Year 4 Home Learning Bingo Autumn 2 -


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Year 4 Home Learning Bingo Autumn 2

Complete one of these activities each week. Complete 6 of the 8 activities. Keep a record in your Home Learning book by writing, drawing or gluing in a photo. Tick your Bingo grid

to show which ones you’ve completed. You will present your home learning to the class in the week commencing 13th December.

Night - Science Knight - History, Geography Static Electricity

Conduct a static electricity experiment of your own! Bend water, separate salt and pepper

with a magic spoon, move a bubble with a balloon, flap a

butterfly’s wings, make jumping goo. Take some pictures to stick

in your Home Learning book 16 Fun Electricity Experiments

and Activities For Kids (

European Country Fact File Choose a European country and create a fact file all about it.

You will need to do lots of research and then present the information you have found out. Think about these questions: How big is the country? What is the climate like? What is the

landscape like? What mountain ranges are there? What rivers are there? Which river is the longest? How many people live there? What is the capital city? What other major cities are

there? What traditional foods are there? What kinds of clothes are worn? What language is spoken? What currency is used?

Acrostic Poem

Write an acrostic poem linked to our science topic.

These words might help you: battery, electivity, light, bulb, circuit, switch, dark, night, conduct, moon, source, shadow,

danger, safety

Motte and Bailey Castles Motte and bailey castles appeared in England after the Norman Conquest of 1066. Design and build a

historically accurate model of a Norman motte and bailey castle.

You will need to research and include the features of a Medieval castle i.e.

Motte, Bailey. Keep etc.

Electricity Crossword Design a crossword linked to our science topic.

You will need to come up with clues or questions to help someone solve the missing words.

Get someone at home to complete your crossword.

Knights! Find out about one or more of these topic words and present what you have found out e.g. you could make a poster, draw

and label a picture or write a summary. • Knight • King Arthur • Guinevere • Merlin • The Round Table • Lancelot

Design and/or make a simple electrical circuit as part of a game or activitiy. Maybe a 'wire loop' game, a basic game of

operation, a moving clown, a birthday card – any of which include an electrical circuit, bulbs and/or buzzers.

Using circuits to make games and activities - KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize

Anglo-Saxon Weaving You will need: 4 twigs of equal length, weaving materials (wool,

ribbon, fabric, string), wire to fix your twigs.

1. Place your twigs in a star shape. 2. Fix the centre securely with

wire. The twigs should not move when you are weaving.

3. Start weaving your materials in and out around the twigs. Start at the centre and tie a knot to secure the material.

4. Continue weaving and watch your sunburst grow until it is the size you want.

5. You can then trim the twigs if you want to. 6. Make a hanging thread and display your Sunny Sun Burst.

Bring your book to school on Monday 13th December 2021.
