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Sign. 1



I Believe in Allah

2 Allah’s Angels

3 The Books of Allah

4 The Shining Treasures

5 Ibraheem Searches for Allah

6 Prophet Ibraheem: Iman Made Him Brave

7 When Fire Doesn’t Burn

8 The Hardest Test




Making Wudoo Right

10 Perfect Your Prayer

11 Khushoo During Prayer

12 Du’aa: Ask and You Will Be Answered

13 The New Messenger

14 Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Teaches His Family and Friends




Early Muslims Suffer

16 The Boycott Against Muslims

17 The Faithful Wife: Khadeejah

18 Cleanliness and Purity: It’s My Nature

19 Co-operation: It’s My Strength

20 Respect: It’s My Duty

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What is the first pillar of Iman?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………….


Q2. Who is Allah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………….


Q3. When and where we can see Allah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. What do we call the names of Allah in Arabic?

Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………...


Q5. List any four names of Allah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………….


Q6. Why did Allah create us?

Answer: ……………………………………………………………………….




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II. Fill in the blanks:

1. …………………… is the only one worthy of worship.

2. Muslims believe in ……………………….. .

3. There are ……………………. Pillar of Iman

4. In the Qur’an only …………………. Prophets and Messengers are mentioned.

5. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will make us ………………… again.

6. ……………………. is Allah’s will.

7. Allah wants Muslims to follow his final religion ……………………. .

8. Allah is the one who gave us ………………………. from worms.

9. Allah is the one who made the tiny ………………………… and the mighty

………………………….. .

10. Allah created all these things for us to ………… and …………………

III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. Worshiping Allah and pleasing him comes first before anything else …………

2. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was the first Messenger of Allah ….…...

3. Al – Asmaa’ Al – Husna means “the beautiful names”. ……….

4. Allah has 101 names. …………………….

5. Allah means “the God to worship”. ……………………………..

6. Allah is the one who made us all. …………………….

7. To believe in Allah is one of the pillars of Islam. ………………………

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IV. Match the following:


1. Prophets and Messengers ( ) a. Pillars of faith

2. The Day of Judgement ( ) b. Al – Malai’kah

3. Holy Books ( ) c. Al – Anbiyaa’ War - Rusul

4. Angels ( ) d. Yawm – ul - Qiyamah

5. Arkan – ul – Iman ( ) e. Al – Kutub

V. Colour the creation of Allah :


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:-

Q1. What are the angels made of?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q2. What are the writing angels? How many do we have?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. Who is Jibreel?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. What are guardian angels?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Belief in Allah’s angels is one of the six pillars of …………………..

2. Allah created ………………….. , jinn and …………………..

3. The angel Jibreel (Gabriel) has ……………. wings.

4. There are ………………….. guardian angels.

5. The ………………….. angels record our good and bad deeds.

6. ……………………. is the Arabic word for angels.

7. ………………………….……… is the house of worship for the angels.



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III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. Angel Jibreel is the leader of all the angels. (……….)

2. There are six guardian angels. (……….)

3. The angels do not need to eat or sleep. (……….)

4. Angels do not worship Allah nor do they obey Him. (……….)

5. As Muslims we should believe that there are many angels all around us.


6. Seventy thousand new angels make hajj to Al-Bayt Al-Mamour every day.


7. Muslims should not love and respect angels. (……….)

IV. Match the following:-


1. Jibreel ( ) a. He takes humans’ soul at the time of death

2. Mikaeel ( ) b. He is the guardian of hell fire.

3. Israfeel ( ) c. He is the guardian of paradise.

4. Ridwan ( ) d. He blow trumpet on the Day of Judgment.

5. Malik ( ) e. He takes care of rain

6. Angel of death ( ) f. Brought Allah’s books to the Messengers.

V. Colour the following:


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:-

Q1. Why did Allah send His books to people?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q2. How many Suwar (chapters) are there in Al-Quran?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


II. Fill in the blanks:-

1. …………………. is the final, true and unchanged word of Allah.

2. Al-Quran teaches us how to worship …………………….and do the right

things in our daily life.

3. Al-Quran was revealed in the ……………………….language.

4. Belief in Allah’s books is one of the six pillars of ……………………..

5. ……………………… should read, understand, respect and follow the

teachings of Al-Quran.

III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. Allah has promised to protect the Quran from any change or loss. (……….)

2. Muslims does not believe or respect all of Allah’s books. (……….)

3. The Prophets use to by heart the books of Allah. (……….)

4. Al-Quran does not teach us how to have a good life on earth. (……….)

5. Allah taught Al-Quran to Prophet Dawood (Alayhis Salam). (……….)


The Books of Allah

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III. Match the following:-


1. Al-Suhuf ( ) a. Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

2. Al-Tawrah ( ) b. Isa (Jesus)

3. Az-Zaboor ( ) c. Dawood (David)

4. Al-Injeel ( ) d. Ibraheem (Abraham)

5. Al-Quran ( ) e. Musa (Moses)

IV. Colour this tree:-


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:-

Q1. Whose words are there in the Qur’an?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. What does Al-Qur’an teach us?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. What are ahadeeth?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. Where did Prophet learn how to behave so well?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………



II. Fill in the blanks:-

1. The holy book Al-Quran was the ………………. book that Allah sent to


2. Allah will be pleased with ……………….. who read and practice Quran.

3. For every letter we read of Al-Quran Allah will give us ………………


4. …………………. and …………………. are two famous hadeeth books.


The Shining Treasures

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5. The hadeeth book has the sayings and teachings of our ……………………...

6. More than two chapters in the Holy Quran is called as ……………………..

7. More than two hadeeth is called as ……………………..

III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) learned Al-Quran over 23

years. (……….)

1. Rasoolullah taught very few ahadeeth. (……….)

2. We also call the teachings of the Prophet Sunnah. (……….)

3. Al-Quran teaches us how to pray. (……….)

IV. Colour this picture:


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:-

Q1. Why can’t the sun, the moon and the planets be God?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………..............


Q2. Why did Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) search for Allah?

Answer: …………….............................................................................................


Q3.Where did Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) look for Allah?

Answer: ……..........................................................................................................


Q4. Can we see Allah in this life?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q5. Why did Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) ask Allah to show him a sign?

Answer: ……………………………………………………..................................


Q6. What happened to the birds?

Answer: ……………………………………………..............................................



Ibraheem Searches For Allah

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II. Fill in the blanks:-

1. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) was not born knowing the truth. He had

to ……………………… for it.

2. ………………… is always there for us when we need help.

3. Always look for………………………and follow it.

4. Allah is …………………… the Guide.

5. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) was always trying to find


6. ………………… and …………………. are some of the creations of Allah.

7. It is Allah who makes the plants ……………………….

8. Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) sincerely asked Allah to show him a sign of His


III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. Everyone can have peace in their heart without knowing God. (……….)

2. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) started his search with things he could

see with his eyes. (……….)

3. Allah is the one true God, the Creator of all but we cannot see Him. (…….)

4. People of Makkah didn’t believe in Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) (…….)

IV. Match the following:-


1. Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) ( ) a. Al-Hadi

2. Makkan people ( ) b. Creation of Allah

3. Every Muslim ( ) c. Prophet

4. Allah ( ) d. Should look for the truth

5. Sky ( ) e. Worshipped idols


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:-

Q1. Who was the king of Iraq at the time of Prophet Ibraheem?

Answer: ………………………………………………………………..................


Q2. What did the king of Iraq want his people to do?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q3.Who was Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam)?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q4. What did Ibraheem’s (Alayhis Salam) father do?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q5. Why did Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) not like idols?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q6. What courageous act did Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) do to prove to

his people that worshipping idols is a mistake?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..



Prophet Ibraheem: Iman Made Him Brave

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II. Fill in the blanks:-

1. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) was a ……………………… person.

2. Babylon is a city in ………………………..

3. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) destroyed the ……………. of the temple.

4. Ibraheem’s (Alayhis Salam) …………………… used to make and sell idols.

5. The king Num-rude was very ……………………. and unjust.

6. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) was not ………………. of the king


7. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) reminded all the people of Makkah that

Allah is ……………………. and ……………………...

III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. Allah is Al-Haqq, “the truth”. (……….)

2. We should be brave and tell the truth no matter who we are speaking


3. Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis Salam) used to worship idols. (……….)

4. King Num-rude believed in the teachings of Prophet Ibraheem (Alayhis

Salam) (……….)

5. The idols were kept in the temple. (……….)

6. The people were scared of the king Num-rude. (……….)


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. How did king Num-rude find out about Prophet Ibraheem?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. What punishment did king Num-rude give to Prophet Ibraheem at first?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. After punishment did Prophet Ibraheem change his mind?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. What was the last punishment Num-rude ordered for Prophet Ibraheem?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q5. Did Prophet Ibraheem have a weak or strong faith and trust in Allah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q6. How did Allah reward Prophet Ibraheem?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..



When Fire Does Not Burn

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II. Fill in the blanks:

1. ………………………… smashed all the idols of the temple.

2. Allah chose to save Ibraheem from king ……..………………… and his fire.

3. Allah is …………………………………… the guardian.

4. King Num-rude ordered Prophet Ibraheem to be ……………………………

5. The people who believed in Prophet Ibraheem moved to a place called


6. Allah will test the believers to make their faith …………………………

7. The non-believers tied Prophet Ibraheem’s ……………………………. and

………………………. and threw him into the fire.

8. King Num-rude hated ………………………….…….. for speaking the truth.

III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. No one can harm us unless Allah wills. (……….)

2. Allah does not help or save his people. (……….)

3. King Num-rude did not punish Prophet Ibraheem for smashing the idols.


4. Prophet Ibraheem was a man of good character. (……….)

5. Prophet Ibraheem was afraid of king Num-rude. (……….)

IV. Complete the following:

a. Ibn Abbas reported that the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) Said:

“Be mindful...................……............................................................................






Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following:

Q1. Why was Prophet Isma’eel very special to Prophet Ibraheem?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. What were some of the tests that Prophet Ibraheem went through in his


Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. What made Prophet Isma’eel obey his father?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. How did Allah save Prophet Isma’eel?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q5. How did Allah reward Prophet Ibraheem?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Allah sends visions to the ………………………………..

2. Isma’eel was also Allah.

3. …………………………….always wants to see us fail and disobey Allah.


The Hardest Test

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4. Prophet Ibraheem saw a vision that Allah wanted him to sacrifice his only

son ……………………………

5. Prophet Isma’eel also had strong ……………….…. and …………………..

in Allah.

6. Prophet Isma’eel encouraged his father ………………… do the right

thing and they both were rewarded.

7. Iblees was disappointed to see ……………… and ………………..

following Allah’s order.

8. Iblees tried to convince Prophet Ibraheem to …………………… Allah.

9. Prophet Ibraheem did not listen to the ………………….. and knew that he

had to follow Allah’s order.

10. Each time Iblees appeared Prophet Ibraheem threw …………………. at him

to make him go away.

III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. Today we call Prophet Ibraheem the “father of the Prophets”. (……….)

2. In this life we will not have any tests from Allah. (……….)

3. The love of Allah should be more than the love of anyone else ( ……….)

4. If I choose the love of Allah, I will not gain any rewards. (……….)

5. Iblees planned to trick Prophet Ibraheem as he did to Prophet Adam before.


6. When Muslims go to Hajj, they throw pebbles at the places where shaytan

appeared to Prophet Ibraheem in Mina. (……….)

IV. Match the following:


1. The Ever Provider ( ) a. Khalil-ullah

2. Beloved friend of Allah ( ) b. Al-Wakeel

3. The Trustee ( ) c. Ar-Razzaq

4. The Guardian ( ) d. Al Hafeeth

5. Al Hajrul Aswad ( ) e. The black stone

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V. Colour the following picture:


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What is wudoo?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q2. What is another word used for wudoo?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………

Q3. What kind of water can you use for wudoo?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. What are examples of pure water?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. …………………. is a purification ritual made by Muslims before they pray.

2. There are specific times when wudoo needs to be ……………………

3. There is a specific ……………………. we should say after making wudoo.

4. Always respect those who are much ……………………… than us.

5. The ummah of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) will have a

shining ……………………. in special places on the bodies on the Day of


6. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) told us that all eight gates of

……………………… will be open for a person who makes good wudoo.

7. We must keep our ……………… and …………………… always clean.


Making Wudoo’ Right

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III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. When we use the bathroom, we need to renew our wudoo. (……….)

2. We can use orange juice for making wudoo. (……….)

3. Al-Hasan and Al-Hussain were the grandsons of Rasoolullah. (……….)

4. Niyyah is the intention for making wudoo. (……….)

5. Whenever we hear the Athaan, we must prepare and go for prayer as soon as

we can. (……….)

6. It is not important to remember how to do the wudoo correctly. (……….)

IV. Complete the following hadeeth:

Abu Hurairah narrated that Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:

“Jewelry ....…………………………………………………………………………




Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What do you do in your heart right before you start the prayer?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. What do you do to start the prayer?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q3. How many rukoo are there in one rak’ah of prayer?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. How many sujood are there in once rak’ah of prayer?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q5. What are the positions of salah called?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. We start our salah by facing towards ………………………….

2. In Salah we raise up our hands and say ……………………….

3. We say “Subhaana rabbiyal a’la” in …………………. Position.

4. When we sit up from sujood and remain seated, we say



Perfect Your Prayers

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5. We end our salah/prayer by reciting ………………………………………..

6. We only repeat surah ………………..……… in every rak’ah.

7. We say ………………………………….when we bow down by bending at

the waist and placing our hands at our knees.

III. Write True for true statement and False for false ones:

1. We can make unnecessary movements in salah. (……….)

2. We recite different suwar in different rak’aat after Surah Al Fatihah. (…….)

3. Before starting the salah we make niyyah in our heart. (……….)

4. We say “Rabbana lakal hamd” and kneel down on the floor to make sujood.


5. We are close to Allah when we are in sujood. (……….)

IV. Match the following:


1. Al-Istiftah ( ) a. Direction of Al-Kabah

2. “Rabbanalakalhamd” ( ) b.“Glory to my lord most high”

3. “Subhanarabbiala’la” ( ) c. The supplication of

beginning the prayer

4. “AssalamuAlaikumwaRahmatullah” d. “Oh Lord to you belongs all

( ) praise”

5. Qiblah ( ) e. “Peace and blessings be upon


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V. Colour the position of prayers:


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What is khushoo?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. What is the best of deed?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q3. What should we do to be with Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)

in Jannah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. ……………………… means being completely humble to Allah.

2. Allah is so …..........…… and we are not always as good as we should be.

3. Rabi’ah bin Ka’ab was …….....………… years old.

4. ………………............... wanted to be with Prophet Muhammed in Jannah.

5. We should pray all the fardh salah and …………....... salah on time .

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. When someone performs Salah with consciousness, the salah works as a

check for him and in turn helps him to keep away from doing evil deeds……

2. Khushoo is the most important aspect of the prayer. ……………….

3. While praying we should be absent minded. …………………


Khushoo During Prayer

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4. “Assalatu Noorun” means “Prayer is light” .....................

5. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Help yourself by making

plenty of salah” to be in Jannah. …………………..

6. Heedlessness of Allah during the salah is the natural state of most of the

praying Muslims. …………………….

IV. Write the translation of the first two ayah of Surat-ul-Muminoon:







Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What does dua’a mean?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. Why is dua’a important?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. Mention any three best times for making dua’a.

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………



Q4. How might Allah answer our dua’a?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Make ………………………. to Allah as much as you can.

2. Allah told us in …………………. to ask Him and He shall answer us.

3. Oh Allah to you I ………………..………. throughout the night and the day.

4. We should follow the …………………….. of repeating our dua’as 3 times.

5. During ……………………….……. is the best time to make dua’a.

6. For making dua’a, Allah will give us hasanaat on the day of

……………………………. when we might really need them.

7. Allah …………………………..……… those who make dua’a to Him.


Du’aa: Ask and You Will Be Answered

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III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. Allah gets bored when we call upon Him many times. (……….)

2. When making dua’a we must face towards Qiblah. (……….)

3. Allah is “Al-Mujeeb”, the One Who answers all. (...............)

4. Playing is the best time for making dua’a. (……….)

5. Always make dua’a to Allah before you sleep. (……….)

6. When we make dua’a, Allah may not give us what we asked for. (……….)

7. Always make dua’a to Allah before Salah. (……….)

8. When we finish dua’a, we must say “Aameen” (……….)

9. The meaning of Aameen is “Oh Allah answer”. (.................)

IV. Colour the picture:


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following:

Q1. How did Khadijah help Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q2. What is the Arabic word for ‘Prophet’?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. What is the Arabic word for ‘Messenger’?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was a ………………….. person.

2. Angel Jibreel came down to Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and told him

the words of the ……………………….

3. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was not happy with the society

around him so; he used to go to the Ghaar ……………

4. …………………………………. was the first woman to accept Islam.

5. ……………………….. was the cousin of Khadeejah.

6. Waraqah Ibn Nawfal was a very .............. man.

7. He had vast knowledge about ………………...

8. Al-Quran is the light of Allah on ……………………



The New Messenger

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III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) became the final Messenger of Allah.


2. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was not respected by his

Quraysh tribe. (……….)

3. Ghaar Hira is on top of a mountain near Madinah. (……….)

4. Only great people can become Prophets. (……….)

5. Khadeejah did not believe in Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).


6. Allah wanted Rasoolullah to teach all people to follow His true religion of

Islam. (……….)

7. Islam is the final message of Allah to all mankind. (...............)

IV. Match the following:


1. Angel ( ) a. Khadeejah

2. Rasoolullah ( ) b. Jibreel

3. Hira ( ) c. An-Noor

4. Muhammad’s wife ( ) d. Messenger of Allah

5. The light ( ) e. Ghaar (cave)

V. Colour the following:


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What did Khadeejah tell Prophet Muhammad to do?

Answer: ………………………………………………………………………….


Q2. What was Prophet Muhammad’s response?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. Who was the first man to become Muslim?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q4. Who was the first child to become Muslim?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q6. What is the meaning of Sahabi?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..



Muhammad Rasoolullah

Teaches His Family and Friends

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II. Fill in the blanks:

1. The Prophet began to spread the message of …………….. to his family

and relatives.

2. …………………………. means the Messenger of Allah.

3. The first servant to accept Islam was …………………………. .

4. Allah sent Prophets to this world, starting with ……………….. and ending

with Prophet Muhammad.

5. Sahabiyyat is the plural of ……………………….

6. ……………………………….. is the plural of sahabi.

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. Radiya-allahu Anhu is said after we hear the name of Sahabi. …………….

2. Ali was the cousin of the Prophet. ……………………..

3. Othman Ibn Affan was one of the sahabah. …………………

4. Prophet Muhammad was the chosen by Allah to be the final Messenger to

all mankind. ………………..

5. Abu Bakr was the servant of the Prophet Muhammed. ………………

IV. Match the following:


1. Sahabi ( ) a. sahabiyaat

2. Radiya Allahu Anhu ( ) b. final messenger

3. Sahabiyyah ( ) c. male sahabi

4. Muhammad ( ) d. sahabah

5. Radiya Allahu Anha ( ) e. Female companion


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

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I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. Did all the people of Makkah become Muslims at the beginning

of Islam?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q2. Who was Abu Jahl?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. What did Abu Jahl do to the Muslims?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q4. Why did the leaders of Makkah torture the first Muslims?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q5. What did some of the early Muslims do to protect themselves from

the kuffar of Makkah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..



Early Muslims Suffer

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II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Many people of the Quraysh tribe gave the early …………. a

difficult time.

2. Allah relieved their suffering by guiding them to a safe place in


3. Negus, the king of Abyssinia, was ………………..

4. Abdullah Ibn Masood had a beautiful voice and used to read

………………… in a very beautiful way.

5. Abu Bakr freed ………………….. slaves in Makkah with his

own money.

6. Bilal ibn Rabah was from ………………… in Africa

7. Abu Jahl means the …………………. of ignorance.

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. Ahad means “Allah is one”. ………………

2. Allah is so patient with those who disobey Him. ……………

3. Bilal Ibn Rabah later became the Prophet’s Mu’athin. ……….

4. The Kuffar of Quraysh chopped off Abdullah’s ear. ………

5. Prophet Muhammad wanted his followers to suffer. ……….

6. Later the king of Abyssinia Negus became a Muslim. ……..

IV. Match the following:


1. shirk ( ) a. father of wisdom

2. Abul Hakam ( ) b. An-Najashi

3. Idols ( ) c. son of Yasir

4. Ammar ( ) d. worshipping false god

5. King Negus ( ) e. Asnam


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

Page 37 of 48

I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. Why did the chiefs of Quraysh want to boycott the Muslims?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. How did the boycott effect the Muslims?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Quraysh boycotted the family of the ………………… and …………………

for protecting Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

2. The ……………………… in Makkah had been torturing the Muslims to

make them worship idols again.

3. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) and the Muslims moved to small

……………………. owned by Abu Talib.

4. Allah revealed to Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) that …………………..

had destroyed the written agreement inside Al-Kabah.

5. During the boycott, Prophet’s wife ………………….……. became very ill.

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. The chiefs of Quraysh were afraid of Rasoolullah and the Muslims. (…….)

2. Bani Hashim accepted the proposal of Quraysh for killing Prophet

Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). (……….)

3. There were more people becoming Muslims all the time in Makkah. (…….)

4. Abu Jahl and chief of Quraysh tore the agreement to end the boycott. (….....)


The Boycott against the Muslims

Page 38 of 48

5. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), Muslims and the Prophet’s

relatives were happy with the boycott. (……….)

6. The kuffar were preventing anyone from giving food or medicines to

Muslims. (……….)

7. The chiefs of Quraysh wrote the evil agreement on the piece of leather and

hung it inside Al-kabah. (……….)

8. Muslims were patient during the boycott. (..............)

9. Aamul Huzn means the ‘Year of Sorrow’. (..............)

10. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stopped preaching Islam because

of the boycott. (...............)


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

Page 39 of 48

I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. Why do we call Khadeejah Ummul Mumineen?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q2. What does Ummul Mumineen mean?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q3. How can you tell that Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) loved Khadeejah

(Radhiyallahu Anha) very much?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q4. After becoming a Muslimah, how did Khadeejah help our religion?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………….……


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Khadeejah gave Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) …………………..……..


2. Khadeejah was an important …………………. Muslim.

3. Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) ………………….admired Khadijah very



The Faithful Wife:

Khadeejah Bint Khuwayled

Page 40 of 48

4. Allah blessed both Khadeejah and Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon

Him) with …………………… children.

5. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was hospitable to his ...................

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him) never married other women when

Khadeejah was alive. (……….)

2. When all people rejected Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him), only

Khadeejah supported him. (……….)

3. Only Khadeejah is called as Umm-ul-Mu’mineen and not the other wives of

Rasoolullah (Peace Be Upon Him). (……….)

4. Khadeejah used to work very hard. (……….)

5. Khadeejah was the daughter of Abu Talib. (…….)

6. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not help the weak people. (........)


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

Page 41 of 48

I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What do you mean by Nadhafah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. What is Taharah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q3. What is Najasah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. How can you avoid Najasah?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q5. How can we keep our surroundings clean?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q6. How can we keep our earth clean and green?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..



Cleanliness and Purity: It’s My Nature

Page 42 of 48

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Purity is the half of ..........................

2. …………………………….. is the opposite of Taharah.

3. We should take a ………………….. everyday.

4. We should brush our …………………… … twice a day.

5. While using the ....................... we must use Islamic etiquette and say the

proper Dua’a.

6. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) recommended ………………

for cleaning the teeth.

7. Exit the bathroom starting with your ……………….. foot.

8. Try to be with ……………… and be pure all the time.

9. While exiting from the bathroom one should say .................... which means

Oh Allah I seek your forgiveness.

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. Muslims must not keep their surroundings clean. (……….)

2. We should have long nails. (……….)

3. The dog’s wet mouth is najis. (……….)

4. We should not take bath before going to the Friday prayer. (……….)

5. Angels dislike the Muslims whose teeth are dirty and have bad smell while

praying. (……….)

6. Enter the bathroom with right foot. (……….)

7. To remove litter or a harmful thing from road is a charity. (...............)

IV. Match the following:


1. teeth ( ) a. handkerchief

2. ears ( ) b. tooth brush

3. nose ( ) c. soap and water

4. hair ( ) d. ear bud

5. body ( ) e. brush

Page 43 of 48

V. Write what the boy is doing in the picture after colouring:

The boy is ____________________________________________________________________.



Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

Page 44 of 48

I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What do you mean by cooperation?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. What is the Arabic word for cooperation?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q3. Why did Mona want to help Fatima?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q4. What did the old dying man teach his five sons?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Working together as a ………………………… makes difficult tasks easier.

2. It is the part of Islamic characteristics to …………………… with one


3. …………………….. was smart and helpful towards others.

4. Sister Amirah was very ………………………. of Mona.

5. Mona’s classmates gave a loud ……………………….. for her cooperation.

6. Cooperation is the way of earning ……………………


Co-operation: It’s My Strength

Page 45 of 48

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. If we are divided we can achieve great things. (……….)

2. Working together makes the weak feel stronger. (……….)

3. We should not help each other in doing good deeds. (……….)

4. The Quran teacher praised Mona for her kindness towards Fatimah. (…….)

IV. Colour the following picture:

V. Complete the following hadeeth:

“A believer to a ..........................................................................................




Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

Page 46 of 48

I. Answer the following questions:

Q1. What is respect?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q2. Mention two things you do to show respect to your parents?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q3. Mention two things you do to show respect to your teachers?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q4. Mention two things you do to show respect to your elders?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………


Q5. Who are the best of people in Islam according to a hadeeth?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..


Q6. How do you respect the property of others?

Answer: …………………………………………………………………………..



Respect: It’s My Duty

Page 47 of 48

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. …………………… sent us Prophets to show us how to worship Him and

treat others.

2. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) told us he was sent to us to

perfect our ………………………..

3. One of the most important manners of a Muslim is …………………….

4. We should always treat children with ………………….. and ……………….

with respect.

5. We should show respect when someone is ………………………

6. ……………………… others causes us problems.

III. Write True for true statements and False for false ones:

1. If we respect others, others will respect us. (……….)

2. Allah loves those who show respect. (……….)

3. When visiting someone we should enter the house without knocking.


4. We should always argue with our parent for not buying us toys. (……….)

5. Always respect the feelings of others. (……….)

6. We should not return the books borrowed from the library. (................)

IV. Match the following:


1. Cooperate at home ( ) a. keep the classroom neat

2. Respect ( ) b. keep voice low and walk slowly

3. Bad deeds ( ) c. Ehtiraam

4. Cooperation at Masjid ( ) d. clean the rooms

5. Cooperation in school ( ) e. Sayyi’at

Page 48 of 48

V. Colour the following picture:


Teacher’s Comment and Signature:

ALHAMDULILLAAH! Completed by the Grace of Allah