Yap yong xing


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Title : First impression on females’ and males’ appearance

Name : Yap Yong Xing

Student ID : 0314715

Course : Foundation In Natural Environment

Subject : Social Psychology

School : School Of Architecture , Building And Design


Hypothesis : First impression on females’ and males’ appearance ,

Quantitative and Qualitative Research : The experiment will be conducted

Quantitative Research .By conducting a quantitative research it is more easier to collect

the data and information . The models will be chosen be part of the survey with different

attire will be taken and printed on the paper . The participants will look their photos , and

write the answer. Data and information obtained will be recorded and arranged in a table

and graph form later on to show clear results.


1.Group Meeting

2.Carry out a group discussion on what topic to focus on.

3. According to the topic, create a hypothesis.

4. Discuss about the conducting method regarding qualitative and quantitative research.

5. Prepare an example of questions for surveying.

6.Find model for surveying

7. Plan a suitable place to start the experiment

8. Collecting the data and information

9. Arrange the data in a table and graph form

10. Organizing data and information

11. Putting all the information into a report


The participants are informed that they’re in a social experiment.

The participant can give some rewards such as food or drink voucher or snack

The participant has the right to stop the experiment in any time.

Participants have the right to review the process of the experiment. No rude , harm and stress will come to the participants The answers given will not be exposed Participants are allowed to drop out at anytime Participants have to be honest anytime.
