Young Israel of Hewlett Congregation Ahavat...


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Young Israel of Hewlett

Congregation Ahavat Israel

Annual Dinner


Aidel & Charles Miller Guest of Honor

Sunday March 22, 2009

26 Adar 5769

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Message from the Rabbi

Dear friends, Welcome to this years Young Israel of Hewlett dinner. This year’s guests of honor are Aidel and Charlie Miller. Today we recognize their love and their devotion to our shul. We also have an opportunity to thank Charlie for the great leadership he has given our shul while he served as president of Young Israel of Hewlett. I would like to thank you all for coming out in support of our shul. By attending events like this we truly show our devotion to our Shul and Kehilla. May Hashem bless us that we continue building our shul so that it can serve our growing community. In the last few Parshiot, we have been reading about the building of the Mishkan. In Perek Lamed-Alef, Pasuk Yud-Gimmel, the Torah gives us detailed instructions how to build the Mishkan followed by the laws of Shabbat. In contrast, when Moshe repeats these laws and teaches them to Klal Yisroel, he reverses the order. First he teaches the laws of Shabbat, and then he teaches the laws of the Mishkan. The Kli Yakar explains that to understand the reversal of the order we must understand the concept of Mishkan and Shabbat. On Shabbat we pay respect and homage to Hashem. By observing this day and making it sacred, we declare Hashem the creator of the world. Hashem created the world in 6 days, and rested on the seventh. When we cease work on the seventh day, we emulate our creator. Conversely, The Mishkan suggests the greatness of Klal Yisroel. It is testimony that Hashem singled us out of the nations of the world and asked us to make Him a dwelling place so He could rest amongst us. The Kli Yakar continues to explain that Hashem placed the laws of the Mishkan first to demonstrate his preference of giving Kavod to Klal Yisroel even before his own Kavod. Moshe Rabeinu reversed the order to give priority to Shabbat over Mishkan, because Moshe wanted to teach us that Hashem’s honor takes precedence over our own. A shul is a Mikdash Meaat, it is a place where Hakadosh Baruchs Hu’s Shechina rests amongst us, and therefore it is important for us to place high priorities in maintaining and supporting a shul. Although these are difficult times for many of us, you have shown that your devotion and your love for our shul is a priority that you take very seriously and I applaud you for that. To Charlie and Aidel, may you continue to do your wonderful Avodat Hashem for our shul, may you have continued nachas for your family and I’ld like to thank you for your friendship and make it continue for many years to come.

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Message from President Young Israel of Hewlett is a place where all can feel comfortable. From the daily Minyanim to the many Shiurim provided by our Rabbi Blumstein and other learned members of the Shul, from the efforts of our expanding Youth Department and all the many Sisterhood projects; the Young Israel of Hewlett is a true Beit K’neset. Our Shul is a place of Tefillah and Torah with its crowning pride and joy, the children we hear running through the Shul each Shabbat. Young Israel of Hewlett is the place we can all call, home. With Pesach around the corner, I think about the Haggadah and the four sons that it discusses: The wise son, the son who has given-up, the questioning son and even the son who simply sits there not knowing what is going-on; are all part of the Pesach Seder table. Each son and daughter, no-matter what his or her background, no matter who or what he or she is and what he or she will become, are all made to feel part of the family when they sit together. Young Israel of Hewlett is like the Pesach Seder table, all comers are welcome and all are encouraged to participate in our Shul. We are all one large family who comes together in times of plenty and in times of need. Young Israel of Hewlett is proud to honor this year’s honorees, Charlie & Aidel Miller, who helped make our Shul into the growing family it has become. Yasher Koach. Mazel Tov, Chag Samaech!

Duvy Goldberg

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Message from Sisterhood Presidium

It is with great pleasure that Sisterhood joins our congregation in honoring individuals who are dedicating themselves to both the Young Israel of Hewlett & the greater Jewish community. Every Shabbat, before we daven Musaf we say: V’kol Mis She’oskim B’Zarchai Zibor B’emunah, Hakadosh Baruch Hu Yishalaim S’charam. This phrase truly exemplifies the honorees this evening, Aidel and Charlie Miller. These distinguished individuals are pillars of support for our congregation, who through their dedication and generosity, demonstrate leadership and a commitment to our community. Aidel has taken an active role in our Sisterhood by chairing many of our functions. Sisterhood salutes them and their children, yoni, Eitan, Zachary and Elyana. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu grant Aidel and Charlie the strength and fortitude to continue their dedicated work, on behalf of our congregation, as we continue to develop and grow. May they continue to serve as a source of inspiration to our Kehillah and to Klal Yisroel as a whole.

Sara Goldberg Neera Kimmel

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Aidel and Charlie Miller

The Young Israel of Hewlett proudly honors Aidel and Charlie Miller for their years of outstanding and dedicated service to our shul and the community. Aidel and Charlie recently celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary and they are the proud parents of four adorable children, Yoni, Eitan, Zachary and Elyana. Both Aidel and Charlie come from families with a deep history of service and commitment to the Jewish community. Aidel grew up in Borough Park, Brooklyn and Forest Hills, NY, with her parents Stanley and Lorraine Newman, her brother Ari, A”H, and her sisters Chani and Robyn. The Newman home was a place steeped in Jewish values and observance. Aidel also learned the ideals of Jewish leadership at an early age. Aidel’s father served as president of the Young Israel of Borough Park and was an active member of Young Israel of Forest Hills. Lorraine Newman was involved in the sisterhood of both congregations and an active member of PTA throughout her children’s educational years. Aidel received her Jewish education at Yeshiva Dov Revel elementary school. She attended Yeshiva University High School for Girls in Manhattan. Aidel attended Machon Gold Girls Yeshiva in Jerusalem and she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Industrial Relations from Queens College. Aidel served as Vice President of Human Resources at Amalgamated Bank. She currently heads her own HR consulting business, representing business and non-profit clients throughout the New York City and Long Island areas. Charlie grew up in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, with his parents Larry and Janet Miller, his brother David and sister Amy. The Miller home was deeply committed to the Orthodox Jewish community in Cherry Hill, with Charlie and his siblings representing the fourth generation of the Miller family to be members of Sons of Israel congregation, the largest orthodox synagogue in Southern New Jersey. Larry Miller served as president of the congregation and Janet Miller served as sisterhood president. Both chaired many of the shul’s programs and committees. Charlie received his Jewish education from the Sons of Israel Hebrew School and Beit Midrash program. His undergraduate education was spent at the University of

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Maryland where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing. Charlie served as president of the Jewish Student Union, representing the 6000-strong Jewish student population. Charlie studied at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem-Mt. Scopus at the Rothberg International School for Overseas Students. Charlie attended the George Washington University Law School where he obtained his Juris Doctor degree. Charlie began his professional career in the United States Navy, as a Lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General Corps. Charlie served as a prosecutor, representing military commands throughout the southeast U.S. and the Caribbean. He then served as a national security law advisor, and lastly as a White House Military Aide to the President of the United States. Charlie then joined the Queens County District Attorney’s Office where he served for three years as a prosecutor. He currently heads his own criminal defense practice, representing clients throughout New York City, Long Island and Westchester counties. Aidel and Charlie have each distinguished themselves in our shul, assuming leadership positions upon joining the congregation in 2001. Aidel chaired the Annual Shul Dinner, participated in various sisterhood committees and sponsored a summer oneg at the Miller home the past few years. Charlie began his service to the shul as a member of the Board of Directors. He served as Vice President, chairing the program committee. Charlie recently served as President of the congregation. He currently serves as Recording Secretary on the Board of Directors of the National Council of Young Israel. Together, Aidel and Charlie chaired the shul’s “Israel at 60” celebration, where we hosted the Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel, Rabbi Yonah Metzger. In addition to their involvement in the Young Israel of Hewlett, Aidel and Charlie are active in supporting the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, where their three sons currently attend. The Miller children enjoy being a part of the Five Towns Jewish community and spending time with their sixteen first cousins. Aidel and Charlie are shining role models to our membership for their service, commitment and dedication to our shul. We extend a hearty Mazel Tov to the Miller family and their entire mishpachah on this well deserved honor.

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Our sincere thanks to

Sara Goldberg &

Gila Rapp

And the entire Dinner committee for

making this evening such a great success.

Aidel and Charlie

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Mazel Tov!

The Berman Family

Joel and Susan

Ari, Becky, Mark, Rachel, Michelle & John

Zachary, Eli, Sean, Danielle &


Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Mazel Tov to our past president and board member on this well deserved

honor for all the dedication to our shul.

May you and Aidel continue your tireless efforts on behalf of our


Karen and Eric Miller Alanna, Myles and Harlee

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


In honor of

Aidel and Charlie Miller

Congratulations & Best Wishes

Sharon & Jeremy Garber

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charles Miller

On their honor for their dedication to

Young Israel of Hewlett.

From Rebecca and Harold Blue and Family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Mazel Tov


Charlie and Aidel Miller

On this well deserved honor

Tammy and David Lifschutz

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie Miller

And their entire family on this well deserved honor. We praise your selfless devotion to the shul and community.

Patty and Dr. Steven Greenstein

Pam and Dr. Max Scheer Cathy and Dr. Michael Levine Lisa and Dr. Daniel Sacolick

Woodmere Medical Associates

15 Irving Place Woodmere, NY, 11598

(516) 374 6750

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Mazal Tov

Aidel and Charlie

On this well deserved honor.

Thank you for being such good friends and neighbors.

We look forward to celebrating many more happy occasions with you. May

you continue your outstanding work on behalf of the shul and community for

years to come.

Sara and Duvy Eli, Dani, Yoni and Simona

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Mazal Tov to our dear friends,

Aidel and Charlie on this well deserved honor.

You were, and continue to be, an inspiration for

us and many others to get involved in our beloved Shul for the betterment of ourselves, our families, our friends, and our entire community.

Your tireless efforts, both what is publicly known and what is done “behind the scenes”, is

most appreciated and will forever be remembered.

We are privileged to have you as our friends and proud to pay tribute to you as the 2009 Young Israel of Hewlett Dinner Honorees.

Gila and Evan Rapp

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our friends and neighbours

Charlie and Aidel

on their much deserved honor.

Deborah, Michael, Jacob and Yoni


Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to

Charlie and Aidel

On this well deserved honor

Michelle and Yehuda Appel

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to

Aidel and Charlie

On this well deserved honor

The Brooks Family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our friends

Aidel & Charlie Miller

Your exceptional dedication to our Shul

and community is inspirational.

Tammy & Jeff Bernstein and family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

To our dear friends Aidel and Charlie and family

Mazel Tov on this most deserved prestigious honor.

You serve as an inspiration to our family and community.

Thank you for all the hard work and

countless hours spent for the sole purpose of making our Shul a better

place for the congregation.

Love Shani, Jason, Akiva and Rafi Cohen

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Our dear friends

Charlie & Aidel

Your selflessness, dedication and sacrifices to the betterment of our

Synagogue and our community are deeply appreciated and recognized.

Mazel Tov and congratulations on this

befitting and well deserved honor.

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Erica & Yehudah, Joseph, Hannah

and Isaac Cohen

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel & Charlie

Thank you for all your hard work and

devotion to our shul.

You truly deserve this honor.

Jeremy and Suzanne Crane Jonathan, Moshe & Farrah

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

HR DYNAMICS, INC. 345 Hudson Street

New York, NY, 10014


Aidel and Charles Miller


HR Dynamics, Inc. is a full service human resources management consulting company that offers custom

solutions for human resource management needs including full HR outsourcing, interim/permanent

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Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


to Aidel, Charles and family

Thanks for helping to build the Hewlett


The Ehrlichs

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie

Most deserving honorees

Thank you for you dedication to our


Lemore and Murry Englard

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to Aidel and Charlie on this

wonderful honor. The Goodstein Family

Amy, Ivan, Ari, Gilana, Yaron and Liat

Congratulations to the Honorees

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Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our friends

Aidel and Charlie

May we share in many more simchas


Alyssa and Joey Gilbert

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Congratulations to

Aidel and Charles

Thank you for all you do for our



Susan, Jay, Gabriel & Matteson Grossman

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov and honors to a most deserving couple

Charles and Aidel Miller

From your most admiring

Uncle Abe & Aunt Sharla


Shmuel & Chavie, Reuven & Sema, Frada, Moshe & Sheva and Aaron &


Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Hearty congratulations and warmest of wishes.

The Joseph Family Mario, Naomi, Sammy, Serena and


Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Congratulations to

Aidel and Charlie Miller

on this well deserved honor. May G-d give you the strength to continue to

contribute your tireless devotion to our community.

Suri and Chaim Kahn

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie Miller

Thank you for your dedication to the Shul. You both represent true Torah,

Avodah and Gemilut Chasadim.

The Kaufman Family Barbara, Dan, Asher, Zachary and


Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Congratulations to

Aidel & Charlie Miller

For their hard work and dedication to

Young Israel of Hewlett.

Jessica and Jeremy Kirschner

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

We congratulate

Aidel and Charlie Miller

on a well deserved honor.

Your devotion and dedication to our

shul has not gone unnoticed.

Adena, Gregg, Gabriel and Jessica Kurlander

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Charlie and Aidel Miller

On this well deserved honor

Jessica and Jay Lampert and family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie Miller

Jennifer and Marc Mandel

Mazal Tov to the Young Israel of Hewlett.

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

We honor our dear friends

Aidel and Charlie Miller

Outstanding members of the Jewish community who are devoted

wholeheartedly to Torah, Mitzvot and Gemilut Chasadim.

And a special Yasher Kochachem to our

distinguished Rav, Rabbi Heshy Blumstein, our esteemed Gabbai Rishon, Jack Diamond

and our fantastic Board of Directors.

May Hashem grand you and your families good health and continued Nachas.

Ron and Elana Markovitz and


Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Dear Aidel and Charlie,

Mazel Tov on this well deserved tribute!

May Hashem grant you and our

grandchildren many years of health, happiness and nachas.


Mom and Dad Miller

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

In honor of

Charles and Aidel Miller

With deep appreciation for your support and service to our shul

Sam and Sharon Monderer and Family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

In honor of National Council of Young Israel Board Member

Charles Miller, ESS

Steven Z. Mostofsky, P.L Practice Limited to Matrimonial Law, Family

Law and Adoptions.

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Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov

To our dear children

Aidel and Charlie Miller

Your commitment, dedication and service to the shul, community and Klal Yisroel is a source of pride and nachas to us on many levels. The most important is the fine example you continue to

set for our grandchildren.

May Hashem bless you both with many healthy happy years and give you the strength to carry on your exemplary action and see your children and future generations follow in your footsteps.

We love you and are very proud of you!

Mom and Dad Newman

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Charlie and Aidel

Kol Hakavod for all your efforts on behalf of the Jewish community

Chani and Alan Perlman

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie Miller

Thank you for all of your hard work

and dedication to our shul and community.

Shulamit and Avi Penstein

Jacob, Ethan and Noah

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

The Millers

on this wonderful occasion. We hope that you continue to be a source of

nachas to your families and community.

Elyse and Tal Sharon

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

John Quincy Adams

Mazel Tov


Aidel and Charlie Miller

Upon the recognition of your leadership and commitment to the growth and betterment of

our community.

May you continue to be blessed with the strength and inclination to continue your ma’asim tovim on behalf of the Kehillah.

Meira and Jacob Silver

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov

Aidel and Charlie

Naomi, Michael Smigel and family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charles Miller

Thank you for all the hard work you have done for our community.

Jason, Jodi, Samy, Seth and Corey Spitzer

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie

on this well deserved honor.

Your devotion to our Shul is an example for all to follow.

Leah, Benci and Jonah

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

To Aidel and Charlie

Thank you for all the time and effort you spend on our shul – and always

with a smile.

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor.

Adrienne and Michael Turok

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our dear brother and


Charlie and Aidel

On a well deserved honor.

May Hashem grant you good health, long life and nachas from your

wonderful children, our niece and nephews.

With all our love

Yaacov and Amy Zamel

David Miller

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charles Miller

and sincere thanks to all who work tirelessly to set the warm and vibrant

atmosphere at YIH.

Aliza & Yechiel Zucker and family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

To our sister and brother-in-law

Aidel and Charlie

It is out pleasure to wish Mazel Tov to you on your most deserving honor.

Your commitment and service to the Young Israel of Hewlett are wonderful

examples for your children and are testament to the values instilled by

your parents. May Hashem grant you the strength to continue your good

work and bless you with good health, happiness and Nachas from your


Robyn and Stuart Saltzman, Michael, Ilana and Josh

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Charlie and Aidel

on your well deserved honor.

May you go from Chayil to Chayil and have much Nachat from your family.

Love, Dina Saltzman

Rina, Jay, Maya, Noa and Dylan


Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov and Congratulations to

Aidel and Charlie For all your hard work, commitment and

dedication to our shul.

Debra, Morey Emily, Jeremy and Molly Klein


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Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov

Charlie and Aidel!

Your tireless efforts on behalf of our

shul and community are so appreciated.

We love having you as neighbors and

friends and hope to share in many more smachot!

Anat, Gabe, David, Talia and Ezra Levi

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov


Aidel and Charles Miller And our esteemed

Rabbi and Rebbetzin

Your tireless efforts on behalf of the

Young Israel of Hewlett is unsurpassed.

Your outstanding dedication to Torah and the Jewish community

sets a standard for us all. May Hashem bless you with

the strength to continue your incredible acts of chessed.

Shlomo and Liz Birnbaum

Benjamin, Noah, Elle

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to

Aidel and Charlie

Fawn and David Zakheim

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to

Aidel and Charlie

On this well deserved honor

Deena and Adam Bari

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor

Leah and Jack Diamond

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov

Charlie and Aidel

On this well deserved honor.

Anne and Allan Roffe

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to this year’s honorees

Aidel and Charlie

On this well deserved honor

Tova and Robert Wilon

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie

On this most deserved honor.

May you continue your fine acts of

chesed on behalf of our shul and community for many years to come.

Mindy and Steven Einhorn and family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner


Aidel and Charlie

Thank you for your tireless effort and

support of the shul

We are truly lucky to have a dedicated family such as yours in our


Mazal Tov

Chani and Jeremy Goldfeder

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Dear Aidel and Charlie

It is with gratitude and appreciation that we honor you for your tireless

efforts on behalf of our shul and community.

May you continue to enjoy a healthy,

happy future with your beautiful children –

Eitan, Yoni, Zachary & Elyana


Marion and Nathaniel Lazan

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazeltov to

Charlie and Aidel

a wonderful couple.

Best wishes and thank you for all your hard work.

Zipporah and Marvin Hyman

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov

To our Guests of Honor

Aidel and Charles Miller

May your love of Torah inspire those

around you. Your hard work and devotion to our

shul is much appreciated.

Carol and Irwin Goodman

and family

Venus Printing Company 1-800-69 VENUS

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazal Tov to the honorees on your well deserved recognition.

Thank you to the Young Israel of

Hewlett for their continuous support.

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

In Honor of…

Our esteemed Rabbi: Rabbi Heshy Blumstein,

Our Distinct officers: Duvy, Stephen, Evan, Tal, Cal, Stu, Jason and Sandy,

Our hard working dinner chairs: Sara and Gila,

The dinner committee,

Our Board of Directors,

And tonight’s Guests of Honor: Aidel and Charles Miller.

The tireless jobs and commitments you have taken upon yourselves and your selfless dedication on behalf of all the members in our shul is

sincerely appreciated.

Congratulations on this evening and thank you for every other day that you help keep this train running.

David, Tzvia, Leah, Ariella and Nina Zakheim

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

We also would like to thank

Jason Meyer Of the Jerry Meyer Studios

For donating the photography


David Zakheim For his assistance with arranging the

musical entertainment.

Aidel and Charlie

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to our dear cousins

Aidel and Charlie On this well deserved honor

Your commitment to your family, community and all

of Klal Yisroel is an inspiration to us all.

Esther and Avrumie Insel

Jackie Insel Rochel and Moshe Insel

Mazel Tov to our dear friends

Aidel and Charlie We are so proud of you!

With much love,

Beverly, Caroline & Randy, Miriam,

Penina, Sharon

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

In honor of our dear sister and brother-in-law

Aidel and Charles Miller

Who give tirelessly of their time and energy to the Young Israel of Hewlett and other worth causes.

May you be blessed with an abundance of nachas from your beautiful family.

Chani and Benjy Lonner and family

Suzi and Steve Rauch and family

We wish a Mazal Tov to

Aidel and Charlie Miller

wonderful parents and community leaders, on a well deserved honor!

Shmuel and Shari Klammer

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov To

Aidel and Charles, on a well deserved honor for your many years of service to the shul.

Sincerely, Robert and Nina Feiner

The Feiner Group

A warm Mazel Tov to our special friends

Aidel and Charlie

Love Renee and Murray Schneier

Mazel Tov and best wishes to

Aidel and Charlie Miller In appreciation of your hard work and devotion to our shul

Rachel and Nachman Ofer

Congratulations on this well deserved honor. May you continue to be a pillar in our community.

Carolyn and Yehuda Deutsch and Family.

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Best Wishes and Mazal Tov to

Aidel & Charles Miller For all you do and have done for the chesed of our Shul.


Shirley and Ed Lieberstein

In appreciation of your tireless work on behalf of the community


Julie, Kovi, Emma and Nathan Pine

Mazel Tov to our dear friends

Aidel and Charlie Miller on this well deserved honor.

May you continue your wonderful acts of chesed on behalf of the Shul and the community.

Beth and Kuty Shalev Tara and Brian Roffe

Mazel Tov to Aidel and Charlie Miller on this well deserved honor.

Susie and Menachem Lewin and Family

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie on this most deserving honor.

Ilana and Yoni Kahan

To Aidel and Charles,

Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. May you continue to go from strength to strength. We are proud of you.

Your friends, Herb and Leah Zarge

Mazel Tov to

Aidel and Charlie From your friend and fans in Huntington

Max and Jill Rudansky

Barbara and Raul Bermanski

Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor.

The Wagmans

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

We would like to thank the dinner committee for

all their work in making this dinner a success!

Debra Adler Tammy Bernstein

Erica Cohen Yehuda Cohen Leah Diamond Duvy Goldberg Chani Goldfeder Alyssa Gilbert

Evan Rapp

We couldn’t have done it without you!

Gila and Sara Dinner Co-chairs

Young Israel of Hewlett

Annual Dinner

Thank you to the raffle donors: American Cleaners

Bagel Boss


Dr. Jefferey Bernstein


Carlos and Gabbys

Club Central


David’s Pizza

David Adler

Debbie Flowers


Five Towns Judaica

Joey Gilbert


Gotta Getta Bagel

Great Neck Glatt

Jason Myers


Judaica Plus

Krazy Keepas



Moms Pastries


Perfectly Printed

Petite Pram

Pizza Pious

PJ’s Sterling



Shlomo Birnbaum

Sky Nails

Spring Nail and Spa

Sunflower Hats

Super Sol

Sushi Metzuyan


Warren Levi Karate

Wok Tov

Woodmere Farms

Woodmere Lanes