YILC Shabbat Announcements February 21st and 22nd, 2020 ... · Jacob Tocker February 27 Leah...


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Afternoon Schedule 1:30 pm Early Mincha (Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Medrash)

4:30 pm The Teachings of Rav Kook on the Mishnah, Rabbi Ya’akov Trump

5:00 pm Mincha (Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue) followed by Seudat Shlishit in the ballroom with Yaakov Katz

“Weapon Wizards: How Did Israel Become a High-Tech Military Superpower”

6:21 pm Ma'ariv

6:28 pm Shabbat Ends

7:15 pm Parent-Child Learning / 7:20 pm Mishnah Chaburah

8:15 pm YILC Youth presents “It’s Nerf or Nothin!” (Ballroom)

Friday, February 21, 2020, 26 Shevat

5:18 pm Candle Lighting

5:26 pm Mincha followed by Inspirational Kabbalat Shabbat featuring Shragi Chafetz (Gluck-Gelnick Beit Medrash)

5:26 pm Regular mincha (Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue)

7:30 pm Leil Shabbos Learning

8:45 pm Friday night oneg & desserts with Yaakov Katz (Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue)

“2020 Israel: Challenges and Opportunities in a Volatile Middle East” Dessert Collation is sponsored by Anne & Sheldon Golombeck upon the yahrtzeit of Sheldon’s father,

Chaim Pinchas ben Moshe Yosef, Mr. Hyman Golombeck, ה“ע

Shabbat, February 22, 2020, 27 Shevat 7:30 am Daf Yomi with Dr. Alan Goldman as the Maggid Shiur (Gluck-Gelnick Beit Medrash)

8:00–8:25 am Shiur on Mesilat Yesharim with Dr. Hillel Abramson (Library)

9:24 am Sof zman kri'at shema

7:30 am Hashkama Minyan (Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Medrash)

Following davening there will be a Shiur given by Rabbi Zev Meir Friedman.

8:30 am Beit Medrash Minyan. (Gluck-Gelnick Beit Medrash). Drasha by Rabbi Ya’akov Trump. TNT SHIUR ON RECESS THIS WEEK.

9:00 am Main Minyan (Joseph S. Straus Main Synagogue). Drasha following Mussaf by Yaakov Katz -

“Mishpatim: Israeli Elections Following Netanyahu’s Indictment”

9:15 am Youth Groups (Melly & Rochelle Lifshitz Youth Center)

9:15 am Teen Minyan with Rabbi Gershon Kramer (Annette Adler Young Adult Beit Medrash)

9:30 am Minyan (Rabbi Morris Friedman Young Couples Beit Medrash).

The entire shul is invited to our Chodesh Adar Kiddush following the 9 am minyan.

Thank you to all who sponsored.

YILC Shabbat Announcements February 21st and 22nd, 2020

Parshat Mishpatim, Shabbat Shekalim

Justin & Chany Cohen invite everyone to a Shalom Zachor at 8:00 pm at the Taubenfeld residence, 412 West Broadway, Cedarhurst

Upcoming Schedule & Community Events

• Mincha / Maariv for this week will be at 5:25 pm

• Rosh Chodesh Adar is on Tuesday, Feb 25 and Wednesday, Feb 26

Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22

8:15 pm YILC Youth Presents “It’s Nerf or Nothin!”

Sunday, February 23

9:30 am Tomchei Shabbos Annual Breakfast at the home of

Eli & Julie Verschleiser, 190 Briarwood Crossing, Lawrence Guest Speaker: Rabbi Ya’akov Trump

Sunday, Feb 23

10:30 am This Might Be the Israel Community for You!

Rare Opportunity in a New Central Community

Presentation led by Gedaliah Borvick of My Israel Home

For more information email gborvick@myisraelhome.com

Tuesday, Feb 25

12:30 pm Lunch N’ Learn in Boca w/ Rabbi Trump at the Boca Jewish Center

RSVP to rabbitrump@yilc.org

Wednesday, Feb 26

7:30 pm “I Survived Jewish History” with Dr. Henry Abramson

Sassanian Persia and the Talmud

Motzei Shabbat, Feb 29

8:30 pm Panoply Game Night

March 1—March 3 Shul Mission to AIPAC

Monday, March 9

8:00 pm YILC Youth Purim Event

Sunday, March 15

9:30 am —12:30 pm Yad Leah Clothing Drive at YILC

Abraham Beer - Father of Bernard Beer Avraham Chaim Zilberberg - Father of Miriam Treitel Rosalie Grossman - Wife of Mel Grossman Leib Kronenberg - Father of David Kronenberg Jack Samet - Father of Joel Samet Charles Weinstein - Father of Barbara Beer Mr. Leonard I. Gold - Father of Jeffrey Gold Abe Greenspan - Father of Sheldon and Brian Greenspan Carolyn Siegel - Mother of Leslie Eisen and Brenda Reiss Ephraim Leiderman - Father of Jonathan Leiderman Martin Storch - Father of Hillary Storch Miriam Spitzer - Mother of Mark Spitzer Carol Preminger - Mother of Ben Preminger Jack Wechsler - Father of Suzanne Cohen Harry Naimer - Father of Estelle Mael Walter Kleinman - Father of Jan Schechter

Samuel Lyons February 24

Marc Talansky February 26 Miriam Bondar February 26

Jacob Tocker February 27

Leah Fortgang February 28 Emily Reba Silverstein February 28

Estee Breuer February 28

Condolences to

Yahrtzeits Observed This Week

Happy Birthday to our Children

Lynda & Ben Brafman - on the upcoming Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Isaac Lent

Bayla & Lenny Bromberg - on the birth of a

granddaughter born to their children Dorit and Doniel Bromberg

Chany & Justin Cohen - on the birth of a

grandson born to their children Brana and Moishe Taubenfeld

Leslie & Chet Eisen - on the engagement of

their daughter Tara to Pinny Wasser

Rivka & Shlomo Wilamowsky - on the birth of a granddaughter born to their children

Miriam and Binyomin Zonenshayn

Judi Wernick on the loss of her beloved mother, Mrs. Lilly Wider. Moishe Jeger on the loss of his beloved mother, Mrs. Shenya Jeger. Shiva for Thursday night is at 135-28 78th Road,Kew Gardens Hills. Mincha/Maariv @ 5:20 Moishe will sit Shiva at his home on Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22463 Broadway in Lawrence beginning with Maariv until 11:00 pm and then will resume sitting in Kew Gardens Hills through Tuesday morning, February 25

Sheldon & Jan

