Young Professional, Professional or Engineer...


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Young Professional, Professional or Engineer Awards

Welcome! This is a Microsoft Word Form, and can be edited on screen. It is a protected document that will only allow you to complete the fields or boxes, highlighted with the grey boxes. You can type as much as you like in answer to each question, but please observe the word limit. For further information, please see the guidance notes and other documents which are linked below.When you have finished, click Save As..., give the file your own name, and send it to us by e-mail. Please do not send a pdf version of the file - in order to process your entry we require this Word document.

Word Limit You should not exceed a limit of 2,000 words in the amount you write, including all the fields you complete on this form: entries that exceed the limit will automatically lose 10% of their total marks and entries with serious overruns may be disqualified.

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† In some versions of Word, you must highlight the number, right click and select Update field. The third row in the table below shows the number of words you have written, and this is the figure that must not exceed 2,000.Category criteria, guidance notes and conditions of entry

You can find various documents on our website linked below including:

Criteria for Young Coach Industry Professional Criteria for Coach Industry Professional Criteria for Engineer of the Year Guidance notes for completing entry forms Conditions of Entry

Thank you for your interest in the UK Coach Awards, and good luck in the competition!

Where and how to send your entry E-mail this form with your supporting information to Please send the Word file, do NOT send a pdf.

UK Coach Awards Limited is a company registered in England & Wales, No. 06814616. Registered office: 11 Gisburn Road, Bolton by Bowland, Clitheroe BB7 4NP.

For sending large files, we recommend putting them into one folder, zipping it, and sending the zipped folder using a file transfer service such as,, or

Deadline: Friday 24th January 2020


Awards for Young Professional, Professional or Engineer

Please select one of the choices below by clicking on the box.

Young Coach Industry Professional Engineer of the Year

Coach Industry Professional

1 | Details of NomineeUse this section to give us contact details for the organisation being nominated if this is a single organisation, or the ‘lead’ organisation in a joint or partnership entry.

Nominee Name      

Current Job Title      


Date of Appointment      

Date joined the industry      

Date of Birth      

Company Name      




      Postcode:      Contact Information: Administrative Matters





Contact Information: Press & PR (if different)






Important note: nominee’s agreement You should ensure that your obtain your employee’s consent to their name being put forward for this award category, and make sure that they understand that this may result in them and their family receiving media coverage and press enquiries. By submitting this form you are confirming that you have done this.

2 | Summary of EntryPlease give a summary of the entry in no more than 200 words.

Summary 5 marksPlease include the important points that will make this entry stand out from others we may receive. This summary may be used in publicity relating to your entry without further reference to you.


3 | About Your NomineePlease tell us about the person whom you are nominating.

Management of Complex Tasks 10 marksDescribe how the nominee manages complex tasks, people, processes and the environment in which their organisation operates.


Communication Skills 10 marksTell us about the nominee’s communication skills with both staff and stakeholders.


Mentoring and Leadership 10 marksDescribe the nominee’s leadership skills and how these are used. Please also comment on their mentoring skills.


Performing to a Budget 10 marksTell us whether and how well the nominee achieves this.



Outcomes and Achievements 10 marksTell us about the achievements of the nominee and their contribution to your business.


‘Star Quality’ 10 marksPlease try to summarise in a sentence or two why you think this employee should win the award.

     If necessary, further marks will be allocated by the judges on the basis of a presentation made by short-listed nominees.

4 | Additional MaterialPlease support your entry with additional material relevant to the award criteria, such as commendation letters or other material. List any items that you are sending here, so that we can make sure they’ve arrived.




5 | PhotographsPlease list the photographs you are enclosing. You must send at least 2 (see Guidance Notes).