Yizkor - ShulCloud1 Significance of Yizkor - The Memorial Prayer Yizkor, a special memorial prayer...


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YizkorB O O K O F R E M E M B R A N C E

5780 | 2019-2020

/ohhjv rurmc vrurm o,nab tv,

/ohhjv rurmc vrurm o,nab tv,May their souls be bound in the everlasting bond of life.


Significance of Yizkor - The Memorial Prayer

Yizkor, a special memorial prayer for the departed, is recited in the synagogue four times a year, on Yom Kippur (October 9), Shmini Atzeres (October 21), last day of Pesach (April 16) and second day of Shavuos (May 30).

Yizkor in Hebrew means “Remember.” It is not only the first word of the prayer; it also represents its overall theme. In this prayer, we implore G-d to remember the souls of our relatives and friends who have passed on. One may recite Yizkor for any Jew who has passed on. When we recite Yizkor, we renew and strengthen the connection between ourselves and our loved ones, bringing merit to the departed souls, elevating them in their celestial homes.

The main component of Yizkor is our private pledge to give charity following the holiday in honor of the deceased. By giving charity, we are performing a positive physical deed in this world, something that the departed can no longer do. The soul gains additional merit if the memory of its good deeds spurs ones loved ones to improve their ways. This is especially significant in connection with the Yizkor of Yom Kippur, when the living and the dead are visited by the Judge of All Worlds, and atonement is sought by the living for themselves as well as for departed generations.

Although both Yizkor and E-l Malei Rachamim are intended to be recited in the synagogue with a minyan, if one finds himself or herself away from a synagogue, he or she may recite these prayers without a minyan. Perhaps it was realized that there are numerous Jews who, for one reason or another, age or sickness or the like, cannot make it to Shul, and that it would be unfair to preclude them from reciting Yizkor for their loved ones.

It is traditional to recite verses at the beginning of the Yizkor service that are not, strictly speaking, part of the service, but that reflect the spirit of Yizkor: that is, our awareness of the fragility and mortality of human beings and our complete dependence upon G-d in all aspects of life.

To make a donation in memory of a loved one visit, suburbanorthodox.org/yizkor.


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Our Father, Our G-d, the Lord of all spirit and flesh, grant proper rest on the wings of Your sheltering Presence—among the lofty, holy, and pure, radiant as the shining firmament, for the souls of the Six Million Kedoshim. Men, women, and children who were murdered, incinerated, butchered, and strangled by the hoards of our oppressors in the European exile. They were all holy and pure, among them righteous men, the tall cedars of Israel, lovers of the Torah. May their final rest be in the Garden of Eden; may the Master of Compassion bind their souls in the bond of everlasting life; G-d is their portion. O G-d, remember for us their sacrifice; and allow this sacrifice to act as a merit for us, and for all Israel. Let the land not hide their blood, and let there not be a place that can contain their cries. In their merit the dispersed of Israel shall return to their portion. The holy ones are forever remembered; their righteousness forever remains opposite our eyes; may they find peace and rest peacefully, and we say: Amen.

Prayer in Memory of Those Who Were Killed in the Holocaust


Prayer in Memory of Members of the Israel Defense Force

r«Fz¦hk©g oJ§p©b Ur§x§N¤J k¥tr §G¦h§k vBd£v tc§m h¥kH©j ,In§J¦b ,¤t oh¦v-«k¡t 'rUr§j¦J h ¥sh¦e§p©,§C oh ¦rIC¦d ,In Uk§pb§u '. ¤rtv§u ogv 'o¥J©v ,©Xªs§e'ogv , ©r§z¤g§k om§kj¥v§C 'Ur¥cD ,Ihr£t¥nU 'UK©e oh ¦rJ§œB¦n /iIjy¦cU vBd£vh¥G£g©nU o,s¥e£g r¤f¥z /Ub¥J §se ,©n §s©t h¥c§d ¦r ,¤t rIvY©v ons§C Uu §r¦v§urUr§m¦C ,IrUr§m o¤vh¥,In§J¦b vbh¤h§v¦T /oh¦nkIg§k Ub T¦t¥n UpUxh t«k o,rUc§dk¥tr §G¦h h ¥rIC¦D rt §J ,In§J¦b o¦g§u 'c«e£g©h§u ej§m¦h ovr§c©t ,In§J¦b o¦g oh¦h©j©v

/i¤nt /i ¤s¥g i©d §C¤J uhJIs§eU

May G-d remember the souls of the fighters of the Israel Defense Force who gave their lives for the sanctification of the Name, the People, and the Land; who died a heroic death in missions of liberation, defense, and security. They were quicker than eagles, and stronger than lions, as they volunteered to assist the people and with their pure blood soaked the clods of our holy earth. The memory of their self-sacrifice and heroic deeds will never perish from us. May their souls be bound in the Bond of Life with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and with the souls of the other Jewish heroes and martyrs who are in the Garden of Eden. Amen.


Hashem, what is man that You recognize him? The son of a frail human that You reckon with him?

Man is like a breath, his days are like a passing shadow.In the morning it blossoms and is rejuvenated, by evening it is cut down and brittle.According to the count of our days, so may You teach us;

then we shall acquire a heart of wisdom.Safeguard the perfect and watch the upright, for the destiny of that man is peaceBut G-d will redeem my soul from the grip of the Lower World, for he will take me, Selah!My flesh and my heart yearn—Rock of my heart, and my portion is G-d, forever.Thus the dust returns to the ground as it was, and the spirit returns to G-d who gave it.

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:Dpz§p x¤W£ mi¦dΟl¡dÎl¤ aEWY ©gExd§e

Recited responsively:

bk wxt:x®qßg¤ ül i¶rüx 'd c¶e ®cßl xFnßf¶n

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Psalm 23 A psalm of David:Hashem is my shepherd, I shall not lack. In lush meadow He lays me down, beside the tranquil waters He leads me. He restores my soul. He leads me on the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. Though I walk in the valley overshadowed by death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me. Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in full view of my tormentors.You anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows. May only goodness and kindness pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the House of Hashem for long days.



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.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r

In Memory of the Mother

May G-d remember the soul of my mother, my teacher (name of the deceased and that of her father) who has gone to her world, because I will give charity on her behalf. In reward for this, may her soul be bound in the Bond of Life, with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and with the other righteous men and women in the Garden of Eden. And let us say: Amen.

Name of the deceased and that of his father

Name of the deceased and that of her father

:a`lxEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§W ( ) i ¶xFn i¶a® z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv FWßt©p •dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .Fc£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§Wx® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v

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.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r

In Memory of the Father

May G-d remember the soul of my father, my teacher (name of the deceased and that of his father) who has gone to his world, because I will give charity on his behalf. In reward for this, may his soul be bound in the Bond of Life, with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and with the other righteous men and women in the Garden of Eden. And let us say: Amen.

:a`lxEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§W ( ) i ¶xFn i¶a® z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv FWßt©p •dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .Fc£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§Wx® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v

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.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r


:a`lxEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§W ( ) i ¶xFn i¶a® z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv FWßt©p •dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .Fc£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§Wx® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v

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.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW:aexwl

( ) i¶lßr©A / i¶pßA / i¶g® / i ¶cFC / i¶p•wßf z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶iFWßt©p `•dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .Fc£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§Wl•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße:daexwl

) i ¶YßW¶ /i¶Y¶A /i¶zFg£/i¶z ®cFC/i¶Yßp§wßf z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i(`•dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .D ®c£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,D®n®lFrßl d®kßl®d§Wd ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv D®Wßt©p

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x:miaexwl

c©S¶n o•d ,i©zFißg© ße i©g© ,i©zFcFcße i ©cFC ,i©zFp•wßfE i©p•wßf zFnßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i.m ®c£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,m®n®lFrßl Ekßl®d§W ,i¶O¶ c©S¶n o•d ,i¶a®m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A zFxExßv m§di•zFWßt©p d®pi§i ßd¶Y d§f x©kßU¶Ao©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r

(name of the deceased) wife daughter sister aunt grandmother

May G-d remember the soul of my husband/wife/son/daughter/brother/sister/uncle/aunt/grandmother/grandfather (name of the deceased and that of his/her father) who has gone to his/her world, because I will give charity on his/her behalf. In reward for this, may his/her soul be bound in the Bond of Life, with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and with the other righteous men and women in the Garden of Eden. And let us say: Amen.

For a Female Relative

In Memory of Departed Relatives in General

'h�,Ib�cU h�b�C 'h�,IsIs�u h �sIS 'h�,Ib�e�zU h�b�e�z 'h�N�t�u h�c�t ,�n�J�b oh�v-«k�t r«F�z�hrUc��g�C 'o�n�kIg�k Uf�k�v�J 'h�N�t s�M�n ih�C 'h�c�t s�M�n ih�C 'h�,Ih�j�t�u h�j�t

,IrUr�m o�,IJ�p�b v�bh�h�v�T v�z r�f �G�C /o �s�g�C v�e �s�m i,�t r �s�b h�k�c�Jk�j �r 'v�e�c �r 'v �r�G'c«e�g�h�u e�j�m�h 'o�v �r�c�t ,�n�J�b o�g oh�h�j�v rIr�m�C

/i�n�t r�nt«b�u 'i �s�g i�d�C�J ,IH�b�e �s�m�u oh�eh �S�m r�t�J o�g�u 'v�t�k�u

May G-d remember the souls of my father and my mother, my grandfathers and grandmothers, my uncles and aunts, my sons and daughters, my brothers and sisters, whether paternal or maternal, who are gone to their repose; for that I now solemnly offer charity for their sake; in reward of this, may their souls enjoy eternal life, with the souls of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, and all the righteous who are in Gan-Eden, and let us say, Amen.

:a`lxEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§W ( ) i ¶xFn i¶a® z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv FWßt©p •dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .Fc£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§Wx® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v

:m`lxEa£r©A ,D®n®lFrßl d®kßl®d§W ( ) i ¶z ®xFn i¶O¶ z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶ixFxßv¶A d ®xExßv D®Wßt©p `•dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .D ®c£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§Wm¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r ,mi¶I©g©d

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW:aexwl

( ) i¶lßr©A / i¶pßA / i¶g® / i ¶cFC / i¶p•wßf z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶iFWßt©p `•dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .Fc£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§Wl•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße:daexwl

) i ¶YßW¶ /i¶Y¶A /i¶zFg£/i¶z ®cFC/i¶Yßp§wßf z©nßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i(`•dßY d§f x©kßU¶A .D ®c£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,D®n®lFrßl d®kßl®d§Wd ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A d ®xExßv D®Wßt©p

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x:miaexwl

c©S¶n o•d ,i©zFißg© ße i©g© ,i©zFcFcße i ©cFC ,i©zFp•wßfE i©p•wßf zFnßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶i.m ®c£r©A d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,m®n®lFrßl Ekßl®d§W ,i¶O¶ c©S¶n o•d ,i¶a®m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p m¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A zFxExßv m§di•zFWßt©p d®pi§i ßd¶Y d§f x©kßU¶Ao©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße mi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r

For a Male Relative

(name of the deceased) husband son brother uncle grandfather


For Martyred Family(,i¶O¶ c©S¶n o•d ,i¶a® c©S¶n o•d ,i©zFaFxßwE i©aFxßw l®M) zFnßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶iErßAßh¶P§Wße Et ßxßU¶P§Wße Eh£gßW¶P§Wße Eb ßx§d§P§Wße EzßnEd§W mi ¶xFdßH©dße mi¶WFcßT©dz ©x®Mßf©d c£rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,m•X©d WEC¶w l©r Ewßpßg§P§Wßem¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A zFxExßv m§di•zFWßt©p d®pi§i ßd¶Y d§f x©kßU¶A .m§di•zFnßW¶pmi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße

`ln l` :xkfl

,d®pi¶k ßX©d i•tßp©M l©r d®pFkßp d®gEpßn `•vßn©d ,mi¶nFxßO©A o•kFW ,mi¶n£g ©x `•l®n l-•( ) z©nßW¶p z§ ,mi ¶xi¶dßf©n ©ri ¶w ®x®d x©d�fßM mi ¶xFdßhE mi¶WFcßw zFl£r©nßAo©bßA ,Fz®nßW¶p z ©x®Mßf©d c©rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§W,mi¶n®lFrßl ei®t®pßM x§z•qßA Ed •xi¶Yßq©i mi¶n£g ©x®d l©r©A o•k®l ,Fz®gEpßn `•dßY o §c•rl©r mFl®WßA ©gEp®iße ,Fz®l£g©p `Ed d®ed-ßi ,Fz®nßW¶p z§ mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A xFxßv¶iße

.o•n® x©n �pße .Fa®MßW¶n


,d®pi¶k ßX©d i•tßp©M l©r d®pFkßp d®gEpßn `•vßn©d ,mi¶nFxßO©A o•kFW ,mi¶n£g ©x `•l®n l-•( ) z©nßW¶p z§ ,mi ¶xi¶dßf©n ©ri ¶w ®x®d x©d�fßM mi ¶xFdßhE mi¶WFcßw zFl£r©nßA,D®z®nßW¶p z ©x®Mßf©d c©rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,D®n®lFrßl d®kßl®d§Wei®t®pßM x§z•qßA ®d §xi¶Yßq©i mi¶n£g ©x®d l©r©A o•k®l ,D®z®gEpßn `•dßY o §c•r o©bßA©gEp ®zße ,D®z®l£g©p `Ed d®ed-ßi ,D®z®nßW¶p z§ mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A xFxßv¶iße ,mi¶n®lFrßl

.o•n® x©n �pße .D®a®MßW¶n l©r mFl®WßA

(,i¶O¶ c©S¶n o•d ,i¶a® c©S¶n o•d ,i©zFaFxßwE i©aFxßw l®M) zFnßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶iErßAßh¶P§Wße Et ßxßU¶P§Wße Eh£gßW¶P§Wße Eb ßx§d§P§Wße EzßnEd§W mi ¶xFdßH©dße mi¶WFcßT©dz ©x®Mßf©d c£rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,m•X©d WEC¶w l©r Ewßpßg§P§Wßem¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A zFxExßv m§di•zFWßt©p d®pi§i ßd¶Y d§f x©kßU¶A .m§di•zFnßW¶pmi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße

`ln l` :xkfl

,d®pi¶k ßX©d i•tßp©M l©r d®pFkßp d®gEpßn `•vßn©d ,mi¶nFxßO©A o•kFW ,mi¶n£g ©x `•l®n l-•( ) z©nßW¶p z§ ,mi ¶xi¶dßf©n ©ri ¶w ®x®d x©d�fßM mi ¶xFdßhE mi¶WFcßw zFl£r©nßAo©bßA ,Fz®nßW¶p z ©x®Mßf©d c©rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§W,mi¶n®lFrßl ei®t®pßM x§z•qßA Ed •xi¶Yßq©i mi¶n£g ©x®d l©r©A o•k®l ,Fz®gEpßn `•dßY o §c•rl©r mFl®WßA ©gEp®iße ,Fz®l£g©p `Ed d®ed-ßi ,Fz®nßW¶p z§ mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A xFxßv¶iße

.o•n® x©n �pße .Fa®MßW¶n


,d®pi¶k ßX©d i•tßp©M l©r d®pFkßp d®gEpßn `•vßn©d ,mi¶nFxßO©A o•kFW ,mi¶n£g ©x `•l®n l-•( ) z©nßW¶p z§ ,mi ¶xi¶dßf©n ©ri ¶w ®x®d x©d�fßM mi ¶xFdßhE mi¶WFcßw zFl£r©nßA,D®z®nßW¶p z ©x®Mßf©d c©rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,D®n®lFrßl d®kßl®d§Wei®t®pßM x§z•qßA ®d §xi¶Yßq©i mi¶n£g ©x®d l©r©A o•k®l ,D®z®gEpßn `•dßY o §c•r o©bßA©gEp ®zße ,D®z®l£g©p `Ed d®ed-ßi ,D®z®nßW¶p z§ mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A xFxßv¶iße ,mi¶n®lFrßl

.o•n® x©n �pße .D®a®MßW¶n l©r mFl®WßA

(for a man – rfzk) ohnjr tkn k-t

(,i¶O¶ c©S¶n o•d ,i¶a® c©S¶n o•d ,i©zFaFxßwE i©aFxßw l®M) zFnßW¶p mi¶d-�l° x�Mßf¶iErßAßh¶P§Wße Et ßxßU¶P§Wße Eh£gßW¶P§Wße Eb ßx§d§P§Wße EzßnEd§W mi ¶xFdßH©dße mi¶WFcßT©dz ©x®Mßf©d c£rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,m•X©d WEC¶w l©r Ewßpßg§P§Wßem¶r ,mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A zFxExßv m§di•zFWßt©p d®pi§i ßd¶Y d§f x©kßU¶A .m§di•zFnßW¶pmi¶wi ¶C©v x® ßW m¶rße ,d® •lße l•g ®x d®wßa ¶x d ®x®U ,a�w£r©iße w®gßv¶i m®d ®xßa© zFnßW¶p

.o•n® x©n �pße ,o §c•r o©bßA§W zFI¶p®w ßc¶vße

`ln l` :xkfl

,d®pi¶k ßX©d i•tßp©M l©r d®pFkßp d®gEpßn `•vßn©d ,mi¶nFxßO©A o•kFW ,mi¶n£g ©x `•l®n l-•( ) z©nßW¶p z§ ,mi ¶xi¶dßf©n ©ri ¶w ®x®d x©d�fßM mi ¶xFdßhE mi¶WFcßw zFl£r©nßAo©bßA ,Fz®nßW¶p z ©x®Mßf©d c©rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,Fn®lFrßl K©l®d§W,mi¶n®lFrßl ei®t®pßM x§z•qßA Ed •xi¶Yßq©i mi¶n£g ©x®d l©r©A o•k®l ,Fz®gEpßn `•dßY o §c•rl©r mFl®WßA ©gEp®iße ,Fz®l£g©p `Ed d®ed-ßi ,Fz®nßW¶p z§ mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A xFxßv¶iße

.o•n® x©n �pße .Fa®MßW¶n


,d®pi¶k ßX©d i•tßp©M l©r d®pFkßp d®gEpßn `•vßn©d ,mi¶nFxßO©A o•kFW ,mi¶n£g ©x `•l®n l-•( ) z©nßW¶p z§ ,mi ¶xi¶dßf©n ©ri ¶w ®x®d x©d�fßM mi ¶xFdßhE mi¶WFcßw zFl£r©nßA,D®z®nßW¶p z ©x®Mßf©d c©rßA d®w ®cßv o•Y§ x§c§p i¶lßA§W xEa£r©A ,D®n®lFrßl d®kßl®d§Wei®t®pßM x§z•qßA ®d §xi¶Yßq©i mi¶n£g ©x®d l©r©A o•k®l ,D®z®gEpßn `•dßY o §c•r o©bßA©gEp ®zße ,D®z®l£g©p `Ed d®ed-ßi ,D®z®nßW¶p z§ mi¶I©g©d xFxßv¶A xFxßv¶iße ,mi¶n®lFrßl

.o•n® x©n �pße .D®a®MßW¶n l©r mFl®WßA

(for a woman – vcebk) ohnjr tkn k-t

G-d, filled with mercy, Who dwells on high, grant a perfect rest on the wings of Your sheltering Presence—among the lofty, holy and pure, radiant as the shining firmament for the soul of (name of the deceased) who went to his/her world because without making a vow I will give to charity in remembrance of his/her soul. May his/her resting place be in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, may the Master of Mercy, shelter him/her in the shelter of His wings forever; and may He bind up his/her soul in the Bond of Life. G-d is his/her inheritance. May he/she rest securely in Peace, and we say: Amen.

Name of the deceased and that of his father

Name of the deceased and that of her father


“Souls of the righteous in the Hand of G-d”

Channa AbellOscar AbellAlbert AbrahamsHannah AbrahamsAnnie AbramsBenjamin AbramsBernice AbramsDavid AbramsEtta AbramsHarold L. AbramsAndor AdlerPaula AdlerEva Donath AllenCarl Theodore AmdurLeonard AppelbaumKatie B. ApplebaumSamuel M. AppelbaumMilton ArbesmanCelia AveryMorris AveryN. Albert BacharachToba R. BacharachIda Lillian BarronSamuel Ellis BarronErich BaschRuth Gertrude BaschAlfred BaumannJennie BavermanRachel Scherr BavermanJoan BaylinMorton BaylinAvrohom BeitchBas Sheva BeitchMolly BeitchDinah BerkowitzCalvin Theodore BermanEsther BermanSamuel BermanSheldon BermanDr. Milton Bernstein

Bernard BettelmanRose BettelmanNathan BettelmanSarah BiorskiAlexander J. BlankAnne M. BlankFrieda BlausteinRobert BlausteinDorothy Miriam BlitzJoseph BlitzElla BlockAbraham BloomJack BloomRose BloomLouis BookFay R. BraunsteinFreda BraunsteinMilton BraunsteinRabbi Joseph L. BraverFanny BrecherLeon BrecherJacob BremFay BrierleyMary BrillJean BrodianSol BrodianAllen Myer BrooksHarry Abraham BrooksJeanette BrooksEvelyn BrotmanIsidore BrotmanBernard Myer BrownBessie BrownDavid S. BrownDesmond BrownEvelyn Brown Hyman BrownLawrence BrownMax J. Brown Miriam Ruth Brown

Rachel Leah BrownSara BrownDavid BrozerClara Buck Herman L. BuckEthel BuckmanEugene BuckmanFannie BuckmanIrvin BuckmanJeanette BuckmanJoseph BuckmanSarah C. BugatchAnna BurkoffCelia BurnsteinRabbi Simon BurnsteinBarney Joseph CalmanEdward CalmanJean S. CalmanLena Frieda CalmenLouis CalmenBenjamin CaplanEthel CaplanEva CaplanHarry CaplanJulius CaplanPaul CaplanRose CaplanFlorence ChaninRubin ChaninMatthew CherryMinnie CherryAaron L. CohenAbraham CohenAlbert CohenBeatrice S. CohenBessie CohenEdna CohenHenry CohenHerman A. CohenIsidore Ronald Cohen

M e M o r i a l P l a q u e s


“Souls of the righteous in the Hand of G-d”

Judie Cohen Nettie CohenRobert Elias CohenToby CohenAlvin CohenBernard CooperSarah CotelZalig J. CotelBernard CreegerAnna CumminsBrownie H. CumminsGedaliah CumminsGilbert CumminsMichael CumminsMorton CumminsRebecca CumminsPhilip J. CushnerPeshe CushnerZalman CushnerMoussa El DabbahVictoria El DabbahAlbert DanoffCharles DanoffAlexander DavidFrederica DavidAron Davidovich Asher Anchel DavidovichChana Davidovich Frida Davidovich Henja Davidovich Itzik DavidovichRifka DavidovichAbraham Harry DiamondAvrohom Hirsh DiamondKraine DiamondPesach Hillel (Paul)

DiamondShlomo DiamondSonya DiamondSylvia DiamondEsther Diener

Joseph DienerEmanuel Donik Frances DonikLouis DonikRay Donik Rose DorenfeldAnna DunnJack L. DunnMayer DunnDaniel EismanGerald Elbaum Florence ElfmanMollie Rosenbaum

EpsteinCelia EstersonHinda EstersonJulius EstersonHarry EtelsonHarry FarbmanEllis FeinbergIrene FeinbergEvelyn Ruth FeinrothIda E. FeldmanLeonard Frank FeldmanGoldie FineHarry FineJacob FineLouis FineNelson FineAbraham FisherEdwin FlaxHilda FloamSidney I. FloamBenjamin FoxHarry FoxEric Jonathan FoxIsidore FoxMary FoxMaurice V. FoxNathan Bernard FradinBessie Franklin

Raymond FranklinAbraham FribushFreida FribushAaron FriedlanderHenry FriedlanderPauline FriedlanderAaron FriedmanFannie FriedmanFaye FriedmanRose FriedmanSamuel FriedmanSteven FriedmanRabbi Alfred FruchterRebbetzin Jeannette

FruchterLea Frydman Rose GalvinEsther GauntSamuel GerberTessie GerberEunice GershAbe GershenFreda GershenRabbi Chaim GevantmanCharlotte Selma

GevantmanJudith GevantmanRuth GinsbergMelvin GladsteinSteven Gladstein Sue Mechanick GlickmanRose GlicksteinSaul GlicksteinBessie GoldHerman GoldLeah GoldMax GoldPearl GoldAaron GoldbergHarry Daniel GoldbergGoldie GoldbergLeonard Goldberg


“Souls of the righteous in the Hand of G-d”

Max GoldbergMorris M. GoldbergPeggy GoldbergRose GoldbergRose E. GoldbergSarah Mary GoldbergSylvia GoldbergWilliam GoldbergFaige Channa GoldfingerFalik GoldfingerDennis Alan GoldmanLeonard GoldmanLouis Y. GoldmanMary G. GoldmanSophie R. GoldmanRudolph GoldschmidtRuth Goldschmidt Willie Goldschmidt Rose GoldsteinM. Henry GoldstoneAnnie GoodmanHenry GoodmanLillian GoodmanMartin GoodmanHinda Ann GordonJoseph GordonKate Miller GordonMalcolm Gordon Al GossDavid Phillip GossJean GossMary GossMax Tobias GossMiriam GossIda GreenbergSylvia F. GreenbergAbraham GrodnitzkyBessie GrodnitzkyEva Grodzinski Majer GrodzinskiZundel Grodzinski

Fay Gross Jack GrossJacob GrossblattMiriam GrossblattFrieda GrossmanMelvin Grossman Esther Gomborov

GutmannHelen D. HaasLothar L. HaasTheodore Hamburger Frieda HanffMelvin M. HarrisCalvin Charles

HeimansonBenjamin HelfmanSadie HelfmanAlexander HermanIda HermanJohn I. HermanJoshua HermanEsther HertzbergIsrael Jacob HertzbergFred HessJack HeymanLillian C. HeymanSylvia HeymanAnnie HiggerChaim Tzevi HiggerPearl Goldberg HiggerSamuel HiggerCharles HirsheyFannie HirsheyGeorg HirschfeldJetti HirschfeldIdel HochbergJennie HochbergRose HochbergHinda HochmanBertha Hoffman Minnie Hoffman

Stanley Hoffman Mary Joel HoffenbergJoseph R. HollinsRose HollinsNathan HolzmanIrene HorwitzBenjamin Mordecai

HurwitzBurton HurwitzJeffrey Stephen HurwitzSarah HurwitzAbraham HymanDavid I. HymanIda HymanJoseph HymanLena HymanMeyer Jacob HymanSidney K. HymanNorman IlkuvitzAlec IsaacsonReuben M. IsaacsonSarah IsaacsonBenjamin Ingber Louis IngberMilton Irving Ingber Pearl IngberRiva Ingber Shalom IngberSheindel IngberBetty IsraelEleanor JaffeIrvin JaffeEdmund H. JosephsonBettie KahanovitzDora KahanovitzLouis KahanovitzSidney KahanovitzEsther KahnHenrietta B. KahnMorris KahnNathan Kahn


“Souls of the righteous in the Hand of G-d”

Elsie KairysHarry KairysEdward KalishGertrude KalishMartin KalmarBertha KaplanSamuel KaplanLeo KaplowitzSylvia KaplowitzBlanche KatzCelia KatzHarry KatzMax KatzMilton N. KatzPaula Fedder KatzRebecca Esther KatzCelia KatzmanSolomon KatzmanFanny KaufmanSamuel KaufmanIda KaufmannSigmund KaufmannSidney Isadore KeiserJoseph KibrikMollie KibrikJeanette KirshMoses KirshLena KishterAnnie KleinEugene KleinJoseph KleinKathe KleinLouis E. Klein Mary KleinSerena KleinMorris KleinmanMiriam KobreCele KodeckKolman KodeckManuel KolkerPhillip Kolker

Philip F. Kolodner, Sr.Rose KolodnerFannie KomanMax KomanHyman KornSonia KornLeon KozlovskyRose KozlovskyBessie KramerErvin KramerEsther KramerHelen May KramerJoel KramerPhilip Samuel KramerMax KreitzerDora Belle KromeMorris Lee KromeBessie KronbergSami KronbergSidney KronbergBertha Kurz-GreimannHerman KurzSelma KurzWilliam KurzAnne KuznisoffIsadore KuznisoffEtta Riva KuznisoffMax KuznisoffMinnie LandsmanHarry LandsmanMorris LandyMartha LaskaJoseph LazarowskySonia LazarowskyWalter J. LeachOscar LeBowRosa K. LeBowAnnie LeckerHerman LefskyRuth LefskyLouis Legum

Rose LegumHenry LehmannRabbi Hillel LeibermanJessie LernerRose LernerSamuel LernerIrv LevBeryl LeveMinnie LevetEric LeviRuth LeviBebe LevinBenjamin LevinBernard (Bucky) LevinDena LevinHarriet Louise LevinJerome Bernard LevinLeon P. LevinMarian Etta LevinMax LevinMinnie LevinRaymond LevinRuth Levin Sarah LevinSidney LevinAlbert F. LevineLeon G. LevyMartha LevyNathan LevyRose LevyAbram LewkowiczEthel LichtmanAlexander LiorMiriam LiorJack LipmanLillian LipmanHelen Brozer LippensCharles LipsitzEsther LyonMorris LyonEugene Mackler


“Souls of the righteous in the Hand of G-d”

Harry MacklerFanny Ruth MacklinCelia MaierEmil MaierFlorence MaierIsadore MaierHelen MalerLibbe MalerSamuel MalerYehoshua MalerShirley MalvinAnna MarcusHilda MarderRaphael MarderEva MarkiewiczIsidor Mayer Regina MayerShimon MayerTova MayerEva MerkerMax MerkerJeffrey Lee MetzRuth MeyersHarry H. MichelsonRita MichelsonRuth L. MichelsonBluma MillerSolomon MillerTobias MillerBeatrice MinkoveBenjamin MinkoveDena MinkoveGertrude MinkoveMartin MinkoveRachel Tova MinkoveSimon MinkoveAbraham MollockLeah MollockShirley Malvin Annie MolofskySimon Molofsky

Esther MoskovichGolda MoskovichShmuel Moshe

MoskovichYudel Moskovich Rose Morrison Sidney MorrisonAlbert NasdorAlvin NasdorHarry L. NasdorMax NasdorMildred NasdorRae NasdorRuth NasdorDavid Joseph NelsonDora NelsonErnest NeubergerMartha NeubergerJaye NeumanSarah NeumanRaymond Stanley NoelFeiga M. OistreicherYitzchok OistreicherLee L. OppenheimerClara OxmanMary OxmanMax OxmanMeyer OxmanAlbert A. PachinoSylvia PachinoHyman W. PachinoRose PachinoLeah PariserDeborah ParkerFlorence Doris PaulGussie PaulWilliam PaulMeyer PeltzMiriam PeltzGeorge PinermanJean Pinerman

Moses PinermanRose PinermanSamuel Israel PinermanSarah PinermanWilliam PinermanJennie PinesMorris PinesAaron PinkasovichAaron PinkasovichChana PinkasovichChaya PinkasovichGershon PinkasovichHershmalech PinkasovichRazel Buk PinkasovichRoza PinkasovichSara PinkasovichShaindel PinkasovichShmuel PinkasovichShulem PinkasovichJoseph PivenAnna Esther PlotkinBenjamin PlotkinHarry PlotkinMary PlotkinMeyer PlotkinRonald M. PlotkinBessie PolanskyHarry PolanskyMorris PolanskyGertrude K. PolokoffAbraham PolskyRiva PolskyDavid PosnerIsadore T. PosnerPhilip PosnerSarah D. PosnerYetta PosnerHannah PotashDavid PottashHinda PottashCantor Moshe Preis


“Souls of the righteous in the Hand of G-d”

Rosa PreisHyman PriceLeonard PriceNita PriceRose PricePhilip PruceSarah PruceDavid RaphaelIda Rose RaphaelJacob M. RappaportFannie RavenJacob RavenRuth S. ReinbergSol ReinbergJennie RendelMordecai RendelMorris RendelJack Charles RhodyJennie RhodyLeo RingLisel RingJack RockmanRae RockmanIrving RollMinna RollCoby Rosemore Cranie RosenDavid Isidore RosenDonald RosenFannie RosenIda RosenJacob RosenRebecca RosenIsaac RosenbaumIsidore RosenbaumKatie RosenbaumLena RosenbaumPaul RosenbaumRuth Meth RosenbaumSamuel RosenbaumShirley Rosenbaum

Rose RosenbergAlexander RubinBessie RubinErnest M. RuinIda Book RubinRozsi RubinSadie RubinSalamon Z. RubinRose Gittel RubinsteinRabbi Samuel RubinsteinIsrael RuckHannah RudmanMinnie RudolphMorris RudolphJacob RutkinGertrude E. SachsAvram SamuelEsther Samuel Faiga SamuelKatarina SamuelAbraham SandlerManuel SandlerMorris SandlerTillie SandlerHerman SchatzBen SchauderAlbert ScherBessie B. ScherStanford S. ScherAnna ScherrPaul ScherrAbram SchocketDorothy SchocketRichard Ira SchocketS. M. SchreibfederYetta SchreibfederHoward J. SchugamRosa SchulzMilton SchumanAbraham Abba SchwartzDora G. Schwartz

Dr. Harry W. SchwartzIda SchwartzMary SchwartzSid Gold SegaloffDavid SeidenHarry SeidenBlanche SeidmanMax SeidmanLouis SekulowCarrie ShafferIrvin Bernard ShafferSam. S. ShafferThelma Shaffer Pauline ShafranBernard Howard ShaivitzBenjamin ShapiroCelia ShapiroSolomon ShapiroHoward ShefterMaralyn J. ShefterFannie A. ShnidmanLouis ShnidmanIlia ShpilmanEdith ShugarMorris ShugarSarah ShulmanDavid SiegelEdith S. Siegel Boaz SilbermanEdith SilbermanHeinrich SilbermanBabetta SilbermanManfred SilbermanRuth SilbermanFreda SilversteinMax SilversteinRozalia Simon Anna Deborah SingerEtta SisovicGedeon SisovicBenjamin Sklar


“Souls of the righteous in the Hand of G-d”

Esther Ida SklarHarry C. SklarManfred SklarMinnie SklarDora SmithSam SmithAlvin SnyderElla SokolskyEsther SokolskyEthel SokolskyGershon SokolskyJack SokolskyMaurice SokolskyMorris SokolskyAnne SolomonAbraham J. SpectorEdna SpectorIrvin SpectorMildred SpectorBessie SpikloserJoseph W. SpikloserEdith Ruth SteinEli SteinElizabeth SteinJacob SteinMaurice V. SteinMeyer Saul SteinSadie SteinSamuel SteinDora SteinbergIrvin SteinbergRabbi Gedalia Aryeh

SteinbergRose SteinbergSidney SteinbergLudwig StiefelHarry StoneBourough StorchLee StorchLevi Chaim Strauss Sivia Stuck

Yudice Marcia StuckAdolph StudnitzFlorence StutmanSidney StutmanJoseph Suffness Matthew Suffness Nellie Miller Suffness Frances Suffness Bilmes Esther SugarAnne I. SurdinEsther SuskinDaniel SussmanHyman J. SussmanPessa Reva SussmanEva TallesIsrael TallesIsrael Jacob TenenbaumClaudine ThauAnna TraubJoseph L. TraubMeyer G. TraubIsaac TrussLena TrussMaurice UzielAnnie VelinskySylvia VelinskyIda VenickReuben F. VenickJoseph VodenosSarah VodenosBessie WalmanMorris R. WalmanNaomi WalmanSamuel WalmanIda WaxmanLeon WaxmanDaniel WeinbergMilton WeinbergRegina A. WeinbergerSylvia F. Weinberger

Gertrude WeinblattHyman L. WeinblattJacob WeinblattFreda WeinerLouis WeinerRebecca WeinerJacob S. WeinsteinIsadore WeisbergJennie WeissSamuel WeissGerald S. WillnerEphraim WinerReda Ruth Wiseman Morris I. WitowWilliam WolfsonAbraham WoolfIda WoolfNathan WoolfRose WoolfWilliam WoolfFreda YaffeMorris YaffeAbraham YudellBetty Schuchalter YudellJoseph YudinLillian YudinIsaac YurfestJean YurfestMinnie YurfestPeretz YurfestIsaac ZajdelSara ZajdelBelle Bettelman ZayonAnna ZerwitzLillian ZerwitzLouis ZerwitzMarion ZerwitzOscar Isaac ZerwitzHarry ZibulinMorris Zukerberg


In Memory of

Our First RabbiRabbi Chaim Gevantman


Rebbetzin Charlotte S. Gevantman

Judith Gevantman

יהי זכרונם ברוך

“May Their Memories Be For A Blessing”

And all who are involved faithfully in the needs of the community—

may the Holy One, Blessed is He, pay their reward...

mxk §U m¥N ©W§i `Ed KExA WFcT ©d ,dpEn¡ ¤A xEA ¦v i¥k §xv §A mi ¦w §qFr ¤W i ¦n lk §e


‰zekf skl mc`d lk oc iede xag jl dpwe ax jl dyr..." מםכת אבות פרק א משנה ו

“… Appoint for yourself a teacher, acquire for yourself a friend and judge every person favorably”

Pirkei Avos, Chapter 1, Mishnah 6

In Memory of

Our Second RabbiRabbi Ervin Preis


יהי זכרו ברוך“May His Memory Be For A Blessing”


In Memory of

Mrs. Jeannette Goldman

our long time dedicated office manager for her loving care of the shul

and our mishpachos.

In Memory of

Mr. Herman Venick

and in recognition of his many years of dedication and commitment

to the shul.


Dena Lerner Gerber

Jeannette Goldman

Shira Saperstein

Leah Schuman

Susan Shefter

Herman Venick

The Suburban Orthodox Family Mourns the Loss of:


In loving memory of

Our dear parents and grandparents Philip Kauffman, Rosalie Zwagil.

May their neshamos have an aliya and may they be a melitz yosher

for the entire family.

by Bruce, Lois, Brad and Erich Kauffman


In Loving Memory of

Max & Sara Yablon Maurice & Selena Schoenfeld

Ellen Millman

by Howard “Heshy” and Sandy Schoenfeld


In Memory of

Marsha Scheinberg

Fannie Scheinberg

Samuel Scheinberg

Hershel Scheinberg

Eva Kaplan

David Kaplan

Shirley Kaplan

Jerry Kaplan

Blanche Goodman

Millie Schaikewitz

Julius Schaikewitz

Howard Andrews

Richard King

Bernice King

Abraham King

Barbara Zapora

Elizabeth Andrews

Sharon Andrews

Rodman Holmes

by Caryn & Akiva AndrewsRose and Emily


In Memory of Our Beloved Relatives

Sheldon Jay BermanElliott H. Miller

Eileen MillerSusan Shefter

Theodore BermanLewis C. Berman

Rose BermanHarry KellmanYetta Kellman

Rev. Solomon RubackBessie RubackLouis Miller

Rebecca MillerDr. Milton B. Kirsh

Fannye KirshPhyllis Himmelstein

by Ann Berman and Family


In loving memory of our grandmothers

Wendy Fine,

Rachel bas Shmuel

and Stella Ringo,

Esther Fayge bas Yitzchak

by Derek, Lauren,

Noah, Elyana, Rachayl,

and Miriam Fine


In Loving Memory of Our Parents Leonard D. Howard

Melvin E. Grossman

Frieda Grossman

Your Memories Will Always Be a Blessing to Us

by Ira & Miriam Grossman


In Memory of

Father and Grandfather

Henry Lehmann

by Richard & Susan Lehmann and Family


In Loving Memory ofOur beautiful daughter,

Rachel Tova Minkove

Our beloved parents and grandparents

Beatrice and Martin Minkove

Rabbi Alfred and Jeannette Fruchter

Aaron and Fannie Friedman

Clara and Joseph Fruchter

Sarah and Samuel Rice

Simon and Dena Minkove

And our dear brother-in-law

Craig Heller

by Judy & Judah Minkoveand Family


Remembering Our Beloved BoyCoby Rosemore


Cherished Mother and Grandmother

Lynn Rosemore

by Justin & Avigail Rosemore


In Memory of

Dr. Nathaniel Futeral

Cynthia Sara Futeral Baral

Mindel Blumstein Futeral

Chava Lichter Blumstein

Steven Zwieg

Esther Rivka Blumstein Zweig

Chaim Zweig

Phyllis Anne Zweig Friedman

Isaac Lichter

Anna Lichter

Myles H. Ruddie

Sylvia Blumstein Ruddie

Tyler Ruddie

Caren Goldsmith Pearl

Rivkah Goldberg Futeral

David Futeral

Yankel Sainontz

David Sainontz

David Futeral

Mildred Futeral

Irene Futeral Brodsky

Moshe Brodsky

Pauline Lichter Rosenberg

Moshe Ben-Shmuel

Shoshana Ben-Shmuel

Stella Smith

Aileen Smith

Nathan Smith

Chana Rochel Smith

Pearl Myrowitz

Rose Zemel

Irvin Jack Brodsky

Larry Harris

Solomon Myrowitz

Israel Ruddie

Michael Smith

by Sue, Allen, Jason Michael, Justin David, Rebecca Myrowitz and

Michelle Zoe Rebecca and Simcha Rosenblum


In Memory of

Henry E. Schwartz

Rosalyn M. Schwartz

Rose H. Lourie

Joseph Lourie

Charles M. Lourie

Albert Greenberg

Bernie Greenberg

Bessie Greenberg

Beverly Greenberg

David Greenberg

Hank Greenberg

Bessie Rapoport

Aaron Rapoport

Joseph Shuman

by Aaron & Deborah Rapoport


In Memory of

Esther Ann Adler

Fay Holzman

Nat Holzman

Sara Brown

David Brown

Sara Yablon

Max Yablon

Selina Schoenfeld

Maurice Schoenfeld

by Susie & Matt Schoenfeld and Family


In Honor of the Lives of Our Beloved Parents

Cantor Royal Rockman

Bashe Rockman

Alice Weissman

Irving Weissman

and Our Beloved Grandparents

Dora & Sam Bears

Mamie & Leo Rockman

Lilly & David Snyder

Jenny & Max Weissman

and cousin

David Charles

by Pam & Neil Weissman and Family


In Memory of

Beryl Leve

Bernard Shaivitz

by Dr. & Mrs. Charles Leve


In Memory Of

Avram Samuel

Faiga Samuel

Katarina Samuel

Eugene Joseph Klein

Serena Klein

Alexander David

Frederica David

Rachel Simon

Regina Meyer

Carolyn Ressler

Samuel Ressler

Minerva Fitzer

Sol Fitzer

by Isaac & Brenda Samuel

and Family


In Memory ofYisroel Yaakov ben Moshe Hillel


Our Beloved Parents

by Melvin & Evelyn Getz


In Memory ofLee L. Oppenheimer

Israel S. Gomborov

Hannah L. Gomborov

Morris L. Oppenheimer

Lena Oppenheimer

Samuel H. Gomborov

Minnie Oppenheimer

A. David Gomborov

Barry Gomborov

Estelle Gomborov

Morris (Macy) Berman

Syd Segaloff

Max Gutmann

Esther Gutmann

by Israel and Sylvan Oppenheimer


In Memory of Our Beloved Family Members

Elinor & Alvin Cohn

Charlie Guy

Clara & Meyer Oxman

Tikva & Joshua Lurman

Lila & Arthur Sonstein

Mary & Max Oxman

Millie & Milton Schwartz

Natan Schwarz

Ruth & Jacob Weinblatt

Rivka & Yaakov Sibel

Morris Sibel

Solomon Sibel

Avi Strimber

Gittel & Chaim Leib Weinblatt

by Karen & Jeff Cohn and Family

Cindy & Fred Sonstein and Family

Marcie & Ofer Lurman and Family


In Loving Memory of

Our Wonderful Fathers

and Grandfathers

Abraham Phillip Berkowitz

Sydney Aaron Ossip

In Loving Memory of

Our Sister and Aunt

Louise Emanuel

by Dan & Diane Berkowitz and Family

Forever in Our Hearts,

Our Special Nephew

and Cousin

Natanel Feigenbaum

by Dan & Diane Berkowitz and Family


Yakira Exler

Temima Exler

Aaron Exler

Lena D. Exler

Irving W. Exler

Samuel H. Willner

Frances D. Willner

Mary London

Selma Trocki

Charles Cohen

Sara R. Cohen

Rose Goldstein

Myra Berlin

Sylvan Kohn

Zillah L. Kohn

Ezra Kohn

Harriet Kohn

Joshua Kohn

Irving Dick

Jacob Dick

Tillie Dick

Marcia Brenner

Gerald Davis

Ruth Davis

by the Exler Family

In Memory of

In Memory of Eleanor and Irvin Jaffe

by Ralph Jaffeand Freda Jaffe


William Bashevkin Solomon ShapiroBenjamin Shapiro

Celia Smith ShapiroPhilip S. KramerGertrude Kramer

PolokoffAlbert Kramer

Edith Shapiro Siegel

Mitchell ShapiroDeborah S. ParkerJack HoffenbergBenjamin CohenSamuel J. SeigelMiriam Cohen

Hinda A. GordonBessie Kramer

Ruth ReinbergMary J. Hoffenberg

David BashevkinAnne Bashevkin

Edith S. BashevkinSadye Levine

Albert BashevkinHilda BettenEsther Lipton

by Mildred (Shapiro) Bashevkin

In Memory of

In Memory of

Nathan HolzmanFay Holzman

Barbara Holzman RushElinor Reamer Gumnit

Esther Ann Brown Adler

by Michael Holzman


In Loving Memory of

Our Son, Joshua Martin Weinberg

Our Parents, Alan David & Claryne Leatryce Weinberg

Dr. Philip & Rae Levin

by Drs. Paul & Linda Weinberg

In Memory ofBarbara Barron

Howard Barron

Elsie Barron

Louis G. Barron

Terry Friedman

Samuel Friedman

Frances Goldlust

Aaron Sverdlik

Henrietta Sverdlik

Helen Weiszner

by Howard & Aileen Friedman


In Loving Memory of

Michael Dexter

Claire Dexter

Samuel Weisberg

Gertrude Weisberg

Hirsh Zelasko

Freda Zelasko

Muriel Dexter

David Dexter

Rose Cohen

Barbara Farber

Benjamin Zelasko

Firma Zelasko

by Bruce, Fred, Susan, and Barry Dexter

In Loving Memory

of our Parents

Judie Cohen and Herman Venick

by Sherri & Jeffrey Venick and Family


In Loving Memory of

Mr. Bernard Meisner

Mr. Yisroel Yakov Friedman

Mrs. Adele Friedman

Mrs. Tziril Friedman

by Shimon & Fayge Friedman and Family

Forever in Our Memory and in Our Heart

Morris & Freda Bazensky

Charles & Ruth Miller

by their children, Art & Sherry Miller


In Memory of

William Rock

Libby Rock

Nathan Pelovitz

Esther Pelovitz

Yisrael Meir Rock

Doris Rock

Julius Esterson

Celia Esterson

Esther Rosenthal

Jerome Esterson

Lois Esterson

by Avie & Elana Rock and Family

In memory of beloved wife, mommy, daughter and sister

Susan ShefterForever You Will Be Missed

Elliott H. Miller

Eileen Miller

Howard & Maralyn Shefter

Marc Shefter

Phyllis Himmelstein

Sheldon Jay Berman

by Steven ShefterLeah, Ben, Sara, Yehuda & Laura


In Loving Memory of Our Parents and Brothers

Thera (Ester) SassonGoorgi Sasson

Max ShichtmanSylvia Shichtman

Mayer AttieBetty Attie

Manuel AttieAlbert Attie

by the Shichtman FamilyMel, Tania, Mordechai, Hudie and Chaim

In Loving Memory of

Herman Solomon Rosenbaum

Mollie Rebecca Rosenbaum

Haim Samuel Rotenberg

Rosa Rotenberg

Naomi Tova Rotenberg

Wolfgang Rotenberg

by the Rotenberg Family


In Memory of Our Strong and Beautiful Baby Boy

Levi Chaim

by Yoni & Ashley Strauss

In Loving Memory of Our Loved Ones Parents

Bessie and David Greenberg Bessie and Aaron Rapoport

Brothers Herman Greenberg

Dr. Albert Greenberg Bernard Greenberg

Sister-in-law Beverly Greenberg

by Morton & Rosalie Rapoport


In Loving Memory of My Father,

Solomon Sonnenberg

Shlomo Zalman ben Chaim Dovid

My Mother, Ernestyna Sonnenberg

Esther bas Yehuda HaKohen

My Grandson, Avrohom Moshe Spiegel

Avrohom Moshe ben Naftali Aryeh

by Joseph Sonnenberg

Isidor Mayer

Shimon Mayer

Tova Mayer

Rose Schoenberger

Sara Nayavich

Naftaly Mayer

Louis Ingber

Pearl Ingber

Esther Mayer

Helen Simon

Morris Simon

Nathan Ingber

Moshe Mayer

Ruth Ingber

Jack Ingber

Eve Ingber

by Lillian Mayer

In Memory of


Suburban Orthodox Memorial Plaques

Honor your loved ones in perpetuity. Ensure they are remembered on their yahrzeit

and throughout the year with an SOTC Memorial Plaque.

$400/Individual Plaque

For more information, contact the Shul office, 410.484.6114 or office@suburbanorthodox.org.

In Loving Memory of

Harry and Lily Simon Sam and Marjorie Green

(loving grandparents and parents)

Louis Simon (loving brother and uncle)

Martha Weisbloom (loving sister and aunt)

Steven Simon (loving son, brother and uncle)

by the Simon and Hackam Families


Rosalyn AppelbaumCharles AppelbaumLillian BreindalDavid FriedmanUncle Steve GoldsteinLawrence GrossSteven Roberts

by Jerrold & Abby Appelbaum

Rabbi Chaim Ben-ZevHannah Deborah

Ben-ZevMelvin Nachman

by Eli & Judy Ben-Zev

Abraham BennBetty BennHarold BrownHelen Brown by Robert & Delia Benn

Bernard M. Creeger Henry HausdorffPauline HausdorffLaura TopperIra KoplowGeorge KoplowJulius Creeger

by Eileen & Ken Creeger

Martin DienerIrene S. DienerHoward Alan DienerJoseph DienerEsther DienerA. Jerome DienerIrene B. DienerPauline D. GoldbergMorris M. Goldberg.by Betty S. Diener,

Alyce Rose Logan & Rachelle D. Hollander

I n M e m o r y o f O u r B e l o v e d

Etta SisovicGedeon SisovicSteven GladsteinCarl GladsteinJulius GladsteinMuriel GladsteinHarry GladsteinCelia GladsteinMoses LubiankerCelia LubiankerMelvin Gladstein

by Jack & Bette Gladstein

Norman Garfield Charles Moore Harry “Rusty” GoldbergAnita Goldberg FisherArnold Grossblattt

by Arnie & Nina Allen Goldberg

Leonard GoldbergPeggy Goldberg

by Bennett Goldberg

Ida Goldberg Naomi SochetBonnie Ziman Herman GoldbergJonathan Lewis GoldbergAaron NoonbergSophie Noonberg

by Hirsh & Gail Goldberg

Freyda bas Aharon Moshe Mendel ben VolkaAvraham ben ChaimChanah Ruth bas MosheSorah bas Baruch

by Barry & Rena Dubin

Susan Einbinder by Elliot & Rena Einbinder

Shraga Sagy Ivan EngelVera Schwartz-

Engel-LenoirIzidor EngelRachel EngelIsrael SchwartzRachel Schwartz by Elisheva

Francoise Engel

Louis L. EstersonHarriet S. PolsterDaniel J. PolsterHenry S. & Leona PolsterJulius & Celia EstersonCharles & Edith

MendelsohnSally KronenbergHinda EstersonJerry & Lois Esterson by Myron &

Gail Esterson

Ludwig StiefelSarah Stiefel Hinda Esterson

by Malka & Samuel Esterson


Joseph DienerEsther DienerMorris M. GoldbergPauline D. GoldbergA. Jerome DienerIrene B. DienerIrene S. Diener

by Dr. Aaron David & Beth Goldberg, Sarah & Izzy Mintz, Hinda D. Sokolow, Marc and Steven Goldberg

Mordechai Yosef GrinerDoniel ShermanKenneth LevineFlorence BronsonZola BronsonBenZion PancerMiriam PancerIsaac Pancer

by Zev (William) & Isobel Griner

Steven L. FriedmanRodney J. Kaplan by Jon & Jen Kaplan

and Family

Milton JacobsonDena JacobsonSidney JacobsonShifra LowensteinHarold MitnickLilian MitnickDr. Sanford KentShirley Kent

by Akiva Kent & Hilary Jacobson Kent

Phillip Kaplan by Russell &

Renee Kaplan-Nadel

Elaine ElworthMax ElworthClaire Katz

by Marianne & Andre Katz

Leon KozlovskyRose KozlovskyShirley SteinDavid SteinSamuel BarronIda BarronSamuel SteinIda SteinBaruch KozlovskyChaia Leia KozlovskyLeib FinkelsteinHinda Finkelstein by Adriane & Harry


Leo SirotaPaul Rosenbaum Ruth RosenbaumBen RosenbaumLeon KozlovskyRose KozlovskyBaruch KozlovskyChaia Leia KozlovskyLeib FinkelsteinHinda Finkelstein

by Sonia & Bernie Kozlovsky

Harry MirvisDoreen MirvisHarry R. ShapiroFrancis Q. Shapiro

by Marci & Michael Langbaum

Edward A. Ziv Beatrice Cohen HymanJ. Cohen Malvin Rae Ziv Frederick W. ZivAbraham Shuffler Caroline Shuffler Solomon Lavine Dora Lavine Martha Lavine by Andrea Lavine

Alvin Martin Lefkowitz by David

& Liz Lefkowitz

Marian Etta Levin by Ted Levin

Bernard LevitanBurton SchreiberSylvia Kuller SchreiberHenry and Bessie Levitan

by Rachel & Gregg Levitan

Rhoda Resnick Raphael MarderHilda MarderRabbi Gedalia Aryeh

SteinbergMadeline SusiSheila SochacczewskyRebetzen Rose SteinbergMenek BergerHelen Berger

by Milton & Eleanor Marder

Ted MillerRuth Dossick Miller

by Phil & Ruth Miller

David NessRabbi Levi Ness

by Baruch Ness


Marjorie GreenbaumMartin GreenbaumLawrence PosnerCarolyn PosnerAde GreenbaumMeyer GreenbaumEva FarberEmanuel FarberKate GreenbaumLil SachsEddie Sachs

by Kathy & Bruce Posner

Rubin ChaninFlorence ChaninSylvia AckermanHugo AckermanAndrew EttenbergLois Posner Irwin Posner

by Mitchell & Janice Posner

Yerachmiel RechthandChaim Meir Rechthand Moshe Aharon

RechthandAryeh Leib RechthandFaige RechthandJack HamermeshLisa Hamermesh

by Manny & Esther Rechthand

Jack BerenbergDolores BerenbergEsther Shem Tov

by Reena & Shlomo Roshgadol

Joseph Sonnenschein Terry Tobi SonnenscheinAaron Zimel by Rabbi Gershon &

Fran Sonnenschein

Simon TurnianskyJeanette TurnianskyAbraham DelmanLilyan DelmanAlan TurnianskyShirley TurnianskyLeon TurnerHeshy KrantzAnita Krantz by Michael &

Rachel Turniansky

Irvin UdoffPhyllis UdoffRoy HessMarion HessMax Udoff by Reuven Gershon &

Chava Hadassah Udoff

Jerome VenickIda VenickReuben VenickVivian VenickJacob GrossblattMiriam GrossblattArnold Grossblatt by BeverlyVenick

Oscar BernsteinAnna BernsteinAbraham WillnerEthel WillnerShana Michelle BlockGerald S. WillnerRosalyn Brodsky by Sondra

(Sandy) Willner

Irvin B. ShafferThelma ShafferRebecca WeinerCarrie ShafferSam S. ShafferCarl T. AmdurFrieda L. AmdurSidney E. RobinsonAllan BlumbergLouis ShafkinYetta Shafkin

by Steven and Neil Shaffer and Families

Susan ShefterElliott H. MillerEileen MillerHoward & Maralyn

ShefterMarc ShefterPhyllis HimmelsteinSheldon Jay Berman by Steven Shefter

Barry Hammond by Melissa &

Yitzy Shnidman

Leo KoppMollie KoppLillian SilvermanTheodore B. Silverman by Mark &

Grace Silverman

Florence SmithLeonard SmithDora SmithSam SmithAnn KleinLou Klein by Gary & Susan Smith

Louis SmithLeslie Smith by Raymond Smith


Reda Ruth WisemanCharles NeumanMildred NeumanMorris WisemanDorothy WisemanJeanette Feldman

by Alan Wiseman

Stuart ScheiberEstelle SchreiberCyrus Wolf by Faith & Edward Wolf

Abe DiamondNaoma SternSonia DiamondPaul DiamondAlice WolfArnold WolfFanny WolfRobert Wolf by Stephen Wolf &

Adrian Diamond Wolf

William WoolfNathan WoolfRose WoolfAbraham WolfeRobert CohenEdna CohenHerbert CohenElsie Levy Celia KatzmanSolomon KatzmanRose KatzmanPhilip KatzmanBertha Berry by Selma Woolf

Joel M. BerkelhammerEdward A. Ziv by Lisa, Rob, Jacob, Yael

& Allizon Ziv


T h e s u b u r b a n o r T h o d o x C e M e T e r y

The Suburban Orthodox Congregation owns and operates a four-acre memorial park located in Rosedale providing an eternal resting place of beauty and dignity.Your foresight in making arrangements for your family’s final resting place will relieve your loved ones of this burden while creating a treasured family memorial for future generations.

For more information, call Ken Creeger, Cemetery Chairman

or the Shul office, 410.484.6114.

Continue your commitment to the growth and vibrancy of our community after 120.

l e g a C y g i v i n g

There is no greater way to honor a lifetime of spiritual growth and to elevate the soul for eternity, than to ensure the continued commitment to the values that SOTC upholds.Join with us through the loving act of planned giving by leading your community to a strong and vibrant future. Leaving a bequest is a meaningful way to allow your beloved Kehillah to continue to flourish for years to come.

For more information, contact the Shul office, 410.484.6114 or office@suburbanorthodox.org.

LeadershipRabbi Shmuel Silber

Executive Director, Juliya Sheynman

President, Yehuda Neuberger

Vice President, Adam Ben-Zev

Second Vice President, Yanky Schorr

Treasurer, Doniel Goetz

Seceratary, Selma Woolf

Immediate Past President, Shimmy Messing


Matt Schoenfeld, Membership & Fundraising Chair

Jon Kaplan, Operations Co-Chair

Avron Elbaum, Gabbai Rishon

Jennifer Erez, Sisterhood Co-Chair

Dovie Elman, Membership Chair

Yona Ehrenfeld

Ed Miller, Leah Sol, Ed Wolf, Dovi Ziffer

Yizkor Book Volunteer

Rachel Levitan

7504 Seven Mile Lane • Baltimore, MD 21208 • 410/484-6114www.suburbanorthodox.org • www.rabbisilber.com

This sacred book is used as a tribute to the memory of departed relatives at four Yizkor services throughout the year:

Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Shemini Atzeres Monday, October 21, 2019

Pesach Thursday, April 16, 2020

Shavuos Shabbat, May 30, 2020
