot of negative connotation and with good reason but a conference called the “Random Hacks of kindness hackathon” brings hackers from all over the world to participate in the cre-ation of software that can aid in disas-ter relief and mitigation. Yes, it sounds very surreal but it is a sign of progress where our hackers may find work for idle hands.

iPad only magazine:The Virgin group has produced the first iPad only magazine which signals anoth-er step in the storied transition from print to electronic media. The magazine called “Project” is available for a cost at the iPad app store and represents a mix

of standard reading material with the other capabilities that are provided by being an electronic magazine. Should trees start to feel safer? Maybe, but print media has a long way to go.

THE Your monEY

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glance at Julian Assange’s photo-graph that is emblazoned across

the top of the non-profit new media news organization WikiLeaks’ website almost seems like it was done in such a manner to evoke a variety of different emotional responses from the viewer. Depending on what you’ve read recent-ly, Assange’s knowing stare and his mix between a smile and a sneer could be in-terpreted as a cross between a wanted felon, spy and a James Bond villain who leaks sensitive government material to cause anarchy or the face of a fearless new sort of journalist who smiles in the face of the seething dragons who must be incensed by what Assange’s organization has become. Whatever your interpretation of who Assange is or what his organization does, there is no denying that the face of journalism may have been permanently, for better or for worse.

Wikileaks describes itself as a media or-ganization that “provides an innovative, secure and anonymous way for indepen-dent sources around the world to leak information to journalists” and its web-site, launched in 2006 has since lost the feature that allowed users to edit and post comments on the content that is posted. Since Wikileaks published over 250,000 cables that it obtained from an unnamed source, the debate has raged

over whether the organization is a crim-inal or even terrorist enterprise with huge implications for the national secu-rities of all the countries involved or the evolution of investigative journalism.

Assange describes what Wikileaks does as “scientific journalism” which he cham-pions as the future of media. In an inter-view with an Australian newspaper the journalist who was arrested in London for alleged sex crimes in Sweden says, “We work with other media outlets to bring people the news, but also to prove it is true. Scientific journalism allows you to read a news story, then to click online to see the original document it is based on. That way you can judge for yourself: Is the story true? Did the journalist re-port it accurately?” In this explanation Assange implies that Wikileaks may not be a new form of journalism rather it may be the link that was missing from the relationship between the public and the media all this time. In fact, while mainstream media was around before Wikileaks and will be around after, Wikileaks by all indications could not survive without mainstream media.

Leaking information from unnamed sources is nothing new but technology and the information age has allowed for the dissemination of this information to be done on a far larger scale than ever before and Wikileaks has capitalized on that possibly to their own detriment. The taut tension in those noir films where the reporter meets his govern-ment informant in some dark alley have now become a simple email sent from

a hotel room somewhere. Wikileaks is simply the millennial interpretation of an age old technique except like everything nowadays it is bigger, faster and louder. And just like it was back in the day, peo-ple still turn to mainstream media to in-terpret what they’ve read on Wikileaks, the difference now is that they have the means to decide for themselves wheth-er the interpretation that they read was the one that they would’ve chosen for themselves.

WHAT WIkILeAkS MeANS foR THe fuTuRe of journalism

Assange describes what Wikileaks does as “scientific journalism” which he champions as the future of media.



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ikileaks is now big news but it has been creating waves since its inception in 2006. Here are a couple noteworthy dates that defined the new media organization

2006The website appears claiming to have been founded by “Chinese dis-sidents, journalists, mathema-ticians and start-up company technologists from uS, Taiwan, europe, Australia and South


March 2008 The site publishes memos from the Church of Scien-tology on sensitive materi-al in the church’s organiza-tion. The church demands that the publication is a breach of privacy and copyright law. Wikileaks leaks more memos in


April 2010Video of a uS Apache Helicopter killing Iraqi civilians and two Reu-ters journalist goes


July 2010Wikileaks publishes 92,000 pages of uS Military Memos later called the “Afghan

War Diaries”

October 2010over 400,000 pages on the Iraq war are published. The Pen-tagon describes this as the largest leak of classified documents

in history.

November 2010Wikileaks publishes a half of a million confidential uS documents later termed “Cablegate”. Swedish po-lice also issues an interna-tional arrest warrant for Julian Assange, de facto


December 2010Wikileaks releases a list of key infrastructural sites around the world that could prove detrimental to uS security if attacked by terrorists. Assange is arrested in Britain and Visa and Mastercard block donations by credit cards

to Wikileaks.

November 2009Wikileaks posts documents and emails suggesting that scientists at east Anglia university’s Cli-mate Research unit had colluded to withhold data that the effects of climate change might have been overblown. Subsequent investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing but the issue of

t ransparency was raised.

January 2007Julian Assange becomes the public face of the or-ganization with reports indicating that Assange himself might have been the original creator, fi-nancier and all around soul of the organization. The website also states that it has over 1.2 mil-lion leaked documents that it is preparing to




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social mediaannouncement

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our Money eZine has forged a part-nership with promotional group

Zen to be an integral component of “Zen Lounge” a popular weekly networking event held in the fiction Lounge in kingston, Ja-maica. The event that could be described as a melting pot of young Jamaican profes-sionals who have a love for entertainment, networking and some dancing, has garnered quite a following since inception and now with this partnership is poised to become a calendar event.

founder of the Zen Promotional group that was founded in 2008, Ron Young describes the group as a fraternity of young profes-sionals with a love for promotion and en-tertainment. Zen Lounge is not the group’s only event as different members partner with Ron to put on a number of events an-nually including the upcoming benefit con-cert, Mahima. of the partnership with Your Money, Ron states, “Zen Lounge targets young professionals who are growing finan-cially and also in their savviness in spending and investing, Your Money’s content and reach makes them a unique and apt cohort in what we want Zen Lounge to be.”

Tyrone Wilson, Managing Director of Your Money eZine’s parent company, eZines Lim-ited, was also enthusiastic about the partner-ship. “Your Money eZine is about creating a business lifestyle and Zen Lounge provides access to a diverse group of business-mind-ed individuals weekly”, says Tyrone, “this partnership will increase our networking capabilities and contribute to a better social interaction between our readers.”Ron who also partners with fellow attorney

Dylan Coke to host Zen Lounge says that the event which has a cover charge of $500 is not a money making event rather it is a service to the Zen crowd who wanted an alternative during the week to lyme, dance and be home before a certain time.

Tyrone also pointed out that Your Money being published weekly on a Wednesday, the same day as Zen Lounge was a seren-dipitous facet of the agreement between both entities and further served to empha-size the benefits of the arrangement.

Both gentlemen agree, with good reason, that the partnership between Zen and Your Money eZine holds a lot of promise and benefit for both parties and more impor-tantly the readers and the attendees.


“Zen Lounge targets young profes-sionals who are growing financially and also in their savviness in spend-ing and investing, Your Money’s content and reach makes them a unique and apt cohort in what we want Zen Lounge to be.”

Ron Young,founder of Zen Lounge

Tyrone Wilson, Managing Director of eZines Limited

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