Year 1 Watford St John’s Learning Homework Grid


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Speaking and Listening

Special celebrations: Can you find out from your family members what Remembrance Day is? Why do we celebrate it? What is your family’s special celebration? Who celebrates it and why?(Christmas, Diwali, Eid, Hanukkah, Birthday, etc.) Have a go at voice-recording or writing a mini fact file about what you have learned!

Learn a rhyme or a song from your parents’ childhood (it can be in any language, not just English!)

Life Skills

Can you:- make a seasonal dish? - tie your shoelaces? - zip up your coat? - fold your clothes? - lay a dinner table?- tidy your bedroom? - help with cooking? - make a traditional dish from your country or your parents’ country?


In your home library or local library, go on a book treasure hunt - what kind of books can you find? Can you sort them into fiction and non-fiction books?

Talk about your favourite book with a family member. Why is it your favourite book? Use the questions on your new school bookmark to help you.


Write a seasonal greetings card. What should a greetings card include? What does a greetings card look like? Who is it from and for? You could even make a 3D pop up card!

D.T.Make a Diwali lamp or a lantern.

Science and Art

Find or take a picture of a woodland creature. Using careful observation skills, sketch and even paint this animal.

History & Geography

Country: What is a country? What country were you born in? What country do you live in? What do you know about your country? (i.e. capital city, spoken language(s), etc.) Can you find your country on a map and draw it?

Active Learning

Can you practise your ball skills by:

- playing piggy in the middle with a family member, practising throwing and catching- going bowling

Year 1 Watford St John’s Learning Homework Grid

You can bring your tasks in or submit the photos of them via google form:
