

A collation of some offerings of love resulting from a Valentine's Day intervention in the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts by the Young Associates.

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UEA 21016

On Febrauary 14th 2012 the Young Associates took over the Sainsbury Centre’s social media and set up a base in the conservatory near the entrance to the permanent collection. We shared love letters written to art works with visitors and encouraged people to declare their own feelings for the artefacts on display. A selection of the resultant offerings are displayed here.

UEA 21157 Dragonfly Brooch

From left to right: UEA 21150, UEA 339, UEA 988, UEA 599, UEA 21157, UEA 576.

From left to right: UEA 2, UEA 2, UEA 864, UEA 696, UEA 599.

From left to right: UEA 590, UEA 1091, UEA772, UEA 82, UEA 441.

From left to right: UEA 597, RLS 49

UEA 150