Year 6 Revision Worksheets - Wikispaces6+Revision... · Why do plants need animals? Q18. Why do...


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Q15. Answer the following questions about the below food chain.

Algae Plankton Arctic cod Ringed seal Polar bear

a) What is/ are the producer/s?

b) What is/ are the consumer/s?

c) What is/ are the autotroph/s?

d) What is/ are the heterotroph/s?

e) What is/ are the herbivore/s?

f) What is/ are the carnivore/s?

g) What is the primary consumer?

h) What is the secondary consumer?

i) What is the tertiary consumer?

j) What is the quaternary consumer?

k) What is the predator of the plankton?

l) What is the predator of the arctic cod?

m) What is the predator of the ringed seal?

n) What is the prey of the arctic cod?

o) What is the prey of the ringed seal?

p) What is the prey of the polar bear?

Q16. Give the meaning of the following words:

Adapt, carnivore, chlorophyll, consumer, environment, fertiliser, habitat, herbivore, key,

minerals, minerals, nutrients, photosynthesis, predator, prey, producer, soil

Q17. Why do plants need animals?

Q18. Why do animals need plants?

Q19. Compare between sand soil and clay soil.

Q20. What is a mixture of a sand soil and clay soil called?


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6B More about Dissolving- Worksheet 1

Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

1. We cannot dissolve anymore sugar in water once we reach the:

o Dissolution point.

o Saturation point.

o Suspension point.

2. Hard water:

o Tastes different.

o Common in areas of limestone rock.

o All of the above.

3. After filtration, the clear liquid obtained is called:

o Residue.

o Filtrate.

o Solution.

4. We cannot drink filtered sea water because:

o It contains salt.

o It contains microorganisms.

o All of the above.

5. Sieving is a method of separation of:

o A mixture of solids

o Insoluble small solid particles floating in a liquid

o Insoluble large solid particles sinking in a liquid

6. Decanting is a method of separation of:

o A mixture of solids

o Insoluble large solid particles sinking in a liquid

o Large insoluble substances from their liquid mixtures like tea leaves and tea

7. Straining is a method of separation of:

o A mixture of solids

o Insoluble large solid particles sinking in a liquid

o Large insoluble substances from their liquid mixtures like tea leaves and tea

8. Filtration is a method of separation of:

o A mixture of solids

o Insoluble small solid particles floating in a liquid

o Large insoluble substances from their liquid mixtures like tea leaves and tea

9. Distillation is:

o Condensation followed by evaporation

o Evaporation followed by condensation

o Evaporation followed by sedimentation

10. The higher the temperature,

o The higher the solubility of sugar in water

o The lower the solubility of sugar in water

o It has no effect on the solubility of sugar in water


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6B More about Dissolving- Worksheet 2

1. Ahmed was doing an experiment about dissolving sugar in water. What are the factors we

can use to help him increase the solubility of sugar in water?

a) ___________________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________________________

d) ___________________________________________________________________________

e) ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Using sample water from a puddle, what would you use to get the water clear?

a) ___________________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Explain briefly about Filter Beds.




4. Solar Still is an important survival aid for people surviving a ship wreck. Write a short

paragraph on how it works.






Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6B More about Dissolving- Worksheet 3


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6B More about Dissolving- Worksheet 4


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6C Micro-organisms- Worksheet 1

Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

1. What type of micro-organism is yeast?

a. Fungus

b. Bacterium

c. Virus

2. What can yeast be used for?

a. Stopping diseases

b. Making bread

c. Baking cakes

3. Which of the following statements is not true about microorganisms?

a. All microorganisms are useful

b. Some microorganisms are harmful

c. Some microorganisms are used in making foods

4. A disease caused by bacteria, can be treated using

a. Antibodies

b. Antibiotics

c. Both a and b

5. A good way of keeping food safe from microorganisms is:

a. Freezing

b. Melting

c. Condensation

6. Most microorganisms cannot be seen without a ...

a. Telescope

b. Periscope

c. Microscope

7. Cleaning your teeth regularly helps prevent tooth decay because ...

a. Microorganisms don't like the taste of toothpaste

b. Brushing removes sugar that microorganisms like to eat

c. Brushing removes all microorganisms from your mouth

8. Why should cooked and uncooked foods be stored separately?

a. Because bacteria only like cooked food

b. Because bacteria only like uncooked food

c. To stop bacteria spreading from one to the other

9. Which of these is NOT caused by a microorganism?

a. Measles

b. A sprained ankle

c. Tooth decay

10. Which of these microorganisms is useful?

a. Bacteria that decompose leaves

b. Salmonella

c. Chickenpox virus


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6C Micro-organisms- Worksheet 2

1. Fill in the blanks:

a. There’s an old rhyme that says: “coughs and sneezes spread diseases”. This is because

__________________ will be transferred from one person to another. We need a

__________________ to be able to see them.

b. The French Scientist _______________________ proved that microbes are responsible for

foods going bad and discovered a way of preserving milk called _______________________

c. Yeast is used in the making of ________________________ It gives out

__________________________ gas which makes bubbles and makes it rise.

d. The Scottish scientist “_____________________” discovered the first antibiotic, which is

called _______________________

e. Microorganisms are living things. They share the 7 life processes, examples of which

_____________________ and _________________________

2. Describe a way microorganisms are helpful to people, and a way they are harmful

a) Helpful:__________________________________________________________________


b) Harmful:_________________________________________________________________


3. Peter finds some mould and bacteria growing on a sandwich in his lunchbox. Write true or false

next to each of these sentences.

Micro organisms are living things _________________

Micro organisms can grow _________________

Micro organisms can reproduce _________________

Micro organisms are too small to be seen with the eyes _________________

2) What should he do with his sandwich?


3) Why?



Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6C Micro-organisms- Worksheet 3

1. Investigating Yeast

a. Jimmy fills 6 bottles with yeast, sugar and water at different temperatures. He returns 30

minutes later. Draw the balloon on each bottle to show what has happened.

b. Jimmy's experiment is evidence that yeast is... (write true or false)

a living thing _____________ a micro-organism ___________

2. Vaccination

a. Edward Jenner was a doctor who lived a long time ago.

He noticed that people who had a disease called cowpox did not catch the more dangerous


He carried out a test. He used cowpox to see if it could stop people catching smallpox.

He carried out this test on several people

b. Why did he carry out his test on several people instead of just one?



c. Smallpox was caused by a type of micro organism.

Which of these are types of micro organisms? Circle the correct answer.

Bacteria Fungi

Flower Seed

Insect Frog

Blood cell Virus


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6C Micro-organisms- Worksheet 4

Mark wants to see the different conditions bacteria and mould need to do well.

He designs this experiment.

He takes a piece of tomato and puts it in the fridge

He takes a piece of bread and puts it in the cupboard

He takes a piece of cheese and puts it on the table.

1. He checks his three samples after 2 weeks. Which of his 3 food samples would you expect to

have the least mould ?


2. Mandy says Mark's test is not a good test because it is not fair. Why is it not a fair test?


3. What are the conditions mould needs to survive? Tick the correct ones.

A food source moisture (Water)

Light warm temperatures

Alcohol very cold temperatures

4. Match the two parts of the sentences together with a line.

Penicillin is a mould. It gives of gas which helps bread to rise.

Yeast is a fungus. It was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

It kills bacteria.

Cholera is disease. It is carried in dirty water. It is caused by a



Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6D Reversible and Irreversible Changes- Worksheet 1

Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

1. When an acid and alkali are mixed, they give out:

a. Carbon dioxide and oxygen

b. Salt and water

c. Carbon dioxide and water vapour

2. For an iron nail to rust it needs,

a. Water

b. Air

c. Both a and b

3. Which of the following is not a reversible change?

a. Baking a cake

b. Melting of ice

c. Condensation of water vapour on my bathroom mirror

4. When a candle burns

a. It gives out water vapour and carbon dioxide

b. It gives out heat and light

c. All of the above

5. Which of the following is not a reversible change?

a. Dissolving salt in water

b. Rusting of a nail

c. Water evaporating from a boiling kettle

6. When water changes to steam, we call this:

a. boiling

b. evaporation

c. both a and b

7. When cement and gravel are mixed to form concrete

a. This is an irreversible change

b. This is a reversible change

c. This is a physical change

8. Which of the following mixtures makes an irreversible change

a. Water and liver salt

b. Water and salt

c. Water and sugar

9. When a candle burns

a. It uses oxygen from the air

b. It uses carbon dioxide from the air

c. None of the above

10. Which of the following is not a fuel?

a. Oxygen

b. Benzene

c. Wood


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6D Reversible and Irreversible Changes- Worksheet 2

1. Name 5 changes that are permanent or irreversible.

a) ___________________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________________________

d) ___________________________________________________________________________

e) ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Mention 4 safety rules that you should follow while performing a burning process:

a) ___________________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________________________

d) ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Mention whether the following are true or false. Correct the false ones.

a) Heating a bar of chocolate leads to a physical change


b) Dissolving liver salts in water leads to a physical change


c) Burning is an irreversible change that produces no new substances


d) When a candle burns it gives out carbon dioxide and water vapour


4. Give 4 examples of useful fuels:

a) ___________________________________________________________________________

b) ___________________________________________________________________________

c) ___________________________________________________________________________

d) ___________________________________________________________________________

5. When a substance burns, this is an ____________________ change or

_____________________________ change, where a new substance is produced. When

fuels burn they give out ___________________ and ________________________.


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6D Reversible and Irreversible Changes- Worksheet 3


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6D Reversible and Irreversible Changes- Worksheet 4


Forces in Action

Q1. Give the meaning of the following words:

Air resistance, compress, expand, force, gravity, magnet, mass, Newton, Newton meter

(Force meter), water resistance (up-thrust), weight

Q2. What is the unit of measurement of weight? What is the instrument used to measure


Q3. What is the unit of measurement of mass? What is the instrument used to measure mass?

Q4. Calculate the weights of the following objects on Earth:

Girl: 30 Kg, Bag: 5 Kg, Book: 1 Kg, Banana: 100 gm, Toy: 2 Kg

Q5. Now calculate the weight of the same objects on the moon.

Q6. Draw the forces that are working on the following objects. Don’t forget to label your arrows.

Q7. What shape should an object be in order to travel fast through the air?

Q8. The force is a ______________, _______________ or a ________________

Q9. Forces can make things __________________________, ___________________________,

_____________________________ or _________________________


a. Which car is going to speed up?


b. Which car is going to slow down?

c. Which car will move at a steady speed?

d. Which car will not move?

Q11. Mention 3 ways to beat gravity.

Q12. When do the poles of the magnet attract?

Q13. When do the poles of the magnet repel?

Q14. Give examples of magnetic metals.

Q15. Give examples of non-magnetic objects or metals.

Q16. How can you prepare a magnet?

Q17. How can you prepare an electric magnet?

Q18. How can you make your electromagnet stronger?


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6F How we see Things- Worksheet 1

Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

1. Which of the following is a light source

a. A burning piece of paper

b. A mirror

c. The moon

2. The coloured part of the eye is called the

a. iris

b. pupil

c. cornea

3. Light enters the eye through the

a. iris

b. pupil

c. cornea

4. Light travels from

a. Light source to the object to the eyes

b. Light source to the eyes to the object

c. The eyes to the light source to the object

5. Light travels in

a. Light rays

b. Light beams

c. All of the above

6. Mirrors

a. Reflect light

b. Have a very smooth surface

c. All of the above

7. An example of an opaque object

a. A clear glass bottle

b. A mirror

c. A coloured glass bottle

8. A device that uses 2 mirrors to see objects at a higher level is the

a. Microscope

b. Periscope

c. Telescope

9. Angle of reflection is equal to the angle of

a. Incidence

b. Inspection

c. Institution

10. We move the object closer to the light source in order to get a

a. Bigger shadow

b. Smaller shadow

c. None of the above


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6F How we see Things- Worksheet 2

A. What is a “Light Source”?



B. Which of these are light sources? Tick those that are.

C. Tick the correct facts about Light Sources

€ Light travels from a source

€ Light travels in light beams

€ Light beams cannot change their direction

€ Light beam can pass through all objects

€ Shiny surfaces reflect light better than dull surfaces

€ Shadows and reflections are different


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6F How we see Things- Worksheet 3

Sara makes a shadow of her puppet on

a screen. She investigates how

changing the distance of the light from

the puppet affects the size of the


a. What equipment should she use to

measure the distance of the light

from the puppet?




b. What unit of measurement should she use to measure the distance of the light from the

puppet? Tick one box

� Gm � °C � Cm � Km � N

c. What factor should she change as she carries out her test? Tick one box

� Where the children sit � Colour of the screen

� Brightness of the light � Position of the light

� Position of the screen � The size of the puppet

d. What factor should she measure to collect her results? Tick one box

The height of the ...

� Light � Shadow � Table

� Puppet � Screen � Reflection

e. What factors must she keep the same as she carries out her test? Tick three boxes

� Where the children sit � Colour of the screen

� Brightness of the light � Position of the light

� Position of the screen � The size of the puppet


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6F How we see Things- Worksheet 4

Draw arrows to show the beam(s) of light that allow(s) the person in each of these pictures to see

what they are looking at.


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6G Changing Circuits- Worksheet 1

Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

1. Which types of electricity can be found in the home?

a. Battery and mains

b. Gas and coal

c. Wet and dry

2. Which of these would you not find in an electrical circuit?

a. Wire

b. Battery

c. Bulb

3. Batteries have 2 ends…

a. Positive and negative

b. North and south

c. top and bottom

4. Which of the following run on batteries?

a. Toaster

b. Kettle

c. Remote control

5. Which of the following is not true about Voltage?

a. It is measured using a voltmeter

b. The unit of voltage is Volts

c. None of the above

6. In a series circuit,

a. The current remains the same in the whole circuit

b. The voltage remains the same in the whole circuit

c. None of the above

7. In a parallel circuit,

a. The current remains the same in the whole circuit

b. The voltage remains the same in the whole circuit

c. None of the above

8. Current,

a. Splits along the loops of a parallel circuit

b. Stays the same along the loops of a parallel circuit

c. None of the above

9. Voltage,

a. Splits along the loops of a parallel circuit

b. Stays the same along the loops of a parallel circuit

c. None of the above

10. An example of an insulator,

a. Wood

b. Steel

c. Copper


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6G Changing Circuits- Worksheet 2











1. A flow of electricity

3. It pushes the electric current around

the circuit

4. An electrical component that can be

switched on or off to complete or

break a circuit

8. A drawing that uses electrical

symbols to show how different

components form a circuit

9. A component that lights up when

electricity passes through it


2. A way of representing an electrical

component on paper

3. A component that makes a buzzing

sound when electricity passes

through it

5. A component that moves when

electricity flows through it

6. A part of an electrical circuit

7. A pathway around which electricity

can flow


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6G Changing Circuits- Worksheet 3

Battery Clip Metal

Bulb Conductor Motor

Buzzer Filament Switch

Candle Insulator Torch

Circuit Light Wire













A Resistor is a …………………………………………………………………………...


Examples of resistors are: …………………………… and ……………………………..


Year 6 Final Revision 2011

Unit 6G Changing Circuits- Worksheet 4

1. Draw a Circuit Diagram for each of the following:

a. A Circuit with 3 bulbs, 3 cells, and 1 switch connected in Series.

b. A Circuit with 3 bulbs, 3 cells and 1 switch connected in Parallel.

c. In which circuit the bulbs will be brighter? Circuit (a) or circuit (b)?


1. Mention 2 ways that you can change the wires in an electric circuit in order to make Bulbs


a. ……………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. Give 2 examples of 2 Electric Appliances that operate using the Mains electricity

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. Give 2 examples of 2 Electric Appliances that operate using electricity from Batteries

a. ……………………………………………………………………………………

b. ……………………………………………………………………………………