Your Healthy Eating Plan in 7 Steps




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Something I go totally bananas over is goal setting, planning & organising! I have a

small obsession with these activities as they are the keys to achieving what ever

you put your mind to. From doing these activities for many years I've found a

formula which will aid in achieving your goals and developing a successful

personalised healthy eating plan that works.

Have you ever wondered why you haven't achieved your ideal weight yet or your

plan to lead a healthier lifestyle simply fizzled out? It can be quite disappointing

when you set out to do something and the outcome you want is not achieved. If

you want to break out of this pattern and achieve your healthy eating goals then

the below 7 steps are just for you:

Step 1: Commitment

Without some form of commitment to doing what it takes to achieve your goals

the outcome will not be achieved. The level of commitment to something is why

some people achieve goals & others don’t. Commit now to doing what it takes to

achieve your desired outcome.

Step 2: SMART Goals

Set yourself a SMART goal! An effective goal is one which is specific, measurable,

achievable, relevant and time bound. This is important as if the goal is not specific

enough you wont know what you are working towards, if it is not measurable you

wont know what to do to get there, if it not achievable or relevant then you will

feel let down when you don’t achieve it and lastly if there is no time limit on it you

Your Healthy Eating Plan

wont be motivated enough to achieve it.

An example of a SMART goal is: “I will lose 5 kg by Christmas and I will do this by

exercising for 30 min each day and eating 80% foods which are high in nutrients

as well as drinking a vegetable juice / green smoothie each day. I will record my

weight, food intake & exercise activity in a daily/weekly diary so I can track my


Step 3: Daily Actions

Doing something towards your goals every day is important as this creates

momentum and aids in their achievement. Develop a weekly/month plan of

everything that is to be done and break it down into daily activities that you can

tick off one at a time. Seeing the items being achieved gives you a sense of


Step 4: Meal Plan Development

Each week or on the day you do your food shopping go through your cookbooks

& meal ideas and find 7 Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Snack recipes. Write these

down so you know what you intend to eat each day. This helps with populating

your shopping lists and assists with not eating something you didn’t intend.

Step 5: Tailor Made

Rather than develop a plan which looks good, develop one that works! There is

no point putting a plan in place that sets you up to fail, as it not achievable. If you

Your Healthy Eating Plan

know that you’ll never be able to get yourself to exercise every day but could do

3 times a week write this down and aim for that. Too often people plan to fail, not

intentionally of course. Be honest with yourself when you create your goals &

daily actions as only you will know what is realistic & what isn’t.

Step 6: Tracking Progress

Tracking your progress helps you stay on track! Sounds simple doesn’t it? But

it’s not always that easy. Life can easily get the better of us what with its

busyness and all. Keeping track of what you do on a daily basis helps determine

what is working and what isn’t. The best way to track your progress is in a daily

diary. This assists you with looking back through the days to see where you could

improve or make changes… which leads us to Step 7!

Step 7: Making Changes

When something is not working its vital to look at the reasons behind it, make the

required changes and start again. Continue this process and I assure you will

achieve your goal. I am a strong believer in “there is always a way”.

From here start putting together your personalised healthy eating plan:

7 Key Action Steps:

1. Commit to achieving your goal whether that be writing it down or quietly

deciding to do it in your head.

Your Healthy Eating Plan

2. Write down your SMART Goal, making sure its something you truly want to


3. List all the monthly, weekly and daily actions which you will need to do in

order to achieve your goal. Diaries & allocate time to them so you know

when they are to be achieved.

4. Each week allocate time to put together 7 breakfast, lunch, dinner & snack

recipes prior to doing your food shopping

5. Ensure your daily/weekly actions are suited to your needs and are

something you can do.

6. Track your daily/weekly progress in a daily diary or journal.

7. Allocate time each week or month to review your progress and make any

changes necessary which may hinder you achieving your goal.

When you truly want to achieve something and you focus your attention on this

and take the required actions each day, you will give yourself the best possible

chance at achieving it. Only you can achieve what it is that you truly want.

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Your Healthy Eating Plan
