Youngsters •••• •• II.·. •••• II · Participate...


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. U'lJ _ ZONE 2 -(6-99


Rev. John Lowrie pletared with Kerry Byrd, teOs a story to aU the ebllclrea Ia .a~"""ee to the First Baptist .Chureh's , ... tlob bible achool eatitled "VeaJeToWll". The .blble school, whlehwas held thIi put · week, had pleaty olaetivities diat . kept the' ehlldrea busy. PrIze$ were aIso.· .. vea .,.h·day·'or dift"ereat eateaories. Faa ~_hadby. . I .•••• ~III1._ •• II.·._ •••• II .... · ... .... nToljdlecJQyT.",'ast, . · LookillgTo tlieFutureU

' " . - .,

"Local Youngsters Participate In Uasketball

: Camp , . - '.

Locfal kids participated in the . was for kids ; frorn3rd ' to · tbe · 8th annualsurnmei'bas~etball . camp. . grade: Thekidsw.~reiilstr~Cted lhe Oire~totsand cQ,ac~esJor the camp f~nd~mentals 'oft>asketbaltThey

"Touched By The Past, Look­ingTo The Future" is the them~ for '· this ye~rsPetersbl1rg Day C~I~bra~ tioll;. . TheChamiJer: ·ofC()nJlnerce

. Were Coach Lon:g and Coach . weresbow.fniany~ <Jifferen~ball Veazey. Head coaches for the Lady handling techriiques and drills .that Buffs and Buffaloes. There were30 win be · useful · when playing the

t~rsburg 'Day in'. order to bejudged participants in .the camp. The camp .game. . . .

fortheprizes~ . If you would like to p' e .. te.·.·· 1'8.' bu" .rg F.·itness/W.··· " ' .. .. ... e.·.lIness/W . .. ..•... e.i.g·. ht.lo.·ss. have ~artsand crafts bQoth,con- ' . " taet Unda Ginn .• t f;67,.3625 or:667- Be

wm.beth~ ........... -...;...,~ ..... ~ .... ~~ ............. ..;..;..;, ............ - ....... --..!~

•• ucce.IS"A,nyone .tllat··'is··. ' .. ' . ~ __ ~ ............. ____ ~~!~i~~~~I~~~~~~~lt;~i;;j~~~~~~~~f'i:"'1:~~~~i~;i~" ::.~ ..... hicyd:'?:4-::: ' JuRei4t1i is ... ... ... .. ,-,", we pve yOuma..y dwJb for .... DlllCh needed!8i~tlJatwe :.. .

. ·en. in the piu'ademe IDcoUraled t~ . VI.' ._"., _ D . • y: !, . . bave received the past couple of weeks. We give you eve .. mote thanks" .. . ~COIitact Cheryl Martin at 667-3710 .' ..... . for keepina all the bad weather away froM oUf little' town. we. aSk that of. 667~3583 aae welk""_ Fe- ... _______ .... ___ ...... YOilCOOtiOua to .. aida ove&: aU .~ IlL Amen. . .


p .. 2, Fr~y, Jane 11, '999 Petenb-. Post

..- -Class of '79

To Hold Reunion The Petersburg Oass of 1 m

will be having their 20 year class

Petersburg Students Receive Diplomas

AtSPC reunion. June 18 & 19. 1999. On LEVELLAND - Students the first day of the reunion,June from Petersburg were among 664 18, from 7p.m~ - 9p.m., they will students at South Plains College to have coffee & pastries at the Pe- receive diplomas during SPe's 41st tersburg cafeteria. and visit with ex- commencement exercises . . classmates, teachers, coaches, prin- Petersburg recipient of the cipals, upper-lower ex-classmates, A~iate of Arts Degree is Jessica friends an4 family members. The Machelle Crabb, Academic Non­class of 1919 and their family Major. members will take a tour of the Petersburg recipients' of the school and later visit the museum Associate of Scieo~ Degree are of the past, which will be lOcated Daniel Moralez, Academic Non­inside the cafeteria. This museum Major; and Richard Rendon I1,Aca­will consist of photographs, past demiC Non-Major. school ann .. als, newspaper clip- Petersburg recipient of the pings, and othetmiscellaneous Certificate of Proficiency is Molly items from the past. The public is Ramos, Surgical Technology. invited to attend, especially parents "I want to congratulate the of the class of 1979. OI)June 19, graduates of our 1999 cI~ss," said the 1979 class reunion will take · Dr. Gary McDaniel. "This is an their party/banquet/reunion to Lub- importalit milestone in their lives. bock, Tx. at the Best Western Ho- They ha\ e completed two yearS of tel. They will have special awards college, and they and their families and recognitions for several mem- should be very proud. We extend bers of the: class of I W9. Then later our best wishes to our graduates in that evening they will have a discol . 'theirJuture endeavors." country dance with ~he music from the 70's. For further information contact J.R.Castilleja 763-9377 daytime. 797-2345 evening.

Jefferies Memorial . PQ()lNowO~n !.

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"Weeare lot-yoursas ' we would have .

Library News The Petersburg Public

Library's summer reading program. "Open A Book - On With The Show", has begun and will run through Sat. July 24th.

There is still time to come in and sign-up for the program. We had 24 Kindergarten - 8th grade and 1 Read-To-Me(birth - Pre-K) to sign up. Come join the program and have fun reading and get your name in for the drawing each week for the 8 weeks, and a grand prize drawing on Sat., July 24th. Winner's for week 1 are K-8th grades; Jaime Lopez -Rubik's Cube Game and for the Read-To-Me group; Isaiah Rodriquez - Goodie Bag of Toys and Goodies.

Library Hours are: Tues. & Thur. 1 :30- 5p.m. Sat. 9am - 12 noon


..... ~ MEM8EP

.:... 111118


Petersburg Post Publication No--USPS 602-140


The Pelersburg Journal was e~ · I3bhshed in 19:!fi. The Pcter~burg Post was estahlisl1ed in 1%:2. The papers "'onsolidalcd in 1%7.

The o,."i,,'C (lIthe Petersburg Post is located at 141:2 A'·e. G.1n Peien;burg. The paper is published y, with the exc.:eptions of the 'Week of July 4th and New Years. II is entered as periodicals at Petersburg. TX '79250.

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correction 10: • Petersburg Pos.

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. Ricky Martinez. Publisher

Beware as long 88 you'live, of judging people by appearances. , .. -Jean de la Fontaine


Special Rail Discounts on i~ ~~. . Metal Rooting & Siding ~~~ . Call


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Kni jell1l7N Nreitel ". Shlmt WaJe Milln will p/drt thei,. /que G Imt

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~tm""", TtXIU 0",. jtIJ Ulill N ",o~ CtnnPUIt if Jou c"" ,ha,., this ctub,.",;o,.

With ru. q JIIII "", """ble 10

IItItnIl, flit Gk """. p,."mtt i,. tho",h, ad prayer.

Mr. d-M,.,. G.Jn, Nk",l Mr. tf Mrs. j"",bug Milln


Methodist Church To Have Special Guest

The First United Methodist Church is proud to. announce that they will have. a very special guest on Sunday, June 13th. The Rev. Lee Crouch will be preaching for the II

a.m. service. Mr. Crouch was a former Petersburg resident. Follow­ing the service there will be a cov­ luncheon. All friends are invited to attend.

Old-fashioned Prairie Revival To Be

Held On Sat., June 12, 1999

We're celebrating! The people ' of Carr's Chapel have been loving . and serving the Lord for 95 years! We're celebratin' with an Old-Fash­ioned Revival!

. We'l have lots of siogin': L0-cal Groups will sing hand-clapping gospel music. A youth band. We'll sing the good old songs. '

We'l have preachers on horse­back: Rev. Steve Rodgers, Confer­ence Evangelist. Mr. Curtis House, Youth Pastor, Canyon.

We'll have food:* Cowboy Cookin' off the Chuck Wagon, Mexican food, by San Juan Meth­odist Church, Desserts, by the Pe­tersburg Boy Scout Troup. Drinks, by the Ladies of Carr's Chapel.


SEED RESOURCE .1-800-724-4306 806·_5~3882 .

Petersb_. Post, Friday, Juae 11, I", ... 3

(*Price of food helps support these ministries.)

Dinner and Youth Rally begins at 6:30 p.m. Revival begins at 7:30 p·m·.

Everything is outside, so bring your own seating -- blankets, lawn chair, etc.

Richard Rendon II Graduated from South Plains College on May 14th. He graduated with Phi Theta Kappa Honors. He· will , be attend­ing Texas Tech University this fall. Richard is a 1997 graduate of Pe~ tersburgHigh School. fie is the son of Richard & Mary Rendon, he has one brother ' Marcos. He is the grandson of Petra Hernandez and Rosalio& Efengia R~ndon aU of Petersburg~ · ·

Brad Goldston a · Elizabeth GUlla ..

Goldston/Gilliam Announce

Engagement Mr. & Mrs. Ted Goldston an­

nounce the engagement of their son, Brad Goldston to Elizabeth Gilliam, daughter of John & Liz Gilliam of Lubbock. The couple plan to be married August 21. 1999. at the First Baptist Church of Petersburg. Brad is the grandson ofthe late Bill & Ruth Goldston of Petersburg and the late Flim & Elsie Dunn of Abernathy. He is a 1996 graduate of Petersburg Hjgh School.; Eliza­bethisa 1998 graduate of Coronado High School.~oth are attend~ng South Plains College.





· p. 4. Friday, Jaae 11, I'" Peten .... Post

... ~ .......... J.~~ ... Q!~~p'~.~ .. !.~~~!~ ..... jQ ... -.. . The· Petersburg Elementary 5OYanI·Duh 3rd,NicholasCampos-4th,Leroy Jennifer Isaacs .- 1st, Jenny

held their 8DDual Jr. Olympics 00 Dylan Smith - 1st, Humberto Luna - Sth,Jr. Martinez -6th Longoria-20d,MaryGomez-'3rd, Monday, M8:y24th. Despite the Ybarra - 2nd, Mando Banuelos - .. Yanlo..Ia(2·Jleam) Anna Muniz - 4th, Alexis lAina -light rain that was falling, that did 3rd, Chris Maines - 4th, Kearby Josh Salas - 1st, Matthew Adrian - 5th not hamper our participants spiriL Garza - 5th, Jose Pe~z - 6th . 2nd, Sam Alford - 3rd, Leroy Luna Lolli J1IIIIP The field events took place inside 75 ·YIIrcIDMII - 4th, Nicholas Campos - : 5th; Haley Fullingim - I It; Mary the gym. ne running events then Dylan Smith- 1st, Mando SamueIArriaga-1st,Miguel Vallin Gomez- 2nd, Vicki Silvas - 3rd, . took place at the track after lunch. Banuelol - 2nd, Humberto Ybarra - 2nd, Wdliam Layton -3rd, Edward BriUney Shedd - 4th, Taylor Adams H~ are those results: - 3rd, Garrett Darling - 4th, Kearby Rodriquez - 4th, Jose Garcia:' Sth -,.5th, Unda Avalos - 6th .

Pre· KlDderpatw ..,. Garza - Sth, Logan Mulanax - 6th 75 Yard .... 2nd Grade Boys 25,.,. ... (2 ..... ) ....... 'l'llnw Samuel Arriaga - 1st; Charles 25 Y .... Dalla (2",)

Cody Culp - 1st, Zeke Vicken 2nd, Kearby Garza - 1 st, Logan Hinojosa -2nd, Miguel VaHin - 3rd, Matthew Torres - 1 st, Adrian Anthony Salas - '3rd, Jayce Waller Mulanax - 2nd, Gamtt Darling - Joe Montez - 4th, Phillip Amador - Martinez - 2nd, Brian Rodela -3rd, -4th,RafaelHioojosa-lst,Joseph 3rd,JosePe_-4th,ChrisMaines 5th, William Layton -6th Hunter Mulanax - 4th, Jaime Martinez - 2nd, Jesus Montez -3rd, - 5th, Jorge Silvas - 6th SoftbaU TIoow (2 aetB) Duncan -5th; Jason Jaso - Ist,Allan Alex Herrera - 4th, CJ Macias 5th, ..... J.., Samuel Arriaga - lst, Josh Salas - Cole Maines - 2nd, Emilio Sanchez

58 yard..... Garrett Darling - 1st, Mando 2nd, C4ristobal Cruz - 3rd, Matthew - 3rd. Matthew Ramos - 4th. Thomas Roden 1st, Joseph Cedillo Banuelos - 2nd, Humberto Ybarra Adrian - 4th, Sam Alford - 5tb, Guadalupe Ortiz - 5th - 2nd.-Vinny Rodriquez - 3rd, An- - 3rd, Dylan Smith - 4th, Logan Phillip Amador - 6th; Jose Garcia . .. Yard Dash tonio Campos - 4th, Jessie ea,Dllo Mulanax - 5th, Jorge Silvas - 6th, 1st, Charles Hinojosa -2nd, E,dward Anlel Vallin - 1st, Michael Penn -- 5th IDPJ...p Rodriquez-3rd,MigueIVallin-4th, 2nd, Jason Jaso - 3rd, Adrian

Softa.IITIIrow(2 Seta) Kearby Garza - 1st, Humbe~ JonathanRamha-Sth,Jr.Martinez Martinez-4tb,PatrickArriaga-5da Anthony Salas - 1st. Zeke Vickers Ybarra - 2nd, · Jose P~z _. 3rd, - 6th '. 75 Yud DMIa - 2nd, Jesus Montez - 3rd, RlCael Mando Banuelos - 4th, Chris ..... J... .' Michael Penn - lst,Angel Vallin-Hinojosa-4th,JessieCarrillo-5th, Maines -5th, Dylan Smith- 6th SamUeiArriaga-lst,CristobalCruz 2nd. Andm Mendez -3rd, Adam Alex Herrera -6th, Thomas Roden ~ GJrII . - 2nd, Josh Salas - 3nt, Joe Montez Salas - 4th, Matthew Tones - 5th 1st, Antonio Campos -2nd. Vinny 35 Y....... -4th ~"'" _. 4 ·'" ~ I ' ... ".... (2") Rodriquez - 3rd, JosephCeclillo _ . Chariti Sappy .. lst,Eron Lee -2nd,·. ...., ... (2 ~~. .. . ' Anchi·Mendez' .. 1st,· Adam Salas 4th, Jesse Muniz - 5th, CocIyCulp · Janet SauCeda -~rd. Jane Gomez - JoseGaftia - tst, J . · as - 2nd, -2ilcJ;.., MUlkey -.. 3rd, Brian

· -6th,JayceWaller~ 7th.CJ'Macias 4th, Josie ybarra ~Sth , Samu~IArriaga-3rd, . . guel Vallin RodeIa-4th.AdrianMartinez".5th; - 8th; Joseph Martinez - 9th • Y ..... Dalla · - 4th. · Jona.than Ramirez - 5th, Patrick Arriaga - ·lst, · GlIadalupe

. Loaa J.., . . . Whitney White - 1st, Raquel Roclolfo Hernandez -6th · ()rtiz - 2nd. Hunter MuJanu. -3,rd, . Jayce W.ler- 1st. AnUiony S.hl$ - . SllIlchez., 2nd, Veronica Ramirez - lltGl'lMleQlds Jaime Duncan . - 4th, Mattbew 2nd.ZekeVick~rs - 3nt, Antonio 3td, Gabriela Valenci.~ 4th, Uli • •. y........... . Rarn()S ·. 5th . . CairiPo.s~4tbJe!l$ie ;CamU<>:-~~ Sancbe~ ; 5th, ... M~fise"a: Hinojosa - ·lst, ·Ligda . . . ;,... .. . .

· VirulyR~riqpez ~ 6dl .. · '5 V.rdiJula · ' Av. "oS-. 20. d. t.ylor Ada.· rns -3rd, · Anl~. f .. ·'VI.8Jlin:..1-sfs J850.· .. " ' . liJasp " . ~licl, .. Pre ';KGiIiI · Whitn~y \Vhite ~lst, Raquel MilrY ·Gomez :- 4t1.t, Lorena Aiuire$ Mendez ~ 3rd. :Matthew 25 YardOUh fZ·laeata) SllIlchez., 2nd, V~ronicaRamirei - Rod,riquez" 5th~AJexisLuna -6th . TOMS - ·4th~An.nCole Maines;.

· Andrea White - ht, :Katherine 3rd, Cbariti Sappy -4th,Gabri~la ·SOVlintDaula 5th, MictUtel Penn ~6th Smalley- 2nd, Imelda Resendi~ - Valencia -Sth,JaneGomez - 6th ~arisela Hinojosa '- 1st, Taylor . LoIIII .... 3rd,LilrReyes ., 4tb~ Jasmine . SoftballThrow · . .. .. Adams-2nd.N.i~Moridez-3rd,· AdamSi1aS-lst.ZacbaryMul~ey Gomez,. 1st, ftalomaMende~- 2nd Whitney White~ bt, Josie Ybarra- · Haley F,..11ingim - 4th; Hattie Belli -, 2nd~ Hunter . Mulagax ,. . 3rd, ··

SoftlNiUTbrow . . .. . . 2nd, CharitL.Sappy··3rd,Janet 5th . ~4Ult BrillORodeia White • ., · . ;.; 4th. UliSan~hez - $b. . 6tb" ~Jio . . . " " , ,'"

. Petenbarl Post, Friday, June 11, 1999 Page S

- 3rd, Kan Isbell ., 4th, Samantha 50 Yard Duh Basket .... Free Throws Softball Throw. ., Roden-Sth,KassandraRodriquez Coty Shorter - lst, Michael Corey Alvarez - lst. Edward AudreyReyes-lst.EloisaChavez-- 6th Hildreth - 2nd,Adam Mireles - 3rd, . Arriaga - 2nd, Adam Mireles - 3rd, 2nd, Samantha Lopez - 3rd, Madi-

SoftbaU Throw Raymond Ramirez - 4th Coty Shorter - 4th, Troy Reedy - son Darling -4th, MirandaAdanis -. ·· .Ida Qarcia - 1st, Caci Fullingim - 7$ Yard Duh 5th, Raymond Ramirez - 6th 5th, Katie Schooler - 6th

2,d,Destinee White -3rd, Monica Edwaro Arriaga - 1 st, Aaron Reyes Jrd GncIe GIrls Hip JUIDp . . A~llllDo - 4th, Amanda Trevino - - 2nd, Corey Alvarez - 3rd, Jordan 50 Yard o.,sh Miranda Adams - I st. Michelle . . ,~, Lo~na Martinez - 6th Waller - 4th, Coty Shorter - Sth.~ichelle Uvat - I st, Audrey. Reyes Livar - 2nd, Sonia RodriqlJez ~ 3rd

..... J.... Troy Reedy - 6th . ~ . 2nd, Amanda Aores - 3fd. Sa- IAJIII J ..... Destinee White - lst, Samantha SoftbaU Throw vanna Martinez - 4th, Sandra Amber Maines - 1st, Samantha .

, ... Roden- 2n.d, Kara Isbell- 3rd, Erin Aaron Reyes -1st, Mich8et Hildreth Garcia - 5th, Katie Schooler - 6th Lopez - 2nd, Audrey . Reyes - 3rd •. Thompson - 4th, Kassandra - 2nd, Raymond Ramirez - 3rd, 75 Y .... Dalla Madison Darling - 4th, Eloisa Rodriquez - 5th, Caci Fullinlim - HJah Jamp Amber Maines -lst, Sonia Chavez - 5th, Savanna Martinez -

. 6th EdwardArriaga-lst,JordanWaller Rodriquez - 2nd, Miranda Adams - . 6th Lo. J..... . - 2nd, Michael Hildreth - 3rd, 3rd, Michelle - 4th. Whitley Basketball Fne Throws

MonicaArellano-lst,AnnaPineda Corey Alvarez - 4th Gonzales - 5th Sonia Rodriquez - lst, Sandra - 2nd, Lorena Martinez - 3rd' Ida LoDa Jamp 100 Yard Du. Garcia - 2nd, Amanda Aores - 3rd, Garcia-4th~SamanthaROden-5th, AaronReyes-lst~JordanWailer- AmberMaines-lst,Madi~~Dar- Kimberly Silvas - 4th, Sin<la Laken Reedy - 6th 2nd, Troy Reedy - 3rd, Adam ling - 2nd, Sinda Hinojosa - 3rd. Hinojosa - 5th, Savanna Martinez -

3nI GndeBoys Mi~les :.. 4th Samantha Lopez - 4th 6th ••. ~ ••. ~ •• "." ••••••••• "' •••• "."."*'!'. Jane 16· Scott Homey, Glenn

. Pool, Jayne Mulkey, Mae Dell Tay-

J- 11· Ronnie Hopper J_12· Edith Weaver, Andy

Cantu, Joyce Rodela, Lorene Armentrout, June Stanton, Arnold Tucker, Rick Pence

lor, Terry Mulanax . • Jane 17 • Kathym Milner, June 13· Mr. & MrS. Arnold ir

JUI.ian Jaso, Jimmy C. oUins, Tucker, Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Adams • Zachary Morales, Dee Tbompson. J ... 14· Mr. & Mrs. John" Mike Rodriquez, Allan Cole Mulkey, Mr. & Mrs. Randy Stutes ..

J- 13. Judy Allmon. Isaac Campos, Rose Grimes

Maines, Maria Champion Jane l' ,. Mr. & Mrs. Kirk. The 4th, 5th, & 6th Taylor, Mr. & M. rs. JO .. hnny L,t Grade resul. ts will be

. ~"~:·l • . ~ JJlPo,,~ml'h, Ben Escalon, Lope.Ann Chapa, .

. Carr, June Collins, FJviraLeal . Jtlllell • .DJ. Salas, COw1Dey

Fullingim, Nikki .Richardson

If your Ram<: .ppears below, your subscription will soon be runningout.tJleasecome by the offic~ or mail your renewal pay~

. · m~llttq 'PET~RSBURGPQSTBOX248l?eterSbUtatTx~ 792SQ, ~a(ch your addreSs.· label for· yourexpirati()D' date of last i~sue liotice.ThankYou.~Ricky; .. . . .. . ...... • . ' .• .... . . Rates: $16.Hale County: $17elSewherei Texas, $19 Out of State

. . . ' . ' . . .

Bennie Ruth Patterson AnnieScarborough GarY's ServiceCtr~ Larry Lyde DOn ~ J.J;JefTress Bill Qruington Security bank .

.IGif!C' "n'De·· . .Citypf ~·e~' e.r' $bUr2

~SherrY laCey · . lack FOote ..

. UngerMem.Ubrary .. U'ghthouse FJectric

Theol~ Sams . Dan Gregory Petersburg Coop Grain

. Joe. Bob Mayo

Rodriquez . , . . . J .. e 17· Mr. & Mrs. Fud . in next week's Post.

Robertson, Mr. & Mrs. Julillll Cam~ ~ ............ JJI. pos

' .. - .: .. - .

99 FORD F .. 250


··· Wanted .. Jefferies Memorial PoOl is in

need for one good used .. DONArEDrefrigerator .


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,~ 6, Friday,_Jaiae 11, I", Petenhu. PoIIt



and tulips. It was complemented by cented by the bride's gift of pearl . an heirloom locket and birthstone necklaces and earrings. The atten~ ring which belonged to the groom's dants carried long-stem oceana maternal grandmother, Georgia roses with Ivory tulle. Faye Bagley. Honor attendants for tbe

Serving as maid of honor was groom were best man, Kevin B~lt, Penni Pennington of Lubbock, Tx. cousin of the groom of Idalou, Tx. Bridesmaids were Virginia Groomsmen were Cody Leech of Balsadua of Lubbock, Shelley Lubbock, R.N-. Hopper of Peters­Commins of Friendswood, Tx., and burg and Jeff Robertson of Fort Brandy Collins, sister of the groom Dodge, Iowa, brother of the bride. of Lubbock. They were attired in The seating of speCial guests f1oor-lengtb navy crepe dressed, ac- . i nel uded Vanda Mae Moses ' of

(lO'HI/~ 1PfHLs/lvip; 1P~blv ~


Carr's Chapel Church of the Nazarene ".. , ' . Uaited Medlodist Chureh East 1st Street " Ave K

'> ',' " . ~_ .' Sunday Morning Worship 9 a.m. Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

Mn. MieIlMl CoIIiIu Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 10:50 a.m. • • • Evening Worship 6:00 p',m.

• r. V;?l!~!1i\ -.",t 1st" Aft J Forbes & Collins Unite , , ~';('A., .. .11",'!\, "~Side, Ch, IIftbof, Christ Wednesday Worship 7:30p.m.

In Double RIDI Ceremony' " '~~t~.t.~t~t1ii~" ~~} ~ W0.rshipI0:30 First Ullited Metboclst Cbllftb Sandi Kay Forbes and Michael The ~bapel was decorated With lfll "t(: ~~ i~ ~'OO p.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Gene C?lIins were united in a ~brass.eebterarcbofvotivecandles \~ , ", .~::~~~~~~;::- '00 p.m. MorningWorsbip 11:00 a.m. double-nng ceremony on June 5, IDcludlDg greenery and a fan ar- "-= .. ,, ;i,~ IIfth 1999 at 7:30 p.m. Reverend Gene rangement of ocean's roses and tu- 1 , 1 Mam St:..: Hawkins of Lubbock, Texas per- lips. The candlelight cerem~ny in- Sunday School 9:45 a.m. fonned the ceremony in the Brownc!uded crocheted cloths draplDg ~e Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Memorial Chapel on the Wayland , plano and organ covered by a van- ' . Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Baptist· Unive~ity Cam~us. Miss ~ty of crystal candlebolders and WedaeidaySeniees ' Krystal Colhns, COustRo!~he, ' .vory tulle. The alter area was com~ Prayer Meeting 7:00p.m. groom, registered theal'flvmg pleted bya table loan~d by the, Mission Friends 7:00 p.m guests~ groom's ,aunt Vanda Colhns of Pe-, ' " '

Sand; Kay, is the daughter of tersbl,lrg. ,In addition to the unity Friendship H.,ly Baptist , Mr. & Mrs. Fud Robertson .of Pe- ' candle, the table was 4ecorated by 1713 Ave F

PrimeraJaiesia Bautista 1201 West SecQnd Street Sunday School 9:45 a.m.

Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Church Training .;J;\I"'P,.III.1

Sunday Evening Worship Wednesday Prayer & Bible


S.ered Heart CathoDe Ch...-eh 1204 West Fifth Street tersburg and the granddaughter of a b~ss cross ~d beirloom Bible Sunday S~ho~1 9:45 a.m.

Ronald &Pan$Y -, Tullis of belonging to ·thebride'sgreat- , ' MorningWorstllp! 1:00 a:m. . ' SundayMa~sl1:00 a.m. " Abernathy; Tex~s .11)14 Shprty &1; ' ' ~randparents~ Tbe j~lewas ·line4 · . Tuesd~yPrll~e .. SerYI.ce?:30p.m. " WednesdafMass ?:OO.p.ln.

Sally RohertsonofPctetsbur,. " with;: ft()9r len~thlvor:y tuUepew ·Friday Tea~hmg Servlc~ 7;3Op.Q1 •.. M'ichael:"is' the ' So.n ,·of Mr. ,"& . . bo~s.:T~e · bride ~otean :ivory' ;~i~ " . . " ." '

Mrs. RodneYC<>lIinsof Petersburg . gown with a sc90pedneck and scal- HopeweU BaptiSt Church and the, grandson of , Gene .& Dor- loped back. The dress was accented Sunday School 9:45 'a.m. " othy Collins and Mrs., QQa Couch by hand sewn sequins and beading, Morning Worship 11:00 a.m: of . Pete'rsburgand Mary Curry of decorating the , bodice. The bride aaptist Training Union 5:00 p.m. McAdoo, Texas. c~rrieda of oceana roses ' Tuesday. Mission 2:00, p.m.

Wednesday prayer Se.rvice • 7:3Op~m;

. , . Petersbarl Post, Friday, Jane II, 1999 Paae 7 &ii\JRaRt 3 '--.: --- s u ____ a .. _ a. As ... S .. Plainvie,w, great-aunt of the groom bowl, bridal portraits, pewter ployed by Lubbock ISO teaching Mars. and Mrs~ Emily Robertson and son candlesticks, and various silver Head Start at Ballinger Elementary Chuck Truman, manager of Samuel of Fort Dodge, Iowa, sis- serving pieces. in Lubbock. technology and services, will sup-ter-in-Iaw and nepbew of the bride. Tbe groom's table was deco- The groom is also a graduate port the customer service centers

Guests were ushered by ralai with antique wooden spools of Texas Tech and is currently en- by coordination the installauon of Jonathan Collins, Kurt Collins belonging to his aunt, June Collins rolled in Tech and working for natural gas fired generators for ir­cousins of tbe groom, and Shane of Petersburg. A wooden plaque Lakeview Gin Co. rigation customers. Doug Edwards, Wilson of Petersburg. " branded with the Alpha Gamma After a wedding trip to San energy services representative, will

After the ceremony. a buffet Rho fraternity symbols and a francisco, the couple will reside in be responsible for energy and tech­reception and dance was held at the wooden Texas shaped plaque cov- Petersburg. nology sales to the agricultural and Plainview Country Club. ered with examples of historical A rehearsal dinner was hosted industrial markets. Aorinda Gatica,

The bride's table. w'as draped barbed wire, originally belonging by the groom's parents at Cagle's service administrator, will coordi~ in Ivory bridal tulle woven with to Jim Davis of Petersburg com- Steaks on June 4, 1999. nate inquiries and paY.ments for ir- . twinkle lights. Her table was fur- pleted the rustic theme. The 1rn'n'1I'ftfI1l8'1Ul rigation customers as well as con-ther accented by mirrors as a base groom's 2 layer chocolate cake was tract administration. forthefour-tieredbridalcakedeco- decorated by chocolate dipped Enermart Opens Enermart; a subsidiary of rated with roses and greenery, Her strawberries. A brass coffee ser- Plainview OtTice Atmos Energy Services, Inc. table was completed by a crystal vice, along with an engagement (AESI), provides energy service to vase of peach 'roses, crystal punch picture of the bride & groom com- PlAINVIEW, TX. - Enennart irrigation and industrial customers

RECON DITIONED " (,{(lillg ,\ll1Chil1t's

(~ \ 'IIClIllllb

; , Starting ~~

Jl4995~ Richardson SCl[Jill~ C cHtcr

,(HI I :l l ,ld\\I\( ~

SOh-29 )-llJSS

pleted the groom's table. Energy Services ("Enermart") an- in West Texas. AESI is a subsid-The bride's houseparty con- nounced today the opening of a iary of Atmosl?nergy Corporation

sistedofNancyHornofPetersburg, new customer service center in of Dallas, Texas. Atmos provides Jody May of San Angelo, Delee Plainview to better serve the natu- natural gas and propane to more Zint, cousin of the bride of Ama- ral gas needs of its industrial. agri- than one million customers in 13 rillo, Pam Homey, aunt of the bride cultural and ranching customers. state,s through its operating divi­and Emily Robertson. The center, located atl13 West 8th sions - Energas Company, Greeley

Cousins of the groom Leigh St., is part of Enermart's strategy Gas Company, Trans Louisiana Coursey of Idalou and Julie Wood to provide superior customer ser- Gas Company, United Cities Gas of Levelland attended to the vice. Additional ~ustomer service Company, Western Kentucky Gas groom's table. Mrs. Carolyn centers are heing opened in Company and Atmos Propane Inc. Hunsucker of McAdoo. Tx .. and Plainview and Hereford. Jac,k Mars Coming To Petersburg aunt of the groom registered gifts. will serve as Enermart president "52 Map St. "

The bride is a graduate of Mars, who began his carecras _ Texas Tech University and is em- ali irrigation representative 35 A Praise and Worship team of

rr=~~~~====================;1 years ago, is proudly retuniing 10 13 - youth. Come join LIS as they his roots to serve the West Texas minister in music & song: June

,~. '';~' •. ~tJHte' ' 41116thStreet, P~O .. J3ox_599·

Abernathy,Tx. 79311 , (80.6) 298~233J

agricultural market Joining Mars to milDage the new Plainview of­fice is 'K~lIey Grimes, Vicepresi~ dent-Central. Plains Division. "We'

" believe itsimpoi'taol for our~LJS~ tamerS to know we are 'part of the ' community and that we are here to

, personally serve their needs" , saad

13th: 1999 ill 4 'p.lll . al, the Start Youth Center,(Old True , Value Bllilding) Everyone is invited.

nit'n' i""(~lhili~ llIort· ht~llIil'­fill ill . lhi .. worJ~1 dmn u .lwHllhy. 'wiMt· old IlIi ....

. . Paae a, Friday, Jane 11, 1999p,tenburl Post

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FQRSALE 2 Houses . .

1281 w .. ~ond J .

small ods HOME FOR SALE

38edroom, .2 bath, basement, 'Io.ts of storage. cen~tal heat and air. C(,)l1nple~tely' rein()cUed on inside and

deals Plainview · DaUyHerald is '

lookingJor c~rriei'$in die follow­ing towns: Tulfa, .K.ress, Hartl .

.. . 'w~tr~n!~:: .~ast . Baili~g.G~uld • HElJ.»WANTED ' pumps- .' 31 ,' ,ean .

' ..::..' '.' . . .. .

. Hunt FatIQ. Supply is lookina fOt e .... ~ .. w' .

ofIice help. Call JeJUairer at ~" "Phone .9IB-5Cm, ni ..... 910-2144 S7i7~ . ." ". cwgm .. .545S .... ,

~IHJIN'~' MUWLER 880 2JOW. CALlFOl'{NIA FLOYDADA,TX. 1·"' .. 2124J22a