You will each be given a curious fact about the US judicial system. Find someone and ask your...


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You will each be given a curious fact about the US judicial system. Find someone and ask your question. If they don’t know the

answer, tell them. Your partner will do the same. When you have both finished, swap slips of paper and find someone new. By the

end you should know 12 new facts about this time period you didn’t know before!

starter activity

Back row (left to right): Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen G. Breyer, Samuel A. Alito, Elena Kagan. Front row Clarence Thomas,

Antonin Scalia, Chief Justice John G Roberts, Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Roberts Court: 2005-

How is the US How is the US judiciary judiciary


TBAT explain the structure of TBAT explain the structure of federal courts in the USAfederal courts in the USA

To investigate the To investigate the membership of the Supreme membership of the Supreme


Learning objectives

Key words: Supreme Court

What am I studying for What am I studying for Unit 4?Unit 4?

JudiciaryJudiciary ExecutiveExecutive ConstitutionConstitution CongressCongress

Your taskYour task What is the most What is the most important job of important job of a US judge? a US judge? Move around the Move around the class and try to class and try to win as many win as many ‘ticks’ as you can ‘ticks’ as you can for your point. for your point. Debate the Debate the points with your points with your partner.partner.

Would your Would your judgements be judgements be any different for any different for UK judges?UK judges?

Your taskYour task

Read Bennett, p.288-291. Copy the Read Bennett, p.288-291. Copy the diagram showing the structure of diagram showing the structure of the federal courts into your notes the federal courts into your notes and take notes on:and take notes on: Structure Structure MembershipMembership

of the US federal court systemof the US federal court system

Your taskYour task Research the current members of the Supreme Research the current members of the Supreme

Court. Produce a ppt with 5 slides and a Court. Produce a ppt with 5 slides and a handout for each member of the class. The handout for each member of the class. The slides should have no more than 20 words (and slides should have no more than 20 words (and be visually stimulating) and cover these areasbe visually stimulating) and cover these areas Photograph & title slidePhotograph & title slide Education and backgroundEducation and background Previous judicial experiencePrevious judicial experience Who appointed them & any controversy over the Who appointed them & any controversy over the

appointmentappointment What qualities they bring to the Supreme CourtWhat qualities they bring to the Supreme Court

Extension taskExtension task

Explore the weblinks on p.289 to Explore the weblinks on p.289 to gather additional notes and evidence gather additional notes and evidence on the structure and membership of on the structure and membership of the Supreme Court and the US the Supreme Court and the US federal court systemfederal court system


Complete your presentation and Complete your presentation and hand-out for homework ready for hand-out for homework ready for our next lessonour next lesson

How is the US How is the US judiciary judiciary


TBAT explain the structure of TBAT explain the structure of federal courts in the USAfederal courts in the USA

To investigate the To investigate the membership of the Supreme membership of the Supreme


Learning objectives

Key words: Supreme Court

