Year 3 Home Learning Week beginning€¦ · PowerPoint, poster, factfile. presentation... Complete...


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Year 3 Home Learning

Week beginning


English: 5 tasks

Tasks 1-4 Relate to a short story.

1. Prediction and brainstorm

2. Descriptive paragraph

3. Write a conversation

4. Vocabulary building

5. Spelling and Handwriting.

Daily tasks:

Mathletics and times tables


Spellings practice

Independent reading

Reading to someone else


Maths: 5 tasks

1. Add fractions

2. Subtract fractions

3. Problem solving (1)

4. Problem solving (2)

5. 5. Friday maths challenge



Roman mosaics. Research and draw

your own example.


The Romans in Britain

Research from a PowerPoint

to make an annotated,

illustrated timeline.


To learn a song about hand washing and to

present it in a creative way.

RE: Judaism In class this term we

should be starting the topic of

Judaism. Watch an introductory

video listed in the slides below.

Computing: ongoing project

The Romans in Britain

Research an aspect of the

Romans and begin to create a

PowerPoint, poster, factfile.


Complete your first task

about diet and nutrition.

Design a typical meal for a


5 tasks: See the separate

PowerPoint attachment for

Tasks 1-4 and here for

Task 5.

Task 5 : Spelling and handwriting

Here are the words you will be

learning this week. They all have

a short /u/ sound spelt as ‘o’.

Please practise in 2 different

ways: one of your choice from

the list below and the other by

using your joined handwriting.

I have attached a copy of the

words on the school website you

can print out. Alternatively, you

can always just copy the words

neatly in your book by looking

carefully at the joins used in

each word.

White Rose Home Learning, Year 3,

Summer Term Week 2: Week beginning

27th April

Lesson 1—Add fractions

Lesson 2—Subtract fractions

Lesson 3—Problem solving

Lesson 4—Problem solving

Lesson 5—’Friday Maths Challenge’

Optional Extra Challenges (All from


*Fractional Wall: Revision of equivalent frac-


**Fraction lengths; Practise adding fractions

This week in maths, we are going to use the White Rose

Home Learning activities. This is the scheme we follow at

St Paul’s so the format will be familiar.

White Rose Home Learning, Year 3:

Summer Term, Week 2 (w/c 27th April)

You will need to:

1. Watch the video clip

2. Get the activity—you could print the worksheet,

or just look at the screen to do the activity

3. Check the answers


Over the next few weeks we will be learning about

the Romans in Britain. I will set you an activity each

week but feel free to do your own activities and re-

search on the topic. There are plenty of ideas


Use the attached PowerPoint (it is from twinkl) and

make notes about when the Romans invaded Brit-

ain. Also use the maps in the PowerPoint which

show the spread of the Roman Empire.

Use your notes to create a timeline showing the

spread of the Roman Empire. Your timeline must

have dates and events, but you could also include

illustrations and maps. You could complete this ac-

tivity in your home learning book or on paper.

Romans invade Britain

Conquering Britain—almost 2000 years ago.

In class we should now be starting the topic of


What do you know about Judaism? Do you have

any Jewish friends?

This is a good starting point. Watch the video

and read the information on ‘What is Judaism?’

Can you list 10 facts?

PART II: you have now become an expert

about diet and nutrition. Congratulations!

1. Review from week 1—Watch

2. This is your client, Will. He wants some ad-

vice from you.

Watch the powerpoint on

the school website called Sci-

ence week 2 Summer

. Design a healthy diet for Will so

that he gets fitter for his gym-

nastics award.

Research, design and make some

Roman buildings.

We can create a Roman town

when we are back together in

Year 3.

For homework this week I would like you to

watch another video of Cantin: Click

on this link:


Please try and watch it 3 times:

1. Just watch it.

2. Watch it and try to sing

along and mime with Cantin

3. Can you sing the song and mime along

all by yourself? Sing it to somebody else!

4. Make a poster illustrating the song. If you

use power point you might want to try and

record yourself singing it: Id love to receive

some of your creations!

Here is another app you might want to try:

Chatterpix - take/choose a photo, draw a

line and record your message.


Roman mosaics.

The floors of Roman buildings were often covered with mosaics (tiny coloured stones which

were put together to create a picture or pattern.)

Many mosaics captured scenes of history and everyday Roman life.

Research Roman mosaics (if you type KS2 it often comes up with a child friendly website).

What kind of images do you find? You could print some to stick in your home learning book.

Can you copy one you like or even design your own? Use colour pencils or whatever you have