Young Carusos Try HOME TALENT· PLAY u. Deacon · Ba~lr~tball T ealn For the Glee … · 2018. 3....


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Young Carusos Try For the Glee Clu.b

I I · HOME TALENT· PLAY 1B. Y. P. u. ADOPTS NEW Deacon Ba~lr~tball T ealn

MAKES A BIG HIT PLAN fOR PROGRAMS M k G··~.:J(IJ,!;~JI R d B a es ooo ecor y Wing·ate Memorial Hall Was A!! Unions Meet in Church Be-

+ Packed to Capacity Tues- fore Going to Respective Three Vacancies Filled J·i··-·--·---·---·--·-·j· day Night Meeting Piac2s Winning IS Out of 22

. I ! EDUCATION CLUB i I at Fust Tryout; Other ' ANNOUNCEMENT i . "The Flapper Gmndmother," a A new system has been adopted by

Places to -be FI'lled 1·n 11

,. home-talent musical comedy in I the College B. Y. P. U.'s for carrying ------------------------+

The meeting of the Education hree acts, made a monstrous hit in out their programs. The plan adopted

J- Club which was scheduled for i the Wingate Memorial Hall Tuesday and put into effect on Sunday evening, Near Future. Thursday night, March 5, with i night before an audience that packed I February 22, is to have a get-together

I Doctor Trabue ali the State Uni- ii I and jammed every foot of standing meeting in the church auditorium of

DEBATERS CHOSEN /Scores a Total IN THE PHI SOCIETY i Points to 562

of 742 by Op-

I venity as the principal speaker, ! space. It was more than it was all the unions each Sunday evening G N A hb \V C Wh"tl d "Prospects for a fine Glee Clu~ look 11 had to be postponed '?Wing to j claimed to be~~a scream from start at 6:30 o'clock for just a few minutes • • S y, · · 1 ey an

good," saicl Prof. L. H. Conn, duector I the appe:;trance at that time of a i 1 to finish. The audience had only before assembling into their respective \V. S. Gilmore Will be Part

vonents Played.

in 22 Games

of the Glee Club and Orchestra, after' I lyceum number. The president i time to recover from one coHvulsion groups. of Freshman Team the first try-out for vacant berths ~~is I of the club, Mr. I. B. Hudson, ., of laughter before plunging into an- During the Fall Semester it was I week. Three vacancies in the 'ee i announces that the club will not o:her. It was in every way an un- j Although the basketball season is

. h t b ! found that something was lacking in The Freshman intercollegiate de- now !Jast histor.v, t.he 1-ecOI'd tllat thJ's d - - t e B. Y. P. U. spirit. The number b t r· ·nar·es w re l1eld in the • 1

Club were filled, but It as no een I meet till after the revival, but I surpass:1ble suc,ess. The plot was h decided who will be at the piano an will meet soon thereafter. - · t t" th 1 t th humor a e pre 1m1 ' 1 · e years team ws made is a matter of

1 J 8 Ill eres mg roug lOU ' e of boys attending B. Y. P. U. made Philomathesian Literary Society hall interest. drums. Those making Paces are: · • . ; was rare and refreshing, the action G. Morton, first tenor; B. M. Bell, ···---·-·----·--·-·-···• <·wift-movinb~. and the comedy was up a small portion of the total num- Wednesday evening, :r:e~rua~y 26. Of the 22 games played during the

fi , ber of college students. It was de- Th e of the prel!nnnanes was second tenor, and W. W. Ellerbe, rst and wholesome, with a laugh e purpoE . season, 15 were won and 7 lost. Of - cided that something had to be done t 1 tl d b t from the bass. The vacancies at the piano and KAPPA PSI FRAT in everY. line. It was the most de- o . c 100. se .ll'ee e_ a ers. . I the games lost, only five of them

d P f to make the programs more interest· Ph 1 th€stan Soc1ety \\ ho ate to drums will be filled soon, state ro · lightful home-talent production ever 1 oma -. . "'ere to North Carolina colleges, two ing and more beneficial. After mak- co-operate w1th three others to be of these being lost t th u . . 't

Conn. CHANGES NAME >Jiaged in Wake Forest, according to ing a thorough investigation it was h E 1' . t t o e mveisl Y According to Prof. Conn, the club f th ld t ·t· f th chosen from t e uze 1an "'. ocie Y o team that is now cllampi'ons of tl1e some o e o es Cl Izens o e decided that one of the biggest reasons F h 11

will make only week-end trips this mal;e up the res man mterco e- S. I. A. A. Conference, and the other town. 1 for a lack of interest was the fact that · t d 1 t' t

spring as lengthy trips cause the stu- Is ')W Strictly a Medical Fra- d h gJa e e Ja :n~ ea.m. three to Duke University, State, and dents on the club to miss too muc h The play was presented un er t e the unions were scatterecl all over the Tlle Jli'ehmtnartes began at 7:00 Davi·<1son.

'"nity·, Theta Kappa Psi auspices of the Parent-Teacher Asso- campus. One union was almost com- o'clock. and lots were drawn to see time from classes. The entire schedule • 1\,T., N ciation of the Wake Forest Public pletely isolated from another union. \vho should have the floor first. Mr. has not been arranged yet, but many IS "'""f"w arne

Schools. The production was direct- Announcements were very hard to get D. D. Lewis. president of the Phi So-From comparative scores made

against other teams, \Vake Forest would have an edge on all other col­leges in North Carolina for second place, as the games lost to other colleges besides Carolina were, with one exception, very close scores. Da­vidson went wild in the last contest played against them and almost dou­bled the score on the Deacon quin­tette.

requests for viFi' s of the organization· 1 b Ed and managed by Miss The rna to all the members, and there was a ci'ety, presided. The rules concern-have come in. The first trip to e Theta Kappa Psi is the new name Marie Richardson, of the Wayne P. complete lack of cooperation among ing the preliminaries were that each taken will carry the boys to Bunn

of the Kappa Psi medical fraternity, Sewell Lyceum and Producing Co., the several unions. Another difficulty speaker should have twelve minutes High School in Franklin County on It f · d · · 1 G · h as a resu o a unammous ecisJOn of At anta, eorg1a. An ore estra was the musical part of the programs. at his disposal, not more than five of Friday night, March 13, and Youngs- h t f th d ·r f o!l t e par o e gran councr con- composed of college musicians ur- Only two or three sections had any which could be used on the rebuttal. ville High School on Saturday night, 1

ventions, which met in Portland, Ore- nished music for the occasion. I musical instrument to aid them with The query debated was: "Resolved, March 14· god, St. Louis, Missouri, and New The stage of the College chapel their musical part of the programs. That North Carolina should ratify According to recent regulations by 1 A I

York, to separate fir m the severa was enlarged for the occasion. Dr. Hubert Poteat stated that the boys the port terminal and water trans-the College authorities, only those stu- h · 1 h ,, d b b 1 · p armaceutiCa c a) . · ~s an ecome colored audience occupied the a- at B. Y. P. U. when singing reminded IJOrtation bill." Those upholding the dents who are not representing the · a purely medical f.ihernity. Theta cony. Footlights. curtains, programs, him of a bunch of old maids at a affirmatiYe were E. F. Upchurch, J. B.

College in any other capacity will be p ·n h <·r 1 h allowed to represent it with the Glee Kappa si stl a:~ a arger c apter and other theatrical paraphernalia quilting party. Maddison, P. Y. Green, R. E. Lee,

The total scores made by Wake Forest during the season show that, in the 22 games played. the Deacons scored 7 4 2 points, while the oppos­ing teams were scoring 562. The largest score piled up against the Deacons during the entire season was made by Davidson in the last game

Club. Heretofore men have tried to medical fraternity in the world. and were not lacking in helping to make The plan finally hit upon to remedy A. M. Butler, and ,V. C. Whitley. is international as well as national. the performance an effective one. these evils \Vas to have the several Those supporting the negative: s. H. take part in the Glee Club and in ath- h · h t f Th t K d 1 ld -

letics, and the two have conflicted seri- T ere lS a c ap er 0 e a appa The come Y dealt wit 1 an ° sections assemble in the church audi· Holbrook, G. N. Ashby. J. V. Black-ously. Under the new ruling, if a Psi here, which has a strong mem- grandma who invested her savings tmium each Sunday night at 6:30. At well, "'· S. Gilmore, and J. I. Biggs. man is on any athletic team he. will berTshh.ei?,-change als.o includes a new indsdomle Tbeapot D~mhe OlS.ll stock antd this get-together meeting special The contestants were very ener-

b su en Y ecame ric · le went 0 mttsi·c 1's to lJe l'endel·ecl and announce· getic in the delivery of their speech-not be eligible to make the Glee Clu . 1 d b t · - b t d b pin. p e ge ut on, recogmtwn u - gay Paris in seach of youth an eau- ments made. The plan is to have the es. Each showed that he had spent 1

(Continued on page 3.)


ton, key, insignia, and coat-of-arms, ty, and in the office of Dr. I. Skinnem B. Y. P. U. work something like a much time in preparation for the which have already been designed her face was made into beauty and Sunday school. It is thought that by occasion. Judges for the prelimi­and are being made up. The monthly youth. She returned to America as . . - naries were Dr. G. ,V. Paschal, Dr: publication, which was formerly a "Flapper Grandmother," with centrallzmg the unw_ns better.- work

can be done more mterest w1ll be D. B. Bryan, and Prof. J. B. Carroll. called the "Mask," is now called the beaux galore and "jelly beans" at her

1 ' •

"M .. f t G d 1 d 11 th taken, and that a h1gher standard can They rendered their decision in favor 1 essenger. ee · ran ma ra a . e . men i be attained. On!~· a few minutes will of G. N. Ashby, 'Y. C. ·whitley. and,

(Continued on page 2.)


At present Theta Kappa Psi has s\.rung and. the young gu·ls had no I be spent in this gathering, but dur- w. s. Gilmore. • a chapter roll of seventy chapters, in- chance while Grandma was around. I . th' t' .t . h d th t h The Freshman tea_m is now sched-

Barber Shop Has Been Moved to eluding both graduate and collegiate Belindy Spriggins was the bash- 1- 1mg fi IS .1I1m1e 1d 1~ 0

1pe A a muc uled to debate the Freshman teams Cause of Fire is Not Known;

Seems to Have Started Be-b I · f . - . )ene t WI )e en vee. t any rate, Second Floor, All of First chapters, and a mem ers up o over' ful, gJgghng granddaughter of Mag-,. tl . d th of C·trolina and Davidson on April 6

t tl d Th . . th t Tl t 1 • p th Fl G . d tl 1e unwns tm er e present system. ' · f C f en 1ousan . IS means a 1e a I g1e eppers. e apper 1 an mo 1- 1 t ,.1 h . 1 d 1 The affirmative team will debate Da- neath Floor

F!onr or a :2 Kappa Psi still has a Jerger chapter, er, and was the only one of Grand-; ~. 1 1 . ave a pial no. a man to . ea t le - 1 · . • smgmg. and t 1e programs w111 get a vidson at Davidson. while the nega-

roll and memberslup than any of t 1e rna's relatives to accompany her to 1 1 b . . AI . 1 . tive will defend the question against Fire for a time threatened the Hub "I expect to add a cafeteria to

what I have," said "Shorty" .Joyner in speaking of the changes around the Joyner Luncheonette. The bar­ber shop is now on the second :floor, and most of the ground :floor will be used for the business of feeding folks.

The Joyner place of business con­tiimes to improve. Last spring ''Shorty" Joyner was doing a "hot­dog," sandwich, smokes, cold drink, and ice-cream business in a small room near the theater. Last Sep­tember. when the students returned, the business was found to be a mod­ern cafe in modern quarters. The enlarged building included the old establishment and the old grocery store building adjoining. The bar­ber shop \\"as moved from the back of the Bank of 'Vake to a room ad­joining the cafe. To make way for the latest improvement, the wall has been opened. throwing these rooms togethe1·, and room was made for the barber shop on the second floor. Ac­cording to Mr. Joyner, he will be prepared to give full-time cafeteria board. thus catering to the desires of the college men.

College Hospital Calm After Storm

Only Three Patients Are Now in Hospital After Previous

Busy Month

After a very busy month the hos­pital has only three patients, not counting those who go for sore throat medicine, etc. The infirmary, that was one of the busiest places on the campus a few days ago, has an atmos­:r;here of loneliness.

The college community has suffered a mild epidemic of influenza, together with a few cases of mttmps, this sem· ester. The record shows that forty­six patients were in, the hospital dur­ing the month of February. At pres­ent only three men are confinea at the hospital. Messrs. Van Carroll of Richfield and M. C. Minor of Advance are suffering with mumps. Mr. M. B. Cree of Rockingham has entered with what is supposed to be a case of in­fluenza. Others are still going to the hospital to get sore throat treatment.

other nine medical fraternities. Europe when the Teapot oil dome 1 g. ooc egmmng. so, sp. ecJa m.usrc I d l f t Carolina here. The subject for de- Clothing Store. when at 8:00 o'clock Theta Kappa· Psi continues old boiled over and Grandma became a: 13 to Je ren ere( rom time 0 tnne.

bate will be: "Resolved, That North .Monday morning "Shorty" .Joyner Kappa Psi's uninterrupted member- millionairess-. When Grandma and j . After th~ gene:·al meeting ~he di_f- Carolina should ratify the port ter- disro\·ered smoke coming from the ship in the International Fraternity Belindy returned from abroad such! fer~nt sectwns Wlli assemble Ill the~r minal and water transportation bill." D. V. L. fraternity hall. which is on Conference, a body organized through a change had been wrought in the 1 designated places and r~nder their Last year the Freshman team de-l the second story in the building. All the .• Kappa Psi activit.y, as the o~lY two, and especially in Be !indy, that 1 p:ograms. A;; many. sectwn~ as pos- bated North Carolina and Davidson. of the D. V. L. furniture was de­national purely mcd1eal fratermty they wen• scarcely recognizable. Mrs.· Slhle are to have thelr meetmg place winning against Davidson and losing strayed. \\'hile the clothing store suf-that has from its foundation in 1879 A. c. ·J and Miss Grace Lynch I in the church. Special interest is to Carolina at Chapel Hill. fered from the water. limited its membership to white Gen- played 1rts of Grandma and 1 being taken in the individual groups The building is the property of tiles exclusively and stated Class A Belindy ji·~Iv and were ex-· to make the programs interesting and T. E. Holding, and was insured for uu;dical schools as the requirement cellent · ,n· ~~:pretations of the

1 helpful to the student. 0Tiginality Eta Chapter Of :;;3,000. :\Jr. Holding states that the

for the granting of charters. two cha . ;·Vj '" in preparing the programs is being insuranee will hardly pay for the Miss · J;'lo'.t Cox did a beautiful stressed by many of the grou11 cap- Chi Tau Installed . damage. as the rafters above would

Sidewalks Are To Be Egyptia; 'I 1i ;r,, dance in the second tains this spring. h:~ve to be replaced. act, aft(c ·:• .;I• . Spriggins family 11ad Last year the 'Vake Forest B. Y. At Columbia u niv. The Huh Clothing Store carried

'1ai"d A:round Cl..urch received ·• .i ·· yptian mummy sent P. U. won the State banner, and au insurance to the extent of $-!,OOO.

; .!11 to them .,,-~~ .!~..lndman and Belindy effort is being n1ade this year to tnake. . . . 1 Fire "·hieh had clroppcd through the

Will : .~ep Pace With the Ir• p avements Being Made

in the Town

1 while the: .. ·'•tr . abroad. the necessary standing which will en· Prof. Henry Belk l\1akes Tnp J ceiling had not gained much head-Miss M: ·o·x•J Iedrick, music teach- title us to keep the banner. From Here to Tal;.e Part way in the clothing store before fire-

er in the ·.''r;l.1; 1igh school. who ren- in Ceremonies men were at work curbing the flames. dered inv< ,/: .. ·'~' help in playing the 'Vhite Deer Grotto University in I' but several streams of water poured

_,.,,) r. Kiangsi Province, China, is said to be into the building and. into the room (C01 ~ . . s.•i! .l. on page 3.) the oldest university in the world. Prof. Henry Belk, national presi- aboYe, drenched the merchandise and

----- 1c•v· dent of the Chi Tau fraternity, h3s 1 left the building several inches deep The 'Valm Forest Baptist Churc1 -•. , 'h; just returned from New York, where in water.

will have concrete walks lai~ on tlH 'lnter:J·!· ... :\olastic Tournament he installed a chapter of the national It is surmise<l that the fire had its church property, thus makmg thE , r ·" 1'1 fraternity at Columbia Cniversity. origin underneath tl;e floor, as there church property keep pace with the ., • M h 1 · 1 1 1 ' '•--·• t • /J t t The new c tapter IS t 1e sevent 1 c mp- was 110 stove or other heating de-improvement of the town. The ac- ,._ ___ rea zng UC n eres ter of Chi Tau, and is known as Eta vice in the hall. tion of the committee was received ··~~ Chapter. . ----------by the church as a whole. The installation took place last Sat- C h • Cl !001 H

A few weel;:s ago the question of 11 r T... T t s J. I H A d th urday afternom.l and evening in th_e I oac Ing a..,s. as. laying concrete walks on the church .r. tOre .nan wen Y C1.100 S ave Jl,SWere e

Trophy Room of Earl Hall_at Columbm Been Organized Here property was taken up at the mid-i First Letter' and . Other Inquirit ... \. ~"' re University. The ceremon leS began at week meeting. It was pointed out ~ four o'clocli 111 the afternt "1 with the that the- work might be done much Com1·ng 1·n Every Day ll(1 eJ1de(1 administering of the ritua more cheaply while the pavement is with n l~anquet that n; Prof. being don-e·in the town: A Belk was assisted in the ·lla•ion tee was appointed to get an esti- "More than twenty schools have an- and asking them to send representa· ceremonies by' ?lir. ·H. D. , :, a ·mate on the work and determine just Ewered the first letter sent out by the tives here on the third and famth of ,

, .1 member of Beta Chapte1 ~.·' r. ', ''· C.

Coach Garrity is Teaching ~Thth­orl of Playing and. Coaching

Major Sports

the amount of paving necessary to Interscholastic Tournament Commit- .... pn · A week after the first intra- State College and now lfvir.,l~. at meet the needs of the church. When . . ductory letter another letter was sent · Coach Garrity's coaching class has

t 1 t h commg m Plainsfield, :Mass., and by l\1r .. T. F. the committee made its report some· ee, an( 0 er answers are to each school with tl1e idea of im- been organized this spring at ·wake I d " 'd p f J G c 11 · ·wooteu, also of Beta Chapter, nnd now F C of those present seemed to think the every ay, sm ro · - r. arro m pressing on the high school principals orest ollege. Around twenty re-

living in Brooklyn. 1 f 1 advisability of using granite grit discussing the prospects for the tour· I the advantage of starting early to pre- portec or t 1e course the first night.

I l\Ir. A. C. Jordan, of Eta Chapter. 1'1 1 '11 1 1 should be considered. The commit- nament and track meet this year. pare the declaimers and track men 1e c ass w1 Je telcl at night on the

presided at the banquet. Prof. Belk 1 ft tee was ·continued with the addition "Prospects for this year's tournament for the event, and again last Satur- secane oor of the Administration gave something of the histon· of Chi 1 '11' 1 of Dr. Bryan, and on February 18 are much better than they were at day more letters were sent containing m1 c mg am in the gymnasium. Tau, and others spoke. Prof. W. I. Tl 1 recommt)nded concrete pavement. the same date last year," he added. postal cards asking for some informa- 1e c ass is being taught under the Cranford, of Dul'e l'niversity. was a The proposition is to pave an eight- The Interscholastic Tournament and tion about the school and the possible auspices of th Education Department. guest of the fraternity at the banquet. I . foot walk from the present walk to track meet has grown to be an annual representatives. Another letter will t IS mostly •r those who are plan-

t11e front church steps, with a nar- event every spring. It is fostered by follow soon containing an entry blank. ning to teac1 1 high schools, although row walk leading from this main I the College, with ·the hope of interest- Prof. Henry Belli has been asked to This "'a~· Out some who b · • no intention of doing walk to the basement steps. In front ing the high school students of North serve on the tournament committee "Do you know," beamed the lee- such are t. \g it. Coach Garrity of and the length of the front steps I Carolina in going to college by giving and is rendering some valuable serv· turer to his class. "as I came into will teach t 1etl!od of both playing the pavement is to be sixteen feet them an opportunity of seeing some- ice in sending out news letters to the the room this morning I read a sin- and coachil e three major sports, wide, with a narrower walk leading thing of college life and giving the de· I newspapers of the State at intervals of gle word printed on the door, with- which a1·e •· • ball, basketball, and around to the north steps. There is serving ones the opportunity to com- a few days, thus keeping the schools out which not one of you could dream baseball. ~ i to be a narrow walk from the present pete for awards ancl scholarships. The I informed as to the progress of the of success in the scientific world?" j\lr. GatTI ·r) . 'I ttc~dl coaching both walk to the steps on the south side Tournament this year is the ninth of tournament. \ "Pull!" shouted the class in uni- theoretical! \ •ractically. He will of the church, and a three-foot walk its kind to be held here. Between forty and fifty letters were i son; and the instructor knew that he give them ·s and worlwuts in to the steps in the rear of the church. Three weeks ago two copies of the I written to high ~chool principals by; had taken his motto from the wrong the gym. eaching the art of The estimated cost is about $572, or special Interscholastic Tournament students here last week as a result of I side of the door. football first. · students are being possibly $600. edition of OLD GoLn .\:I'D BLACK and a Prof. Carroll's request for the coi:ipe· instructed in :ting, blocl,ing. and

letter were sent to more than three, ration of the student body in putting A Hm·e On!:", Too . passing in the gnatest of all scholastic Robberies from fraternity houses Oglethorpe University, in Georgia, hundred high schools in the State an·j the tournament across with flying II It's a poor alienist that won't wm•k games. Those ta'ding the course are

. at Chicago U last year totaled $5,313. has a ten-year-old student. · 1 nouncing the date of the tournament colors. both ways.-Indianapolis News. excused from their gym classes.


sNiously cousidercd the two sides of lifl' to do so all(! make the decision that will mean so much to their life

Freshmen Cagers Return Successful


i::Y:f b:h:h:e:e:tii:t: :: t---;:::.:::-::-···~·· not al!ected by loca:ion. The problems I doctor. when hungry

Issued Weekly by the Student Body of Wake Forest College

Sub,;cription price .............................. $2.00 o. Year


Entered as second-class matter J anunry 22, ItllG, at the po~toflice nt Wake Forest, North Carolina. under the act or March 3, 1879.

Editorial Sin.fJ L. R. VA:<:< ......... ......................... E<litor-in-Chicf J. E. AU~TI:< .............•.................... Hot Bo:r; Editor ZJ-Jso MARTI:-.: .............................•.......... Sport B<litor T. L. ToL.\lt ................................. Associate Editor Lot:I~E HoLol:.;:G ................................... Locat Editor

RqJOrlers fur tlcis h::-:ue Jonx A. HALL:MA=' H.oUEHT E. Lt-~E \\~. S. GlL;\tont-: H. N. llAHXES


Jfcuwgc rial S la.z/'

latl'r. Tht· local church has succeeded in

gC'ttiu~ Dr. ?.IcDauiel, of Richmond,

I \"a., tD [•ome and conduct the series

of sel'l'il'C'S each day. Dr. 1fcDan­id is rN•ognizcd as one of the out­

dandillg leaders in the Southern Baptist Com-cntion and is a power­

ful preacher. It will be a priYilege

to hear l1im. The student body should gh·e

some of its time out of respect for

the alumni who haye giYen \Vake

Forest fhe name she has, out of re­spect for Dr. Bagby who is the Col­

lege chaplain and who is interested in the student body indh-iclually and

collcctin•l;r in all of its acth·ities,

From A Trip Winning four out of five games, the Old Gold and Black Yearlings over­

freshman basltetball team returned whelmed the Asheville High :five by a home tired but smiling, Sunday ni ht. 43-15 score. After the encounter, _Mr.

' g and Mrs. H. '.V. Pelton entertamed The first game with Carolina fresh-1 tlle two teams at a sumptuous ban-

men was tl:i.:- only disaster for the Lit- quet in the Battery Park Hotel. tie Deac<Jns. l\[onday night was truly The High School quint carne back all for the Carolina quint, and they strong in its second game with the took the large end of a 28 to 18 score. Baptist Yearlings, but were able to

Tuesday the team continued their register only 23 points, while the journey to the western part of the Frosh team collected 26 counters. Pete State. Reaching Asheville Tuesday Chakales gave a banquet after the night, the entire squad was assigned game, and after this the team was to different private homes where they honored by a dance given by Misses were to be entertained during the in- Louise Clifford and Helen Brown. vasion. Wednesday night the Frosh The boys were swept off their feet defeated the Asheville Athletic Club by the rich hospitality that was ex-45-19. The boys were going fine and tended them while in the "Land of the caged 'em from all angles of the court. Sky." After the game, l\Iiss Katherine Lefty The entire squad, including T. Jones, was the hootess of a dance given in L. Jones, James, Green. Woodward, honor of the visiting team. l\[om·ee, Brandon, Deaton, Poovey,

The Canton Y. l\'I. C. A. five was Coach Hayes and Manager Morton, met and defeatecl Thursday night by made the trip to the western portion a score of :?9-19. Friday night the of the Tar Heel State.

of Chma may be dtfferent from those ' ' of England; those of America may be I go to the different from those of Russia; but I the question of salvation is the same RIVENBARK everywhere-to the African, to the Russian, to the inhabitant of the CLUB i smallest island of the sea, the greatest ! problem for the individual is that of I A trial is all we ask. l his relation to Jesus Christ. $23 for 28 days.

"The answer to this question settles the matter of eternity. Its answer -

·=·~~·=· determines the road to heaven or the road to hell.

"I believe in the New Birth with all my heart. The man in Christ Jesus has experienced it, and is a new man. Is it mysterious? Yes, mysterious, but true. The man has a new conscience. Those things that he allowed in his thinking he no longer allows; some things he claimed to be right he turns from. I do not believe a man or wo­man can be born again without experi· encing these effects.. And this experi-1 ence once enjoyed, things once loved no longer charm, while new things take their place."

THE HOWLER To Be Issued May 1, 1925

Price, $5.00 Per Copy Published Annual/If b11 the Students of

Wake Forest CoUcge

A complete picture ot college life at Wake Forest, containing history and c::uts of all organizations, and in general all points of interest connected with the college. Those wanting copies please send in their orders by March 1. 1926. For further information and advertis· ing. addt·ess

E. M. FANNING, Business Mgr.

A. J. Nt=WTOX ............................ Rusincss Planager GOOHGE llAUJ-::::RLEIX ........... 4sst. Businc:ssl'tlan.agcr )1. L. SLAI'E ...................... ..'lssf. Business nla·n.agcr D. G. CoVINGTON .................... Cireulatiort Manager

1 out of respect for Dr. 1IeDaniel,

j·who is the leader that he is in the Baptist denomination ·whose name ,,-e bear as a college, and out of re­

spt>d and dcYotion to the One who dieu on Cah·ar:y :.mel is no"· inter- i Deacon Basketball Te~m _Makes ceding for us. j Good Record by Wmmng


PARSON BAGBY Cirntla!ion JJcpa.l'imcnt

J. R. K>:Y Y. T. Su!.LIVAN W. A. SULLIV,\:s', JR. G. n. Mo~TSINGER

All communications for print ot• relative to the paper, other than business. should be nlldressc<l to the Editor.

Dr. Poteat Attends Masonic Meeting

llusin~ss communicatlons should be dre~t:ed to the Business l\fnnnger.

Adverti~ing- rates quoted upon request. Subscriptions arc due in advance.


Editorial office: Bo:5t\vick Hall, room num­ber 30~. Business ofll.ce: 355 Hunter Dormi .. tory. Postofficc bPx:, 291.

Raleb;h oflice: Ca11ital Printing Companlo·.l


The elwpcl period of twenty lllinutes p:wlr day is as important

a }1eriod in C'ach day's schedule as

:til.'' of tIre dass periods because it

ht>rwfits more stn<.lents than any other period an(l is im·aluable in

the n.Jministration of the College.

It i$ also Yaluable because at that time the students are reminded of and arc led in their daily deyotion

to the Omnipotent in whome name we exist as a College.

Some of the professors m con­

Is Representative to the Excu­

tive Commission in City

of Washington

Dr. Hubert 2\L Poteat attended the meeting of the Executive Commis­sion of the l\Iasonic Service Associa­tion of the United States. which was held al Washington. D. C .• last Fri­day and Saturday. Dr. Poteat is eonnnissioner for the South Atlantic District of the Association, which includes Delaware, :Maryland, the District of Columbia, Yirginia, and 'Vest Virginia, and North and South Carolina. EleYen men from all parts of the country compose the Com­Ill ission.

On his return trip. Dr. Poteat stopped over at Alexandria, Virginia, to attend a meeting of the George Washington :;\fasonic Memorial Asso­ciation. This Association is plan­ning to build a $5,000,000 memorial to ·washington, the Mason.

ducting the dcyotional

ho,YcYcr, seem to think

exercises, that the ·chemical Society

whole time must be spent in }n·each­ing a sermon nnrl in prnyC'r, and no time left for the reading of im­

portant announcements. The result is that >dJCn the 1.2 :30 bell rings the students get restless in their

scats and are ready for a grand rush

to the doors of the chapel, and im­portant announcements and short meetings after chapel are giycn lit­tle 11otice and concern.

X ot only is little attention giYen to the announcements, but the effect of the chapel talk is usually spoiled

by the restlessness of the students.

We respectfully ask that the pro­fessors lenYe a few minutes of the chapel hour each day for the mak­

ing of announcements and for short

meetings of Yarious groups that are able to get all of the group together

at the chapel hour.


Wake Forest has always prided herself on the class of men as alumni

that she has sent into the world. She has· gloried in her alumni be­eansC' the majority, and a large ma­

jority, of them are 1C'aders in their particular lint> of endeayor. Wake

Forc•st alumni are lenders ns busi-

Receives Two Men

[nitiation Staged in All Parts of I Chemistry Building Mon-

day Night

Messrs. \V. A. Sullivan, Jr., of Pin­nacle, and V. T. Sullivan of Wilming­ton, two young men of the Sopho­more Class. were selected from a class of about fifty men, who are no"- taking organic chemistry, for memhership into the Lavoisier Chem­ical Society, bringing the total mem­bership of the society up to eighteen. These two Sullivans have made splen­did records in Qualitative Analysis and Organic Chemistry during the past semester.

The initiation was staged in all parts of the Chemistry building Mon­day night. After the initiation, sev­eral interesting talks were made by some of the old members. Professor Prichard gave a very interesting ex­planatory account of the purposes and aims of the society. After which, Dr. Nowell, head of the Chemistry Department, made a brief talk on the moral obligations that each member of the society owed his Alma Mater. He especially emphasized the need of efficient men to solve the moral as well as the scientific problems of the day.

Wake Forest Hotel Is To Reopen Soon

15 Out of 22 Games

(Continued from page 1.)

played with the "Wildcats, when they defeated their old rivals by the over­whelming score of 48-2 8. This was in contrast to the first game played between the two institutions, when Wake Forest •von with plenty to spare. the score being 4 8-3 6.

Defines the Difference Between

the Two Classes in an Im­

pressive Sermon



The largest score that the Deacons piled up against any one team was made against Lenoir-Rhyne, when that team was defeated by a score of 5 S to 2 3. Also. the smallest score

"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature." This state-

··-~·~~~~~~~~~.._.~~~~J.-..:l-..c~-~,_,~,-~oc•; .. ment, taken from the seventeenth I e

that was made against the Deacons during the season was made by Le­noir-Rhyne wl1en the second game played against this institution re­

verse or the fifth chapter of Second o G • I t d E 1" h i Corinthians, was the text of Dr. Bagby I enuine mpor e ng IS r Sunday morning. He emphasized ii_,- Broadcloth Sijh I. r t s ,-., throughout his sermon the New Birth ' q and the personal relation of man to Jesus Christ. "There are but two l I

sulted in a 3 6-to-6 score. Following is schedule as

and the scores of eacll game:

classes of people in the world, but two i f played classes in the State, and but two 0 Whites, Tans, Blues ...

classes in this town,'' asserted the ! t" \Vake Forest

34 Durham Ellcs --------------33 Richmond Blues ·····---25 \Vasllington and Lee .. 14 V. l\L I. -·-·-------·-··--·--·-·-

speaker; "it is not a division according I FRESH $ 2 5 to man's making, not a division with 1 1. 9 5 J 2 7 regard to his :financial standing nor o NEW i· 23 his social rating; but it is a division ! STOCKS lo 17 that will count in the great round-up. ! II 32 It is the same division that will be J ! 47 V. P. L -------------------··-··

34 Lynchburg College --·· 2 6 Georgetown ----------------34 Richmond Blues --··---· 18 Carolina --···-----------------29 N. C. State ------------------

19 made at the last day between the· I_ Imported English Broadcloths in Collar-Attached Styles ft" 33 sheep and the goats, between the saved 21 and the unsaved. These two classes ! A really big shirt sale, this! For it combines With a low price, t" 22 are the saved and the unsaved." I shirts of a superior manufacture. Shirts that stress accurate " 24 There is a wide d~fference of opin- I measurements, generous cut, and careful attention to detail. All l 18 ion among people as to just where the l sizes, 14 1h to 17; in white, blue, and tans. f 2 6 difference between these two classes


" t 43 Duke University ....... . 25 N. C. State ------------------48 . Davidson ____ ---------------- 3 6 begins. Some, while recognizing the ! !

23. two, are unable to define the differ- I [:;--H;,-~r~l I 43 Guilford -------------····----· 36 'Villiam and Mary ..... . 24 58 25 49 33 36 28

Carolina -·--·------·-·-·····-· Lenoir-Rhyne -·····--·--·-· Duke University -------­Guilford -····----·····-·······

241 ence; others draw the line at baptism; I i ,· · ~!1L•!¥J· I I 43 but according to the Bible, declared " ----~~'l'l:lJI I 23 Dr. Bagby, the only thing that decides 'i J 1 2 8 these two classes is their relation to I " 16 Jesus Christ~ Outside appearances •:•• .... ,,._.r~~~~~~.._.c~~~~..-,.-.c~1~~~•:•

28 make no difference; the man's I


Davidson ·····-·············· Lenoir-Rhyne ---···-··-···· Davidson .... ····-··-·-······

6 clothes, his money, his philosophy, 48 even his theology, do not count. It is I

through the new birth that he 562 changes from the one class to the

other. By that his eternal destiny is determined; consequently, the new birth is the biggest thing in the world to one's life.

John b., Jr., urges that the reckless motorist be curbed-what would you do, John, deprive the culprit of gaso­line?

Ke<'Jli•~g the Doctor Away "Didn't I see you going down the

street the other day with an apple in your hand?"

"Quite so, old chap. I was going to call on the doctor's wife."-Proofs.

Laughing Gas Poems My bonnie leaned over the gas tank,

The height of the contents to see; He lighted a match to assist him­

Oh! bring back my bonnie to me.

"The big question, then, for each in-dividual is, 'How do I stand in rela­tion to the Cross, or to the Christ of the Cross?' and I would to God that we Christians believed that with all our souls. We have discussed' our social life, we talk constantly of bur financial affairs; some of us think. much of po­litical questions; now· I. ·want us to I discuss the question of the new birth. 1 For it is the greatest problem we can I discuss. The greatest problem now is not the problem of ou-i1· State deficit, not the relation of our ·Nation to the other nations of the ,V.orld, not a mat-

A dairY maid milked the pensive goat, ter of eyolution, but the greatest ques-And, pouting, paused to mutter: tion is, and will foreve~ be, 'How am I

"I wish, you brute, you'd turn to related to Christ?' When we face that ntilk,"

And the animal turned to butt her

Home-)la<le Farmer: "\Vould you like to buy a\

jug of cider?" Tourist: "Well-er-is it ambi-~

tious and willing to work ?"-Na­tional Druggist. .

question we face the question which was all important five hundred years ago, or two thousand years ago, and i


Pearce Fruit Store NOW OPEN

Back of Bank of Wake


Drinks and W einers


SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY ness men, as doctors, as lawyers, as 11 Will be Under the Management Conversation in a Drug Stm•e

co ege prC'sidents, as college profes- "Gimr·c a tablet." sors, as educators in the schools of of Two Hotel Men of "Whac kinda tablet?" the State, as ministers and in Yari- Raleigh "A yellow one."

"But •vhat's the matter with you?" I ous other actiYities of life. She is

"The Wake Forest Hotel will reopen "I want to write a letter."-also proud of her alumni because about the 15th or 20th of this month Youngstown Telegram.

tlwy are an, with few ('XCeptions, for service to the public and the stu- I s k '1 . B s lfl · t • f 1· · 1 · 1 · " . tm• •• u~t e n co ~H\-

posl lYe orees rp lgJous y 111 t 1en· dent-body, stated i\Ir. T. L. S~rth, one Anyway, according to the birth col-conmmmties. of the t\:o hotel men of Raletgh who umn in the Los Angeles Times he

I l 'I 1 W have dec1ded to take the management . ' t was w n e t 1ey were at ake f th 1 1 1 t 1 l\1 S 'th d M. has JUst left Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Forc·st that thev culth·ated the will-1 ~ A e Hoc\

1~ e · ·h· ~- .m~ ant t; · Licker, of that city, a little Licker.-. . . " . . ' . . am eus, '\ o la\e een a e Cincinnati Enquirer. mg ~p1nt to he usccl .. , then· church carolina Cafe and the Commercial when thc·y went ba home and Hotel for some time, will manage the Tut, Tut!

1 tl I l d l 1 Wake Forest Hotel. When there are bats in your belfry 11· JC'll IC';Y ~c·tt C'C o' ant startec The _local hotel has been vacant for

1 that flut,

a home of th(·ir own. some s1x w~eks. ~nd !~as not been open And your comprenez-vous rope is cut, I \Yake ForC'st is i JCcd of a rc- to the publtc. "h_en rt was closed and And there's nobody home

Yil·al-nn awakC'nin • o the higher the students roonu~g there had t~ find Iu the t~p of your dome, I

thing·s in lifr·. to th; elio·ious side rooms elsewhere, It· created qmte a Then your head's not a head-, . 0 demand for rooms m the town, and It' t

of lifC'. The world, •;mel especially the lacl1 of dormitory rooms was' s a nu · eollegl.' students.. is i·mminl:!: after not ")d more thrm it has been since ----------

~· tlle J[lening of sehoul last fall. Preslt-ait• Kids the phy;;ieal :llld is \YOcfully neg- Tile new managers of the hotel state "I'm very careful. I always send ]('etillg- the ;;piritual. The student that they will not rua the cafeteria my children out of the house before hody shoulrl ~top its mnrl rush for in connection as <lid the last manager, I rtuarrel with my husband."

but that there will be a dining room "The little dears, they look so a while and giYP an opportunity for in connection, at very reasonable healthy from spending their time in those of our mnnber \Yho h::n-e not rates. the open air."-Bottles.

No. 6

No.12 No.20

No.19 No.ll

Schedule Effective December 28, 1924 Wake Forest, N.C.


12:13 P.M. 6:11P.M.

9:37A.M. 3:22P.M.

NORTHBOUND Stops on signal to pick up for Portsmouth, Peters­

burg, Richmond, and points North. For Portsmouth. Norlina local.


Raleigh local. For Raleigh, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Tampa.

For information regarding rates, schedules, apply to-

and Pullman reservations,

J. L. REID, Agent, Wake Forest, N. C.

JOHN T. WEST, Division Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C.

Point Guaranteed if no~ mistreated for 25 years'


Duofold Takes Longer to Fill Because of Its Overasize Ink Capacicy. Press the Bunon, re· lease and count 10, before -you wi thdr a.w the Pen from the ink.



W. J. HARPER A Modern

Shoe Repair Shop

One Block East of the Bank of Wake

Let us do your repair work



Capital Stock. $20,000.00 Surplus . . . . $10,000.00

The Bank of Service

R. E. ROYALL . . President T. E. HOLDING .... Cashier



T. E. Holding & Co.



Your Patronage Is Solicited

Sanitary, Reasonable Convenient

Cor. :\Im·tin & \Vilmington Sts. RALEIGH

RlrJal• the beau/11 of

Point Guaranteed if not mistreated for 25 years'


Duofold Takes Longer to Fill Because of Its Over-size Ink Capacity. Press the Butt:on, re· lease and count to. before you withdraw the Pcnfromtheink.

the Scarlet Tanager

Remember ThiiPen's

Record Bas Never Been Equalled · When You're Offered a Pen

ttas good as the Duo fold" OEM EMBER the four crack ~ Pennsy train dispatchers who have written at a gruelling pace with Parker Duo fold, 8 hours a day for about two years.

Ortheman in LosAngeleswho signed his name to1067checks in an hour and 30 minutes, with­cut refiUing his Duofcld once.

Or the 31,000 hotel guests who registered with n Duofold that still writes as if only one hand had ever. used.i.t...

Yes, the Duo fold's super­smooth point has a speedy gait on paper, and no style of writ­ing can distort it.

And this black-tipped lacquer­red beauty will ever flash your eye its friendly reminder not to leave your pen behind when you lay it down.

Sold by Stationery, Jewelry, Drug and Deportment Stores

THE PARKER PEN COMPANY Parker Duofold Pencils

to match the pen, $3.50; Over-size $4 Factory and General Offices



Wake Forest Locals j( THE HOT BOX J -Mrs T. M. Arrington was charm-! ·--------------

ing hostess at bridge Friday and Topics in Brief Saturday afternoons, February 20 and 21. These were two of the love- (Literary Digest.) liest parties of the season. Elabor- Cal spells the end of the radical.-a'te George Washington decorations, Columbia Record. candles, and spring flowers were used. • * * On Friday Mrs. John M. Brewer won I That ethyl gas that has killed so the prize for top-score. This prize many people is evidently the female was won on Saturday by Mrs. E. B of the species.-Columbia Record. Earnshaw. A salad course was " * • served.

Interest Is Shown I In Coming Revival I

Preparations Are Being Made for Prayer Meetings to be

Held Daily

"Interest is being manifested in I the coming revival," stated Dr. A.


Paul Bagby, pastor of the local Bap-~ tist ~hurch, in discussing the ap-

Page Three


The MASONIC TEMPLE BARBER SHOP Largest Capacity-Naturally Quicker Service

Service and. Courtesy a Habit Come to See Us, College Fellows

Cor. Fayetteville and Hargett Sts. RALEIGH, N. C.

-Mrs. John E. Davis is visiting friends in Goldsboro.

A doctor in Los Angeles says we should abolish the corset. Might as well say abolish the hoopskirt.-St. Joseph News-Press.

proaching revival season which has 1 ------------------------ ~------... been set to begin ·March 9. Five

* .. * prayer meetings are being held each "Crack a smile" must have a lit- afternoon at various places about

eral meaning in these days of lip- in the town by the ladies of the -Miss Maxine Cox, of Durham, is sticlr and face paint.-Greenville church, and the business men of the

spending several weeks here with Piedmont. town gather each morning at 8:30 in

-Mr. Henry C. Lannean has re­turned to Washington, D. C., aftc1· a visit to relatives here.

friends. * * * one of the stores in the business sec--Prof. and Mrs. W. F. Taylor an- The Red menace in this country is tion to hold a prayer meeting in the

l nounced the birth of a dam;-hter on down with the blues.-Dayton Jour- interest of the meeting. j Wednesday, February tS, 1931i. nal. Under the leadership of the Bap-

1 * * * 1 tist Students' Union, au organization

T I t PI - The White House and the c011gres-1 of the various religious activities on

Home a en ay sional building are several blocs the campus, prayer meetings are be-

Readers READ the ADVERTISEMENTS Carefully

These Advertisers Help Us

Trade with them--they will save you money Makes. A Big Hit apart.-Manilla Bulletin. ing held each day in the several dor-, '-------------------------------' * * * mitories and boarding houses on the

About the only mark civilization campus. leaves on some people is a vaccina- Dr. W. G. McDaniel, who is to (Continued from page 1.)

1 tion mark.-Lalatka (Fla.) News. conduct the meeting. will preach the accompaniments during t:ae rehear- * * * first sermon next Monday. He was sals, played a large part in making Dr. Mayo says insanity is increas- asked to conduct the services here the choruses and songs the successes ing. This is the hardest knock the because of his undisputed reputa­that they were. · cross-word puzzle has received.- tion as an able and powerful worker

The chorus girls were beautiful in] Shreveport Journal. with young people. their stunning costumes, and the lit- * * * tle girls as "Dummies" and "Door \Voman's waist-line moves up and Knobs" were especially good. j down; man's expands in a horizontal

The cast, many of which were col-Jline only.-Dubuque American-Trib-!ege students, was as follows:



Cast * * * Lena Spriggins ................ Isabella Gill! What the world needs is an anes-Jimmv Swift ................ Larry Skinner thetic that won't wear off entirely Andr~w Spriggins ...... T. M. Arrington until the surgeon is paid.-Rochester Mat Spriggins .......... Elizabeth Parker Times-Union. Maggie Pepper ............ Mrs. A. C. Reid I * "' * Edith .............................. Helen Bryan Scientist says that in a hundred Dr. Joy .......................... Bert Hawkins 1 years there will be nothing in the Rastus Jones .................. Bill Ellerbee World to laugh at. Won't there be Dick Tate .............................. Joe Piner any scientists ?-Little Rock Arkan-Belindy Spriggins ............ Grace Lynch sas Gazette. Bobby Snlith ________________________ Bill Riley * * * Lilly White ............ Frank Armstrong An elephant's trunk contains forty Count Seekem Rich ...... L. A. Peacock thousand muscles. It must have Elf .............................. Pauline Bowers been packed by a woman.-Detroit Debutante Flappers: Elma Holding, News.

Hazel Reid, Martha Bell, Mabel * * * Bagby, Elizabeth Seawell, Inez The swell-head germ is nobody's Mull, Vernie Phillips, Mabel West. fool. He always manages to pick

Jelly Beans: Murray Savage, Joe out an empty one.-Everett Herald. Clayton, "Andy" Morton, B. Bell. * * *

Rag-Doll Chorus: Helen Bryan, Alice The President's immediate job, as Wright, Nancy Brewer, Cornelia it appears to us, will be to keep t)le McKaughan, Betty ~r~wn McMil- .


Iame ducks from pr~posing any quack Ian, Louise Bolus, Cnstme Dorsett, measures.-Columbia Record. Margarette Smith. I * * * Door Knobs: Marjorie McKaugha!l, j "Norfolk, Virginia," says the Na­Mary J. McMillan, Sue Brewer, I tiona! Geographic Magazine, "is the Margaret Davis, Rosalyn Adcock,/ peanut capital of the United States.'' Meta- White, Ruth Paschal, Octa- Nut when Congress is in session.-via Snell. Detroit News.

Matrons: Louise ·williams, Ruby Reid, Elizabeth Lake, Virginia Gor­rell, Winifred Royall, Bessie Dunn,. Mrs. Tolbert "\Vilkerson, Mrs. I. 0.

Young Carusos Try For the Glee Club

Jones. I Chorus Girls: Martha Bell, Mabel (Continued from page 1.)

"\Vest, Hazel Reid, Mabel Bagby,j Prof. Conn stated that the club Inez Mull, Elizabeth Sea~ell, Ver-, would give a performance here but

· Ph"ll" Elma Holdmg I ' me I

1PS, · that it would be late in the season I

, after all of the Lyceum numbers had wake Forest To Give I been given. He also said that he is I

• planning to take part in the intercol· New Type Of Diploma lregiate contest that has become an an­

nual event in Durham each year.

b th F . t t Wake Forest took part in the contest Class of '25 to e e IrS o last year.

Receive Portfolio Type of Sheepskin

Wake Forest College has adopted

Harvard University is now in its 289th year of existence.

I've invented a new face powder which can't come off.

Fine!-l've got a New Fiuchley suit to try it ou,

Headquarters for all Standard Pens and Pencils-






The most complete fountain pen hospital in Raleigh

the portfolio type of diploma. The Class of '25 will be the first group of graduates ever to leave Wake Forest with this kind of a precious document. This new diploma will be more ex­pensive and far more beautiful than the one given in the past. However, the seniors are not required to pay


any more for it. The portfolio is to be a small black

leather book about 811:, by 7 inches in size. A sheepskin diploma is to be inserted within, that can be taken out and framed if so desired. The book is to be lined with a special kina of old gold silk. The colors of the col-lege is to be carried out. The black leather pouch is to have the following ' lettering on the outside in old gold: "Wake Forest College Diploma of Graduation."

There are eighty-seven candidates I for a diploma this year. The number I seeking each of the five degrees that the college gfves are as follows: 13 for Bachelor of Laws, 20 for Bachelor I of Arts in Medicine, 6 for Bachelor I of Science in Medicine, 1 for Master of Arts, and 47 for Bachelor of Arts. June 6 is the day set for the senim·s'



"Wilson's Sandwiches Are Delicious"


Expert Manicurist R. P. Branch, Prop.

What Are You Worth? Present? or Potential? In either case your valuo should be at least partially protected.

See our local representatives,

NEWTON & KEY, Wake Forest, N.C. and let them show you how easily it can be carried in

THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE the low net- cost company.


to stumble across the rostrum for the 1...2=============================:::::.., last time as students, and to receive "The skin you love to touch-the sheepskin."


DICKSON BROS. ••• fm· •.•

Shoes, Socks, Collars, Ties Sweaters, Underwear


·:·~~~~~~~~~~J-41D.C~I~~~ ...... ,_,.--~~-.,_...~I~~~~·· I t

i !

11 Kod~T~B .. [~~~~p_ing I I DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE II i- Write for Price List and sample print, or just mail us your film f_ J

and we will return at once C. 0. D.

i !

1 SIDDELL STUDIO I " Depnrtment 'V • . . R .. H~EIGH, X. C. f

' i ______________ __,.:.J~~~-~, ..... .._.1,....11~.,....Jelao[~ll~~..-..,,._.,~~-l ..... l)-·!·

Wiggins Drug Store Successors to


Anything to be Had in a First-Class Drug Store


·:·~~~~~~~l)_[,....,,.._..,_,_,_,_,_,,~~·~,~~~~~~,._.1..._.,,._.,,.... ...... :.

II SERVICE PRESSING CLUB I I Wilkinson Building 1 " I I for " t ! = I ! Cleaning, Dyeing and Altering i ! i I PHONE 122 I

' ' ·=·-~~-~,_,..~~~~~~·~~---._~~~,.....,~.!·

J. B. POWERS, President J. M. BREWER, Vice-Pres.

T. E. BOBBITT, Cashier L. W. SMITH. Asst. Cashier


Organized, Equipped and Conducted for Service

: : : :: : =:= =: : : :: ::: : 2 :: : ====::= :; ; : ; ; : ===: = : 2 : 2:

Wake Forest College SUMMER SESSION

There will be two six-week sessions- twelve to fourteen semester hours, six to seven hours each. Credit may be made in college courses in practically ail departments. Courses leading to both the B.A. and M.A. degrees.

For Information

Address the Director of Summer Session WAKE FOREST, N. C.

:=: ; ; ; ; : : : : : :: : ====:; ======== ::..;

Founded 1832 Chartered 1833


A College of liberal arts, with an established reputation for high standards, noble traditions, and progressive policies.

Expenses Very Reasonable Graduate Courses in All Departments

For Catalogue address W. L. POTEAT, President


GOLF and TENNIS Equipment Now

Come around and decide what you want. The price is right and quality good.


COLLEGE BOOK ROOM "On the Cam11us"

· .Pagt Four


The \Val;:e Fore!'t Students to a good place

to cat

Xl'Xl Door to Ilaleigil Times


1! It's the Man With the Car That Eu Society Holds rider of the two-wheel motor vehicle./·:·-·-·--·------------·------··:• 'Vins and asks no one any odds. He is a j i

. Freshman Prelims stahmrt Goliath equipped with physi- i CA. PITAL PRINTING., co j I'm a downcast Romeo, I c:1l powers to handle any sort of road i . . • .

Both wearied and forlorn; . violator that might come along. All ~ I Long have I ::;ought love-but no, Three Men Are Chosen to Join that he lacks now is a classy uniform ! Printers-Rulers-Binden: 1

For Jove I was not born. Team From Philomathesian with big brass buttons and a shining J I badge. u he had this he would look 1 "We Strive to Please by the Quality ~-:\ry ]!(>art no longer dances Society the part of a policeman that any cityj-

To strains from Yenus' lyre: \YOUI<l be proud of. : of Our Work" ' :\ly soul has lost its fancies, The Freshman Intercollegiate Pre- He made his first appearance last ! j

Its pa~sion ami desire. lliminaries were held in the Euzelian Sunday, and right off the bat he. pullecl f Corner Hargett and Wilmington Streets j . . Societ~· Hall Saturday night, Febru- :\lr. F~·;u~k Page, the State Highway i _

So now I've ~mt the whole darn thmg ary 2s. The !llll"!JOse or the ~relimi-1 Comnnss10ner. Mr. !,age and B~·ay i RALEIGH, N. C. I And leave It for anotlwr. naries was to select three men to rep- could not agree on some techmcal J •

But list ye while this song I sing, 1 E 1. s · t th poittt of at·t·est and as a t•esult the •.·~~~~~.~~(,._.,~,__,,...,,,..,~~J-WID(..-., ..... ,,~~~~~---"-~.-.c..-•.• I re;;ent t 1e • uze utn oc1e y on e _ · . . •;8_ .. - .. -··-··-··-··-··-·-.. -··-··-··-···.;,_·l Ami may it help yon, brother. Fre,;hman debating team. St::~.te I_IIghway CommiSSIOner re- •••• _. ... ._._._,._"'aa,.•,.~a,ra,.a,.-..a,.-,...,.._.._._-J'.Yr..._Yh._•.•a•a•.•.•.•.-.-..~wr!Y'r.-.-.-.. :\1r. A. J. l'\"'wton, preshlent of the mmned m the custody of the newly- .- ,.a

S I ~.-\h. come ye frescoed <"ake-eater, J<:uzclian SocietY. prc:;ided and set made officer for O\'er an hour and a ~ ~ ~ i Your hat turned clown on the sidE. forth tlw rules 1:egarding the debates. (1\E:rtcr. The man who is the hear! of ~ STUDENTS ~ ! f You thin!{ yourself a woman beater JEa<'ll l'Onte~tant was <tllowed twelve all the highway.3 in North Carolina a .-

! O And strut with conscious pride. minute.o for his dellnte, not more than waH a frustrating prisoner for Bray. ~ l'XT"ll F" d G t S f :: ' II dght minutes to he used on the first Slnce his tenure of office, Bray ha;; ~ vv I Ill reates a ety, Comfort and .. * ~ Give ear unto this tale of woe 1 ~11 eC'eh. The contestants were: .J. E. alread~· had many thrilling and dar- .- Convenience in Riding § •, ! .-\l?clf ~~'1~.- '~~1~,1~et~~i:;;l~e~~ ~!,li~clom sow I Cloer, Jr., I. 0. Brady, C. :VI. Perry, ing chlalses with spleed-demons. Ladies, W: .,. ~ Ancl save you from a falL rl1 Jo~J · · t 1' _. " I I and S. Funderburk. The question as we as men, mve tried to elude :., S !\.FETY COACH BUSES :: ~ f ,,-~s: "Resolvecl. That Xorth Carolina e ( .. ~ 11ng, young, g1an PO Iceman. .. ... ~ l o should ratify the Port Terminal and Speeders have already begun to talk ~ BETWEEN ~ 1 \\'hen I was young and sporty . B'll.. Cl of "the cop at Wake Forest that won't ~ S E<:onomical Light h ~ And in my teahound days, I \Yater Transportatwn 1 ' · oer, miss pinching you if you exceed the/ j As~mred \\"ith ! tool~ all the curves at forty Brady. and Peny ~tpheld lt~~e l~gatte limit." .. Raleigh --- Durham Greensboro -= ~ 8 And women were my craze. :;ide of the questwn, ". 1: e 11111 er- il' :., ! ~ATIONAL i hurl;: faithfully, but all alone, defended == A C C IN :: I o From the girls of dazzling Broadway the affirmati,·e. !<'rom this ratio it FOOTBALL PROVOI{ES ;- S FETY OA H L E ,. l ::.VIAZDA LAMPS ! To the •lames of gay Paree; seems that the bill was not favore•l LAUGHTER OF DANES :: UNION BUS STATION ~ ~ Carter E!.cctric Co. i prey The judges for the occasion were: A description of how football is :: Ph 447 R 1 · h N C l I From the lcind who take you as their by the majority of the contestants. --- il' ~

! 0\'l'I' ( 'ili~Pns Hank i To girls as shy a~ can !Je. Professci' H. B. Jones, Dr. G. "'· Pas- Jllayed in America created mirth in "$ Ofie • • a eig 1 • •

f ~. chal, and D1·. D. B. Bryan. They ren- ·m assemiJiy of Danish students, ac- ,.,. ;:JJ ·~· .. -·_,._,_,_,_,_,_ .. _,_,_.,_, ••• I learned one goodly lesson; dered their decision in favor of J. K ~ording to John Duneley Prince, .,g.._._._...._ •••• •.•.•.•.•.•.•.,•~·.•.-.v.•.-.-,.-.-,......,.:!':'".:,'"o"'o"'o-,-,-.,.......,.._.,., ........... ._..._.._.

l I learned that lesson well: Cloer, I. 0. Brady, and C. i\L Perry. American minister to Denmark, who I \\'hy they always kept me guessin' The preliminarie3 were held in the lectured recently to the CoiJenhagen

And why they made life hell. Pllilomathesian Society Hall on Fri- l:niversity Students' Association on I !lay nigllt. FeiJruary 27. Those chosen "Student Life in America."

'Twas not because I wasn't true, from thi; o;ociety were 'V. S. Gilmore, D1·. Prince launched into the sub-

School Supplies

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Or lacked nerve to he the giver \\'. C. Whitley, ancl G. K. AshiJy. I ject of hazing and gave his audience Of kisses sweet to each fresh girl anew, The treshman team is now sehed-1 a view of some freshmen newly

But because I lacked-a flicucr. ulcd to debate Carolina and D:lYidson painted, and also endeavored to de-

l on Ap·i! 6. The query will be: "Re-~ scribe other American forms of class

So listen now. ye grey-clacl Shiel;:. o;ol\'ed, That l'\orth Carolin:t should spirit. such as the cane rush. All To this knowledge I impart. I ratify the Port Terminal and \Vater this brought forth great laughter, I For I implore you humiJly, meek: Transportation Bill.'' The affirmative al!cl one of the professors was appre-

1 Start right, or do not start. / will debate Davidson at David- hensive lest Dr. Prince's disclosures

son. while the negative will defend of American eccentricities should set 'Tis not the man with cmly hair, . the question against Carolina here. a bad example fo!' the students of

The man who's free from sins, ' :VIo~t of the freshmen chosen for this I Denmark .


We Guarantee to Please You l'\or the man who's dashing, gay and team have made good records as de- The Danes know nothing of foot-,,llllllltllltlil!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllitlllllillllllllllllllllllllllllliiHIIIIIIIIIlllll [ • • I

au·, baters in high sehool, and they are b:11! as it is played in America. When But the man with a car that wins. e~qJectecl to make the DaYidson ancl Dr. Prince presented some illustra-1


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S.Berwanger The Ot<t•·PI•ic-p C'lothiet·

If you start to play love's game afoot, 'Tis lost before it begins;

For though your rival's a skulking galoot

If he has a car he wins.

'Tis not your soul a girlie loves­Kor the height of your ambition,

nut 'tis your auto clriYing gloves That gain you recognition.

Carolina freshmen take a back seat tions along with a brief lecture de- 1 after the conflict is over. scribing the game, the mirth of the I

Last ye.:1r the fre3hman team de- Danes at such American absurdities. bated the r;.hove-mentioned colleges. rose to a high pitch, and one person, The question was: "Resolved, That the in a spirit of fun, asked if American Philippines ~hould be granted their football teams did not also carry immet1iate and complete independ- stretcher bearers and maintain a field ence." 'The affirmative won against hospital. Dr. Prince's answer in the Davidson here. hut the negative lo3t affirmath·e broke Ul> the meeting. to Carolina at Chapel Hill. The de-

CLUB RATES To Everybody

Wake Pressing Club H. E. PENNY, Manager

l bJ.ter3 were: T. W. Baker, _Ralf Car- l:niversity of Texas students spend

'Tis not your looks that she admires, 1 ·0 • · · ' • - - • · · _ __ t ll an(l c R Te·~· affiJ'nl!lttYe' D S ooi~l-t~l~1e~a~v~e~r~a~g:e~$~l~O~O~!~e~r~n~lo~n~tl~l.:__~~;;;;;;;;:;;::;;;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;;;;;:;:;:;~· -:j!_

E"en though your face be good, Haworth, Jr .. B. IV. \\'alker and '"· V. But the luxury of your haloon tires Howell, negatire. I

Anrl the graceful lines of your hood.

"-"o longer think your godlike rorm I Speed Cop Makes I Will get you anywhere, Appearance Here I

For you'll be kicked and left alone

Sor:~~lo~:~:. :~r~:"~::l·~o:::::e:: ::::ght M. ~io~o:~:!: ;Fl:~~=~oR~~:r of II

By lmights in battle array, Any Odds But the l>ey to maiden's hearts is



bought The municipality of \Val;:e Forest \Vith roadfters and con110. has another paid enfot·cer of the hw.

. . , This time it is a speed cop-the first It y~u would .wm tne heart and soul tint the town has ever had. There

Of your one and cho~eu lass, . ., . t · -th t' 1 , of the ox horse Don't whisper sweet words like lovers ".,s <

1 nue e 111 e. · • • of old

But just step on the gas.

I Don't lay your heart at her feet; I Xor will eloquent words be weightY,

For all it takes your rival to heat Is lc:t your car make eighty.

! and mule-11Uiled vehicle-when there was no neer! of such a human being in this viii:Jge, but that time has gone :mel neYer to return again. The big cities have nothing on \Yalw Forest i1• tlle form of motorc~·cle riding· policemen. I

:\1. L. Bray, a student at 'Vake For- 1 For the game of love is an old, old est College from Crutcnf!elcl, l'\. C., is·

game . .\nil a game that all of us play.

But the love gods of today go under the names

Of Durant, Dnick, and Che\Tolet.

Dan Cn1>il1's no longer symbolic of loYe His haws and his arro\\·s are gone;

For hearts ain't 'wakened by darts from abo\'e

But the sqnonk of an auto horn.

the new officer of the law that !s at­tracting so nnwh attention iil the col­lege community. Brar is a learless

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Vol. VI

Revi~ Cor

BJ Large Crow

Auditorit a


Richmond F of Meeti11

Preaching t filled the lac~

morning and

week, Dr. Ge•

of the First I

mond, Va., is revival serviet is a prominen1 Baptists and

Dr. McDaniE mon Monday: a large congre subject "The : ginning his se· tion, "What a1 a good hearer' the kinds of first place, th tention to the explained atte eyes on the SI thought. "Th' prayerful heal a prayerful h plained that l: as necessary as it is for t his sermon. '

- hearer is the on what he h< kind is the ob eluding his sE the pre'lcher 1

to give you i into you the ( edge that you ever Jesus sa:

At 11:30 Tt Daniel preacl series of serm morning servi Reader.'' Til~

Revelation 22 unto every 1

words of the If any man sl shall add untc are written ir man shall tak of the book of take away hil life, and out are written in

"When you sage of Script "the tendency take somethin it some explall meaning, just rassment. \V• addition or given us eno guide us thrm the counsel I our guide."

Tuesday e spoke on "Th· Spirit," and \ given mostly reading of the Gospel.

He will pr the morning ' evening worsl tinue the mE night of next

Moot Court the able direc will get int Thursday eve· with pleasure tends an inv body and the to attend. Th the court eve1 less otherwisE The case befo Thursday is ~

the question an automobilE way will be \Voodley, whi a IJly represen and G. B. Go1

South Dak brates a Hob women reser: the men "by to grow bear giving the bo lay-off.
