Year 10 Revision List - Monkwearmouth Academy€¦ · Hardware, software and techniques for...


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Year 10

Revision List Module 2 Assessments

(Week beginning 16th November 2020)

Year 10 – Revision List (Module 2)


Art Ceramic Skills

Key words and ceramic specific vocabulary

Rust Dyeing

Fabric Manipulation

Artist Appreciation and Analysis

Business (GCSE)

Unit 1 - Topic 1: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

Dynamic nature of business

New business ideas

Risk and reward

Role of business enterprise

Adding Value

Role of Entrepreneurship

Unit 1 - Topic 2: Spotting a business Opportunity

Customer needs

Market Research

Market Segmentation

Market Mapping

Competitive Environment

Unit 1 - Topic 3: Putting a business idea into practice

Aims and Objectives

Revenues, costs and profit


Importance of cash

Cash flow forecasts

Sources of finance

Unit 1 - Topic 4: Making a business effective

Ownership and liability


Business location

Marketing Mix

Business Plans

Unit 1 - Topic 5: Understanding external influences


Technology and Business

Legislation and Business

Economy and Business

External influences on business

Business (Vocational)

Learning Objective 1 – Understand how to target a market

Customer Segmentation

Market Segmentation

Benefits of Segmentation

Market Research

Primary Market Research

Secondary Market Research

Customer Feedback Techniques

Learning Objective 2 – Understand what makes a product or service financially viable

Costs of producing the product

Revenue generated by sales

Use of break-even

Profit Level

Learning Objective 3 – Understand product development

Product lifecycle

Extension Strategies

Product Differentiation

Impact of external factors on product development

Learning Objective 4 – Understand how to attract and retain customers

Factors when pricing

Types of pricing strategies

Types of advertising methods

Sales promotion techniques

How customer service is used

Learning Objective 5 – Understand factors for consideration when starting up a business

Appropriate forms of ownership

Sources of capital

The importance of a business plan

Learning Objective 6 – Understand different functional activities needed to support a business start-up

Purpose of functional activities

Main activities of each functional area

Creative iMedia

Learning Objective 1 – Understand the purpose and content of pre-production:

Mood boards

Mind maps/spider diagrams

Visualisation diagrams



Learning Objective 2 – be able to plan pre-production:

Interpreting client requirements

Using research

Producing work plans and productions schedules

Categorising the target audience

Hardware, software and techniques for pre-production

Health and Safety considerations

Legislation in creative media production

Learning Objective 3 – be able to produce pre-production documents:

Creating a Mood boards

Creating a Mind map/spider diagram

Creating a Visualisation diagrams

Creative iMedia Continued …

Creating a Storyboards

Analysing a Script

File formats and their properties

Learning Objective 4 – be able to review pre-production documents:

How to review pre-production documents

How to identify areas for improvement

Computer Science

Methods of sorting

Methods of searching



Data types



Structured approach to programming


Low level languages

High level languages


Decimal, binary and hex

Converting between units



Design Technology

Research a design movement

Key features


Date established


What media they use

Sketching skills

English Language

Referring to practice papers and tasks in folders and exercise books

Accessing the sample paper on the VLE

Practising the range of past papers and reading examiners’ reports on AQA’s website (

Studying the exemplar materials (including modelled answers) provided by their class teachers

Using the English Language Revision Guide and Student Workbook located on the VLE (focusing their study on Paper 1 at this point in time)

Making good use of the CTGs and advice provided by the English Department and class teachers.

Geography Ecosystems of the Planet

Location, climatic conditions and flora and fauna of the earth's main ecosystems/biomes

Tropical rainforest case study - The Peruvian Amazon - nutrient and water cycle, interdependence, adaption of plants and animals, value to people and the planet, threats and management.

Coral reef case study - The Andros Barrier. Nutrient cycle, interdependence and symbiotic relationships, adaption of plants and animals, value to people and the planet, threats and management.

History Queen, Government and Religion, 1558-69

Introduction to Elizabeth I and family

Elizabethan England: society and government 1558

Virgin Queen and legitimacy

Challenges at home and abroad

Religious divisions

Religious Settlement

Puritan Challenge

Catholic Challenge

Challenges to Elizabeth at home and abroad, 1569-88

Life of Mary, Queen of Scots

Revolt of the Northern Earls: causes, events and consequences

Ridolfi Plot: causes, events and consequences

Throckmorton Plot: causes, events and consequences

Babington Plot: causes, events and consequences

Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots

Francis Walsingham

Political Rivalry with Spain

Religious Rivalry with Spain

Commercial Rivalry with Spain

Outbreak of war with Spain

The Armada: causes, events and consequences

Elizabethan Society in the age of Exploration, 1558-88

Education and Leisure

Problem of the poor

Exploration and voyages of discovery

Raleigh and Virginia

History Continued …

Medieval medicine 1250 - 1500

What were the supernatural and religious explanations for the cause of disease?

What was the Theory of the Four Humours?

What was the Miasma Theory?

How significant was the continuing influence in England of Hippocrates and Galen?

What were the religious actions towards the prevention and treatment of illness?

Why was bloodletting still used?

How did people in the Middle Ages attempt to purify the air?

What herbal remedies were used to prevent and treat illness?

What new and traditional approaches were there to hospital care in the C13th?

What was the role of the physician, apothecary and barber surgeon in treatment and care?

Dealing with the Black Death, 1348-49; what approaches to treatment and attempts to prevent its spread were used?

Renaissance medicine 1500-1700

How far did explanations of the cause of disease and illness continue?

What were the new scientific approaches to medicine? (including the work of Thomas Sydenham in improving diagnosis)

How did the Printing Press influence medicine? How did the work of the Royal Society change ideas about medicine?

How far did approaches to prevention, treatment and care in the community and in hospitals continue?

Why was the work of Vesalius significant?

Why was the work of Harvey significant?

How did London deal with the Great Plague in 1665? Approaches to treatment and attempts to prevent its spread. Similarities and differences to the Black Death

Industrial medicine 1700-1900

How far did explanations of the cause of disease and illness change?

What was the impact of Pasteur's Germ Theory?

How far did care and treatment in hospitals change after Nightingale?

What impact did anaesthetics and antiseptics have on surgery?

What new approaches to prevention were developed?

How significant was the 1875 Public Health Act in preventing disease?

What impact did Jenner's development of the vaccination have on the prevention of disease?

How did London attempt to prevent the spread of Cholera? How significant was Dr John Snow in preventing the spread of Cholera from 1854?

Modern medicine 1900-present

How has knowledge of genetics advanced understanding of the spread of illness and disease?

How has the influence of lifestyle factors advanced the understanding of illness and disease?

What impact has the availability of blood tests, scans and monitors had on the diagnosis of illness and disease?

What impact has the NHS had on care and treatment?

What has been the impact of science and technology on care and treatment? (Advances in medicines, including magic bullets and antibiotics.)

How significant has science and technology been in improving surgical treatment in hospitals?

What new approaches to prevention have been developed?

How significant were individuals in the development of penicillin?

What developments have taken place in the fight against lung cancer in the C21st?

Mathematics Paper 1 HIGHER (Class R1/L1):

Estimating Outcomes (Probability)

Sharing Ratio/ Fractions / Percentages

Plans and Elevations

Speed, Distance and Time

Similar Triangles

Compound Interest

Cumulative Frequency


Standard Form

Solving Equations with fractions

Tree Diagrams


Circle Theorems

Recurring Decimals

Area of a Sector

Fractional Indices

Algebraic Fractions

Estimating Gradient

Quadratic Sequences

Equation of a Tangent

Paper 2 HIGHER (Class R1/L1):

Venn Diagrams

Simultaneous Equations

Fractions of Amounts

Percentages of Amounts




Area and Circumference of a Circle


Compound Interest


Combining Ratio

Graphical Inequalities

Factorising Quadratics

Changing the Subject of a Formula



Upper and Lower Bounds

Circle Theorems

Quadratic Inequalities

Equations of a Circle

Exponential Graphs

Mathematics Continued …

Paper 1 FOUNDATION (Class R2/R3/L2/L3):

Simplifying Algebraic terms

Rounding to Significant figures

Interpreting dual bar charts

Ordering fractions

Probability of an event not happening

Squares, Multiples and Primes

Solving equations and Angles

Best Buy

Conversion Graphs

Using a Calculator



Standard Form


Estimated Outcomes

Sharing ratio

Plans and Elevations

Speed, Distance and Time

Similar Triangles

Compound Interest

Factorising Quadratics

Paper 2 FOUNDATION (Class R2/R3/L2/L3):

Writing Expressions

Fractions of an Amount

Fractions to Ratio

Mode, Median, Mean and Range

Listing Combinations

Proportion and Scale

Substituting Formula

Changing the subject of the formula

Volume of a cube

Surface Area of a cube

Angles in a Triangle

Exchange rates

Venn diagrams

Simultaneous Equations

Percentages of Amounts

Sharing Ratio

Angles in Polygons


Pythagoras Theorem

Reciprocal Graphs


Reverse Percentages

MFL- French/ German

Holiday Activities (Listening)/Future Plans (Reading)

Work and Future Plans (Listening and Reading)

Music Students have been given a BTEC assignment to prepare a composition and a performance. Full details and assessment criteria are available on Classcharts and TEAMS.


Learning outcome 1

Know the principles of training in a sporting context.

Learning outcome 2

Know how the different training methods target different fitness components.

Learning outcome 3

Be able to conduct fitness tests.

Learning outcome 4

Be able to develop fitness training programmes.

Psychology Development

Early brain development

Piaget’s stages of development and their role in education

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development and the development of intelligence

Carol Dweck’s mindset theory and the effects of learning on development

Daniel Willingham’s learning theory and the effects of learning on development

Case Study – Piaget and Inhelder (1956) ‘Three Mountains’ task

Case Study – Gunderson et al (2003) Parent praise to 1-3 year olds predicts children’s motivational frameworks 5 years later

Issues and debates – The development of morality


Memory and information processing

Short-term and long-term memory

Understanding amnesia

Bartlett’s (1932) Theory of Reconstructive Memory

Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) Multi-store Model of Memory

Case Study – Bartlett (1932) War of the Ghosts

Case Study – Peterson and Peterson (1959) Short-term Retention of individual verbal items

Issues and debates – Reductionism and holism debate

Brain and Neuropsychology

Structure and function of the brain

Lateralisation of function in the hemisphere

Role of the Central Nervous System

Impact of neurological damage

Case Study – Damasio et al (1994) The Return of Phineas Gage

Case Study – Sperry (1968) Hemisphere deconnection and unity in conscious awareness

Issues and debate – How psychology has changed over time

Social Influence

Terms used in social influence

Bystander intervention


Obedience to an authority figure

Understanding the behaviour of crowds

Understand ways to prevent blind obedience to authority figures

Case Study – Piliavin et al (1969) Good Samaritanism: An underground phenomenon?

Case Study – Haney, Banks and Zimbardo (1973) A study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison

Issues and debates – Social and cultural issues in psychology

Research Methods

Variables – Independent, dependent, extraneous, situational, participant

Hypotheses – Null, alternative, directional, non-directional, experimental

Methods of sampling

Types of research and experimental designs

Issues of reliability and validity

Ethical issues in psychological research

Experiments – Laboratory, field, natural

Interviews – strengths and weaknesses

Questionnaires – strengths and weaknesses

Correlations – strengths and weaknesses

Case Study – strengths and weaknesses

Observation – strengths and weaknesses

Data analysis – Standard form, decimal places, rounding, significant figures, estimation

Maths skills – ratios, fractions, percentages, range, mode, median, mean

Representing and interpreting data – normal distribution, bar charts, scatter diagrams and correlations

Types of data – primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative

Religious Studies






Local church

Church and community

Mission and evangelism

Science Foundation

Biology – cell structure

Osmosis required practical

Specialised cells – roots

Cell cycle and mitosis

Microscope required practical – magnification calculation

Circulatory system and the heart

Effects of exercise

Coronary heart disease and risk factors

White blood cell action


Pond weed required practical

Chemistry - Halogens and their reactions

Periodic table

Ionic, covalent, giant covalent

Calculating atomic mass/molecular mass

Electrolysis required practical

Acid and base reactions

Making salts required practical


Reaction profiles


Biology – cell structure

Osmosis required practical

Stem cells

Therapeutic cloning

Cell cycle and mitosis

Microscope required practical – magnification calculation

Coronary heart disease and risk factors

White blood cell action




Pond weed required practical

Chemistry - Halogens and their reactions

Periodic table

Group 1 and Group 7 electronic structure

Giant ionic and giant covalent structure and properties

Calculating atomic mass/molecular mass

Calculating reacting masses

Electrolysis required practical – half equations

Acid and base reactions

Making salts required practical


Reaction profiles

Triple Award

Biology – structure of cells

Osmosis required practical

Movement of molecules

Stem cells

Blood components, blood vessels

Structure of the heart

Food tests

Role of enzymes/bile

Bacterial and viral diseases


Microbiology required practical

Plant deficiencies

Monoclonal antibodies


Effects of exercise

Chemistry- subatomic particles

Isotopes, calculating average atomic mass

Group 1 and transitional metals

Group 7

History of an atom

Covalent and ionic structure

Atom energy

Reacting mass calculations


Making soluble salt


Hydrogen fuel cell


Strong/weak acids

Titration calculation

Bond energy calculation

Reaction profile
